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Irreplaceable: Complete Series
Irreplaceable: Complete Series
Irreplaceable: Complete Series
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Irreplaceable: Complete Series

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About this ebook

Here, presented in one volume, are the four stories that comprise the ‘Irreplaceable’ Series, a passionate and evocative romance by Alexis Blake.

Annabel Hastings has heard a lot about Max Carter, the man who owns the company where she works. Max works from his Washington office, and although Anna’s never laid an eye on him, his reputation as a ruthless man who drives a hard bargain precedes him. Anna doesn’t need added pressure in her life, she’s got problems enough with her ex-boyfriend Jason who refuses to move out or get a job, lounging around and living off Anna’s hard work.
When Max Carter suddenly appears in Anna’s office unannounced, he turns her life upside down like a storm. Anna is immediately struck by Max’s commanding presence and undeniable sex appeal. He is also not shy about letting Anna know that he is attracted to her, if the smoldering intensity of his gray eyes wasn’t enough, he tells her flat out that he wants her – and Max Carter is a man who is used to getting what he wants.
Despite her resistance, she finds herself falling into Max’s world of sexual exploration and adventure, swept up in his irresistible mix of strength, fierceness, and tenderness. Will Anna fall into Max’s spell of seduction? And as their relationship develops, will Max allow his feelings for Anna to become deeper and more intense than he ever imagined?

This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateNov 24, 2014
Irreplaceable: Complete Series

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    Irreplaceable - Alexis Blake


    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2013 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Irreplaceable Book 1

    Anna clutched the file tighter, swallowing. She hadn’t been truly intimidated until this moment. Max's eyes narrowed and he leaned back in his chair, watching her like she was on exhibit. Her throat went dry. Max’s eyes roved over Anna’s body leisurely, as if he had all the time in the world to indulge.

    Mr. Carter. Her voice came out like a croak in protest to his penetrating glare, and her hand shook as she extended the file toward him.

    He didn't take it, and stared at her harder. Please sit down, he said.

    Anna forced herself to look away from Max’s shoulder. She wasn’t looking at his face anyway. It was too difficult to meet his stare. She dragged at the chair and it made a horrible scraping sound. She cringed. There had been no need to haul it back, but she was incredibly clumsy all of a sudden. She fell into the chair awkwardly—her usual grace a skill of the past.

    I'm sorry to bother you. But I needed to meet all my employees. As you know, I haven’t been around this office much, Max said.

    And weren’t we all glad you hadn’t. Anna forced herself to smile, and Max smiled back, his eyes almost teasing. There was a slightly flirtatious edge to his grin, and Anna wondered if this man, whom the whole office population was dreading, might be a pervert.

    She inhaled deeply, and this time placed the file firmly and confidently in front of Max. It’s very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Carter, she said clearly.

    Mhmm. Max leaned forward, his elbows resting on the large mahogany desk that had been vacant ever since Anna had joined the company. Why exactly is it nice to meet me? he asked.

    It took a moment for Anna to understand the question, and even then, she was slightly lost. I beg your pardon, she asked.

    Max grinned, his beautiful white teeth revealed between his chiseled lips. Anna’s thighs tensed in response. Damn, the man is good looking.

    So, how’s the Bunt’s Peanut Butter campaign coming along? Max asked, changing the topic.

    Phew. Finally. Something she could answer. Good, actually. The team is working on the clients’ specifications. I believe we have something that they would like.

    Great. Max closed the file without really looking at it. So what do you do in your free time?

    Shock, again. Was this really relevant? Her colleagues were right. Max was a loony. Anna had no idea what he was going to say from one minute to the next. I usually don't have much free time to indulge in any hobbies, she said.

    Still, what if you had half an hour at home? What would you be doing? Max asked.

    Anna met his eye, her brows furrowed. What was he saying? She grated her teeth. Her whole body was responding traitorously to Max’s utter sex-god appearance. His virility poured off him in floods of heat, and she was already shaken enough as it was. She didn't need all his questions. I’d probably watch TV with my boyfriend, she said.

    As soon as she said the words, Max’s expression changed. He became calm, a reluctant smile on his face. It seemed like he had gotten an answer he wasn’t expecting.

    Okay. Lazily, he rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb, and her eyes glued themselves to the sweet sight.

