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Guy Named Pete a Crusader and Scarlet Knight
Guy Named Pete a Crusader and Scarlet Knight
Guy Named Pete a Crusader and Scarlet Knight
Ebook231 pages2 hours

Guy Named Pete a Crusader and Scarlet Knight

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About this ebook

Captures life from day "1" to the present of Pete's life through unique situations.
Life that captured through times of love, sexual encounter, sorrow, and happiness, during his life happenings that will excite your imagination.

Fond memories that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Release dateOct 24, 2021
Guy Named Pete a Crusader and Scarlet Knight

Peter P. Zeban

Peter P. Zeban is a graduate of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey where he majored in management and marketing. He currently resides in Ruskin, Florida. Peter retired early from the finance world as a comptroller in the oil and gas industry. He always fantasized about driving a white stretch limousine in the oil and gas industry which he made his contract negotiations in an atmosphere favorable for decision making. In driving a limousine, he wrote his first book entitled "Secret Stories from Behind the Wheel". This book captures the life of Peter "FROM DAY 1" to the present situation in hand. The sorrows, sexual encounters from his divorce, and the happiness encounters in his life to find a new way of life to the present. His new life with Judy in the retirement years spent in the "Sunshine State" of Florida.

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    Guy Named Pete a Crusader and Scarlet Knight - Peter P. Zeban

    © 2021 Peter P. Zeban. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/21/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-4038-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-4037-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021920503

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    Secret Stories from Behind The Wheel




    Author Shows Gratitude

    My Home Town

    A Guy Named Pete

    Time for School

    Manville in the Revolution

    Bound Brook High

    Mom & Dad

    60TH Anniversary Party

    History — Born Between 1930—1948

    What Life was Like in High School in the 1950s

    Life in the 50’s — Games Played

    Senior Coupons

    Basic Training

    Junior Prom Night

    A Night to Remember

    The State of University of New Jersey

    Governor of the State

    Loved Flash Cards

    Bound Brook High School Hall of Fame

    Schaefer Center-Iron Mike

    The Pizza Boy

    My Bachelor Party

    Candle Delight

    Pete Meets Jerry at Josh Foundation for Epilepsy

    Derby Lane

    My Curve Ball

    Outstanding Statistics

    Manager of A Championship Baseball Team

    Long Time Dream

    Secret Stories from Behind The Wheel

    Timothy and Matthew

    Math Wizard

    Party Crasher

    Florida Reunions

    Toy Trains & Train Meets

    My Son Stephen

    James Michael My Youngest Son

    My Three Step Sons

    The Founding President of the Amateur

    Ocean’s Eleven

    Murder Mystery Dinner Show


    Cruises-Part 2

    Miracle at the Chapel


    Hot Air Balloon



    Son or Sonny

    Blind Date

    Investment Club

    Bound Brook High School

    My Retirement Years in Florida

    President of Southwest Region for the Rutgers Alumni Club of Florida

    Life in Recreation

    My Volunteer Work

    Flying Granger

    Hard Fought Rivalry

    Three Judy’s in My Life


    Chairman of Class Reunions

    Casino Life

    Thanksgiving in Hawaii

    Sister Lydia Ann

    What is A Timeshare?

    Pete’s Family Gallery

    About the Author




    Captures everyday episodes from all of life’s phases through a unique perspective, that of myself, as a limo driver. The mysteries that are captured through scenes of love, sexual encounters, sorrow, and happiness leave you in suspense on real life happenings that will excite your imagination and fulfill your fantasies.

    A silent observer and sometimes an active participant that took place behind the wheel of a limo.

    Fond memories are still vivid of the New York City World Trade Center that have enabled me to have a remembering situation that left a mark in History’s time in America.


    First, I would like to thank my wife, Judy, for the love and support she has given me throughout the years to complete this book. It was her never ending love and insight that has helped me accomplish this desired feat.

    Second, I want thank my family and friends for their understanding and cooperation during this period of creativity to really know this Guy named Pete.


    I was baptized with the name of Peter, but rather be called Pete. Pure and simple, but my parents called me Sonny or Son so my Father and I would not jump up at the same time. My high school days at Bound Brook High School the coaches called me ZEB. That was the first 3 letters to my last name which was ZEBAN. They had a tough time pronouncing it so ZEB was introduced into my life.

    The story of Pete will be very unique because it covers many areas of my life that tells you the downs and the key word that my Dad told me to undertake—DIVERSIFICATION"’

    I could not become a specialist, but became so diversified that I became a unique person in what I achieved to accomplish. My goal in life was to be a professional ball player for the New York Yankees. Why the Yankees? Dad took me to Yankee Stadium at the age of 4 to see a doubleheader played and fell in love with Joe DiMaggio who eventually became my favorite ball player through the years he played. When the games were over I wanted to see more and as I grew older you will find out the love of baseball was within my body and especially my heart.

    There was never a dull moment since I always kept on the go from the date of birth to the present time. So lets get on with the story starting in the late 30’s to the present time of the 21st Century.


