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Love and Romance in the Christian Marriage
Love and Romance in the Christian Marriage
Love and Romance in the Christian Marriage
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Love and Romance in the Christian Marriage

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While God created us equal, most Christian married couples do not succeed because everyone wants to be an equal. Married couples have devised their marriages on equality. They have forgotten the Word of God, thereby forgetting what role they play. Are you equal in love and romance? Are you the man wanting to be the woman or are you the woman wanting to be the man. God has given us His word for our guide. God’s word makes us accountable for the truth and for being who we are as husbands and as wives. We are to seek God for the betterment of our lives.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 3, 2021
Love and Romance in the Christian Marriage

Frankie Simmons

Frankie W. Simmons is a prophetess, preacher, teacher, and psalmist of the gospel. She is an author and song writer. She has acquired a masters and doctrine degree in theology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling. Her whole purpose is to do the will of God. She resides with her husband, John in South Carolina.

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    Love and Romance in the Christian Marriage - Frankie Simmons

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-4684-3 (sc)

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/15/2021





    Love and Romance

    Submission and Rejection in Marriage

    Who Are You and What Are You Doing?

    Loving Your Mate Unconditionally

    When to Romance Your Mate

    Respect between Husband and Wife




    To my beloved husband John, affectionately known by some as J. D. who have stuck with me through thick and thin, good and bad times. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for your patience, your encouragement and for your unconditional love you have given me.


    To my parents, Rufus and Dorothy Wilson. Who have gone to be with the Lord but for all of their love, support and prayers. Thank you.


    To God be all the glory and honor now and forever.

    Bishop S. Watkins – It was under his leadership and his teaching whereby I was taught the word of God.

    Mark Deman - for giving me an opportunity to touch nations.

    Cemon’ White and Sucesse Shackleford – who constantly remind me that I am a Proverbs 31 Woman.

    Claudella Smith and Karen Scott – my friend and sisters for their prayers, inspiration and encouragement.


    Marriage today is certainly different from marriages hundreds of years ago or even fifty years ago. Most of our lives we have heard the terms, you cannot buy love; love is more than things and having sex is not love. When we marry, we marry for love, for the good and the bad, in sickness and in health. We did not marry with a contract of conditions that states, me first. Most marriage do not succeed because everyone wants to be equal. God created us all equal but, He did not formulate marriage on equality Acts 17:25-28. But no one wants to submit. Marriage has changed from being monopolized by the husband to being shared with the wife, although the rule for marriage goes unchanged. We have forgotten the word.

    There is no equality in love and romance, but only respect, honor, reverence and love. There are many things, that couples say to one another that begins to dim the light in their marriage. Many Christian married couples devise their marriages on equality. They forget who they are and their image begins to change from a beautiful woman to a quarrelsome woman; and from the figurative of Christ to a yes man, a man with no authority in his home. You never know a person fully when you say I do. You just expect great things in your marriage but how can you when you have overlooked the presentation. We must believe the word of God faithfully as it is for our life.

    Love and Romance

    L ove and romance is a process that grows from level to level in any marriage. As we mature in our marriage it brings with it different events and opportunities. Our lives are always revealing something new all the time. We never know a person fully when you say I do. We just expect great things in our marriage but sometimes we overlook the presentation. Proverbs 5:20 says, and why will thou, my son be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger? II Corinthians 6:14 says, be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship have with righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness We forget the word of God, thereby forgetting what role we play and who we are. We must go back to the basic rule of God. We must believe the word of God for what it is, do not add to it or take away from it.

    We have to be careful not to allow the cares of this world to desensitize us to what we know as truth. Christians have accepted whatever the world denotes is normal and have switch roles, but truth is always present however, we must want to know it, we must want

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