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Love Me Deeply: Complete Series
Love Me Deeply: Complete Series
Love Me Deeply: Complete Series
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Love Me Deeply: Complete Series

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Emma Browning has worked hard to secure the number-two seat at the company her father co-founded. The only thing standing in her way of the CEO job is Cameron Roberts, the son of her father’s partner and Emma’s lifelong nemesis. Cameron is every bit a sexy man as he is a commanding boss, though Emma is every bit as smart and capable as he is. When the prospect of acquiring a new resort presents itself their fathers decide to send them both to check it out. Emma couldn’t be looking forward to it less: A few days spent with the man who holds her heart, but has never been less than an arm’s length away from her. But will either of them own up to their feelings? And how will Emma react when she discovers Cameron’s unique sexual tendencies?

This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateJan 15, 2015
Love Me Deeply: Complete Series

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    Love Me Deeply - Alexis Blake

    Love Me Deeply

    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2015 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Love Me Deeply Book 1

    Love Me Deeply Book 2

    Love Me Deeply Book 3

    Love Me Deeply Book 4

    Love Me Deeply Book 1

    Emma Browning moved among guests who were decked out in sparkles, sequins, and tailored black suits. Christmas carols played in the background, and the buzz of well over fifty voices crowded into a room that was a bit too small gave her a monstrous headache. She wasn’t in the mood for inane conversations, false smiles, and petty gossip. She was closing the Conrad-Myers merger in the morning, and had a pile of contracts and notes to review before bed.

    A shrill peal of laughter made her cringe, but she fulfilled her hostess duties. She’d get nothing done until after her father’s annual Christmas party, so she socialized, networked, and made small talk. Scanning the room – with its garland and lights twisting their way up the staircase, baskets, and planters of poinsettias in reds, whites and greens placed around the room, along with holiday decorations – she smiled. Christmas was one of her favorite holidays--and also the saddest.

    In the window, the fifteen-foot tree glittered with tiny white lights, gold balls, and red ribbon. She sighed. Though it had been ten years since her mother died of cancer, the holidays were just not the same, which was why her father entertained heavily during this time of year. He couldn’t stand to be alone. Emma’s gaze panned the room, eventually finding the man she loved more than any other: Her father, James Browning.

    James chatted with his best friend and business partner, Matthew Roberts. Like most of the men attending the party, James wore a black suit. Emma smiled fondly. If he didn’t lose a few pounds, he was going to have to get a new suit. If she said anything, he’d just joke that he had the build to play Santa at the holiday party he and Matt threw each year for their employees and families. She decided to speak to his housekeeper and cook instead.

    Emma studied the two men. Her father might be rich, but he was a normal Joe: The type of man who became everyone’s favorite uncle. Her father’s laugh boomed throughout the room. Matt was much more reserved, stiff and unyielding. No one forgot that he was an important man in the community. It amazed her that the two men, each so different, still managed to be closer than most brothers.

    Her gaze swept over the third man in the group, Cameron Roberts, who was Matthew’s son. Cameron had inherited his father’s dark looks. He had the face of an angel—a fallen angel: Dark hair worn just a bit long, a tall, lean body, and a killer smile when he used it. The man was reserved, contained. He was cold, she thought, though she’d known him her entire life. She narrowed her eyes. He was also the current CEO of Browning & Roberts. His father had stepped down four years prior, and Cam stepped up.

    Up into my dream position, she thought sourly. The job I’d worked so hard for and would never be able to claim.

    She shifted her attention to the petite woman in a red sheath who was clinging to his arm like a flea on a dog. The blond bimbo giggled and rubbed herself against him as though she were his lap puppy—or a lap dancer. Emma grimaced. Cam might be smart and successful, but it wasn’t his clever mind that chose his women. That little function was centered between his legs. The man went through women the way some men smoke their cigars: A few nice inhales, and then he flicked them off as though they were nothing but ashes.

    Cam glanced over at Emma, holding her gaze with his bright aqua-green eyes framed by a fringe of thick, black lashes that most women would kill for. Immediately, her blood heated and an arrow of lust shot deep into her core. Tall, dark-haired, and broodingly handsome—he was easily the best-looking man at the party.

    He said something to his date, and then headed toward Emma. Her heart raced. Dammit, she wasn’t a silly teen infatuated with a boy five years her senior. Cameron Roberts had always been out of her reach, first by their age differences, and then by his marriage.

    Until now.

    He was divorced and free, and the two of them were pretty much equals, discounting the fact that he held the coveted seat of power. Still, she was a successful businesswoman, holding the second highest position in their company, which meant she was also an intelligent woman. So why did she still want what she couldn’t have?

    The women Cam chose were petite blondes with big boobs and no brains, which left Emma out, as she was a tall, plain Jane with boring brown hair and dirt-brown eyes. And she had a brain. She didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of attracting Cam, neither now nor ever. Disgusted that he had a hold on her that she couldn’t break, Emma lifted a haughty brow and greeted the man she both hated and loved.

    Glad you could make it, Cam. She couldn’t help the fluttering in her belly when she met his jewel-bright gaze.

    Emma, he said with a nod.

    He’d only spoken her name, but that deep, smooth-as-molasses voice, combined with those sexy bedroom eyes, was enough to send need sliding through her belly, ultimately lodging between her legs. She yearned to be the one hanging on his arm—well, okay, standing beside him, but confident that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

    She shoved her desire for the man back into the most distant corner of her heart, and fell into the safety afforded by concentrating on work.

    Heard you just got back from New York this morning, she said. Was it as bad as we feared?

    One of their manufacturing companies had been showing a steady loss of profit. Emma noted the lines around his eyes and mouth, and knew he’d put in long hours. Cam looked exhausted.

    Worse, I’m afraid. We’re going to have to make some major changes. I’m planning to send Martin to New York for a few months to oversee things. He shifted closer to Emma as two women hurried past them.

    His nearness made her heart thump. Pride kept her from backing up. Concentrate on work, she told herself. Most of the time it worked. Mostly because they had two totally opposite styles of managing, and usually argued and snipped at each other when alone. And right now, snipping was good. Anything to cool the lust slipping and sliding through her veins.

    Martin is a good choice, but his wife is pregnant. We should send Baker instead.

    Cameron shook his head as he snagged a glass of wine from one of the wait-staff. Baker doesn’t have the experience.

    Her gaze roamed the room. She didn’t dare stare at Cam. She’d never live it down if he saw in her eyes how much she wanted him. This is a good opportunity to give him the experience he needs.

    Not this time. Not with this. We need someone who knows what they’re doing. I’m afraid Martin is the only one who can handle this. His voice was firm. He turned his attention to the blond bombshell who joined them as though the matter was settled.

    Emma hated the way Cam so easily dismissed her. Typical Cam. He’d said no, and now he expected her to abide by his his decisions. She narrowed her eyes. Jerk. She’d graduated top of her class and worked her way up through the company, same as he. She was every bit as sharp-minded and business-savvy, yet he held the reins of power, not to mention that he wasn’t above pulling rank.

    Cam. She set her wine glass down on the table with a snap. She waited until she had his attention. We are not sending Martin. His wife has had two miscarriages. She pulled back her shoulders, tipped her chin, and met his narrowed gaze. Baker is single and hungry to prove himself.

    Cam’s father joined them. Looking lovely as always, Emma. He drew her in for a hug. And if you two are talking about Henry Baker, I’d have to agree. The boy’s sharp.

    Thanks, Matthew.

    His father nodded.

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