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Then There Was You: Short and Sweet Series, #17
Then There Was You: Short and Sweet Series, #17
Then There Was You: Short and Sweet Series, #17
Ebook53 pages34 minutes

Then There Was You: Short and Sweet Series, #17

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"Would you like to dance?"

"There's no music."

He finally looked at her and she noticed he'd been crying.

"I'll make some."



 A few years ago I lost my husband. And I've never forgiven him for leaving me. Things would've been okay if my boyfriend, Mikey didn't pressure me into getting married. But the problem is I want things to stay the same.



A few years ago I lost my wife. Then I lost my best friend. I couldn't save either of them. And now I work in a bar and the temptation for alcohol is strong. I spend my day observing people, people who are just as lost as I am, wishing that something could happen in my life that could change it all and bring back the ones I love.


Emmy and Simon were bound to meet one day. They did meet years ago one fateful night when Emmy's husband passed away. But they never thought they'd meet in a bar, Emmy intoxicated and Simon coming to her rescue and end up needing each other after all those years to heal. But moving on is difficult and the past can have an iron hold on your heart.


Release dateOct 23, 2021
Then There Was You: Short and Sweet Series, #17

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Then There Was You - Luna Moon



    It’s something Emmy felt for the first time in high school. It was late to feel that in your life but she had always been a pretty carefree person. Boy, if she could only see herself and her bitten to the core nails now.

    She was fifteen and back then the school she went to didn’t really know what the kids were up to. So she and a group of friends–or so she called them back then–were talking about boys when all of a sudden one of them pulled out a pack of cigs. They started giggling like only school girls can do and she still remembers the way her heart pounded in her chest. She couldn’t help thinking of her mother and how she’d hit her at that moment if she knew what she was doing. She hesitated as they handed it around.

    And that’s how pressure made her smoke for the first time.

    She quit at twenty.

    Lately Emmy had been feeling a lot of pressure. Who from? Her boyfriend. Strange coming from a grown woman but it wasn’t the kind of pressure you might think. Mikey wasn’t forcing her into doing anything by being mean.

    No, she wasn’t the kind of woman to be pushed around by a mean man.

    But a man that was loving. A man that cared. That was another story.

    And Mikey cared.

    He was a very loving person, and he always made her feel guilty because she was so cold towards him. She knew she wasn’t always this way but after what happened, she couldn’t help but push away from anyone that wants to love her.

    She just wanted everything to stay normal. She wanted what they had, without the hassles, without the church bells, without the fights, without any promises she couldn’t keep.

    But one day he’d ask her. She always knew that. And she never knew what she’d do if he did. She knew she’d have to say no. And she couldn’t bear seeing him broken-hearted. Like she said, Mikey was a good guy. Emmy never truly felt like her feelings for him were the same as his for her. But he was steady, reliable and the complete opposite of her deceased husband. Something she decided a long time ago was exactly what she needed. Even if she missed him with everything inside of her every single moment of the day.

    But she didn’t want to feel that way about anyone ever again.

    And then it happened.

    They were celebrating their anniversary. Something she always felt was a sort of sick joke. It was on the day of Colin’s death. The very same day. She wasn’t exactly in a happy, celebratory mood. But for him she always pretended. Even though her laugh was hollow, her smile was less bright, her eyes didn’t quite have

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