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Terran Talents Join Forces - Second Edition: Paladin Shadows, #5
Terran Talents Join Forces - Second Edition: Paladin Shadows, #5
Terran Talents Join Forces - Second Edition: Paladin Shadows, #5
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Terran Talents Join Forces - Second Edition: Paladin Shadows, #5

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Shara was suddenly surrounded by elements of the Galactic Peace Force; Shadows, fighter pilots and marines. Completely unprepared for what would come next, Shara's talents and new alliance with Greg threw her straight into the head-to-head fight against the slave traders.

PublisherAidan Red
Release dateNov 5, 2021
Terran Talents Join Forces - Second Edition: Paladin Shadows, #5

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    Terran Talents Join Forces - Second Edition - Aidan Red


    Terran Recruits Part 2

    Second Edition

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    A Novel by Aidan Red


    Paladin Shadows Series Book 5

    Terran Recruits; Part 2, Terran Talents Join Forces...

    Second Edition

    Second Edition Copyright © 2021 by Aidan Red

    All Rights Reserved

    Revision Date 10/25/21

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    No parts of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission from the publisher.

    This novel is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, dialogue, locations, events and plots are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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    Published by Red’s Ink and Quill, Wichita, KS

    For information on other works by Aidan Red, Science Fiction and Fiction, published or forthcoming, visit

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    eBook ISBNs: 978-1-946039-61-3

    Softcover ISBNs: 978-1-946039-62-0

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    My many thanks to my

    Second Edition editors.

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    Content Editing by Trenda London,

    Facebook: ItsYourStoryContentEditing

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    Copy Editing by Amy Jackson,

    Copy Editing and Proof Reading,

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    Cover by

    Aidan Red

    THE BEAUTIFUL RIGGS valley was suddenly changed by the rumored loss of Shara and her best friend Jill. When longtime family friend Harry Woods, knowing their loss was a ruse, picked up the leadership of the secreted slavers and began the hunt for Shara anew, and the newly assigned State Dupty began asking pointed questions about her apparent disappearance and the rumors that she was alive, Shara was again plunged into fearful turmoil. It was only her unexpected Peace Force allies, billeted in the captured slavers’ base during Greg’s absence, that gave her strength; the marines needed her Talent, and she needed their protection and secrecy to stay alive.

    Then Greg returned and her life changed forever.


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    Books by Aidan Red

    About the Author


    Monday, November 7

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    The sun was all but set, its rays slipping under the edge of the overcast, when Shara and Jill drove into Antelope Springs and turned at the main intersection. She already knew her dad was at home in his trailer as she made the left onto Dry Basin Road.

    When they turned onto the quarter-mile road, she saw her dad’s truck parked in front of the house trailer. Pulling through his open gate, she went around the yard and stopped at the barn. The horses were anxious to get out of the jostling trailer and into steady stalls.

    She had the trailer positioned and was in the barn when her dad joined them.

    Hey, Dad, she greeted with a wave as she began inspecting the first stall for rocks or other debris. When did you last use the stalls?

    Probably early summer? he answered quizzically. Don’t rightly remember. What brings you back here so soon? And with horses?

    Hello, Mr. Smallwood, Jill said, following him into the barn.

    Oh, howdy, Jill. He turned back to Shara. I thought you told me you didn’t want to be seen by anyone.

    I did, she admitted as she checked the second stall. But Great-Aunt Bernice showed up at the ranch with one of her henchmen, trying to claim the ranch.

    Shara explained what had happened, and that after her driver bolted and took off in the car, they knew it would not be long before people realized they were alive. "As for Bernice, Kiile’s marines took her away to the place where they detain and process prisoners for their wrongdoings. Greg says where they detain them is a need to know only kind of information."

    When she finished checking the stalls, she went to the trailer to start unloading the horses.

    Bernice took Nick Jordan. She found out he helped us rescue Jill, and I’m positive she had him dumped up here in a remote area of the reservation. She dropped the ramp and backed Dílis out of the trailer. Jill and I are going after him.

    What? In this weather? Henry was startled. Do you really know where to start looking?

    I know the general area.


    Southeast. Just inside the boundary somewhere around Chief Joshua Mesa. She settled Dílis in the last stall and returned to the trailer for the sorrel.

    That mesa has a face a hundred miles across.

    I know, Dad. There’s no way I can convince you that I know what we’re doing. It’s very risky, but Nick’s out there, alone and I suspect he has nothing for shelter. We have to find him before he dies. She closed the stall gate behind the sorrel.

    I can ask some of the families that live down that way to help search, Henry offered.

    That’d be nice, Shara agreed. But we’re going early in the morning. I’d go now, but I’m too tired. I need a couple hours’ sleep. There’s an overlook a few miles off the highway. I’ll leave the truck and trailer there.