    Anna’s heart began to pound and her palms began to sweat. She swallowed, and almost jumped when Max swiftly offered her back the file. She stood up on legs that shook.

    Please make sure you keep me up-to-date with the development on the Bunt’s account, Max said.

    Anna nodded, trying to clear her head at the sudden dismissal. She reached out to take the file from Max’s hand. I'm just a part of the team, Mr. Carter. I believe Casey Adams would be more suitable to provide you with details on their account.

    Max refused to let the file go, and Anna was left in the awkward position of trying to free it from his grasp. Her eyes met his in question.

    I don't want Casey. I want you, he said, his voice low.

    Anna’s heart slammed against her ribcage, and her face became hot and cold at the same time. There was no mistaking his stare this time. It was so…lusty. She had never seen a man look at her like that. She abandoned the file and stepped back.

    Definitely. She walked out with her knees knocking together, and blindly found her cubicle. Sitting down, she let the rush of euphoric arousal wash off her. She clutched her head in her hands.

    What was she doing? What was Max doing? What kind of man was he? She saw Casey Adams go into the devil’s office. He'll do the same to her. He’s a pervert. Anna clenched her eyes shut.

    Great. She loved her job. She breathed for her job. It was the only thing working for her in her life, and now the devil had descended to make the office a scary place.

    Standing up to glance at the other side of her cubicle, Anna saw Mary busy on her laptop.

    Mary? Anna hissed, before walking around to her. How did the meeting with the devil go?

    The devil? Mary turned around, her soft British accent rolling off her lips. Who’s the devil?

    Anna sighed. Max Carter. How did your meeting go?

    Mary shrugged. The man's intimidating…very intimidating. But it was fine. He just asked a few questions and asked me to leave.

    What kind of questions? Like hobbies and stuff? Anna asked.

    Mary stared at her weirdly. Why would he ask me about my hobbies? He barely even looked at me. Are you high or something?

    Anna’s heart palpitations began again. He didn’t ask you what you did in your spare time?

    No. Marry chuckled, appalled, crinkling her freckle-covered nose. Then her face straightened as she noticed Anna’s serious expression. Why? Did he ask you about your hobbies?

    Anna glanced away uneasily. I think he was coming on to me.

    Are you kidding?

    No. He…he looked at me like he was…I can't really explain. Do you remember how Edward Cullen looked at Bella? That’s the look. Like he wanted to suck me dry… Anna trailed off.

    Wow! That’s…creepy, Mary said.

    Not in a bad way. You don't understand.

    But he…are you sure he was flirting with you? Did he look at you directly for a moment? It might just be the effect of those satanic gray eyes. You might be under the influence of their sexiness, Mary joked.

    Shut up, Mary. I’m serious. And he didn’t just glance at me. He impaled me with his stare. Wouldn’t look away. He didn’t even let me take my file back.


    What am I going to do now? The man's reputed to be a cold-blooded ringmaster. Now he's flirting with me. And I already have Jason’s drama to deal with at home.

    Hang on hang on. Just forget Jason for an instant, please. What did ‘the devil’ say to you that makes you think he came on to you? Mary asked, smiling cheekily.

    Anna inhaled deeply. He asked me to report back to him on the Bunt’s Peanut Butter account, and I said, Casey Adams would be more informed to do that. He said, and I quote, ‘I don't want Casey. I want you.’

    Mary’s face stilled as if someone had paused it.

    Anna slapped her arm. Mary!

    Oh my God. He said he wants you. Mary grinned. Wow, Anna. You really hit the jackpot there. You know how much money that man has?

    Shut up, Anna said, offended. I have a boyfriend. And I—

    A boyfriend you’ve left ten times already, and he's only living with you because he doesn’t have a place to stay. He's mooching off you and you let him. He's barely your boyfriend. When was the last time he fucked you?

    God, Anna hissed, glancing around. The new internee smiled guiltily at Anna. She had heard. Your accent is so pretty everyone wants to hear what you say, so please, do not assassinate my character in that voice, Anna chastised her friend.

    Mary clutched her arms. Chuck Jason out once and for all. He needs to do something for himself. As for you, move on to… She motioned toward the devil’s office. Max Carter. Mary’s

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