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Deception: When Everything You Know about God is Wrong
Deception: When Everything You Know about God is Wrong
Deception: When Everything You Know about God is Wrong
Ebook27 pages16 minutes

Deception: When Everything You Know about God is Wrong

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Are you tired of feeling like something is missing from your spiritual life? Do you ever wonder if the religion you've been following is based on lies? Prepare to have your mind blown as you discover the truth about God in "Deception: When Everything You Know about God is Wrong."
In this eye-opening book, author Dan Desmarques reveals the shocking reality behind the deception that has plagued religion for centuries. Through personal anecdotes and insightful analysis, Dan Desmarques explores how Christians and other religious groups have become corrupted and unintentionally misled millions of people.
But fear not, because "Deception" doesn't aim to leave you disillusioned or lost. Instead, it guides you towards the real truth, helping you break free from the chains of deception and find genuine spiritual fulfillment.
By reading this book, you will gain direct access to the truth that has been deliberately hidden from you. Discover why so many lives seem chaotic and devoid of purpose, despite countless prayers and religious rituals. Dan Desmarques explains how understanding this truth can transform your life, setting you on a path towards clarity, peace, and real spiritual connection.
Unlike other religious books that promote blind faith, "Deception" empowers you to explore your own existence, become more religious, and deepen your spiritual practice. Dan Desmarques invites you to challenge the status quo and embark on a journey of self-discovery, where you can uncover the real teachings of God.
With its engaging storytelling, heartfelt narrative, and thought-provoking insights, "Deception" is a must-read for anyone seeking a more meaningful and authentic spiritual experience. Let go of the lies and embrace the truth that God has been longing for you to discover.
Are you ready to break free from deception? Don't wait any longer. Take the first step towards a truly enlightened life by ordering your copy of "Deception" today.
Key Features:
- Reveals the truth behind religious deception and corruption
- Offers personal anecdotes and examples for a relatable reading experience
- Guides readers towards genuine spiritual connection and fulfillment
- Promotes self-discovery and questioning of religious norms
- Engaging storytelling and heartfelt narrative
- A thought-provoking and enlightening exploration of God's teachings
- Empowers readers to break free from deception and embrace the truth

Publisher22 Lions
Release dateAug 11, 2021
Deception: When Everything You Know about God is Wrong

Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques is a twenty-one-times Amazon bestselling author with five titles ranking as no.1. He has been awarded in multiple areas — as an entrepreneur, business consultant, lecturer, graphic designer and music composer. His background experience includes being a university lecturer on the topics of academic writing, creative writing, pedagogy, economy, entrepreneurship and success skills, teaching both college lecturers, future high school teachers and science students. He is also the owner of 22 Lions Publishing and Alienexed Records. As a ghostwriter, he has been the author of more than 300 titles, and as a musician, he has produced more than 600 musical tracks. His work was featured on Voice of America, MTV Music Television, Netflix, Sky One, and various national radios and podcasts. More information at

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    Deception - Dan Desmarques

    Copyright Page

    Deception: When Everything You Know about God is Wrong

    By Dan Desmarques

    Copyright © Dan Desmarques, 2019 (1st Ed.). All Rights Reserved.

    Published by 22 Lions Bookstore and Publishing House

    About the Publisher

    About the 22 Lions Bookstore:


    What if everything you believed to be true was a lie? What if the only reason why it seems that religion has failed on you, is because you have been hearing lies that do not match the real God? What if the truth has been remaining hidden from you on purpose? And what if you could forgive yourself for being deceived? What if you could change your life by getting access to the real truth? For this is what this book proposes you, while answering all these questions. Here, you will obtain a direct guidance filled with personal examples, on how christians and many other religious groups are corrupted and end up corrupting others along the way, pushing them further away from the truth that God wishes everyone to know. This truth is so important, that without it, you will never know why the life of so many seems so chaotic and without a positive end, despite all the prayers and dedication to rituals of various nature. In fact, if you wish to become more religious, this book can help you correct your practice towards this truth, while avoiding being deceived as so many others have been. For this is the truth that God wishes you to access through your own existence, with your own awareness and ethics, and not just a blind faith.

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