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Space Faction
Space Faction
Space Faction
Ebook305 pages4 hours

Space Faction

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The Decagon galaxy has been at war for generations. This star system is home to ten planets, whose factions inherited the torch of combat. Among them is the planet Darcya; which, supports the faction known as the Crystal Resistance. Their mission: End the war and proclaim their leadership over the Decagon.

General Vince Starflight leads this faction, well respected and wise beyond his years. During an assignment, Vince faces a no-win scenario, and hundreds die, leaving him to contemplate the bloodshed of years gone by and those to come. The battle-scarred and weary General sets his sights on a peaceful future. And, from the ashes of his guilt, the idea for a new faction is born: Project Unity.

Vince steps down from his command to plant the seeds of his secret revolution. Unfortunately, his absence gives rise to those who crave violence. While on another mission for the Crystal Resistance, Starflight intends to gather and hide weapons for Project Unity; however, the plan goes awry and forces him to confide in two comrades: Ingrid and Lalo. Although cautious, they agree to an alliance.

Meanwhile, the formerly obedient soldier, Jax, goes rogue. Thirsty for bloodshed, he defies orders, ruthlessly executing captives by firing squad. A spark of hope for the new faction arises; the leaders of the Duke faction have agreed to meet and discuss terms. On the planet of Xima, Lalo is eagerly awaiting their arrival when he discovers the Duke and Duchess have gone missing.

Warriors from the Duke faction pursue Lalo, implicating him in their disappearance. As a result, Project Unity reveals they have a traitor jeopardizing their goal.With Jax's brutality threatening to thwart their efforts and foes hidden amongst allies, the road to peace looks arduous. Nevertheless, Vince knows now is the time to make a stand. Coexistence and harmony are hidden deep within the galaxy's past; and must become forthright once more for a prosperous future.
Release dateNov 4, 2021
Space Faction

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    Space Faction - Thomas Mariani


    Space Faction

    ©2021, Thomas Mariani

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    ISBN: 978-1-09839-572-8

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-09839-573-5















    The Decagon, a galaxy that was once a sanctuary for the outcasts, the frail, and the uncelebrated heroes of decades past, was now riddled with war and terror. Ten inhabited planets at the periphery of familiar space saw more loss than ever—people, flora, and fauna. Most living beings in the Decagon walked through destruction and fought for hope, but every victory was fleeting. With a galactic war raging for centuries and for an unknown origin, continuing to fight became less about power and more about survival. However, not everyone was aware of that. Within planet Darcya, the faction leader called the Crystal Resistance believed that he and his soldiers could restore his home to what it once was—rivers that weren’t polluted with toxic chemicals and marketplaces that sold art, technology, and comforting goods instead of weapons and sustenance. The general’s name was Vince Starflight.

    Vince was relatively young among his followers, but he was just as battle-hardened as the rest. What drove soldiers to follow him was that he stood alongside them on the battlefield—his ideas and calculative perception were secondary. Vince was a leader that his soldiers knew. He sat with them, shared drinks and laughs with them, and carried their dismembered but alive bodies to shelter. When it came down to it, Vince was a man who never left another behind. As rational as he was, he was driven by an almost rigid sense of morality when it came to protecting his own people. The same could not be said, however, about those who stood against his ideas.

    Sir, come take a look at this, Vernon Bakowsky, captain of the Crystal Resistance, approached Vince. Vernon was a rhandian, a race of humanoid beings that immigrated and settled at Daryca a millennia ago. He had bright red skin, matted silver hair, and white patterns on his face—thin lines stretching across his forehead and down the cheeks. Over the years, his ancestors integrated with humans and made this planet their home. Whatever tensions there may have been before the war were non-existent when both humans and rhandians united against common enemies—the people of the other nine planets of the Decagon.

    Vince nodded and followed the captain into the tent, where they busily reevaluated their plan for the ongoing attack. The sounds of explosions from a distance rang in his ears as he walked under the chilly night sky in the encampment. As soon as he entered the command center, hopeful eyes looked at him. On the table before them was a green hologram—a skeletal but accurate representation of their ongoing battle against the Tarfiens. The Tarfiens, from the planet Tarfa, were known for their brutality during the war. They operated on the belief that mercy against the enemy, even if it is one person, compromises their position of power, laying the seeds of deposition. Thus, the Tarfiens were absolute in their adherence to and application of the military rule, which was arguably the case with all factions’ leaders, Vince included.

    We believe we’ve found a way to stop the Tarfien starship before it closes in on our airspace, a commander of combat operations, Ursula Jardenian, said. If we deploy a stealth cruiser from the Harbinger moon, we can get two soldiers inside to disable their attack cannons, leaving them defenseless against Strike Force One from the front...

