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A Book of Intercessions: For Use in the Anglican Church at the Service of Holy Communion on Sunday Mornings
A Book of Intercessions: For Use in the Anglican Church at the Service of Holy Communion on Sunday Mornings
A Book of Intercessions: For Use in the Anglican Church at the Service of Holy Communion on Sunday Mornings
Ebook93 pages49 minutes

A Book of Intercessions: For Use in the Anglican Church at the Service of Holy Communion on Sunday Mornings

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About this ebook

The prayers in this book are designed to fulfill the requirements for Intercessions during the Anglican Sunday morning Holy Communion Service, with the addition of some prayers for special occasions (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Mothering Sunday, Remembrance Sunday, etc.).

There are sections for each season of the Church Year. Every section contains a template that can be used by Intercessors to insert their unique reflections. Also, they can select from the range of prayers that are provided or insert prayers of their own choice, if they wish.

This book is offered to Intercessors with deep humility and provides a means of helping them to focus their thoughts and make their prayers to God as dedicated and meaningful as possible, for themselves and on behalf of the congregation.
Release dateNov 3, 2021
A Book of Intercessions: For Use in the Anglican Church at the Service of Holy Communion on Sunday Mornings

Keith Stonier

Dr. Keith Stonier taught in UK schools for thirty-three years, including eighteen-and-a-half years as a head teacher. This was followed by twelve years in departments attached to Derby University with the honorary title, principal university lecturer. He continues to teach and work with students online. He has written twelve academic articles for journals and edited an adult readability book (for students with learning difficulties). His first published book, Inspirational Ideas (Authorhouse 2009, second edition), received critical praise in the journal Education Today, vol. sixty-one, no. four. He is a regular reviewer for the British Journal of Learning Disabilities.

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    A Book of Intercessions - Keith Stonier

    A Book of Intercessions

    For use in the Anglican Church at the Service of Holy

    Communion on Sunday mornings

    Keith Stonier


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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/03/2021

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    The Seasons of the Church Year

    Calendar of the Church Year

    Prayerful Thoughts (Things to pray for)

    Intercessions for ADVENT


    Prayers to choose

    Intercessions for Christmas Eve

    Intercessions for CHRISTMAS

    Intercessions for Christmas Day


    Prayers to choose

    Intercessions for EPIPHANY


    Prayers to choose

    Intercessions for ORDINARY TIME – before LENT


    Prayers to choose

    Intercessions for LENT


    Prayers to choose

    Intercessions for HOLY WEEK

    Intercessions for Palm Sunday

    Intercessions for EASTER


    Prayers to choose

    Prayers for Ascension Day

    Intercessions for ORDINARY TIME


    Prayers to choose


    The word intercession has a number of meanings. In the broadest sense, it describes the process of interceding, or intervening, to an authority on behalf of others. The religious interpretation goes further as this relates to the actions of praying to God personally and as a spokesperson for other people. Prayers of intercession can address wide issues concerning the connection between the Almighty and believers. Also, the Intercessor may invite God to show His mercy in a more detailed way by citing a special need; for example, the plight of a person or group of people. The Intercessor appeals to God personally, in addition to occupying the intermediary position of praying as a representative of the congregation.

    The intercessions in this book are designed to fulfil the requirements of the Anglican Church Year during the Sunday morning Holy Communion Service, together with some for special occasions. However, they can be adapted for other services. All have been tried and tested by being used in Church settings over a long period of time. The structure reflects the seasons of the Church Year, beginning with Advent. Two periods of ‘ordinary time’ are included. The first of these covers the anticipation of Lent and the second the full period of Trinity, ending with preparations for the time of Advent again.

    With the exception of Holy Week, every section begins with a template; that is, a standard form for the prayers in that part of the book. Holy Week is treated as an exception by having only one Sunday morning Service (Palm Sunday), with no template required as Easter Sunday is included within the full season of Easter, following. Also, Intercessions for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Whit Sunday (Pentecost) are provided separately from the templates. All of the templates differ slightly from each other and have gaps in the text indicated by empty lines, where the Intercessor can insert topical pleas to God, for example concerning the problems of the world and the names of the sick and deceased. These are the items that help to define the unique character of the Intercessions offered by any one person.

    This mark indicates the relevant places in the text where prayers can

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