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The Praetorians Own: Fara
The Praetorians Own: Fara
The Praetorians Own: Fara
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The Praetorians Own: Fara

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Recently graduating from the Imperial Intelligence Academy, Fara Ingouf is assigned to work with a senior agent on an interstellar counter-intelligence operation against the rival Vek’Altha Dominion. It should be a dream assignment for the young agent, except for a hypnotic command than had been forgotten, leaving her on a constant edge of excitement.

PublisherAlexa Drake
Release dateOct 28, 2021
The Praetorians Own: Fara

Alexa Drake

Alexa Drake is an indie, erotica writer who, when not working on her day job or being active outdoors, creates a truly varied and awkward search history in the name of "research". With a keen interest in non-traditional erotica situations, Alexa's stories will explore everything from aliens to the paranormal and whatever random thought crosses her mind.

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    The Praetorians Own - Alexa Drake

    The Praetorians Own


    Alexa Drake

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

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    All depicted characters are 18 years or older. This book contains explicit, Alien – Human sex scenes that some readers may find offensive.

    Copyright 2021 Alexa Drake

    Published by Alexa Drake at Smashwords

    Cover art by

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19


    About Alexa Drake

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    Chapter 1

    Fara stood in front of the wall mirror outside Director Janus Veers office one last time, answering the unusual summons her instructors had delivered a short time ago.

    Her black knee-high boots, polished to reflective perfection, matched her black pants, hinting her powerful yet lean physique. With the brilliant white tunic of an Imperial Intelligence Officer Candidate snug across her broad shoulders, she was the very image of an Imperial recruitment poster.

    Satisfied with her inspection, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she flicked imagined lint from her sleeve before brushing short, dark auburn hair back from her collar. Her dark green eyes, cold as the seas from her homeland, critically assessed every piece of her uniform, her pale face expressionless despite the thoughts racing through her head at the unexpected order to report to the Director’s office.

    For four years she had been at the Imperial Intelligence Academy, the life she had left behind now a distant memory. The hardships and fear of life working on the ocean in her sub-arctic world, or the cruel attention of her cousins when she blossomed into an icy beauty, suddenly changed at seventeen years of age when her family received a notice to visit the Imperial office in the capital, Calbeck.

    At the time she did not know who the tall, bronzed skinned man they met had been or what he represented. She could still remember the piercing eyes while her parents watched in fear that their headstrong daughter would have them punished for a misplaced word as he interviewed her. Four years since the last sight of her family, the mix of fear and relief in their eyes as they left her with the Imperial Officer to begin a new life of challenges.

    Over the years at the Academy, she learned how Imperial agents frequently searched the fringe worlds looking for those that held certain characteristics or were identified during the standard exam’s students completed yearly. She also learned that not all candidates succeeded. Potential agents needed the right mix of fear, desperation, intelligence and defiance to meet the Empire’s needs. Fear and desperation she had plenty back then, defiance a skill beaten into her long ago until she learned to fight back.

    Satisfied her uniform was perfect, the young woman waved her hand across the panel by the door to signal her arrival, waiting as the door slid open. Striding through the door purposefully, she stepped three paces into the Director’s office, snapping to attention before his desk.

    Sir, Candidate Fara Ingouf, reporting as ordered, Sir.

    Director Veers’ office was quite large as fitting his position in the academy. The dark wood, semicircular desk bare but for the holograph screen flickering to the side of the work area. The symbol of the Imperial Intelligence Directorate, a dagger set behind the Earth, greets those entering from the wall behind him while in front of his desk, a set of low back chairs were on the sides like bookends.

    Veers leaned back in his wide chair, his fingers steepled as he regarded Candidate Fara appreciatively. With her eyes fixed on the Imperial Intelligence Directorate emblem, Veers’ eyes wandered over her uniform, admiring the athletic beauty.

    Veers had worked at the Imperial Academy for thirty years, molding future agents for their service in the Empire. In his early sixties, he kept his hair trimmed short to disguise the obvious balding, the athleticism he once possessed faded with the administrative role he now held. Wearing the black and maroon of faculty, he was still an imposing figure to the candidate waiting silently.