    Do we know how to disable the cannons? Vince interrupted.

    Yes, Jaime from Cyber Operations managed to secure the plans to their starship, among a few other of their fighters.

    Go on.

    The weapons control center on the port side of their vessel. Our Stealth Operations specialists will come in from the left as soon as the ship is eighty degrees from the moon.

    Eighty degrees? Won’t that mean that the Tarfien starship will be too close to Darcya for a nuclear option?

    …Yes. But we’re confident that our Stealth Operations specialists can disable the cannons and retreat successfully, giving us enough time to take the starship out with Strike Force One.

    So, you’re suggesting that we leave the fate of our home, our freedom, in the hands of two of our operatives? Who the hell are they anyway?

    Ingrid Riley and Lalo Penn, sir. They’re the best we have, and they showed their mettle at the Battle of the Onyx Mines.

    That was them? Impressive. Turning to the hologram in front of him, Vince said, Rentyke, what do you estimate the chances of this plan to be?

    Sir, I don’t think we should let the numbers make this decision for… Ursula interrupted.

    Let the computer speak, commander, Vince reprimanded. Rentyke was the artificial intelligence system that ran everything on Darcya. It was named after its creator’s wife, who perished early in their marriage after a traffic accident caused by a faulty traffic light system. Determined to improve the transit system, Ger Hans created Rentyke to prevent other people from sharing the same fate of his wife. Since then, Rentyke had evolved and started to look after other bureaucratic processes, ensuring that life ran smoothly on the planet. Ever since the war began, however, Rentyke mostly helped the Crystal Resistance with their battles.

    Considering the two stealth operatives have to travel in a shuttle that has a three percent chance of cloaking failure, have only seven and nine years of experience in the field, need to maintain a calculated speed and trajectory, must enter the automated control center undetected, which won’t have anyone guarding the space according to our assessments, and then Strike Force One has to take down the Tarfien starship, I would estimate the chances at um…carry the one on top…I’m just kidding…sixty percent, Rentyke said.

    Sixty percent of success is not good at all, Vince bowed his head with worry.

    Oh, sorry, I wasn’t clear. There’s a sixty percent chance of failure.

    Then why the hell are we even discussing it?

    Well, fighting the Tarfien starship head-on does have a sixty-seven percent success rate, but we would most likely lose at least twenty pilots and gunners, Rentyke added.

    Vince ran his hand through his hair and scratched the scalp. He looked up and saw several eyes on him but didn’t say anything yet.

    I really feel like taking the stealth-based approach will pay off, Ursula said.

    All right, let’s do it. I’m not going to sit here and treat my soldiers, men and women who’ve fought consistently, bravely, and unrelentingly for their freedom, as disposable, Vince iterated. Ready the shuttle on the Harbinger moon and tell the two operatives to get to battle stations. Lieutenant General, gather Strike Force One. We’re leaving in five. Let’s blow these Tarfien motherfuckers out of the sky.

    Vince walked out of the command center and toward the runway. He started his military career as a pilot in the Crystal Resistance—a young boy looking to make a difference for his family and his planet. Many have argued that his first battle was what transformed him into the sharp, calculated, and stoic but earnest leader that they’ve come to know. In his first mission, he missed a shot that cost his superior officer’s life, and even though it was an honest mistake, he couldn’t help but feel responsible. So, even after years of training, service, and climbing the ranks, Vince rode alongside his squadron, leading them through battle in space.

    Yo, Penn, what’re you gonna tell your kids about this op? Do they know that daddy’s gonna blow a whole starship? Ingrid Riley teased her fellow soldier.

    I actually avoid talking about the war to them. Yes, I know it’s right in front of them, but I’d just rather they didn’t have such a bleak outlook on life right away.

    Ingrid nodded at Lalo as she packed her gear for the mission ahead on the Harbinger moon. The two of them worked together for only two operations in the past, but their combined expertise and adaptability made them a formidable team on both occasions. There were, of course, the sporadic disputes, but in a world so consumed by war, consistent harmony among soldiers seemed stranger than conflict.

    Do I look like a stinkin’ Tarfien? Lalo tried to take a bit of the pressure of saving a planet off him through juvenile humor.

    Sure do, mate, Ingrid chuckled. Let’s just hope these disguises and the bypass codes get us in and out of the ship. If not, well, I guess we had a good run.

    Ever the optimist.

    Ingrid grinned and patted his back. Lalo put on his helmet and walked beside her toward the exit.

