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Waking Up in the Spiritual Age
Waking Up in the Spiritual Age
Waking Up in the Spiritual Age
Ebook131 pages2 hours

Waking Up in the Spiritual Age

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A major Spiritual shift is occurring in this world, and more people are experiencing unexpected phenomenon in their daily lives. We might notice unusual “signs”, intuitive thoughts, randomly hear a song a passed friend or relative loved, or smell a perfume that triggers a strong memory. Most often these are tossed aside as coincidences and immediately forgotten. But what if there were no coincidences, and everything happened for a reason? What if we know much more than we think, but simply haven’t learned to pay attention to what is really happening around us?

This book is for those who are experiencing this shift but are not sure of what they are feeling. It is an introduction of sorts for “newly awakening” individuals who feel there is more to life than we are aware of using our five senses. What if those intuitive thoughts and dreams are messages? What is their purpose? I believe they can help us make sense of why we are here, and guide us to reach our highest potential and goals. This help is available to everyone, but only if we are aware of it. Spiritual help is all around us.

“Waking Up in the Spiritual Age” is a must-read for the intuitively inclined or the spiritually curious. It speaks to the heart on so many levels. It’s a refreshing reminder for spiritual veterans, and an eye-opener for new age newbies. It’s simply wonderful!”

Andy Myers – best selling author of Flying Paint Rollers from Heaven.

If you are ready to begin your own Spiritual journey this book is for you!

Release dateOct 21, 2021

Dr. Dan Bird

Dr. Dan Bird has been interested in Spiritual topics since he was a teenager. Though raised loosely in a religious community and even attending a parochial school from grades three through twelve, he had questions that were not satisfactorily answered within the views of the church. After many years as a musician he became a teacher and technology trainer for Nebraska’s largest school district. He earned a doctorate from the University of Nebraska in Education with a focus on the use of technology in the schools. All the while, the search for the real meaning of life, why we are here, and where are we going continued, leading to the writing of this, his first book.A prolific songwriter, Dr. Bird has performed over fifty of his own compositions solo, in duets, trios, and even full rock and country bands. His music can be heard at: http://danbirdmusic.comMarried with four grown children, he keeps very busy traveling, writing, and adding to his Spiritual webpage: http://wakinguptospirit.comHe lives with his wife, Kathie, in Omaha, Nebraska.

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    Book preview

    Waking Up in the Spiritual Age - Dr. Dan Bird

    Waking Up in the Spiritual Age

    Dr. Dan Bird

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Chapter 1

    Introduction, Or How I Found Myself

    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3

    Spirit Background:

    What, Where, When, and Why?

    Chapter 4

    Recognizing Who You Really Are

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Why Are We Drawn to Certain Things?

    Chapter 7

    Desire to Share with Others: Validation

    Chapter 8

    Allow Yourself to Let Go!

    Chapter 9

    Pulling It All Together

    Chapter 10

    Some Final Thoughts


    About the Author

    © 2016 by Dr. Dan Bird

    All rights reserved. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may be reproduced, transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. except for brief quotations embodied in literary articles and reviews.

    For permission, serialization, condensation, adaptions, or for our catalog of other publications, write to Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc., P.O. box 754, Huntsville, AR 72740, ATTN: Permissions Department.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bird, Dan – 1952 -

    Waking Up In The Spiritual Age by Dr. Dan Bird

    A major Spiritual shift is occurring in this world, and more people are experiencing unexpected phenomenon in their daily lives.

    This book is for those who are experiencing this shift but are not sure of what they are feeling. It is an introduction of sorts for newly awakening individuals who feel there is more to life than we are aware of using our five senses. What if those intuitive thoughts and dreams are messages? What is their purpose? I believe they can help us make sense of why we are here, and guide us to reach our highest potential and goals. This help is available to everyone, but only if we are aware of it. Spiritual help is all around us.

    If you are ready to begin your own Spiritual journey, this book is for you!

    1. Metaphysical 2. Spiritual Shift 3. Manifestation 4. Meditation

    I. Bird, Dan, 1952- II. Metaphysical III. Manifestation IV. Title

    Cover Art and Layout:

    Book set in: Lucida Fax, Ringbearer

    Book Design: Tab Pillar

    Published by:

    Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.

    PO Box 754, Huntsville, AR 72740

    800-935-0045 or 479-738-2348; fax 479-738-2448


    To my mother, Betty Lou Bird,

    who has always shown us how it is done.

    Chapter 1

    Introduction, Or How I Found Myself

    This book is intended for those folks who find themselves just waking up to Spirit, in other words, realizing that there is something more to life than what we are usually told in our daily lives by the authority figures surrounding us. First of all, we all have souls, and our souls are who we really are. We are in a physical body only for a relatively short time, and during that time we have lessons to learn and all kinds of situations and locations to experience. Deep inside, at the soul level, we know this, but getting the concepts to our physical minds can be quite a challenge. I believe we choose a time to wake up in a Spiritual sense during our lifetime. When this comes about we may not be cognizant to fit, but we suddenly notice some differences. We just feel a little looser and possibly lighter. This is one of the indicators that we are waking up to Spirit. Some of the old burdens we’ve been carrying ease up and can even slip away. Values change and what was so important may not seem that way now.

