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Star Children of the Empire of Light
Star Children of the Empire of Light
Star Children of the Empire of Light
Ebook233 pages3 hours

Star Children of the Empire of Light

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DESCRIPTION: Fantasy fiction for young adults

The story is about Star children and Oracles from the Empire of LIGHT, that is a group of constellations in the Virgo cluster of galaxies known as Gaiachron. Empress Gaia, ruler of Gaiachron sets up eleven star children from six constellations of the Empire of LIGHT to assist the Oracles in the world to prepare for a battle with the evil forces in Alpha Centauri who wants to conquer Sirius, headquarters of the Empire. The preparation and actual battle happens over a period of six months. Alpha Centauri. a colony that belongs to the galaxy Andromeda, has, for many eons, systematically used its influencers on earth to bring about decay and destruction of civilizations through eight methods known as the 'Doomsday octal'. The Star children are the only beings who can and does, through miraculous feats, collaborate to counter and defeat Centauri in this endeavor starting with wars and food insecurity. To be successful in their quest to confront Centauri with the doomsday octal, they meet Albert Einstein as a Sage of the Empire, who appears to them as a hologram at their school hall. There he explains some of the Einstein code as the only real weapon that can be used to let the earth and the Empire prevail over the Centauri doomsday octal and Andromeda’s continuous onslaught on the Empire.

Joseph Feldman is an explorer of the cosmos who likes to write stories about the place of earthlings in the many constellations and galaxies that surround us.

Release dateOct 22, 2021
Star Children of the Empire of Light

Joseph Feldman

Joseph Feldman is a keen observer of cosmological science and phenomena. His vocational career covers chemistry, management consulting and leadership teaching. He believes that young people will inherit the world and resque it from climate change, pandemics, water scarcity, nuclear wars, hunger. His writing exalts young people to the status of cosmic indigo children that today's youth can emulate.

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    Star Children of the Empire of Light - Joseph Feldman



    In the year of Her Majesty Empress Gaia, the Oracles and Sages of the Empire of Light are meeting at the Acropolis of Cleisthenes near the palace of Ramses. The Palace of Ramses is close to the Arena of Osiris that is home to the first Sphinx.

    Empress Gaia speaks:

    "Here where we are meeting on the planet Havlat, the capital planet of the star Alnitak, in the Belt of Orion, we are facing the threat from Andromeda that I have been warning you about over the most recent, the first of forty nine epochs. Our Star children cannot be here. Solearth needs them at this time. I am happy to report that Gaiachron, our local supercluster of galaxies is intact and functioning well, and thanks to the cosmic center at Aquavillage on Emme Ya, we are informed constantly of the quality of the lives of all the inhabitants of Gaiachron. Of course, we do not know anything that happens at Alpha Centauri, that evil local government of Andromeda meddling in the lives of all of us in this, our dear Empire of LIGHT, the heart of Gaiachron.

    Enjoy the celebrations of our gathering here with Ramses and all the children of the pyramids of Orion. When you leave, Yedda will seal into your superconscious memory the chronicles of this time in Gaiachron. When all the revelations and knowledge of our daily struggles and triumphs are complete, you would have witnessed twenty six chronicles. For twenty six is the number of dimensions of the universe. As you live through this chronicle you will conclude that it consists of four life chapters that unfold in such ways in time as captured by Yedda and sent to the Trilithons and Sarsens of Solearth for the inhabitants of the world to follow as a story."

    08 June



    Words are things, and a small drop of ink falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think.

    Lord Byron

    Her eyelids refuse to part as the time allocated for sleep in the space station ends. The previous day’s work was critical and very demanding. Denise Wang tells her slumbering brain that she will now awake. She hears a stir. One of her fellow astronauts is making breakfast. She knows who it is. Verushka please make some for me too, she calls out as if it is a military command. Unclipping the safety belts that bind her to her vertical bed, she draws the curtain and steps out into the new working day on the Velikofski Space Station.

