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Holiday On Ice: Tallwood Tall Tales, #2
Holiday On Ice: Tallwood Tall Tales, #2
Holiday On Ice: Tallwood Tall Tales, #2
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Holiday On Ice: Tallwood Tall Tales, #2

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Travel Queen Survival Tip #23: If you get stuck in an ice storm, find a hot guy to melt it!


Travel agent Darcy Burkell has a secret. Because she's claustrophobic, she doesn't precisely jet around the world despite what's implied in her popular newsletter about vacation destinations. When she hires photographer James Jones, who grew up in the same town she did, to illustrate her stories, they become cyber-friends.


James decides Darcy might be the one woman to help him settle down—or at least someone who'll travel with him instead of expect him to stay home all the time. Right before Christmas, he shows up unannounced and suggests they take a holiday trip together.


Darcy is too embarrassed to admit her phobia and turns him down flat. She knows what kind of woman he wants, and she's not it. Her resolve is tested when she and James become gridlocked near the same bridge by an ice storm. Impassable roads force them to spend hours together in his vehicle…shivering. And cuddling. It's freezing outside, but inside it gets hot enough to melt all the ice in Alaska. The question is, can their affection remain toasty after Darcy confesses her big secret?


Warning: This title contains dreadful weather, a medium-sized misunderstanding, jelly beans that taste like boogers, and coitus interruptus by redneckus.

Release dateOct 29, 2021
Holiday On Ice: Tallwood Tall Tales, #2

Jody Wallace

Jody Wallace’s 30+ titles include sf/f romance, paranormal romance, and contemporary romance. Her fiction features diverse protagonists, action, adventure, and humor. Her readers frequently comment on her great characters, suspenseful stories, and intriguing and creative world building. When describing her methods, Jody says: “There are two sides to every story. I aim to tell the third. And I add cats regardless.” Outside of her fiction career, Jody has employed her Master’s Degree in Creative Writing to work as a college English instructor, technical documents editor, market analyst, web designer, and all around pain in the butt. To discover other books by Ms. Wallace, visit her website at  Ms. Wallace’s newsletter: Twitter: Facebook: To discover meankitties, visit the cat’s website at

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    Book preview

    Holiday On Ice - Jody Wallace


    Tallwood Tall Tales #2


    Jody Wallace



    2nd edition

    Previously Claustrophobic Christmas

    By Jody Wallace

    From Meankitty Publishing

    Copyright ©2017 Jody Wallace

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This ebook is licensed for the original buyer only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people at sharing sites, loops, discussion boards or through other means. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author’s Note to Readers: This novel was originally published by Samhain Publishing as Claustrophobic Christmas. This edition has been reedited, reformatted, and re-covered but has not been substantially altered.


    Travel Queen Survival Tip #23: If you get stuck in an ice storm, find a hot guy to melt it!

    Travel agent Darcy Burkell has a secret. Because she's claustrophobic, she doesn't precisely jet around the world despite what’s implied in her popular newsletter about vacation destinations. When she hires photographer James Jones, who grew up in the same town she did, to illustrate her stories, they become cyber-friends.

    James decides Darcy might be the one woman to help him settle down—or at least someone who’ll travel with him instead of expect him to stay home all the time. Right before Christmas, he shows up unannounced and suggests they take a holiday trip together.

    Darcy is too embarrassed to admit her phobia and turns him down flat. She knows what kind of woman he wants, and she’s not it. Her resolve is tested when she and James become gridlocked near the same bridge by an ice storm. Impassable roads force them to spend hours together in his vehicle...shivering. And cuddling. It's freezing outside, but inside it gets hot enough to melt all the ice in Alaska. The question is, can their affection remain toasty after Darcy confesses her big secret?

    Warning: This title contains dreadful weather, a medium-sized misunderstanding, jelly beans that taste like boogers, and coitus interruptus by redneckus.


    This one goes out to my brother and sister, since they’re the poor saps who got stuck in an ice storm travelling home for the holidays one two different states! They should have paid more attention to the Weather Channel.

    Should my brother or sister ever chance to read this story, however, let this be a warning to them: skip chapter seven. And you’d better not tell Mom I wrote that stuff.


    Don’t miss About the Author and Meankitty Publishing and a Bonus Excerpt from KISS THE BRIDE, the third volume of Tallwood Tall Tales, at the end of the book.

    Chapter One

    Darcy noticed his ass first. It was perfect, cupped in old denims that weren’t too tight or too loose, the faded outline of a wallet in his back pocket. It was an ass that enticed her to drop her papers or beg him to check the pressure in her tires, just so she could watch him bend over.

    Of course, she could check her own tires, even change them if she had to. She had a bookcase of nonfiction and how-to books. She never knew when she might need to identify animal tracks of the Southwest or give advice about deep sea fishing.

    Yeah. Or change a tire.

    Darcy maneuvered around the welcome desk of the crowded Arkansas rest area, hoping for a better angle of the man. As it was right before Christmas, this place was travel central. People milling and gabbing, waiting for bathrooms, watery coffee and the feeling to return to their sitters, as her Pop termed it. She tiptoed past a squabbling family to peek around the hotel coupon display at the man she’d spotted.

    There he and his butt were. Nice. Very nice. She deserved something nice after the stress of the past couple of days. He was taller than he’d seemed from across the room. His shoulders were broad, and he was dressed for the weather—a thermal undershirt and a T-shirt over that. Dark blond hair brushed his nape. From where she hovered, she couldn’t tell if his front lived up to his back.

