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Our Story Never Ends: Short and Sweet Series, #23
Our Story Never Ends: Short and Sweet Series, #23
Our Story Never Ends: Short and Sweet Series, #23
Ebook173 pages1 hour

Our Story Never Ends: Short and Sweet Series, #23

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Nat took a sip of her drink.

"I sort of, kind of, told them I'm gay."

Nat started coughing.


"It just sort of happened. He was going on about how they wanted gay employees for the company and I was afraid I was going to lose the job. So I lied."

Nat stared at me, then laughed.

"Well, hopefully he'll never find out the truth. He'll probably try to set you up with some of his friends or your lesbian coworkers."

"Actually, I also kind of told him I'm in a relationship."

"Oh, brother."

"In this case, oh sister," I said.

"Well, look at it this way. He'll never meet her so…"


"Okay, don't tell me. He wants to meet her?"

He's invited himself over to my house this weekend for a get together with him and his husband."

"Wow, he has a nerve."

"I know! But the problem is I actually need to have a wife."

"Wait, wife?"

I gave her a shameful look.

"He sort of… kind of… assumed I'm married."

Nat sighed.

"Okay, well it'll be easy to pretend. You can just ask a friend to play the part."

"But who?"


BLAIRE has been friends with Nat since they were both in high school. She knows Nat has her secrets but there's one she's totally in the dark about.


NAT has had a crush on Blaire since the first time they met back in detention in high school. But Blaire is straight and Nat doesn't want to ruin their friendship by revealing her actual feelings.


But when Blaire's new boss makes it clear to her that their company is in need of more LGBTQ+ employees and comes to the wrongful conclusion that Blaire is lesbian, she finds herself falling deep into a lie. Desperately in need of a fake wife, Nat comes to her rescue.

But can Nat keep her feelings out of it and will Blaire finally realize that her best friend has deeper feelings for her than just a friend?

Release dateNov 2, 2021
Our Story Never Ends: Short and Sweet Series, #23

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Our Story Never Ends - Luna Moon


    I’ve been living in the city all my life but yet sometimes I still felt out of place here. It’s weird how after a while everything just seems to blur and you forget to look around you. That’s how it was with my best friend, Nat.

    I’d been trying to get another job for a few months now. I’d already put in my resignation since most of the jobs I was interested in required you to start work immediately.

    Yesterday I was feeling worried. It had been my last day at my old job and I still didn’t have a job. I tried to smile and put on a brave face around my old coworkers but I could sense their silent pity for me. For a moment, I felt I made a mistake.

    But today I felt excited and happy again. You could guess I had good news.

    I was having lunch with Nat, who was on break at work, while I was near her workplace on a trip to go shopping.

    Hey, your birthday’s coming up, I said.

    Yeah, I know, Nat groaned. I’m turning thirty and I’m still single. That’s depressing.

    You’ll find someone, don’t worry about it, I said. You’re still young.

    Nat gave me a look.

    Okay, maybe in spirit.

    After a pause, I said, Actually I wanted to tell you something.

    Nat looked at me expectantly, then said,

    Wait, no! You got the interview!

    I laughed.

    I don’t know how you knew that.

    I’m good at guessing, remember? she said. I’m so happy for you.

    Yeah, this is my dream job and now I finally have the chance to try out for it. I hope I don’t mess it up.

    You’re going to be great!


    I took a sip of my takeaway coffee.

    But since you mentioned your dating life. You know the new dentist I just got?

    Yeah? she said with narrowed eyes.

    Well, I looked her up on Facebook and she’s totally gay!

    What makes you think that?

    Well, she was kissing a girl.

    Like full on?

    Yeah! I paused and rolled my eyes. Okay, maybe it was on the cheek. But still. She might be gay.

    I smiled deviously.

    I can always put in a word...

    Don’t you dare!

    I laughed.

    Really, it’s your own fault that you’re single. You never give anyone a chance.

    I have a particular type of girl in mind, Nat said, and I noticed the sparkle in her eyes.

    Was there someone Nat wasn’t telling me about? I smiled at the thought. Probably. Nat liked her secrets, and she kept them really well.

    Nat had been my friend, well my best friend, since our high school years. We were like sisters. She loved to tease me endlessly, and I loved to talk her head off most of the time. But we understood each other like no one else did.

    I knew Nat had her secrets, though, but didn’t know I was clueless about the most important one.


    I was late.

    I had an interview in half an hour and I was running late. This never happened to me. And to tell the truth it wasn’t completely my fault. Yes, I was the one that set my alarm. But I wasn’t aware that it accidentally set to pm instead of am. And so I was sleeping soundly in my bed when I heard the sounds of birds chirping outside.

    My first thought was that it was annoying, but at least I could sleep in.

    And then I realized it was Wednesday, and I had an interview. I jumped out of bed and rushed through my shower.

    I was now in my car and there were still some patches of my hair that was wet. I had to apply makeup while driving, something I wouldn’t usually do.