    Veers held the moment, enjoying the feeling of power over her expressionless face and restraint. Obviously, she is curious; he thought, watching her face for any slight expression. Was she scared to be called by him? He watched closely for any flicker of emotion and no minor interest in the younger woman. After a few moments, satisfied, he cleared his throat.

    At ease, Candidate.

    Fara shifted her position perfectly, her hands clasped behind her. Veers again appreciated the crispness of her movements and the unintended attractiveness of her focus.

    Stand easy.

    Fara relaxed slightly, her gaze still fixed on the wall behind the Director.

    Take a seat Candidate Ingouf, Veers said while gesturing to the two chairs before his desk.

    Thank you, Sir, she replied formally before carefully perching on the edge of the comfortable chair.

    Candidate, we have assigned you to a short training mission.

    Veers smiled as the young woman’s eyes slid to meet his, but otherwise no show of emotion crossed the pale woman’s face.

    Yes sir, thank you for the honor.

    Veers allowed a slight smirk at her response.

    They will share full details and timetable with you during the mission briefing. The basics for now. You will accompany an Imperial delegation to a planet called K’Elli on the edge of the K’Ellian system. You will review the specifics during your voyage.

    Fara nodded but remained silent as he continued.

    Your mission. The Empire finances a mining operation on that planet under the guidance of a K’Ellian named Shogar Tekurin. Your assignment is to assist with assessing this operation and the work taking place there.

    Fara remained expressionless as Veers continued.

    Some background. There have been reports of disruptive activities originating in that sector, possibly involving a new pharmacological agent and other possible criminal activity. This substance has a significant potential for the pharmaceutical industry and lucrative value for criminal elements within the Empire. Other agents have traced this disruption to the area around K’Elli, or in that quadrant. You are being assigned to the investigation team to support their efforts.

    For this assignment, you will take the role of a minor agent working for the office of the Imperial Auditor. You will review the operations currently in place and determine if they match Shogar’s rather sudden increase in wealth and influence.

    Your secondary mission is to gain influence with Shogar. Shogar has been becoming closer to the Vek’Altha than we appreciate. We wish him to sway closer to the Empire and prevent him from being drawn into the influence of the Vek’Altha Realm

    Fara nodded slowly, her mind already racing with the realization that she was being given her first mission as an Imperial Agent for the Empire of Ushil.

    The Empire of Ushil, named after the late Emperor Ushil, was spread across several solar systems across the galaxy that had been settled centuries ago. An aggressive Emperor and student of history, Ushil had styled his military after the Roman Legions of ancient Earth, renaming his soldiers Legionnaires and adapting many of the former titles and positions in his government to match that mythical time. Upon uniting several of the human colonies and lesser powers, Ushil had expanded his reach outward until meeting the Realm of the Vek’Altha.

    Mention of the Vek’Altha as a possible presence in this mission was reason for concern, giving Fara a twinge of nervousness. The Vek’Altha ruled a realm to rival the Human Empire, and the competing realms had fought two wars before they had declared an uneasy truce fifty years ago. It was only the Human Empires’ focus on technology that pushed back the initial Vek’Altha assaults by their massive armies and those of their slave races back to their borders. The large reptilian Vek’Altha reliance on ground-based tactics, swarming attacks and individual combat, giving humanity enough of an edge to protect their borders.

    Snapping back to the moment, receiving her first assignment came like a blow, years of struggle in the Academy bringing her to this moment. Life in the Imperial Academy was hard, as it was for many of the residents of the Empire. Not as physically challenging as her former life, but with its own set of perils. Candidates had died during training, Fara alone had lost two friends in her squad alone during her time here. Others had simply disappeared, their beds found empty and belongings gone in the morning in the open barracks the candidates shared, which led to an aura of fear to the hyper alert members of her training platoon. Being assigned this mission meant that she had gained the trust of the instructor cadre and the Empire. New challenges and new opportunities!

    Veers slid a data disc across the desk, which she quickly picked up and slid it into a pocket on her tunic, her eyes fixed gently on Veers as she completed the motion. Mentally shaking her head, she returned to the discussion with Instructor Veers.

    Questions? he asked.