    The man rearranged the coat tucked under his muscular arm, making space for an old woman who also wanted to read the state map. They exchanged a few comments, too quiet for Darcy to hear. There was something familiar about his posture, about the way he shoved his hair back and tilted his head toward the lady beside him.

    She booked a lot of vacations for outdoor enthusiasts. Snowboarders, bikers, hikers, kayakers, wilderness junkies. He had that look about him, a kind of suppressed energy that said he didn’t belong under a roof, growing roots and gathering dust.

    And then there was the national park logo on the back of the guy’s T-shirt and his battered hiking boots. She was canny, all right. She’d make a great detective, as long as detecting didn’t involve surprises, small spaces, other people’s germs and confronting suspects.

    This guy—this guy was clearly not her type. She could tell just from his tush. But who would it hurt if she ogled him a little longer? The guy, maybe, if he disliked being objectified, but he’d survive. The truth was, Darcy couldn’t bring herself to return to the confines of her car just yet. She could only tolerate it so long before she needed a breather.

    When she traveled, she made a lot of stops.

    A lot of stops.

    Thus she was behind schedule, as usual. Her tardiness was made worse by the fact she’d been delayed at the office this morning. Ironic, considering one of her top travel tips for clients was always set out earlier than you think you need to.

    The old lady near the map hurried off, flipping open her cellphone as she went, but Mr. Dream Jeans loitered like he had nowhere to go. Was he not running late like everyone else? Rushing home for the holidays before the grey skies made good on their promise of nasty weather? Darcy’s father was going to chew her out for hitting the road after the all-powerful Weather Channel had predicted record snowfalls for the Southeast.

    It didn’t matter that she hadn’t seen a single flake. The Weather Channel had predicted snow and that meant it was going to snow. There’d be drifts over cars. Houses. Drifts that forced the entire Southeast to walk to school uphill both ways.

    Come to think of it, snow might liven things up. Darcy hadn’t seen anything in the miles of scrubby terrain other than SUVs filled with fighting kids and the occasional family dog.

    Until now. The man-scape was highly preferable to a picturesque snowfall. She wasn’t going over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house anyway, just to Pop’s to join the rest of the Burkell clan.

    Darcy feigned interest in the brochures, but her eyes were on the prize. Her heart beat faster, like it did right before she hooked a new client. His ass was probably taut and muscular beneath the denim. And tan. Every inch of him tan.

    From behind, she could pretend he was anyone she wanted. But as she’d recently wanted someone very much, someone she couldn’t have, that was probably not what she needed to be imagining.

    She mentally added a large, unkempt moustache and chewing tobacco to his image.

    He shifted his weight, his hand moving to his face. Stroking his large moustache? Picking his nose? She couldn’t tell. He was focused on the wall map like a new route through the flatlands between Little Rock and Memphis was going to magically appear.

    She could have told him there was only one good road out of Arkansas, and the faster you drove it, the better.

    She herself wasn’t getting anywhere mooning over his heiney. She had hours to drive before she reached Tallwood. With one last glance at the man’s fine assets, Darcy turned to go.

    Which was when he turned too, glancing her way with eyes as blue as the wide Texas sky.

    No moustache. No tobacco.

    No stranger.

    A jolt of awareness shocked through her like lightning. She knew this man. He frowned.

    Holy hell, he said. Darcy?

    She could say no and pretend she had a doppelganger. Or a moronic twin named Dingdong. But he’d grown up in the same town she had and knew good and well there was only one Burkell girl.

    It’s me. With a forced laugh she added, Pretty incredible coincidence, huh? Of all the rest areas in all the states, you had to walk into mine.

    He didn’t smile. "It’s not that much of a coincidence. We’re headed the same direction at the same time, and this is an obvious pit stop." He didn’t mention the rideshare he’d suggested when he’d dropped by her office yesterday...unannounced.

    She did not, did not, did not like surprises.

    Good point. I do always stop here on the way home. Darcy lowered her gaze, feeling the same nervous muddle that had caused her to misfile a week’s worth of vacation itineraries during his visit. She wasn’t prepared for this.

    Man, she hated surprises. Surprises and loss of control. Also, elevators and anything lemon-flavored.

    Hmm, James said. She realized he was staring at her. You look different out of the office.

    Thank you? She was wearing sweats and sneakers and her hair was snagged in a messy bun. To top it off, she had on her glasses and no make-up. Great for traveling, terrible for running into a guy who’d driven across two states to ask her out, only to be rejected.


    After all, she’d had to convince him and her libido both it would never work.

    Not exactly a compliment, Darce. His Southern accent had a honeyed twang that weakened her knees, even when he was saying mean stuff.

    Clearly he was still pissed.

    You don’t look so hot yourself, she lied. He looked hotter than he had twenty-four hours ago, if that was possible. The scruff that had grown on his cleft chin only emphasized his square jaw and general aura of masculinity.

    Creases formed beside his mouth when he frowned, but he didn’t stalk out the door in a huff. It’s been a long couple of days.

    Darcy chewed her bottom lip, considering. James was mad at her for what he’d interpreted as her leading him on, which she totally hadn’t done. For one, she hadn’t realized his feelings went beyond friendship. For another, in six months of correspondence, he’d never mentioned the possibility of real life interaction—because apparently he’d taken it for granted.

    Running into each other now was so awkward she could barely force herself to stay in the room. On the other hand, if she talked to him, it would be that much longer before she had to get back in the car.

    She loved

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