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Discernment: How Do Your Emotions Affect Moral Decision-Making?
Discernment: How Do Your Emotions Affect Moral Decision-Making?
Discernment: How Do Your Emotions Affect Moral Decision-Making?
Ebook142 pages2 hours

Discernment: How Do Your Emotions Affect Moral Decision-Making?

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Introducing "Discernment: How Your Emotions Influence Moral Decision-Making"

Are you ready to navigate life's choices with clarity and confidence? Unlock the power of discernment with this groundbreaking book by Dan Desmarques. In a world of constant change and uncertainty, the ability to make sound decisions is essential. This thought-provoking guide reveals the secrets to understanding how emotions shape our moral decision-making process and provides practical tools for honing the art of discernment.

In "Discernment: How Your Emotions Influence Moral Decision-Making," Dan Desmarques takes you on a journey to discover the hidden truths that lie beneath surface appearances. Through insightful insights, you'll learn to break free from external influences and chart your own course. By cultivating discernment, you can gain a profound understanding of yourself, empowering you to reach higher goals and overcome life's challenges.

Imagine feeling confident and resolute in your choices, unshaken by doubt or fear. With enhanced discernment, you'll effortlessly make decisions that align with your deepest values. This book provides a practical framework for gaining clarity amidst complex decisions, breaking free from external control, unlocking hidden potential, and embracing new opportunities.

Key themes and benefits of "Discernment: How Your Emotions Influence Moral Decision-Making" include:

- Understanding the correlation between emotions and moral choices

- Cultivating discernment for personal growth and self-discovery

- Gaining clarity amidst complexity and conflicting information

- Living an authentic life free from external control

- Unlocking hidden potential and embracing new opportunities

- Overcoming doubt and fear to make confident decisions

- Exploring the connection between discernment, faith, and personal fulfillment

With Dan Desmarques's guidance, you'll traverse the path to enhanced discernment through knowledge, introspection, and real-life examples. Whether you're seeking truth, exploring spirituality, or simply longing for more control over your life's direction, "Discernment: How Your Emotions Influence Moral Decision-Making" offers the tools you need to thrive.

Don't wait any longer to step into your full potential. Buy "Discernment: How Your Emotions Influence Moral Decision-Making" today and embark on a transformative adventure towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Take action now – Get "Discernment: How Your Emotions Influence Moral Decision-Making" and start your journey towards clarity and empowerment.

Publisher22 Lions
Release dateAug 11, 2021
Discernment: How Do Your Emotions Affect Moral Decision-Making?

Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques is a twenty-one-times Amazon bestselling author with five titles ranking as no.1. He has been awarded in multiple areas — as an entrepreneur, business consultant, lecturer, graphic designer and music composer. His background experience includes being a university lecturer on the topics of academic writing, creative writing, pedagogy, economy, entrepreneurship and success skills, teaching both college lecturers, future high school teachers and science students. He is also the owner of 22 Lions Publishing and Alienexed Records. As a ghostwriter, he has been the author of more than 300 titles, and as a musician, he has produced more than 600 musical tracks. His work was featured on Voice of America, MTV Music Television, Netflix, Sky One, and various national radios and podcasts. More information at

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    Book preview

    Discernment - Dan Desmarques

    Chapter 1 - Understanding the Social Chaos

    It takes a while for us to know others but also to know ourselves.

    We often think that we will get to know ourselves through others, but all that this process does is convince us that we are what others see. And such a conclusion neglects the eternity of our spirit.

    Truly, it is easier to know oneself than it is to know others. And yet, we can hardly know ourselves, except through others.

    This said, it is not as important what we think of ourselves, as how we perceive ourselves through the eyes and discernment of others.

    Nobody likes to be disrespected, humiliated, or insulted in any way, because we inherently believe in our immortality as a soul, and we need our dignity to evolve. This is what makes us a big family. We all need each other. Nobody is better than anyone else.

    The prophet needs his followers to get his message delivered and absorbed by the culture of the society, and society needs its artists and scholars to help in the transition from the very high to the very low.

    We call that methodology education but it is actually the art of indoctrinating in the forms and repetitions that we may never understand.

    The books that we create and use to communicate those higher truths are the tools of transition, from the foolishness to the clarity of mind and actions — the efficiency that leads us, like a boat in a storm of ignorance, to where we want and need to go.

    In this path that takes us through terra incognita, some cultures prove themselves more fertile than others, to help us grow and become more who we are destined to be. But my journeys through the world have shown me that not always are the best places to be those we could expect, for historical or geographical reasons.

    The Balkan peninsula has surprised me in a very positive manner, for the politeness of its people, and the relaxing feeling one gets from the culture. And this, despite all the wars they faced throughout their history.

    In recent times, after experiencing living in the city center of many famous countries, I came to the conclusion that areas that are near parks and far from the busy centers are better for my mind and emotional stability.

    I may not experience so much chaos as those in the city centers, but quite a lot of this chaos is actually a void of self-centered minds that tend to replicate their own expectations.

