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I'm On My Way: Short and Sweet Series, #19
I'm On My Way: Short and Sweet Series, #19
I'm On My Way: Short and Sweet Series, #19
Ebook80 pages53 minutes

I'm On My Way: Short and Sweet Series, #19

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"Garrett felt odd. He couldn't put his finger on it. It might have been the cold or it might be because he was hungry. He felt nauseous, really nauseous. It felt like little men were marching in his stomach. He felt warm, excited, and happy, but had no real reason to feel that way.

And then Ember leaned in closer.

He thought she wanted to say something and leaned in, too. And then suddenly his eyes trailed down to her lips and Garrett began to close his eyes.



GARRETT wants nothing more than to go back in time and regain the love of his life, Thalia, who he lost because of her parents' disapproval. But instead he's stuck in a life without her.


EMBER wants Garrett to realize that the person he needs is his best friend who's been there for him since they were school kids. But instead, Garrett's heart lies with someone else.


But after a car accident, when Garrett gets a second chance at love when he wakes up in his old town that same year he met and lost Thalia, he wants to take the leap to get her back. But as he spends more time with his best friend, Ember, he has to ask himself; at what cost?

Release dateOct 26, 2021
I'm On My Way: Short and Sweet Series, #19

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    I'm On My Way - Luna Moon

    Chapter One

    Garrett smiled graciously at the camera. He loved doing interviews. It always made him feel more successful. He showed the crew and the interviewer around his lavish apartment, his girlfriend trailing along. He had it made. And today was his shot to show the world just how much. When they sat down again in the living room, he completed the interview. He thought they were done, but the interviewer told him she had one more question.

    No problem. Ask me anything, he said, with a smile again.

    I see your girlfriend is here as well. Are you planning on settling down anytime soon? You have been dating for quite a few years.

    Garrett opened his mouth to speak, but he had no words. What was he supposed to say? He looked at his girlfriend who eyed him incredulously. It was like she was yelling at him, Answer, you fool!

    We have been in a relationship for quite some time. You're right about that. But we're not planning on settling just yet. Thank you for your time today but I think we can call it a wrap.

    He stood up. He wanted this to end right now.

    When the cameras were off the interviewer, a young woman, who probably didn't know any better, stretched out her hand for him to take, wanting to thank him for the interview. But Garrett didn't give her time and started yelling at her.

    How dare you put me on the spot like that! I told you my personal life is none of your damn business!

    I'm sorry, sir. I just thought our readers would like to know.

    Well, you were wrong. Your boss is going to hear about this!

    Please, sir, I didn't mean any harm.

    Just get out! You and your crew. There's the door, get out!

    When they left he paced around, angry, his chest burning like it was inflamed. He turned to his girlfriend who was still sitting on the couch silently. But her stare told him everything. He was in trouble and the conversation he was dreading was coming.

    Chapter Two

    Ember started packing up to go home. It had been a long day at work and she had a lot of work to do, especially since Garrett wasn't in. He'd been busy with another interview at his home today. She knew he probably showed off everything to the cameras, as he liked to do. But she was glad he felt proud of himself. Being there from the humble beginnings she knew how hard he worked to get himself to where he was now. She was glad she could be there through all of it with him at his side.

    More like behind him, Deidre had joked the first time Ember said that to her.

    Deidre didn't like Garrett that much.

    He's taking advantage of you, Ember, she said. You do everything for him and he never even says anything like a thank you to you.

    Ember knew it was true. But she also knew Garrett wasn't good with words. He didn't mean it in a bad way.

    He does thank me now and then.

    I'm yet to hear that, Deidre said and snorted. You've been pining over this guy since you were little.

    Ember looked down.

    I just want you to stop focusing on him. You're letting your life pass by while that jerk has all the fun, Deidre said.

    I can't help it, Ember said. I don't think it's only me that feels this way.

    Deirdre was quiet.

    What about his girlfriend? she said suddenly.

    Oh, they won't last long. It never lasts, Ember said confidently.

    And while that keeps happening over and over you're just going to keep waiting? Deidre asked.

    I don't have any other choice. I can't tell him.

    He doesn't care about you, Ember.

    He does. He just doesn't know it yet.

    Chapter Three

    Suzanne, who had been watching the whole interview, came closer and spoke.

    Did you really mean that?

    That I was going to tell her boss, definitely, Garrett said, twisting the glass in his hand. 

    I was talking about not getting married.

    Garrett evaded her eyes, but when she was silent, he looked up. He saw the hurt in her eyes and he hated himself for putting it there

    We've talked about this, he said but she interrupted him. I told you marriage wasn't for me.

    "You said you wanted to wait another year. You never said

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