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Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
Ebook49 pages36 minutes

Girl Scout Cookies

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Detective Rage buys some Girl Scout cookies from a young girl on her doorstep. She takes some to work to give away. But unknown to her, the Fraud’s Chief Black has reports of fake Girl Scouts cookies being sold and he has samples and complaints on his desk.
Inspector Strong and his team are summoned to the Chief of Police’s office to solves this case before it gets to the press. Detective Smith and Detective Rage go with the Inspector to the Chief’s office.
“Earl, you are working out of Fraud, please resolve this matter before it gets on the front page of every newspaper in the country. The Girl Scouts cannot have that happen to them.”
The Inspector is given several boxes of the phony cookies. But only a close inspection on the label shows they are fake. The fake cookies are quite good.
To complicate the problem, a new Northwest Girl Scout’s Director has just arrived from their Chicago office to take over in Seattle. Does this new Director figure into the fake cookies? Or is this just a coincidence? Inspector Strong meets with the new Director, Joan Olson in his office and they discover something in her purse when she goes through the ‘tunnel’ checking for weapons.
Why is patrolman Jones asked to join the team working on the case? Shortly, he is a ‘bug’ inspector working for a respected insect company in Seattle. He inspects Joan’s apartment and offices of the Girl Scouts after hours and this is known to only a few people. Is Jones going to be flown to the Chicago offices of the Girl Scouts looking for ‘bugs?’
Are the cookies tied up with the CIA looking for terrorists? How is that possible?
Are the fake cookies going to start showing up all over the country? This worries the FBI.

Release dateNov 2, 2021
Girl Scout Cookies

D. E. Harrison

I am trained as a theoretical mathematician. I am an emeritus member of the American Mathematical Society for fifty odd years. I have lived in Seattle since 1967. I starting writing fiction after writing a family history.

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    Book preview

    Girl Scout Cookies - D. E. Harrison

    Girl Scout Cookies

    By D. E. Harrison

    Copyright 2021 by D. E. Harrison

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Girl Scout Cookies

    Chapter 2 Research

    Chapter 3 What is Next

    Chapter 4 Another Day

    Chapter 5 Who is on First?

    Chapter 6 A Working Meeting

    About D. E. Harrison

    Discover other titles by D. E. Harrison

    Chapter 1 Girl Scout Cookies

    Rage answers her door on a Saturday, ‘who could that be?

    Hello, I represent the Girl Scouts of America. We are having our annual cookie drive. All the money stays in the local area. Would you like to buy a box or two?

    The little girl is in uniform and must be 9 to 10 years old. Her mother is standing on the sidewalk out front.

    Rage smiles, Of course, I was a scout when I was younger. I will take four boxes. I will go get your money; she returns with the exact change.

    The scout replies, Thank you miss.

    Rage thinks, ‘I will take several to work to give away. I don’t need that many to eat, but they are very tasty.’

    The rookie homicide Detective Janette Rage has been on the Police force for almost eight years. She is bright, aggressive, and dedicated to the job. She takes a fair amount of ribbing about her last name and the color of her hair. It usually goes on until they see her empty a clip of sixteen rounds at twenty yards into a 4-inch circle. She shoots a competition matched pair of Colt 45s. If that is not enough, she will crack a few ribs, and she will do it again in the gym.

    She is a very attractive young woman but with a real bang. She picked the spot she wanted to finish in the final ranking as a patrolman. She is always looking down the road before she jumps. In slow or almost instant decisions, she is way down the road when she makes one. She appears to be a little too quick in judging situations, but she has yet to be shown wrong.

    Three years earlier, she had completed the Detective training course at the academy. She finished in second place; the other woman there finished twelfth out of the fifteen total candidates. In such a large metropolitan police force, her new duty assignment could have been one of many. She did not know until Monday

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