    Henry did not like his daughter’s plan but also did not know what he could say to change her mind.

    Once I get in the area, I’ll know better where to look, she added as she led Danny into the first stall.

    Jill put feed in the pails and hung them in the stalls, and Shara followed with auto-heat water buckets. Once she was satisfied the horses were adequately blanketed and settled and the truck and the trailer were closed and locked, they followed Henry back to the house.

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    AS HAROLD HAS TOLD you, Harry was saying to the assembly of Elders, Judge Bernice has been captured by Bill’s son, Lieutenant Woods.

    Your great-grandson? one of the Elders asked.

    Harry nodded. Yes. He works in one of the departments under General Hilston. Actually Cryptography.

    So why did he capture Bernice? another Elder asked.

    Possibly because he was there when the judge tried to demand ownership of the two-hundred-thousand-plus-acre Smallwood-Hawkins Ranch, Harry surmised. We are not sure why she tried to seize ownership.

    Harold said Paul Hawkins was there as well, the Elder remembered, still trying to piece the facts together.

    Yes. Bernice’s timing was very poor, to say the least, Harry admitted. But what we do not know is whether she survived the fall, and if so, where they have taken her.

    That is bad, the Elder whispered to the quiet room. If she survived, you know they will interrogate her. That means they will know what Ahaar has instructed.

    Possibly, Harry admitted. I need all of you to set your people out to listen for anything that might help us learn if she is still alive and, if so, where she has been taken.

    The Elders all nodded in agreement.

    The second issue of importance, Harry continued, is that both the Smallwood girl, Shara, and the Thomas girl, Jill, are alive and in seemingly good health.

    But the Thomas girl was shipped out on the emissary’s ship, an Elder questioned. How can she be here?

    I do not know how, but she is. Harold stared at Harry and glanced at the four other men around the table.

    What will Ahaar say when he hears they are alive and here?

    I am sure he will not be happy,  Harry conceded. She may be better off where she is when he does hear. My biggest concern is when the prince finds out they are both alive. He will be most unhappy—probably more unhappy than we have ever heard.

    Are you going to call him? Harold asked.

    Yes, but not yet. Harry hesitated, thinking. I need to be sure his demand, to prepare the Families for travel, has been arranged first and that we are ready for Saturday. Then I will contact Ahaar.

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    IT WAS LAST THURSDAY when Ahaar told Bernice he would take care of Obscure and she was only to worry about moving the Reeds families, Harold was saying as Harry stopped the car in front of the small diner off Main Street in Clay. What is he going to do?

    Sunset came quickly, a short brightening through a small thinning in the overcast just before it sank behind the Western Rim Mountains as Harry switched the car off. They discussed Ahaar’s options and the reasonableness of success as they got out and walked to the small eatery.

    Any idea what he will do after that?

    No. But he has to regain his standing in front of the Traders and the prince any way he can. Harry opened the door and got out.

    Harold followed Harry into the diner and to the booth Harry spotted in the back corner of the dining area.

    Harry? Why not collect that Smallwood girl and just give her to Ahaar? He could use her to calm the prince and buy us time.

    Harry cupped his chin and stared at the table as the waiter brought glasses of water and menus.

    Bernice sent John and two others to take care of Nick Jordan, he reminded himself softly in a low whisper. When they get back, we will make plans. It is a good idea. Maybe we collect them both and salvage our position.

    Harold smiled and glanced at the menu.

    It will take some planning, though, he continued. We had a lot of trouble catching her before, numerous failed attempts, and when Bernice did have her, she somehow got Bradley Jenkins to help her escape. Even the poisoning did not work!

    I see your point, Harold admitted. No one has seen her around town or the college. She did not come back to her campus job or her classes, but they were at the ranch when Judge Bernice and I went. They must be hiding there.

    Obviously. Send someone to be certain they are actually there, and gather a group that can react quickly when we are ready to collect them.

    I will get someone to go.

    Harry decided on what he wanted from the menu. In the meantime, we will get the families gathered up as Ahaar demanded.


    Tuesday, November 8

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    The sun was still hiding behind the eastern horizon when Shara Smallwood stopped the hauler and trailer at the Chief Joshua mesa overlook, fifteen miles south of the main highway through the Antelope Mesas Indian Reservation. Over the early morning hours the wind had slackened off to a small gale, but the good part was that it had blown most of the snow off the higher points of the barren landscape before it diminished.

    Under slowly brightening, clear starry skies, she and Jill Thomas unloaded the horses and secured the two supply packs on Dílis, one on either side of the saddle. Once they tied their personal packs across the back of their own saddles, Shara locked the trailer and the hauler.

    Okay, Jill. She jumped up to catch the stirrup and swung herself into Danny’s saddle. Give me a minute. Pulling her hood up over her head, she zipped her coat tight.