    We often attract more easily what others expect for themselves when among many people. In this sense, highly populated city centers, are great for promiscuity, mistakes, insults, crime, and anger. You know, everything people absorb from movies, because they rarely think for themselves, and care more about entertainment, even when it comes in the form of brainwashing propaganda.

    This is why you can't really know yourself in the middle of social chaos. If anything, it is better to allow oneself to surrender to nature because nature brings us closer to our spiritual self.

    When I sit in front of a lake, relaxing, I get more results than I would in a whole day looking at people passing by, or even if I talked to most of them. I also feel happier.

    Talking to most people these days depresses me so much, that I often lose the motivation and capacity to write.

    You see, whatsoever you want to do, requires certain mental patterns, and those mental patterns are the software you use to create the program — the active work.

    Work shapes our thinking but so do our interactions. If what you do creates a wider gap with society, pushing yourself into society will cause patterns — needed to do something that society isn't interested in doing, such as creating something useful and outside the norms —, to break apart in you.

    Many may disagree and say that it depends on whom we meet and interact with. But to them, I say: Good luck in finding someone that doesn't match the rest of society in the middle of society.

    Chapter 2 - The Problem with Social Expectations

    The greatest challenge of the artist is to bridge that which is unrelated to society with society itself, and then bring the very high to the very low, by merging two opposing realities. This is why artists are so important in the world.

    A writer that can’t do this is a very bad writer.

    I have met many of such writers. They think they are very important because nobody understands them and nobody is interested in what they write. They think that makes them superior.

    What should I then conclude of them, when they meet me? I wrote more than four hundred books, and many of them wrote one, but assume they are more important than me.

    What should we call that? Delusion? Insanity? Intellectual stupidity?

    You see, a person may have a Ph.D. or Masters Degree, or some other fancy academic title, and be very proficient in debating art and literature, but that doesn’t make him or her a genius or an interesting person.

    I remember when once I attended a meeting for writers, and they asked me:

    What are you writing lately?

    It is like asking a lion: What are you hunting lately?

    Could someone be more of a writer than I am? Would I be more visible to them if I wrote a thousand books? Probably, I would be more transparent than I was that day.

    Most people are blind, and they think that being experts in the darkness, makes them enlightened.

    The ignorant one in the dark is as ignorant as the intellectual sharing the same space. Both are in the dark.

    Isn’t the schizophrenic that can’t read, as mentally ill as the one who was once a professor? Aren’t they both equally sick? So why do we think that the intellectual ignorant is better than the non-intellectual ignorant? Aren’t they both ignorant?

    Most people can’t see the difference because they are focused on appearances, but they see only what they think they know and they know very little to nothing.

    I could have taught a lot to those writers but because they could not see anything, they could not hear either. They lost a great opportunity to learn how to write better and faster.

    Instead, they focused on non-sense, and then proceeded to tell me about the exercises they do in the group to write better.

    I never talked to any of them again, and never again attended those meetings.

    That’s what happens when you disrespect the opportunities life gives you. The opportunities leave you to join someone else that deserves them.

    When I talk about opportunities, as you can see here, I am referring to everything you attract — in the form of people, ideas, knowledge, money, love, and anything else you can think or imagine.

    God loves those who are mindful of him;

    Love comes to those who respect it;

    Money is attracted by those who want it;

    Knowledge is abundant in the mind of the ones who want to learn.

    But what do most people do?

    They force their religious ideas on God and expect Him to fulfill them;

    They put love before their selfish needs;

    They ignore money;

    They read with the expectation that the book will show what they believe, and reject the author when he proves them wrong.

    What is the result of all that?

    People love their religion but can’t understand why God ignores their prayers;

    They behave in their marriage as if their house is a battlefield and say the opposite gender is the enemy;

    They complain they work a lot but can’t get out of scarcity;

    They read plenty but change nothing in their life, and say that their favorite authors are the ones who confirm that what they think is true.

    Imagine if, instead of prolific writer arriving at a meeting with unsuccessful writers, you had God in human form coming to a religious congregation, willing to fulfill the desires of everyone and answer any of their questions. Do you think they would listen?

    They wouldn’t, even if he could levitate. They would say it’s a demon.

    That’s what happens to me when I speak too much. I’m either labeled psychotic or demonically possessed.

    Chapter 3 - How Stereotypes Create Fools

    Many of our best opportunities in life come unexpectedly but that doesn’t make them less important than the ones we work hard to find.

    Among such opportunities, the most interesting are related to those who find my books by chance, read them, learn a lot, but then search for me, and assume that I am a being of a low vibration.

    They actually think, after learning from me, that I am inferior to them.

    If the person who elevates them with a book is inferior to them, what does that say about their state of mind?

    Would you say that the mechanic that fixes your car is less qualified than you? And if yes, why don’t you fix it yourself?

    Would you say that the expert that fixes your computer knows less than you about computers? If the answer is yes, why do you ask him to fix it?

    Quite a lot of people, read my books, learn a lot from my writing, and then tell me:

    I don’t think you apply what you write.

    I don’t think you are spiritually evolved.

    I don’t think you can write those books.

    That’s called stereotypes. They want their idea

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