    On the way to get her coffee she catches out of the corner of her eye a ray of light piercing through a corner of a porthole that is partly covered. It is light from the Sun. She immediately realizes that something is not right. The light is too intense, too bright. Floating across the ceiling of the living and working space of the station’s crew-cabin, she decides to investigate. As she slides the porthole cover, she experiences a sinking feeling. The Sun is more than twice the size it is supposed to be. Being a scientist, her thoughts go to what could have changed, rather than what is wrong. She floats to a porthole through which she expects to see the earth below. It is not there. Confused, she decides to float to the opposite porthole, simultaneously summoning Verushka. Looking through this porthole, brilliant light pierces her dark brown eyes. A grayish planet looms relatively close to the station, approximately five thousand kilometers, and the Sun appears behind it.

    For a few seconds her mind goes into overdrive mode. This is the planet Venus. VENUS … how did we get here, or,How did the VSS get so close to Venus and the Sun…? She thinks. She blurts out the second command for the morning, Verushka: wake everybody up and call mission control. Then it strikes her that they had not received any calls from the Progress Rocket Space Centre, known as the PRSC, a subsidiary of the Roscosmos Space Corporation for Space Activities, concerning this turn of events. By now they should have been contacted by the PRSC’s Mission Control center.

    At the offices of Roscosmos in Moscow, Russia, Gregory Antonov, CEO of the Roscosmos Space administration, is on the phone with Michiel Kruger (known to his colleagues as MK), Director of the European Space Agency (ESA). Both Gregory and MK are in shock after learning from Denise Wang of the displacement of the VSS. MK suggests that they consult with Glen Mason, CEO of the National Space Administration (NASA) in the United States of America before responding to the VSS.


    Millions of miles away, on planet Earth, known in the Milky Way as Solearth, the continent of Africa is facing the sun. Didier Picco is ecstatic. His visit to Cape Town, South Africa’s ‘Mother City’, is not a waste of time. Today, on the 8th of June 2004, the peninsula’s sky is azure and its aromatic fresh air reminds him of spring in Europe. Friends had told him that there was more splendour around the mountains of Rio de Janeiro than Table Mountain. Now he will disagree with them. The table cloth of rolling cloud-mist that decorates Cape Town’s mountain today elevates it to a beauty surpassing that of the Brazilian city by far.

    Where the mountain begins its gentle slope up to its table top towering one thousand and sixty eight meters above the city, hundreds of people from all over the world are gathering. They came to the Planetarium that is very close to the Mount Nelson hotel where Didier is staying. He is the ultimate loner who prefers not to experience the comradeship of more than one thousand astronomers and amateur sky-gazers around him, nor is he capable of sensing the cosmic ambience that pervades the crisp late afternoon.

    He is not here to see what the rest of the World came for, the picture of Venus as a black dot against the Sun. The last time it happened was one hundred and twenty two years ago. This time the cosmic spectacle is only visible in the Southern hemisphere and Cape Town is the place where it is best seen. Didier came to see something else, something beyond the black dot, though not unrelated to it, something nobody in the world could guess. And even if anyone could, they would not see what he could, with or without the aid of the equipment of Cape Town’s planetarium near the library gardens.


    Didier's nephew Tylo is at his uncle's residence, the church-house at Nylar, Bornholm, an island of Denmark. He and his friends Dylan and Oliver are spending the British year-end holiday at his uncle's akers. Tylo recommends that they take sweaters and umbrellas, because the weather is unpredictable. The church is a twelfth century round church near Ronne. Bornholm has four round churches. Didier's church consists of three stories built with fieldstone and windows and door frames built with limestone. It has a porch built in 1879. Didier thought that his nephew and his friends could enjoy summer in a different setting that has more countryside appeal. Today Tylo is planning to solve a puzzle his uncle left with him and encourages Dylan and Oliver to explore the island by themselves. It is a hot Scandinavian morning. They dress lightly in shorts, light shirts and light sneakers and decide to take a tram to Hammeren Lighthouse at Fyr. It is situated at the northwestern tip of the Danish island. It takes thirty four minutes to get there. Tylo stays behind on the porch of the church-house to concentrate on solving the riddle written on the papyrus that his uncle left for him to solve.

