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Spiritual Warfare-A Guide To Spiritual Fitness For the Battle: A 31 Day Devotional
Spiritual Warfare-A Guide To Spiritual Fitness For the Battle: A 31 Day Devotional
Spiritual Warfare-A Guide To Spiritual Fitness For the Battle: A 31 Day Devotional
Ebook53 pages48 minutes

Spiritual Warfare-A Guide To Spiritual Fitness For the Battle: A 31 Day Devotional

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About this ebook

This thirty one day devotional is written for those who have a desire to 'Get real with God' and who desire to 'Stand in the Gap' in the realm of Spiritual Warfare. The author was saved out of an occult background, has served as a soldier and has been a pastor for more than thirty years. This devotional is the distilled result of

PublisherCaracal Books
Release dateMay 8, 2015
Spiritual Warfare-A Guide To Spiritual Fitness For the Battle: A 31 Day Devotional

Greg Hibbins

Greg has worked with children and young people for most of his life. Greg is an experienced educationalist, and has the ability to take almost any concept and make it age related. For more than three decades Greg has held students enthralled with his fast moving stories. For years, past students have been pestering him to put the stories into print, so finally he has. Greg is a gifted speaker who has spoken at many different types of events. Greg has a passion to see people develop to their full potential. Greg runs a number of developmental programmes to assist people to discover who they, are and then develops their natural strengths. Greg has been a soldier, pastor, head-teacher, honourary ranger and developmental consultant.This wide range of life skills, gives him the ability to speak on a broad range of subjects and issues. Greg's hobbies are his family, people, shooting, fishing, history and growing roses. After living in Africa for many years, Greg now lives in the UK. Greg has been married for thirty three years to the most amazing woman, Glenys, and has two adult children and four grand children, who keep him young and busy.

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    Book preview

    Spiritual Warfare-A Guide To Spiritual Fitness For the Battle - Greg Hibbins

    ©Dr Greg Hibbins 2015-Caracal Books. All Rights Reserved.


    This thirty one day devotional is written for those who have a desire to ‘Get real with God’ and who desire to ‘Stand in the Gap’ in the realm of Spiritual Warfare.

    The author was saved out of an occult background, has served as a soldier and has been a pastor for more than thirty years.

    This devotional is the distilled result of years of front line spiritual warfare.

    It is the seasoned spiritual warrior, passing on the ‘MUST KNOW’ to the next generation.

    The objective is simple; empower the existing and coming generations with their personal spiritual fitness plan, which will equip them to stand and be victorious. 

    DAY 1.

    2 Timothy 2:3-6 (NASB)

    ³ Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. ⁴ No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.

    What a statement, that we are soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ! What does it really mean to be a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ?

    For the next 30 days we will explore what this statement really means and give you the basic tools that you need to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

    John 3:3 says, unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. The first step to becoming a soldier of Jesus Christ, is repenting of your sins, accepting, in faith, Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and allowing Him to cleanse you from all your sins. This is done by praying the sinner’s prayer which is as follows.

    Dear Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and today in faith accept you as my personal Saviour and put my trust in You and your finished work on the cross. From today, I promise to follow You and Your Word as I begin my new life in Christ. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me

    DAY 2.

    Romans 10:17 (NASB)

    ¹⁷ So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ.

    So here we go, you’re in the army now, and that means a change in your life. As a new soldier, one of the first things that happens is that you go along and get ‘kitted out’. You get a uniform, equipment and all the things that you need to do your job as a soldier. As a new Christian soldier your most vital

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