    The Tarfien starship was moving toward Darcya at a consistent pace, and before long, it would be eighty degrees from the Harbinger moon. Ingrid and Lalo took their places in the shuttle, packing provisions for the half-day long operation. They didn’t just have to reach the position in time, but they also had to disable the cannons and leave the starship before it got too close to Darcya. Too close and blowing the starship would result in casualties at home.

    Let’s do this, Ingrid said as she took the captain’s seat. She was the commanding officer on this operation, and what she said, Lalo had to follow—their ranks didn’t matter until they returned safely and successfully to the Harbinger moon.


    C’mon, don’t get nervous on me, mate. We’ll get through this. You do trust me, right?

    He raised his eyebrows. Do I have to answer that?

    The two of them looked blankly at each other for a few seconds, and Lalo smiled just after Ingrid grinned.

    There he is, Ingrid said, laughing.

    Phantom Five, this is Boris Min from Eagle base. Have you set the coordinates for intercepting the Tarfien starship? the Darcyinian space traffic controller said through the comms system.

    This is Phantom Leader, Ingrid said, switching the microphone on. Coordinates have been set; awaiting lift off.

    Acknowledged, Phantom Leader. Take off in five. Four. Three. Two. One. Kick some Tarfienass for us, Phantom Leader.

    You can bet on that. Phantom Leader out.

    Keep on course, Phantom Leader, and you’ll be reaching the Tarfien starship soon, Ursula Jardenian said, looking at the large display in front of her, showcasing Phantom Five’s progress on the operation. Let’s hope they don’t alter course at the last moment.

    Copy that, Commander, Ingrid said.

    Ursula turned around to the Spaceforce Lieutenant General and said, Chip, ready the Strike Force for deployment. The Lieutenant General, Sawern Druker, went by the nickname Chip. No one knew why he was called Chip, or even whether it was supposed to mean anything or not. But they went with it. The only person who didn’t call him Chip was Vince, and he preferred to keep things a little formal unless he really had to.

    General Starflight and his squadron are standing by.


    We’re approaching the Tarfien ship. Getting ready for landing, Lalo spoke through the communication system.Deploying landing gear. Contact with the enemy ship in three. Two. One. Successful landing on the port side of the Tarfien starship.

    Ursula, Chip, and the rest of the operatives of the Crystal Resistance let out a relieved celebratory sigh. One or two of them even closed their fists tightly with excitement.

    Excellent work, Phantom squad. You’re on track. Keep at it, and re-establish communication when you’re back in Phantom Five.

    Will do, Commander. Disabling communication now; Phantom squad out, Ingrid added.

    Lalo opened the hatch in Phantom Five, and there was another hatch in front of him. It was the one the Tarfien’s used to bring in toiletries for the crew. He twisted the wheel on the hatch, and looked into the starship’s storage room. It was dark, save the bright green light at the end of the corridor that read ‘Exit.’

    C’mon, the weapons’ control center is this way, Lalo whispered.

    Right behind you, big fella, Ingrid reassured him.

    As soon as Lalo opened the exit door, a bright light shone in their eyes. The corridor to the weapons’ control center had a chrome décor with a single, long tube of light on the ceiling. The light itself wasn’t much, but the reflection made navigation a little more complicated than they’d expected, but they weren’t going to let anything get in the way of saving their planet.

    These Tarfiens must have eyes of fuckin’ steel, huh? Ingrid nudged Lalo.

    Yeah, if we keep moving through this corridor and take the next left, we’ll be just in front of the weapons control center. Fuck, someone’s coming, Lalo tried to keep his gaze forward.

    Relax, mate. We’re dressed like Tarfiens. Just keep your head straight, stay quiet, and we should be okay.

    The two Darcynians, dressed like Tarfiens, continued forward. Their heartbeats quickened as they drew closer to the Tarfien. From afar, they couldn’t tell whether their target was looking at them or not. Unsure about how to proceed, they continued further. As they approached the oncoming Tarfien, Ingrid tipped her hat toward him, saluting him silently.

    The Tarfien looked at Ingrid intently, and his eyes stayed on her even after she’d walked past him. While their uniforms were familiar, Tarfiens were more physical with their greetings, or they wouldn’t greet at all. Typically, soldiers held each other’s forearms and said a phrase or word appropriate to the occasion. A distant greeting was simply unusual. Perhaps the Crystal Resistance’s Stealth Operations needed to invest more time understanding their enemies’ culture and traditions if they were to gain the upper hand in this seemingly perpetual war.

    You, there? the Tarfien called out at the two Darcynians walking behind him. What division do you belong to, Corporal?

    The ninth, sir, Ingrid said after reading the Staff Sergeant badge on his left breast.

