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Capture: Complete Series
Capture: Complete Series
Capture: Complete Series
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Capture: Complete Series

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About this ebook

Jess Sanders is a travel writer for a company that markets beauty and pleasure in exotic international locations. In Jess’ opinion, she has the best job in the world, and she wouldn’t sacrifice it for anything...or anyone. But when Jess is sent to Hawaii, she meets Nate – a ruggedly handsome man who’s job it is to show her just how exciting life can be off the beaten path, with him leading the way.
But as Jess’ fantasies intensify she reveals a side of herself to Nate that takes him over the edge and leaves him breathless. Will he be up to the challenge of Jess’ adventurous spirit, not only on the island, but also in the bedroom?

This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateFeb 8, 2015
Capture: Complete Series

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    Capture - Alexis Blake


    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2015 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Capture Book 1

    Capture Book 2

    Capture Book 3

    Capture Book 4

    Capture Book 1

    So, where are you off to this time? Angie asked with a groan from across the table.

    Jess smiled with a silent laugh, knowing how jealous Angie was that she wasn't going away on one of their company trips of solitude. Give it a few months, Jess told her, knowing good and well that Angie may never get back into that particular line of work again after she had her first child.

    Ugh! Being pregnant sucks! All those women who say it's such a wonderful experience are full of crap! The one thing I love most is to travel, and now the doc's got me grounded for the last trimester. So unfair! Angie rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair, exposing the large, solid hump in her belly that was covered with a black and white polka dotted maternity shirt.

    You know, once you have a child, you're not going to want to go back to work, Jess commented blatantly, hoping to strike a nerve so they could continue with their playful gibes at each other.

    Jack can babysit, Angie said as though she had the ultimate say so in the matter.

    Yeah, right! Jess brushed back her long strawberry blonde hair from her face as she looked at her friend mockingly, both of them registering just how bad of an idea that would be.

    Angie leaned in close over the table, making Jess think she had something secretive to tell her. You know what? He's gonna have to learn! Angie said.

    Wasn't he the one who said he never got a dog because he didn't want to have to clean up after it? Doesn't he know babies make even bigger messes? Jess asked teasingly.

    Their laughter rang out across the restaurant, causing the couple at the neighboring table to eye them with annoyance. Jess decided to really piss Angie off. Molokai, she said.

    Hawaii? Angie asked with surprise, her voice changing to a higher pitch. You get the best destinations! You get the 'Off The Beaten Path' column and I'm stuck with historical destinations.

    Jess felt the need to remind her, And now you can't even go to any of those.

    You bitch!

    The nearby couple looked at them strangely again, but that just made them laugh even louder.

    Jess remembered their conversation as she waited to board her plane out of Los Angeles to Oahu, wondering if Angie would regret the decisions she'd made—getting married, starting a family, putting her career on the back burner when necessary. Jess wouldn't question it, except their jobs had always been everything to them. That was one reason they got along so well. They'd shared that common passion. If someone were to ask one of them, they'd say it was the best job in the world! It was more than traveling. It was eating great food, experiencing the fun things to do at the various destinations, taking pictures of it all, and the best part, writing about the experience from her own perspective to share it with the world.

    Sometimes Jess wondered if Angie didn't quite love it as much as she did. Before Angie married Jack, she'd talked about getting to do all of those things, but complained about not having anyone to share them with. I mean physically, she’d said, explaining the details as though Jess had no idea.

    Angie was right about that part. Jess figured that was one reason why she loved writing the most, because it was her chance to share her experiences with someone else. Jess had to admit to herself that it could be lonely at times. But whenever she started to feel that way, she'd think of all the wonders she'd seen, like the waterfalls in Dominica that were tucked away in a rainforest of green paradise, or the enormous elephant seals basking on the rocks off the coast of a ghost town in Alaska, the right whales she’d seen frolicking in the bay of the Valdes Peninsula in Argentina, or the view from the window of the train that traveled along Italy's northern coast with the mountainous ranges on one side, and the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean on the other. Jess found her appreciation for it all to be more than enough to satisfy her. She hadn't ever really questioned herself needing much more.

    Once the little propeller plane from Oahu landed in Molokai, Jess picked up her rental car and headed towards the middle of the island where the main town was located. She drove through the small double lane road to look at the few shops, gas stations and restaurants. Her stomach started to growl as the smell of food wafted into the car.

    Jess stopped by one of the restaurants that had a little of everything and put in a 'to go' order while she walked around the corner to the small grocery store. With a few snacks and some other basic items, she headed back to the rental car, then picked up her order and drove to the tiny cottage on the upper east end of the island.

    Jess drove along the highway, which eventually turned into a narrow winding road as it moved away from the shoreline and started to climb the mountains. She pulled into the driveway that was on a slope made of gravel and lined with lush trees. She pulled up in front of the cottage and stepped out to see the view of the blue Pacific Ocean in the distance beyond the drop of trees and lava rock.

    Jess had a look around inside the two-bedroom cottage and got comfortable in front of the TV while she ate her dinner. After eating, she went back around the house and made a few notes for her article, jotting down the bamboo furniture and bright flower patterns on the curtains and cushions. There was a bookshelf with some worn books and a guest journal. She opened the journal and read through some of the entries. Mostly couples and small families had made their stay at the cottage over the years, but everyone had something different to say about the island or the cottage.

    Jess made her way outside into the January eighty-degree weather and found a path behind the house that led to a neighboring property. No one appeared to be renting the larger house, which Jess was glad of, since the pool for both houses was in its backyard. As long as that house stayed empty, she would have the pool all to herself.

    Since she wasn't scheduled to meet with her island guide specialist until the next day, Jess went back to the cottage and put on her bathing suit, grabbed a large towel and walked back to the pool to go for a swim. After she made a few laps, she spread out her towel on the pool deck so she could sit and air dry. The birds, flowers and fruit trees were like a budding Eden. She couldn't wait to get out and do some hiking to see some of the surrounding sites. One thing she knew she wanted to do for sure was to go kayaking to the sea caves. More than anything though, she was excited to see the humpback whales in the surrounding waters, who were there until early April when they would migrate back to cold waters.

    On the drive up the mountainside, Jess had seen a few whales surface, catching the spray of seawater bursting from the swells, and then she’d quickly turned her eye back to the narrow road. She'd wanted to pull over and watch, but she was hungry and she'd told herself she would have the next four days to watch them.

    As the sun began to set, Jess walked around the property and into the wooded area down a trail beyond the pool. She took pictures of the different tropical plants and the lime tree and just as she was about to turn back toward the cottage, she saw a deer. It looked different from the deer she'd seen at home though. It was smaller and of lighter color, like a biscuit blonde color on its sides and a honey brown on its back with little white spots. When she got back to the cottage, she looked up the species of deer on the island and found that it was an axis deer. She made some notes in her phone about the deer and the foliage she'd seen so she could research them later.

    Jess showered then settled into bed with a thin paperback book she'd picked from the shelf in the den, but she fell asleep before she was barely

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