    As Jill mounted the sorrel, Shara turned southeast to study the dark expanse of Chief Joshua Mesa, a backdrop to the rugged valley hidden in darkness stretching across its feet. She closed her eyes and listened to the quiet carried on the wind, pushing her senses to feel the emptiness.

    When she opened her eyes and turned to Jill, she realized Jill had been quietly watching her.

    Anything? Jill asked.

    Yes, there’s someone, possibly more than one, but I can’t tell if it’s Nick. She looked back at the expanse, then took her glove off and reached over to Jill. Take your glove off and hold my hand.

    What? My glove? Jill stared at her. It’s cold out here.

    Jill, I’m making this up as I go, she tried to explain. I can’t tell if I’m feeling Nick. Take my hand and think of Nick.

    Reluctantly, Jill shed her glove, took Shara’s hand, and thought about Nick like she asked.

    Shara closed her eyes and felt again. This time one of the sensations seemed to have more of an identity. She opened her eyes and realized she had seen two sets; the single was to her right of the other set, but she was not certain how far across the valley they were.

    Jill was again watching her when she stopped.

    I think your input helped. Shara glanced back at the vista and nodded. I’m sure he’s there, but there are also others in the area.


    Yeah. I don’t know who they are, but there are two groups. One is a single and the other seems like three. The single was different with your contact.

    Jill looked across the valley, trying to see what Shara saw.

    By the way, do you have the Greymns? Shara asked as she checked the Kaasprs in her own coat pockets.


    Yes. Shara smiled. Greg told me to never let my guard down. So I won’t.

    Yeah, I do, Jill finally admitted, then smiled back. Do you know which way we need to go?

    Yup. Shara pointed across the valley toward the appropriate area, then tugged on Dílis’s lead. We’ll check again after we’ve gone a ways, she added for Jill’s sake, knowing now she could check without stopping.

    With Jill beside her and Dílis in tow, they started down the trail into the rugged valley.

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    Range? Stran asked softly, absently sounding as if he were trying to not be heard.


    Any pings?


    Stran was puzzled. Not being cloaked indicated serious damage.

    Can you give me a visual? High magnification.

    STSX activated the visual and the image floated between the cushioned chair and the wall of the pilot’s compartment. A small orange circle illuminated near the center of the screen.

    Stran studied the circle as they approached, and slowly the skewed shape of a Q-Ship began to coalesce. Stran pulled the thrust levers back and watched the distorted image as they quickly approached Q-KKLC14, realizing there was a portion of the Q-Ship separated from the bulk of the ship.

    We are cloaked?


    Normal magnification. Range?


    Not yet. Full scan of our surroundings. I have a feeling.


    That doesn’t seem right. If they were attacked and not destroyed, there’s a reason. Do you have the Mark Twenty-Five maintenance access codes?


    Broadcast the code and see if anything lights up.

    STSX complied and instantly three blips popped up on the scan.


    You have that right.

    Stran studied the three-dimensional map STSX provided.

    Okay. I’ll position us just above KKLC14.

    Stran maneuvered STSX, rolling him so the tops of the two ships faced each other, making small corrections as they slid slowly into position. He noted KKLC’s right engine cluster was broken away from the right pylon, restrained only by electrical harnesses and mechanical cables. The pylon was seriously darkened and the structure shredded by the explosion that separated the engine cluster.

    Align the optical ports.

    STSX made additional corrections until they were in position above KKLC14.

    Open the Link.


    Major Kooich. STSX1 is in position to assist. Status? Stran announced softly into the cockpit.

    A moment passed and he repeated his hail.

    Stran? The feeble question filled his cockpit. Where are you?

    Five feet above you, inverted to secure optical communications. What is your status?

    KKLC14 is unable to maneuver.

    Got that. How are you two doing?

    Leeana is hurt and in Medical. I am okay. We have life support and some defensive power.

    Stran thought a minute. Do you have power to cloak?

    Only for a short time. If normal power is reinstated, KKLC tells me we only have a few pars of life support.

    Stran turned to STSX. Can you clamp onto KKLC so we can carry them out of here?


    Hench, I am thinking of carrying you out of here, but there are three vultures waiting for us to show our intentions. Maneuvering will be limited until they are dealt with.

    What can we do to help?

    Nothing at the moment. STSX will roll us over and settle on top of KKLC14. When settled, he will clamp us together, Stran explained, preparing him for the jolt when STSX connected with KKLC14. How bad is Leeana?

    Broken arm and broken ribs. She was out of her chair when we were hit. Medical can fix the arm, but it’s having trouble with the ribs. It says some organs have been punctured.


    STSX rolled upright relative to KKLC14 and extended its landing struts. The clunk was loud as STSX settled and secured the mechanical connection between them.

    Stran slowly swung STSX around to face the nearest blip, watching the errant engine cluster as they turned. Okay, Major. STSX will slowly accelerate us out of here. I need you to power up and cloak for just a little while.