    The two of you?

    Yes, sir, Lalo responded.

    What’s your identity code? the Tarfien turned to Ingrid. Just making sure you aren’t somewhere you shouldn’t be, he said calmly.

    The Tarfien pulled out a security logging device from the right side of his hip belt. It was a scroll-like device with a silicon strip as the page. As soon as he slid it open, the sheet emitted light and displayed details along with options. He clicked the identity codes database, went to the search option, and looked up at Ingrid.

    Right. K-657.

    K-657, the Tarfien mumbled as he typed it in. It showed an error. Ain’t no such code here. Tell it to me, again, Corporal.

    Ingrid and Lalo looked at each other, confused and concerned. Jaime from Cyber Operations confirmed this code would work for them. He inserted it into the Tarfien database himself, or so they thought.

    K-657, sir, Ingrid swallowed her spit.

    The Tarfien didn’t say a word and maintained eye contact with both of them. Ingrid and Lalo looked back at him, unsure of what he was trying to do. They held their breaths as he pressed a button on the side of the device and returned it to the hook on his utility belt, anticipating whether they were free to move forward with their mission. Right then, the Tarfien pulled his Jacklinger pistol from the holster and held it up to Ingrid’s face.

    You’re under arrest on behalf of the Grinder Faction of the Republic of Tarfien. I knew you weren’t Tarfien. I smelled it, you sick shit.

    Sir, there’s been a mistake, Ingrid added quickly.

    The mistake was not shooting you the moment I saw you. I could now, but I’ve already called for a backup. Face the wall and get on your knees, the Tarfien Staff Sergeant pointed with his pistol.

    Lalo looked at Ingrid and noticed that she was just about to draw her own weapon. He readied himself for a fight. There were more enemies incoming, but there was no way of knowing what they were up against. Lalo decided to something unorthodox that had a slim chance of working.

    Wait, wait, sir. Let’s not be too hasty. Try my code instead. Y-831, Lalo pleaded.

    Shut up! I ain’t checkin’ shit.

    Sir, this is just a big misunderstanding, and we just want to fix things and move on, yeah?

    Frustrated, the Tarfien pulled the security database device off his belt and inserted the code. Ingrid looked at Lalo, confused and slightly vexed—he’d shortened their window of escape, and the Tarfien reinforcements would arrive in a matter of seconds. Lalo subtly held out his hand to her, signaling her to hold her fire. Despite her better judgment, she decided to trust Lalo’s plan. There was an unnerving silence for the next few seconds, which Ingrid spent tapping her feet and Lalo clenching his jaw.

    Corporal Kilender Pike. The Staff Sergeant’s voice interrupted.

    Reporting for duty, sir.

    Get out of my sight, both of you. False alarm, boys. Reinforcements are unnecessary, the displeased Tarfien said, holding his communication device up to his mouth. He gave both Ingrid and Lalo a look of annoyance and walked in the other direction.

    Corporal Kilender Pike? Ingrid whispered to Lalo as they regrouped. Where the hell did you get that from?

    When our Tarfien friend opened the database, which he probably shouldn’t have in front of us, I caught a glimpse of some random soldier’s identity code.

    How did you know it would work? It could’ve been the code for anyone but a Corporal, or maybe someone he knew.

    I didn’t. But, hell, I don’t want to go to some Tarfien scum prison and get tortured to death. I took a chance.

    Well, it was a hell of a risk, but it paid off, so, fuck it. Let’s fuck up some the starship, huh?

    Lalo and Ingrid stood in front of the blast door to the weapon control center. Lalo pulled an override stick from his breast pocket and inserted it into the terminal. They heard the sound of the blast doors unlock and watched the doors retreat into their fixtures on the side.

    At least Jaime came through on this, Lalo added.

    Yeah, Ingrid sighed, hitting a stop watch on her wrist set to five minutes.

    They looked into the room and enabled their heat signature sight. There were no life forms in the room, and they hoped they wouldn’t run into bots. Lalo walked over to the weapons control terminal inside the room, and Ingrid scoped the place, their hands hovering over their holster.

    Room’s clear, Ingrid said. The security cameras were disabled when we unlocked the doors, so we have to move fast.

    Let’s see what we have here. Lalo opened up the system and inserted a chip with the weapons override control. Several thousands of codes ran across the screen, searching for the one that disabled the weapons systems.

    How’re we looking?

    Getting there, In.

    In? Where’d that come from? No one has ever called me that, Ingrid smiled, confused.

    I don’t know. I thought we were getting along well, Lalo said with an awkward shrug.

    I’m kidding! It’s cool, mate. Got no problems with nicknames, she smiled.