    Fara took a moment to reflect on her orders, scant as they were. Details on the planet and mineral exploitation would be in the briefing notes she had just pocketed, along with any other details she would need before meeting the investigation team. Thinking quickly, she reviewed the common briefing questions that she had studied over the years.

    Communications, Sir.

    You will be in constant communication with the escort team, who will accompany you to the planet. In this assignment they will manage communication as needed.


    This is a routine mission candidate. There will be an extraction team on standby in system should the mission fail. However, you will be with an experienced team. Your nanite package is also programmed to end you should you become compromised. We do not expect that on this mission.

    Veers paused a moment before continuing, There will be a senior agent on the mission providing direction. This is her operation, so your role is to interact with Shogar and follow their direction while they assess the operation taking place.

    Veers continued, This agent is very experienced, although with a different focus and will help guide you, however you will be responsible for the success of your assignment.

    Fara sat quietly for the moment as she reflected on the brief details. Typical Imperial missions operated with a lone primary agent and supports, so it was not a surprise that straight from the academy she would be in a support role. The flutter of excitement she felt realizing she was being given her first assignment still burned as hot.

    Is there an issue Candidate?

    No Sir, Fara said, reasserting her focus, Timeline.

    Do you have plans, candidate? Somewhere you need to be? Veers asked harshly. The mission will take what it takes to achieve your goals. If you accomplish this quickly, then you return. If it takes longer, you need to make a situation allowing you to stay longer. A typical preliminary audit, as you will see when you review the mission package, runs over five days.

    Sir. Fara said, blushing with embarrassment at being corrected. They did not tolerate appearances of hesitation or doubt in the academy, and the last thing she wanted was to appear afraid on her first mission.

    Any further questions? Veers asked, watching her discomfort with enjoyment.

    Excellent. Angeli Furore.

    Veers leaned back in his chair as he watched Fara’s eyes glazed over. All Imperial Intelligence agents undergo extensive mental conditioning with their early training, often with codes implanted without their knowledge. This practice allowed instructors the ability to control dangerous junior agents and support their training with enhanced reflexes and knowledge transfer. The system integrated with the nanite and cybernetic packages many agents obtained later in their careers. Veers, with his years in the academy, had placed his own specific codes in the program, allowing him to enjoy certain perks with the young candidates that caught his eye.

    Stand up candidate.

    Fara stood quickly, her eyes fixed on the wall over Veers head.


    Without hesitation, Fara released the fastenings of her uniform tunic, draping it across the back of her chair, followed by the thin undershirt. Veers watched avidly as Fara turned his way, releasing the clasps of her bra, letting her firm breasts drop slightly as she placed it over her tunic. Shifting his position, Veers hand slid to his own pants as he savoured the appearance of the her breasts, the small pink nipples growing firm already. Moving slowly, Fara draped her belt on the chair and sat to remove her boots before sliding off her slacks. Within moments she was naked in front of Veers desk, her eyes still firmly fixed on the wall.

    Veers stood slowly, making his way around his desk to approach her. His hand slid over her arm, then across her tight belly, savouring the feel of her smooth skin. He glanced again at her face, confirming that the hypnotic directive was holding, smiling at the expressionless face.

    Silently, he let his hand trace over her shoulders, fingertips gliding down her back to grip her round butt, smiling to himself as he gave it a shake. Stepping to her other side, he let his eyes roam as he reached to cup her breast, lifting it as his thumb caressed her nipple. Feeling his own excitement building, he stepped closer, breathing deeply and savouring her scent one last time before licking and biting her nipple. Fara remained still as a giggling Veers stood behind her, cupping both breasts and bouncing them in his hands, squeezing roughly.

    Ah Candidate, you are a beauty, Veers said softly as he pushed his hips against her butt. Releasing a breast, his hand slid lower, brushing over her mons and rubbing his fingers roughly in a quick circle as he nudged her legs apart. Fara’s breathing catches but she remained staring at the wall while Veers roughly massaged her pussy, his other hand squeezing her breast. I have so enjoyed our interviews during your time here.

    Veers continued to grope Fara, his fingers slipping past her lips while twisting her nipple. He smiled wickedly at Fara’s small gasp, enjoying himself but aware he had little time left. After a moment, he spoke

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