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Piece Of Your Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #21
Piece Of Your Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #21
Piece Of Your Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #21
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Piece Of Your Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #21

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"You can see me?" he said loudly.

"What is this a joke?" I said. "Of course I can see you!"

"What do I look like?" he asked apparently still not believing me.

I sighed in annoyance.

"You're tall, you have brown hair, you have weird eyes and you're wearing a denim jacket. Can I go now?"

"You can see me!" he shouted excitedly.

"Can you stop saying tha…"

But he didn't let me finish. Before I knew it this tall guy with the weird green eyes with reddish-brown spots and goofy glasses was hugging me as if he'd finally seen me again after years of separation.

Like someone that hasn't hugged someone in days.

"What are you doing?" I asked horrified.

And then it got creepy.

I realized he was hugging me. But I didn't feel it. I looked down slowly. And then I noticed an alarming detail.

He was see-through!


GRAHAM gets humiliated at a college party by his long time crush and calls his brother to come pick him up. But when they get in an accident his whole life comes falling down as darkness surrounds him.


OLIVIA has always wanted to feel love and misses her parents dearly. Living with her gran her best friend tries to motivate her to pursue her dreams but she feels like she'll always be stuck in her life.


But when Olivia bumps into a guy in the hospital while visiting her friend after watching a family mourn for their son, she gets the shock of her life when the guy turns out to be a ghost. Stuck with her new ghost friend, Graham, Olivia has to decide whether to help him finally get rest and fulfil the last deed he needs to on earth (whatever that actually is). But things get complicated when Olivia starts changing her mind about wanting him to leave. She can't possibly fall in love with a ghost, right?



Release dateOct 29, 2021
Piece Of Your Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #21

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Piece Of Your Heart - Luna Moon


    I was leaving.

    I didn’t care if everyone was staring at me, which most of them were. I didn’t care that I was soaking wet from my head up to the end of the front of my shirt. I didn’t care that I’d look like an idiot in front of Jordan and would have to explain to him what the hell actually happened. All I knew was I just wanted to get out of there.

    It wasn’t supposed to go this way.

    Finally, I was invited to a party. By that sentence, you probably figure that I didn’t get invited to such things very often. Well, make it never. It’s not that I particularly had bad social skills. I guess people just never really got to know me because I was so quiet around them.

    If only they knew that once you got to know me I’d talk your head off.

    But yet no one tried to.

    I was the nerdy guy sitting alone at the back of the class (because of my social anxiety) and making notes while secretly staring at his crush from across the room. And of course, as predictable as possible, she was the most popular one around all of us.

    And the thing is she knew that.

    Bree Morgan wasn’t an idiot. She knew she was beautiful. Heck, she was more than your average beautiful.

    But unfortunately, as I realized tonight, that was where the beauty ended.

    Inside she was a heartless bit.... Never mind.

    All that mattered was that I needed to get out of here.

    I walked a distance away to the place where I told my brother to pick me up. When I got there, I waited anxiously. What if someone followed me? Either it would be one partygoer that wants to make fun of me or it would be a serial killer psycho.

    Right now the latter doesn’t seem like such a bad thing after all.

    And when my brother finally arrived, driving horrible as he was known for, I climbed in without a word of greeting, buckled up, and told him,

    Drive. Right. Now!

    He did as told and gave me a quick look.

    Dude, what happened to you? he said, a little confused.

    A girl dumped her punch all over me.

    Was that an accident?

    I gave him an are-you-serious look.

    No, Jordan, it wasn’t an accident, I looked out of the window watching a car speed past. She did it on purpose.

    He sighed.

    What happened? Why did she do it?

    I’m a loser. That’s why.

    Okay, but what actually happened? What did you say?

    And so I told my brother the pathetic story of how my crush, for over a year in one minute ruined my reputation (well, even more than usual) and made me realize how worthless I was.

    Damn it, I shouldn’t have given her that kind of power. But I was an idiot and started talking to her.

    So I got invited to this party when a random stranger handed me a flyer saying that the party was open to all.

    It was the first time I’d seen one of those not guarded by invitation only.

    So of course, me being an idiot; I decided to go.

    And I should’ve known it was a mistake the moment Jordan looked at me funny when I told him about my plans.

    You sure you want to do that? he had asked.

    It’s just a party. How bad can it be?

    Boy was I wrong.

    At first, it wasn’t that bad. Yeah, the cigarette smoke almost caused my asthma to rear its ugly head. And the only thing they had was either beer or punch and I didn’t drink and wasn’t planning to.

    So I went outside to the back where a lot of people were hanging out and some were even lounging in the pool.

    Well, those that weren’t making out in front of everyone. There was no place to sit, so I walked around the house and found a swing set. I sat down hoping no one would notice me and I could go home with the knowledge that at least I’d been at a party before.

    But no such luck because someone did see me.

    Bree sat down on the swing next to me. She didn’t say anything at first and I’d never been as nervous as I was at that moment. You know maybe she wouldn’t talk to me; I thought.

    I mean, I was a nobody.

    She probably didn’t even notice I was sitting next to her. To her, I was probably just a pair of clothes with no face. And any moment now a hot guy would come to sweep her up and charm the living daylights out of her.

    I haven’t seen you around before. First year?

    I looked at her shocked and horrified, probably with a gaping mouth.

    Did she actually just talk to me?

    Are you okay?

    And then I realized she was looking at me as if I was a half-eaten slobbered on greased-up pizza slice.

    Great! I blanked out again.

    Yeah, sorry, uh, no I’m actually in my second year.

    Cool, she said not really sounding interested. So what’s your major?

    Uhm, computer science.

    She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

    Interesting. I think we have a class together.

    Yeah, I said trying not to seem nervous. I’m taking French for extra credit.

    Right, she said. Yeah, I have to take that, unfortunately.

    Oh, you don’t like learning French?

    Ugh, she said rolling her eyes. I don’t think anyone does.

    I didn’t inform her that actually I did and wanted to learn it for a very long time.

    I’m just taking it so I can get my stupid degree and go to Thailand.

    Oh, I said. So what are you studying to be?

    For a moment, it looked as

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