    I hope you don’t need cloaking for very long, Major Kooich replied. Cloaking coming up.

    Ah. Stran watched the scanner screen. They saw you cloak and are starting to come our way.


    I’m hoping we can take out the first one and buy a little space between us and the second two.

    STSX slowly accelerated toward the incoming target.

    STSX, any ID?


    Aah, Knobaal. Not Kyddellan. They seemed to have elicited a fight with the prince’s Royal Guard. I’m impressed. Fire a full forward turret volley when he wavers. It’s all yours.

    A few seconds passed before STSX decided they were at the right range and dropped their cloaking. Almost instantly the fighter reacted and dropped its cover in surprise, preparing to fire. STSX fired first and the fighter disappeared in a brilliant, boiling cloud of flame and smoke.

    Stran accelerated STSX and KKLC through the dissipating cloud and into the open space beyond.

    Hench, status? Can you stay cloaked for a few more centipars, maybe twenty?

    We’ll stay covered.

    STSX continued on the same heading, watching the second and third targets as they began to follow, deriving their course from KKLC’s last known positions.

    STSX, fake engine troubles. Emit a distorted ion trail. Give them something to follow besides KKLC’s shimmer.

    STSX complied and they watched the fighters as they closed the distance between them.

    Major Kooich, are you tracking the fighters?

    Yes. How did you get them to light up?

    An old trick. As long as they are following us, I cannot take you back to base. We have to take them out and get you a better power solution.

    KKLC can give you a couple of cannon shots before cloaking is toast.

    Save your energy. We’ll handle the shooting, Stran declared, then turned his attention back to the fighters. STSX, what’s your assessment?


    Thrust to idle. Jink us to the right, off the centerline about a tenth of a click. Hold us broadside to the follower and roll us away fifteen degrees to give all three turrets a clear shot.

    Stran watched the screen as the fighter passed the end of the ion trail and slowed to see if it could detect its prey. STSX slewed around to keep the fighter broadside, and when it was just past, stern toward them, STSX dropped cover and released a volley of four from each of the three turrets.

    Again, the fighter was instantly transformed into a boiling cloud of fire and smoke.

    STSX, translate us down. Push KKLC down about a half a click. Do you have a range on the third?


    Stran slipped out of his chair and down to the lower deck. He quickly donned an extravehicular suit and returned to the central chamber.

    STSX, seal the chamber. I’m taking two Mark Fifteen cloaking transmitters outside.

    I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST THIS, STSX admonished, his voice filling the suit’s helmet.

    STSX, seal the chamber and open the belly portal.

    After a momentary pause the inner door sealed, the floor of the chamber irised open, and Stran slowly descended into the void between the two ships. He double-checked the tether as he hooked it to his utility belt and hurriedly worked his way to the nose of KKLC14. After he secured the Mark Fifteen, he turned and glanced in through the cockpit canopy. He could see Hench in Leeana’s chair in the nav-com compartment. STSX reeled him back to the belly portal and then let him work his way aft to KKLC’s rear portal.


    Activate the Mark Fifteens. Tell Major Kooich he can disable cloaking. Do you think we can fool the third one?


    My thoughts exactly. Push us down another half a click.


    STSX, reel me back to the portal and push!

    Stran was instantly plastered against STSX’s belly as the push began and the tether slowly pulled him toward the open portal.

    Release the power umbilical access.

    When he stopped beside the portal, Stran opened the skin access panel and grabbed the umbilical inside. He pulled the heavy insulated cable from the receptacle, waited until STSX reduced thrust, then pushed the plug into the maintenance socket in KKLC’s upper skin.

    STSX, what is the third doing?


    Stran pulled himself back to the portal and opened a panel to an external storage bin. Track him with the top and stern turrets. When you feel the range and position are right, give him a volley from both. I’ve got to secure that engine cluster while I am outside.

    He grabbed two coiled straps with ratcheted take-ups and worked his way out onto KKLC14’s right pylon. He had just hooked the first strap onto the engine cluster’s torn pylon stub when KKLC shuddered and STSX’s aft and top turrets fired into the darkness.


    Good shooting, STSX, he remarked absently as he stretched the strap back to the torn main pylon and pulled up the slack.

    With a strap on the top and the bottom of the engine cluster, pulled taut and tied off, Stran let STSX reel him back to the belly portal. He drifted inside and STSX sealed the portal beneath him.

    Take a heading ninety degrees to our previous course—Stran hung the suit back in its rack—elevation of your choice. Use the maintenance codes and watch for any others. Once you’re sure no one is following, set a course back to the maintenance docks. Tell Major Kooich he has internal power and that we are underway.

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    SHARA AND JILL HAD reached the bottom of the first great cliff below the outlook when Shara pulled Danny to a stop. Jill eased up beside

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