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Two Steak Taco Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers
Two Steak Taco Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers
Two Steak Taco Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers
Ebook63 pages50 minutes

Two Steak Taco Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers

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Bodyguards Aidan Greene and Liam McCullough don’t do hostage rescues. But Liam’s SEAL buddy Joey is still on active duty in Afghanistan, so when he asks for help locating his missing fiancée, they have to step up.

Their partnership, in life and close protection, has spanned twelve books in the Have Body, Will Guard series. To rescue social worker Cathy Beth, they’ll have to rely on Liam’s physical strength and Aidan’s out of the box thinking. Flying in from their home base on the French Riviera, they’ll need local advice, in the form of Cathy Beth’s BFF, an over-the-top drag queen, and a pair of guns from a Chicago taco truck.

Cathy Beth’s kidnapping shines a light on a grim immigrant tradition of female genital mutilation, and it’s up to Aidan and Liam to rescue Cathy Beth and her teen charge and shut down a doctor’s evil practice. Fortunately, they’re up to the challenge.


“Not all novelists are equally good at short formats. Neil Plakcy, on the other hand, is a master of both. In Two Steak Tacos Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers, he pulls fans of the “Have Body, Will Guard” series out of the exotic, sometimes dangerous, hills of the French Riviera and drops us onto the mean streets of the USA. When the last of Liam’s Navy SEAL buddies calls for help—from the battlefield, no less—Liam and Aidan hop on the next flight out and head to Chicago to locate Liam’s best friend’s missing wife. What we get is a fast-paced inside look at the tenuous lives of American immigrants, torn from their homelands by violence; lives in which old, and sometimes bad, customs are still practiced. Through the familiar, loving, give-and-take of these two, smart, brave men, we get a ringside seat at a little American tragedy, all the more poignant for the fact that it plays out in the shadow of the American Dream.” — Ulysses Grant Dietz, author of Cliffhanger

Release dateNov 1, 2021
Two Steak Taco Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers

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    Two Steak Taco Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers - Neil S. Plakcy



    Guns + Tacos Season Three Episode 5

    Neil S. Plakcy

    Series Created and Edited by

    Michael Bracken and Trey R. Barker


    "Not all novelists are equally good at short formats. Neil Plakcy, on the other hand, is a master of both. In Two Steak Tacos Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers, he pulls fans of the ‘Have Body, Will Guard’ series out of the exotic, sometimes dangerous, hills of the French Riviera and drops us onto the mean streets of the USA. When the last of Liam’s Navy SEAL buddies calls for help—from the battlefield, no less—Liam and Aidan hop on the next flight out and head to Chicago to locate Liam’s best friend’s missing wife. What we get is a fast-paced inside look at the tenuous lives of American immigrants, torn from their homelands by violence; lives in which old, and sometimes bad, customs are still practiced. Through the familiar, loving, give-and-take of these two, smart, brave men, we get a ringside seat at a little American tragedy, all the more poignant for the fact that it plays out in the shadow of the American Dream." —Ulysses Grant Dietz, author of Cliffhanger

    Copyright © 2021 by Neil S. Plakcy

    All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    Down & Out Books

    3959 Van Dyke Road, Suite 265

    Lutz, FL 33558

    The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Cover design by Zach McCain

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    Two Steak Taco Combos and a Pair of Sig Sauers

    About the Author

    Books by the Author

    Preview from the eighteenth episode of Guns + Tacos

    A Smith & Wesson with a Side of Chorizo by Andrew Welsh-Huggins

    For Chicagolander Eileen Matluck.

    On a Thursday morning at the end of February, Liam McCullough finished his morning workout, showered, and began a quick round of Call of Duty on his laptop. He was about to splash out into the English Channel on D-Day in command of a platoon of soldiers when the Skype request from Joey Sheridan popped up. He immediately ditched the game and answered the call.

    Joey looked like shit. His face was smeared with dirt and—could those be tear tracks on his cheek? Joey was a US Navy SEAL, the last of Liam’s original team. And SEALs didn’t cry.

    Unless the world was about to fall apart.

    What’s up, bud? Liam asked.

    I need your help, Billy. Joey was one of the last people left, other than Liam’s mother and sisters, who still called him by his childhood nickname—the one he’d dumped when he came out of the closet and decided to call himself Liam.

    The screen crackled with static, and Liam lost the connection for a moment. When it came back, Joey was saying, She’s missing.

    "Hold on. I lost something.

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