    Waking up to Spirit is usually quite gentle, and further on in the book I’ll spend a bit more time talking about the sensations. This book will try to offer you a view of what it is like to wake up and to reassure you that not only are you totally normal but you are also moving into the most exciting time of your life as you grow Spiritually. It is happening all around us and is growing by leaps and bounds because inside, at a deep level, we recognize our true Spiritual selves, and communication is opening. There are reasons you are related to this or that person and feel close friendships with some folks, while uncomfortable with others. There is a plan in place that you developed for this lifetime, and as you awaken you begin to open up that plan and yearn to fulfill it. This may be very subtle and confusing at first, but as they say, the teacher you need will appear at the time needed, and if we keep our eyes open we find teachers all around us every single day. Welcome to the Awakening World of Spirit! I believe you have come along at just the right time, and you are needed!


    I was born in Alabama, raised in Iowa and Nebraska, and baptized a Catholic. However, I never attended Mass until the fourth grade when my family moved to a town large enough to have a Catholic Church and school. So, from birth until about age nine my life was absent of religious training and dogma. I believe that time shaped the way I think and moved me in unusual directions. Was this by accident? I don’t think so. A certain openness of thought and willingness to question what I saw within the church resulted in a disengagement not found in many of my Catholic schoolmates. There was beauty in the rituals and language (Latin at the time), in the May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin, and in the sacraments and music, but for me, meanings were unclear, and there were unanswered questions, which, being a small boy, I kept mostly to myself. I wondered about this God. Who was He? The Catechism class laid it all out in rather confusing, vague terms that didn’t resonate with me so well. Though I attended Mass for the most part faithfully though my school years, I didn’t feel the connection and unquestioning acceptance I was told I should feel. But, like most of us at that time, I toed the line and made it through, only to pretty much turn away from the church when I went off to college. I sensed the church could be a good place, and the many aims were positive, but the biggest issue I had was with the man up there in front. He had a direct line to God that I didn’t have, and I was to accept that by faith without question? To question was to sin, and sin led to forever residing in Hell. How did he get this communication with God? What made him so different from the rest of us? Was he infallible? I just didn’t know and it bothered me. But there was enough beauty and mystery in the world to put this aside for the time being and move on.

    A few years later, and I have no idea where it came from, I found myself in possession of an old book titled Your Mysterious Powers of ESP by Harold Sherman, published in 1969. Within the paperback’s pages were such enticing topics as psychic powers and healing, out of body travel, telepathy, communicating with the dead, and unlocking your own intuitive sensitivity. All in all, it sounded interesting, but as I moved through the book I found it took on a very Spiritual direction and explained for the first time things I had felt since I was a child. Mr. Sherman claimed we all had a direct line to God, we are all part of God, we are His children, and He is a positive force. No one had more claim to Him than anyone else! Wow. My life changed from that point. I began to find other books on the subject, including Eastern religious thought and practice. Why was I not told of this before? Why did my church not include these ideas? Well, I thought I should try to find out.

    Many years have passed, and during that time I have done many things, including twelve years playing rock and roll music for a living, returning to college to get a degree in education, becoming a sixth-grade schoolteacher, finishing master’s and doctoral degrees in education. For fifteen years I’ve worked in a large metropolitan school district helping teachers utilize technology in their classrooms, a position I was very much drawn to. I also married and raised four children with my wife, Kathie. But always in the back of mind was an unsettled, restless desire to understand life for myself, to find my truth rather than take someone else’s word for it. Mr. Sherman’s book helped me realize that maybe I had not found the right information, asked the right questions, or looked in the right direction. Now the time seems right to explore, to ask, and look around. Why are we here? Where will we go when we die? What is it all about? I’ve found my own path and hope to share it with you. It is all about awakening to who we really are. And it is wonderful.

    Why am I writing a book about this? Because I feel like I am supposed to. But what do I have to contribute that hasn’t been published in book after book on the topic of Spirit? Let me put it this way: I chose to awaken to Spirit at this time. A wonderful psychic friend explained that we plan these things before we are born, and now was the time I was to find myself interested in Spirit; in other words, now was when I would wake up. Sure enough, my interest—and my life—has changed a great deal. I have the same family, same wife, same home, same job, and all of that, but not the same me. As the Spiritual awakening process proceeds, new clarity of understanding presents itself. That understanding needs to be shared. What is unique about this book is the down-to-Earth approach I take in the writing and the lack of jargon that can quickly confuse newly awakened folks. There are a lot of questions you will have, indeed, that I still have, that I am not afraid to ask. I will state the questions and look for information from my higher self, my Spirit Guides, the Holy Spirit, and God.

    These are weighty subjects, and the answers are important. The information in this book will either resonate with your soul or it will not, each of our paths is different, but as you read I hope you find that the Spiritual approach just feels right, and after lifelong searches we all want something that makes sense. Surprisingly, the answers are actually pretty simple and straightforward. We tend to complicate most everything in modern society

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