    Of course because I was late, I panicked and sped my silly butt over there. But just as the day started looking like not a total complete disaster I was pulled over. And handed a nice speeding ticket with a stiff fee.


    But finally (finally!) I made it to the coffee shop where I was meeting the man that was to interview me.

    I headed in, not even noticing the delicious smell of warm muffins and coffee brewing.

    Palms sweaty and quickly trying to tidy up my hair I stood in front of the head waitress.

    Hi, uhm...

    And then I realized something horrible. I couldn’t recall the interviewer’s name or surname.

    I stood there perplexed not knowing what to do.

    I’m meeting someone here.

    Okay, what’s their name?

    I held up a finger.

    Just one second.

    I buried through my purse trying to find my damn phone but of course it was nowhere in sight.

    Frustrated I gave up.

    I’m sorry. I can’t remember his name.

    Okay, maybe you can call him?

    I marveled at this woman’s patience and felt silently grateful.

    I can’t find my phone, I said realizing how stupid it sounded.

    And then finally my mind clicked back into action and I blurted out,

    I have an interview.

    Aah! the waitress said. He’s sitting over there.

    She pointed him out to me.

    The guy with the navy suit.

    Thank you! So much!

    I said shaking the waitress' hand passionately.

    No problem, she said giving me an amused smile.

    I headed over in the direction that she pointed to. And as if it was a big joke from the universe I finally remembered his name.

    Great, I thought, that could’ve come in handy a minute ago.

    His back was facing me. I couldn’t tell how old the guy was.

    Nervously I approached him.

    Excuse me, I said, then realized my voice sounded croaky and cleared my throat before continuing. Are you Rhett Burgham?

    He turned to face me and my breath was immediately taken away. The guy was a Greek god.

    Soft light brown hair the color of a creamy cappuccino falling around his face, a perfect jaw line that could cut a piece of paper, full lips that looked oh so kissable, and shocking light blue eyes the colour of the ocean. Even the neatly trimmed beard fitted him perfectly. In fact, I wouldn’t have minded crossing that ocean in his eyes, sliding down that perfect nose, to get a kiss from those beautiful lips.

    Hi Blaire, how are you? he said, breaking the spell he had on me.

    Well slightly.

    I cleared my throat.

    Gosh even his voice made me weak. So deep yet completely deliciously smooth.

    Uhm... yes.

    I sat down quickly feeling embarrassed when I almost missed the chair completely. Phew, that was close. I was one step away from completely embarrassing myself in front of Mister Greek God.

    Thank you for coming out today to meet up with me, he said with a charming but serious smile. We really liked your resume and you seem like the perfect fit for what we’re looking for.

    Thank you, I said.

    Yip, he was definitely flirting with me.

    The interview begun and it took all of me not to keep staring at his lips.

    Nice hair by the way, he said before continuing on with what he was saying.

    I took in a deep breath.

    He really did like me.

    That was enough to get my confidence up.

    I answered his question, then added,

    Thank you–for the compliment. I hope you don’t mind me saying but you look exactly like a Greek god.

    He chuckled, and it was the second best sound I’d ever heard.

    Hardly, but thank you.

    And of course, one thing I learned during my weekend in Las Vegas on a road trip with my school friends a week after we all were officially legal–where I lost tons of money and had to beg my friends to pay for the rest of my stay–was that you don’t leave when you have a hot hand.

    And right now, I had a scorching hot hand.

    So for the next part of the interview I continued throwing in little flirty comments and completely checking him out in a way he would totally notice.

    I was desperate, okay! I haven’t dated in what seemed like forever and a Greek god was literally sitting in front of me. I mean, wouldn’t anybody take this chance with both hands?

    Okay don’t answer that.

    He smiled sweetly at my attempts, but didn’t bite like I was expecting he would.

    I guess I really was just an ugly ol’ fart.

    Or maybe, just maybe... nah what would be the odds?

    And then he got a phone call.

    Excuse me, he said before answering.

    Hi, babe, I’m busy with work right now. Can you call me back a little later?

    And just like that he nailed me in my coffin.



    In other words; I’m gonna die alone.

    He laughed at something she said and it took all of me not to pull an annoyed face.

    Damn Greek gods and their funny girlfriends.

    After he hung up, I couldn’t help myself.

    I cleared my throat and scratched my neck.

    I didn’t see a ring? Are you married?

    I immediately regretted it after asking.

    He chuckled again.

    I’m engaged but we aren’t that big on rings.

    Nothing wrong with that. She’s a lucky girl, I said and hoped he couldn’t hear the bitterness of losing in my voice.

    She must be quite something, I added.

    Yet still he gave that charming smile as if I just told him I think unicorns are cool instead of exposing my thirsty self like an octopus that spilled his guts.

    I’m the lucky one, he said. And... he’s... pretty amazing.

    Did he just...

    H... he?

    Yeah, he said

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