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The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance: The Busy Writer
The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance: The Busy Writer
The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance: The Busy Writer
Ebook66 pages35 minutes

The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance: The Busy Writer

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to get started quickly in this popular genre.


In this book, you will find:

  • General tips on writing romance fiction
  • Tips on creating vivid, believable heroes and heroines
  • How to hook your reader
  • Where to start your story
  • Tips on creating emotional punch (all-important in any romance!)
  • What 'show, don't tell' really means
  • Tips on conflict, pace and tension
  • Tips on creating a romantic setting
  • Tips on plotting a romance novel, with a Basic Plot Outline ("Add your own seasoning"!)
  • An overview of romance sub-genres
  • Sensuality versus sexuality
  • How to build sexual tension
  • Three handy checklists : Emotional Punch, First Chapter, Setting & Sensuality

The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance will set you well on the road to success creating stories for this popular, evergreen genre!

Release dateSep 26, 2012
The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance: The Busy Writer

Read more from M. R. Mc Alister

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Surprisingly delightful. Definitely worth a read for both new and veteran writers.

Book preview

The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance - M. R. McAlister


Romance fiction is a wonderful, wide-open field for writers. If you’re exploring your options, wondering whether writing romance fiction is for you, then I hope to convince you that it’s a fantastic genre for any writer. There are so many sub-genres within romance fiction that you’re sure to be able to find something that suits you perfectly. 

And even if you can’t… well, guess what? These days, the ‘rules’ can be bent so far out of shape that they’re barely recognizable. Once upon a time, you had to find a romance sub-genre that seemed to be attuned to what you liked to write. Then you had to write the book and then convince an editor that your book was just what she was looking for. 

These days, it’s different. While you can still approach traditional publishers with your book, you have many more options. You can now write exactly what you want to write and publish it yourself (on platforms like Kindle, Kobo, Draft2Digital, PublishDrive, Smashwords, and many others). As an ‘Indie’ publisher, you can write for people just like you, and your readers will determine your popularity! 

But to win those readers, you need to have some idea of what romance readers are looking for. There’s a certain ‘feel’ about romance fiction that some people can’t master. This book is here to tell you what that elusive ‘something’ might be and how you can ensure that your book has the right voice and tone. You will learn how to ensure that your book has the right amount of emotional punch to draw your readers in, just having to turn the page to find out what will happen to your hero and heroine. 

In the ‘Tips on Plotting Romance’ chapter, you will find plenty of hints on getting it right. There is no real recipe for writing romance, just as there is no set formula for writing any fiction. However, once you understand how to construct your romance novel to capture the reader’s attention right from the very first page, you are well on your way to winning a loyal readership. 

This book will give you tips on all the important things that go into writing a fast-paced, entertaining romance that you will be proud to have written—no matter which sub-genre you choose.


General Tips on Writing Romance Fiction

1. Write What You Like to Read

If there’s one tip that I can pass on that’s more important than another, it’s this:  write what you like to read.  Don’t be tempted to write one kind of romance rather than another solely because you think it will sell better or that it will take less time to write. 

You aim to build a career–and it’s going to be a lot more fun (and you’ll probably be a lot more successful) if you enjoy sitting down at the computer every day to write. 

If you enjoy reading historical romance, then write historical romance. 

If you enjoy reading about vampires and shape-shifters, then write paranormal romance. 

If your favorite kind of romance novel is one that shows today’s woman in a contemporary setting, then that’s what you should write. 

Apart from the fact that you will enjoy it a lot more, there’s another reason for writing what you like to read: you must have a clear understanding of what the reader expects when she (or he) buys a book. If you don’t like reading in your chosen sub-genre, how will you know? In addition, it’s a good idea to read widely in your genre so that you can create a plot that’s a bit different. You don’t want your book to be the same as someone else’s. 

2. Find a Good Critique Partner

You might be lucky enough to be part of a good critique group already. If not, try to find a critique partner or an online group. If all else fails, start your own group. 

Where can you find a critique partner? Start by joining your national

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