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The Great Distraction: Black Self Loathing
The Great Distraction: Black Self Loathing
The Great Distraction: Black Self Loathing
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The Great Distraction: Black Self Loathing

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The world is filled with uncertainties, and we will never know what tomorrow holds when it comes to whether we will be here or not, but still we live as if it is promised. I prepare for tomorrow because maybe it will come, I prepare for next week being optimistic that next week might come, I prepare for next year knowing that it might not come but I am hopeful, and I prepare for my birthday next year by thanking God for the birthdays that I have already received. Nothing in life is promise to me, but I must chose if I want to live a life of selfishness or selflessness, and I chose the latter. I chose a life that at the end of the day my children will not have to suffer. The sins of the parents really do fall upon the child. Your legacy will never be about what you possess, but how you influence the lives others. No matter how ELABORATE or how EXPENSIVE the funeral, or how ELOQUENT the eulogy or the kind words people may speak of you, the life that you’ve lived will always speak for you. I read today in Proverbs 12:15 and it reads, the way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advise. I guess it is true what they say, word to the wise is sufficient.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 29, 2021
The Great Distraction: Black Self Loathing


About the Author I want to introduce myself to the world. Hi my name is Ritchie C. Mcphee Sr. Bahamian by birth, but still just a mortal human being, A MAN, a man like any other man. This is not a memoir, just me looking at the world through my eyes. This is just an insight into the way I think, the way I reason, the way I rationalize, and try to make sense of this world that we live in. Some of you might be surprised at my interpretation of what I’m seeing, some might be in denial, while others might have the same interpretations, and simply just don’t care. All I want to do is raise the conscious thinking of man, and hopefully learn a little more about myself as I grow through this book.

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    The Great Distraction - Smoothy

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    Rev. date: 10/27/2021











    The world is filled with uncertainties, and we will never know what tomorrow holds when it comes to whether we will be here or not, but still we live as if it is promised. I prepare for tomorrow because maybe it will come, I prepare for next week being optimistic that next week might come, I prepare for next year knowing that it might not come but I am hopeful, and I prepare for my birthday next year by thanking God for the birthdays that I have already received. Nothing in life is promise to me, but I must choose if I want to live a life of selfishness or selflessness, and I chose the latter. I chose a life that at the end of the day my children will not have to suffer. The sins of the parents really do fall upon the child. Your legacy will never be about what you possess, but how you influence the lives others. No matter how ELABORATE or how EXPENSIVE the funeral, or how ELOQUENT the eulogy or the kind words people may speak of you, the life that you’ve lived will always speak for you. I read today in Proverbs 12:15 and it reads, the way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advise. I guess it is true what they say, word to the wise is sufficient.


    From 1492 to present, everything when it concerns black people and the plight of black people in the Western hemisphere was and still is what I would call an illusion, making every lie that was ever spoken, and every cause taken up, just THE GREAT DISTRACTION. From the time my black people have been landed upon and brought out of their native land, they have never been free. They have never been men and women, just subjects to those that truly run the world. In the year 1492 was when his story began. They said that Christopher Columbus discovered the Caribbean and the Americas, or as they put it, The New World, which I found to be a little ironic, not to mention amusing, seeing that these islands were already inhabited. This was and still is one of the most outrageous propaganda concerning the so call discovery of the New World; in fact, the history should reflect how Christopher Columbus destroyed the Caribbean and the Americas. Genocide, attempted genocide, and the black Africans and the Native Americans holocaust, is just a few of the things that the so call discoverer has on his hands. The Caribbean and the America’s grounds were saturated with the blood of Native Americans, Black African slaves, and the blood of the Caribbean, North, Central and South American Indians.

    It has always troubled me that most white Europeans have never taken full responsibility for the carnage that their ancestors had inflicted on everyone and everything that they have come in contact with. White people today normally transpose the guilt of their ancestors onto themselves making them afraid to even discuss the racism of the past. History has not been kind to the black man, or any person of color. My greatest concern today is still; why do we black people hate ourselves so much, and why do we hate people of our own race, because they are a shade darker than we are? However, among the white race of people they use their tan as a badge of honor. Why are we so stupid?

    I often look at my skin complexion and wonder why I hate it so? Why did God curse me with this color? I hate myself, and everything about myself. Now Christopher Columbus was a tyrant, a rapist a thief, an exploiter and a murderer, among other things, but he was not the only European that did this. They came in by the hundreds and killed in the tens of millions throughout Caribbean Basin and North and South Americas. How did we allow thousands to kill tens of millions? But then again, we allowed it to happen to us. Could this have happened to me? I really do not know, but there were many black people that did not allow this to happen to them, they would have rather committed suicide than to become a slave.

    A man can never be a slave if he does not allow himself to be a slave, a man that is not a slave recuses himself out of that mental slavery mentality. A man that is not a slave always tries to find a way to be free no matter the consequences, the odds or the cost to him. A man that is not a slave realizes that the word SLAVE is just that a WORD and it really has no bearing on him, or how he views himself. If I believe that I am a slave then I will always be a slave, SO I THINK, THAT I AM. Slavery will always be just a mindset to me, when you become a slave, is when your will has been broken. I have sat in meetings with my white and black employers and I watched men became slaves. I watched it as it unfolded. These persons were depending on their employment to feed their families, and they were intimidating because they wanted to keep their employment status. It is better to be employed than unemployed. To be honest there were times I was very afraid, but I just had to speak my mind. There were times that my employer terminated my services, and there were times I got the respect that I deserved. Whatever the consequence was, it was always worth the risk. If you are a slave, you will never be a man, so to be a man you have to be free.

    Now I know that it is easy for a me to say what I would have or would not have done seeing that the gun is not now pointed at

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