    Prophecy is defined as prediction of future events. I have to laugh of my prophecy in my high school year book the ECHO. We had 248 students that graduated from Bound Brook High School in New Jersey. Yes, I was a JERSEY boy and loved the years I spent from birth from Manville to my high school days in Bound Brook. Stayed in New Jersey and graduated from the State University, Rutgers University. Then I retired in the Sunshine State of Florida. Well, let me get to let you know what happened to the prediction of my high school life to the future by the editor of our Year book ECHO. I wasn’t even mentioned in the class prophecy and made feel like I was absent from the roll call. I was a quiet individual from a small town who attended a regional school, but worked hard and made the Honor Society during my time. I played sports in my junior and senior years and was very successful when I competed. The statistical part and other happenings will be discussed in another part of my book. To be left out of the prophecy may be feel as though I wasn’t part of the class that was going to achieve in life ahead of me as I entered the adult age. Do I have the right to feel that way? I sure do, after the first 10 years after graduating I was met with a fellow classmate at a basketball game and asked to start the class reunion get togethers every 5 years because nothing was being done. Well, I took the bull by the horns and became Chairman of our high school reunion for the next 51 years and established the most active class to get goals done and achieve activities beyond recognition. I was nominated for the Hall of Fame and consider that an honor within and hope to be elected some day. Prophecy???????????


    After some time of writing my first book Secret Stories from behind the Wheel, I knew it was time to tell what made this guy named Pete consist of during his time on Earth. The first day born in 1938 to the present time, year 2021. First, I thank the good Lord in giving me time to a life filled with many happenings. Some that were bad, but overall, the good outweigh the bad by a great percentage. My wife Judy which was diagnosed with colon cancer in the year 2001 was a bad time of my life to see my wife fight back with a 4- phase cancer and be in remission 20 years later. Faith played a big role along with prayers from family and friends. I won’t mention names, but close friends were there for me. I always remember that true friends are those who are there for you to enjoy the good times, but most important they are there when you have had the bad times in your life. Close friends that where your classmate along with wife that were there for you and the close friends around the corner where you live now did everything possible when help was needed. God Bless them. I can’t forget family, there are not enough words to say THANK YOU for the family we have and what they did, LOVE YOU GUYS. I hope you enjoy my stories within and once again appreciate for all that was done, Enjoy GUY NAMED PETE, A CRUSADER AND SCARLET KNIGHT


    Manville was a small town in New Jersey were I was born and went to school. A town two and half square miles of fertile fields strongly appealed to the Dutch settlers of the 1600’s. After purchasing this property from the natives, the European settlers converted some of the land into farms and retained the remainder to see to those arriving later. Upon formation of Somerset

    County in 1688, what would later become the town of Manville which was part of Hillsborough Township with only Indian trails covering the area. Later, when water powered mills came into use, these Indian trails along the footpaths to and from the mills became the beginning of roads in the area. In 1766, in what would now be the center of Manville stood a sawmill and several gristmills. There was a total of three bridges crossed the Millstone River and two crossed the Raritan with roads or rails following both sides. Although commerce ran through this area, it wasn’t until 1912 that changes occurred that would lead to the formation of the town of Manville. Business men from Johns Manville Company of New York began looking for property to relocate their growing company.

    They chose the area on which the town now sits for its location and availability of sufficient land on which to build their growing company. The company grew from this purchase, but it had no name. The Central Railroad of New Jersey soon provided one. Because of the large and frequent shipments addressed to Johns Manville, New Jersey, the railroad workers named the area Manville.



    Where do I start? How about the day I was born. Manville was the town in the state of New Jersey with the population of 7,000 people at that time in 1938. It was a blue collared town with the biggest company operating by the name of Johns Manville. Yes, Johns Manville for their asbestos products for home use. The day of birth was not easy as I came into the world by a Mid Wife’s medical expertise. In those days the Mid Wife was used largely due to hospital expense that people could not afford or felt it was a better way of cultural belief. I was born May 7, 1938 and given the name of Peter to honor my Dad who was Peter Senior. I was about 7 pounds plus and Mom was so excited to give birth to a son and keep the family name go on in decades ahead of us. Dad was a proud Father and looked ahead to have a Son to be someone special with the family name.

    I was baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church and my Uncle Mike and Aunt Ann were my God Parents. Life in those days were difficult at times, but my parents worked hard and were able to keep their heads above water. My Dad worked in Johns Manville as a foreman in the shingle department and he had a job with that company for 46 years. My Mom was forced to quit school after the fifth grade and become the Mother of the house for her family of 7 brothers and 3 sisters.

    Her Mom died at an early age of cancer and became the best cook in the town of Manville on the situation in hand. When the holidays arrived she had all the fixings for that particular day. My parents were hard workers and devoted church goers. Since the situation of my Mom being the Mother of her family we moved into her Dad’s house. My Grand father was from Austria-Hungary and was of the Carpathian faith. He was very religious and he had strong faith in his church beliefs and would get up every morning and pray and then go to church to sing and help the priest in the liturgy.

    As you can see the family was built on strong church doings and believing the Word of GOD.


    Leading from one year old to 5 years old is sometimes a hard remembering factor. The young age with all the care and attention could spoil a good looking youngster as I was told by my family. With all the outfits bought by my parents that took care of me and I was considered Mommy’s boy. The Army, Navy, Air Force outfits for my wear were ready for posing for front line children’s magazine. That was only a few of my outfits, but my favorite was my Yankee baseball uniform that made me feel ready for the Major Leagues. With my blonde hair at that time with brown eyes that made a smile go through the female population with the complimentary saying, what a good looking boy". I got spoiled and my first birthday. it was a birthday to remember with gifts galore and a birthday cake with the candle one leading the way. The gifts came in piles and lots of toys to play with and share with my friends. Every year that passed I anxiously waited for the time of spoiling me with all the gifts given by friends and family. The cake, cookies, candy, and all the others were a time to feast and enjoy. The games played with my friends and the ability to pig out and remember. The age of five came quick and it

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