    Dylan and Oliver are enjoying the novelty of being at a famous lighthouse. Hammeren lighthouse is twenty-one meters high. From the viewing platform, they can see the southern coast of Sweden, and above the ruins, they can see the entire island. Then, as cloud-mist passes the early sun, Dylan passes an odd comment that does not fit the time and place. Oliver...I was just thinking of Tylo, trying to solve his uncle’s riddle on the porch of the church. It may sound like no coincidence, but the porch was built when Albert Einstein was born in 1987. Solving difficult problems was the great strength of the physicist Albert Einstein. I wonder if he would have been able to solve the problem Tylo is trying to solve. Really? Says Oliver. Do you really think that I'm impressed with that coincidence? It is only a coincidence Dyl, we come across tens of coincidences every day." They decide to climb down to the area surrounding the lighthouse and are surprised when they notice how close the lighthouse is to the nearby cliff.

    Dylan tenses up when he sees Oliver going too close to the edge of the nearby cliff. Oliver! Don’t go too close to the edge! It is too late. Oliver slips and falls. Dylan is beside himself. But then … he sees Oliver becoming enclosed by an aura that looks like a hologram in the shape of an eagle. The hologram becomes clearer, appearing to be a Martial eagle. He shouts as if out of breath: Oliver! Can you see and feel the eagle carrying you!? Oliver does not hear him. The ‘Oliver eagle’ circles the place where a trembling Dylan stands. Then it lands and leaves Oliver standing alone on the cliff.

    Dylan hugs his brother. Breathless he asks: Oliver what happened?!

    I don’t know. It just felt like I was floating back up and not falling. I saw that you were going crazy! What did you see? Dylan fires his own hysterical question: Did you feel and see the wings and face of the eagle that carried you? Eagle? What eagle? No, I just felt that something interrupted my fall and carried me back to you. What exactly did you see Dylan? Dylan sits him down and describes the event in detail. Then, a gust of wind suddenly picks up. Looking at each other as if to ask ‘where did that come from?’, their thoughts are interrupted.

    A voice like rushing waves of the sea breaks the silence. It comes from behind them: "Do not be surprised or shocked. You are more than the children of your parents. This planet is enemy occupied territory for the constellation that is your real home. In time you and Tylo will discover who you really are. You are here at the pleasure of Empress Gaia, ruler of the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies, also known as Gaiachron. I am her son Chronos, the Oracle of time, an Oracle of the Empire of LIGHT. The Empire is part of the Milky way galaxy. It is the home of this planet and the planets you and Tylo come from. They turn around to face Lord Chronos. All they see is a very bright silvery-whitecloud that blinds them.

    Lord Chronos continues. "When you see Tylo don’t reveal this encounter with me. The time for grand revelations will come. At the right time he needs to be told that, like you, he is a ‘covatar’. When we initiate our preparation for a very special project at another star, we will introduce you to a starchild from Pisces. Her name is Nadine and, as a covatar she will recall her past adventures with you and Tylo when the time is ripe. You might be wondering what a covatar is. When Oliver became enveloped by the hologram of a Martial eagle, he became a covatar. Oliver is the last to know that he, like you two, is a star child. In fact, with Nadine, you are Indigo Starchildren of the Empire of Light. And just as suddenly he appeared, Lord Chronos disappears.


    Didier can see many times better than others, a trait he could attribute to the bloodline of his ancestors. At a very young age he became a knight of the King’s Templar, a group of knights who protect the order of the Prieure de Sion, popularly known as the Priory of Sion. They are the poor fellow-soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, also known as the Templars. The Priory of Sion is probably the most secret religious organization in the World. It is bent on two things: religion and science – serious science. Documents produced by an English scriptwriter in 1969, claim that the Priory of Sion and the Knights of the King’s Templar were two fronts of one organization, the Merovingian Dynasty.

