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The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Detachment but Nobody Had the Courage to Tell You
The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Detachment but Nobody Had the Courage to Tell You
The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Detachment but Nobody Had the Courage to Tell You
Ebook37 pages34 minutes

The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Detachment but Nobody Had the Courage to Tell You

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Unlock the Hidden Secrets: The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction Revealed

Are you tired of the law of attraction not working for you, even though you put in the effort? Have you ever wondered why it fails to manifest your desires, especially for those who are spiritual, loving, and deserving? The answer lies in the dark side of the law of attraction—something that nobody had the courage to tell you... until now.
In "The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Detachment but Nobody Had the Courage to Tell You," we delve deep into the unexplored territory of what truly holds us back from harnessing the power of attraction. You'll discover profound insights and uncomfortable truths that are often kept hidden from the public.
As you explore this book, you'll realize that the law of attraction is not as simple as it seems. It is intricately intertwined with the law of vibration, which is influenced by various factors that shape our identity and determine our life choices. Whether it's love or rejection, understanding how these factors impact our reality is crucial to unlocking the full potential of the law of attraction.
With this comprehensive guide, you'll uncover the secrets of the law of detachment, an essential element that is often overlooked. Just as yin cannot exist without yang, you won't truly understand the intricacies of the law of attraction without delving into the law of detachment. By integrating these principles into your life, you'll discover how to manifest your desires and reshape your reality.
"The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction" offers a second chance to those who have previously tried manifesting their dreams and felt disappointed. It unveils the truths that other books on this subject shy away from, giving you the knowledge you need to transform your results.
This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to harness the power of the law of attraction and manifest their deepest desires. If you're ready to gain a fresh perspective and embrace the uncomfortable truths that hold the key to your success, then don't miss this opportunity. It's time to rewrite your reality and manifest the life you deserve.

Publisher22 Lions
Release dateAug 22, 2021
The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Detachment but Nobody Had the Courage to Tell You

Robin Sacredfire

Robin Sacredfire is a mystic, occultist, entrepreneur, and a No.1 best selling author.New Books and Editions: Books Bundle: Retailers:

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    Book preview

    The Dark Side of the Law of Attraction - Robin Sacredfire


    Those that extensively studied the law of attraction, still wonder why it can’t be applied to spiritual, loving, compassionate, religious and, basically, deserving people. But also why those that practice meditation regularly can’t make the law of attraction work for them.

    This book provides such answers and many more, that are often too uncomfortable to discuss in public and you won’t ever hear, due to the discomfort that causes in so many people hearing it.

    However, this dark side of the law of attraction is exactly what fills the unexplainable gap to why it doesn’t work on so many individuals that seem to understand it.

    The law of attraction is also the law of vibration, and this vibration is interconnected with many things that build our personality and define our choices in life, namely, who we love and our perception of love, but also who we hate and our perception of rejection.

    We can’t understand the law of attraction in full without studying the law of detachment, just like we can’t understand the yin of life without knowing its yang. When we start understanding how all these factors interfere with our life, we can finally notice that it isn’t our nature that changes, but this same nature that changes our reality. It is at this point that we realize that we’ve been manifesting everything all the time, but couldn’t see it and couldn’t identify it, because we were too focused in our own system of beliefs.

    This book provides a chance to change our results, by revealing secrets that many books about this topic were unable or too uncomfortable to reveal to the public. This knowledge represents a second chance to anyone that has ever applied the law of attraction and didn’t felt it working exactly as expected.

    Why the LOA Doesn’t Apply to Anyone

    An interesting thing about the law of attraction, is that it may take time to manifest your desires, but when it does, everything fits into order and at the same time, like magic.

    Most people quit too soon, because they think that what they want will come like they expect it to come. In other words, people choose things to demand from the universe, and these things are based in their

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