    Lalo nodded and looked at the screen intently. The completion percentage for finding the code was ninety-eight percent. Once he got the code, he would have to insert it into the program, and the Tarfien starship would be a sitting duck.

    It’s done, Lalo said. Okay, let’s hope this code works.

    He typed the code carefully, making sure even a single letter or number wasn’t amiss. He selected the accept icon, and a voice came from the terminal.

    Starship XI-4187 weapon systems deactivated, a robotic voice said.

    We’re in business. Let’s get the fuck outta here, Lalo took the chip out of the system and secured it in his pocket.

    Ingrid hurried toward the blast door to keep an eye out. The route back to Phantom Five was clear, and they started up the engine.

    Come in, Command, Ingrid said into the communications system. This is Phantom Five. Tarfien starship weapons have been disabled. I repeat: disabling the Tarfien starship weapons system was successful. We’re moving back to base at the Harbinger moon.

    This is Commander Jardenian, Ursula Jardenian said from the command center, speaking loudly to be heard over the cheers in the background. Excellent work, Phantom Leader. Reach the clearance point, and Strike Force One will engage the Tarfien starship.

    Copy that, Commander. Phantom Leader is en route.

    Undoubtedly, the hard work was done. Now, all that was left was for Vince and his squadron to do what they were renowned for in all of the galaxy.

    Your light fighter is prepped and ready, sir, Lieutenant General, Sawern Chip Druker, said to Vince Starflight. "And Strike Force One is waiting on your signal.

    Vince nodded as he walked to his ship, holding his helmet under his armpit. He put it on and got in without saying a word. Before shutting the canopy, he looked down at Chip.

    You’re going to be my eyes from down here, Vince said, his voice muffled and synthesized with the helmet over him. The Tarfien starship has large hangars, so we’re going to run into a lot of resistance from the enemy. We need maximum visibility."

    Yes, sir. I’ve got a few more operatives on the mission. We’ve got you covered. Stay active on channel two.

    Vince nodded, and the canopy above him began to close.

    Strike Force One, Vince spoke on the communication line, this is Strike Leader. On me.

    Vince started the engine on his light fighter, and the several other light fighters behind him did the same. Large flames blew out the exhaust of the perfectly organized squadron on the launch runway. Vince often didn’t give a countdown for launch. When he felt the time was right, one word was all his squad needed to get into the action. Because of that, his squad was always on the ready and took their positions before he even got into his light fighter.

    Now, Vince said on the comms.

    Vince’s ship immediately lifted off the ground and shot toward the stars. His squad followed him and maintained their perfect formation, moving in unison. As they broke out of the atmosphere and entered space, they saw the Tarfien starship in the distance ahead. They doubled their speed and headed straight toward the starship.

    Come in, Star Leader. This is Commander Jardenian. We’ve received confirmation that Phantom Five has reached the safe zone. You are free to engage. Let’s hope the weapons are disabled.

    Copy that, Vince said. Star Squadron, assume the ‘Divide and Conquer’ formation. There’s a hangar in the middle and the starboard side of the Tarfien starship. Squads one and three will follow me to the center; squads two and four will take the hangar on our left; squad five hang back for additional support."

    Vince’s light fighter shot ahead toward the target, silently but quickly in the vast expanse of Darcynian space. Two squads followed him, equidistant from his ship and the others’. Two other squads angled their trajectory to meet the target at a different point. It was a matter of seconds until the Tarifen starship deployed their fleet of light fighters to engage with the oncoming onslaught of Strike Force One.

    Hangar doors have opened on the starboard side of the Tarfiens starship, the leader of squad two said. Stand by for confirmation. Okay, yep. The first wave of light fighters has made it into the battlefield.

    Copy that, squad two, Vince acknowledged. The center hanger has deployed the first wave, too.

    Squad two, get ready to engage.

    Tarfien light fighters flew towards their targets, leaving behind the enormous starship. Like Strike Force One, they also moved together, but their attack formations weren’t as refined. They didn’t hold their ground when a Darcynian ship thwarted their attempts.

    Vince flew head-on to the fleet in front of him, and part of the Star Squadron flew behind. While officially his squadron was known as Strike Force One, he named his hand-picked team Star Squadron as they did not only handle strike missions. They’d glide through the stars for hostage retrieval, medical missions, and any other operation that needed a reliable team to get the job done.

    The general began to shoot the light fighter in the center of the Tarfien fleet with his ship’s Gatling gun. Every other member of his squad had two operatives in one light fighter—one for navigation and the other for weapons control. General Starflight, however, retrofitted his light fighter to control both weapons’ targeting and navigation. In

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