    Apart from superior intellectual aptitude, Didier's bloodline does not bestow any physically attractive attributes on him. He gets his confidence from the secret order he belongs to, not from his appearance or his personality, for these are dull. He has always been shy of ladies, feeling that his Greek features are unattractive. It is a feeling that he is always right about. A big square nose and small black eyes that are not capable of reflecting any emoti, makes his baldness more obvious.. This combination, along with his mere five foot two inches frame and a hunched back, all but removes any hope of any ladies finding him attractive.

    Even though he commands the attributes of unique talents of a knight, Didier has always felt uncomfortable about being one. The only aspect of his knighthood he enjoys is the time he spends in the beautiful village that surrounds Rennes Le Chateau in France. He particularly enjoys its peacefulness, which is hard to find elsewhere.

    Rennes le Chateau is a small communal hilltop village, approximately 5 kilometers south of Couiza, in the Aude department in Languedoc in Southern France. It is located in the French Pyrenees. Known internationally, it is visited by many thousands of travellers annually. The visitors are drawn by vivid conspiracy theories about a buried treasure discovered by the 19th century priest Berenger Sauniere.

    Didier knows that there is a geometric pattern to the placement of holy places in Europe. His visit to Cape Town is related to the geometric pattern, a pentacle, that is also the characteristic number-designation of Venus and all its cosmic properties. He also knows that Rennes le Chateau is a central part of this geometric pattern. More important than anything that defines Didier is his inherited knowledge that the chateau at Rennes le Chateau is the headquarters of the Priory of Sion. It is here that Knights of the King’s Templar communicate with a cosmic cyber center four light years away from Solearth in the star-system of Alpha Centauri and Alpha Proxima. Solearth is the third planet from Sol, commonly known as the Sun.


    So secretive is the order of the Priory of Sion that nobody knows that it was created in the world by an evil force in the Milky Way for its dark purposes. Godfrey of Bouillon was not aware that his work in which he described the Priory of Sion was unconsciously inspired by this evil force. This evil force is Lord Siber who lives on the planet Uger, a planet that belongs to the star Alpha Proxima, that is part of the triple star-system of Alpha Centauri in the constellation of Centaur. It is interesting to know that in Greek mythology, Centaur is associated with the centaur Chiron, who taught humanity the constellation Alpha Centauri is also known as Rigil Kentaurus, a triple star. Proxima Centauri is the faintest member of the three stars and is also closest to Earth’s Sun, 4.2 light years. That is 9,46 million times a million kilometers. The other two stars are brighter than Proxima and revolve around each other every eighty years. They in turn are circled by Proxima every 550000 years. Alpha Centauri A is very similar in its physical characteristics to the earth’s Sun.

    Proxima has one planet, Uger, Earth’s closest extrasolar planet. Its mass is 1.3 times that of Solearth and is rocky like the earth. Its orbital period is 11.2 days and it is in Proxima’s habitable zone. Life on the surface is supported by water. Only the knights of the King’s Templar know that the star-system Alpha Centauri is a colony of the Hades kingdom deep in the heart of the Andromeda galaxy, the galaxy nearest to the galaxy of the Sun, the Milkyway, also known by the Centaurians as the Sol-galaxy. The Milky Way and Andromeda are very, very far apart from each other. They are 2 million light years from each other. To be able to imagine how far that is, think of the time it takes for torch light to travel to our moon. It takes light 2.51 seconds to travel 300000 kilometers to the moon. So, a light year gives us the distance to stars and galaxies, not the time

    Lord Siber is this evil force in the Milky Way who lives on the planet Uger. He is the most senior commander of Hades, the blackhole kingdom at the center of Andromeda. The ‘evil’ Centaurian system of government is known as the Unoverse Revolution. The Unoverse is a collection of galaxies that is part of the Universe.

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