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The World Is About to Change: The Law
The World Is About to Change: The Law
The World Is About to Change: The Law
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The World Is About to Change: The Law

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Inside these pages you will find the only truth of all the living beings. There will be no one among us who can pierce this truth without receiving a just reward. Harvest time always comes to all of us, and here, you will find the necessary tools to act wisely, avoiding falling into the abyss in which thousands live today because of their actions. There is only one truth, and that is Justice. Life has a time and an order for everything; first will be the sowing and then the harvest will come.
This treatise will bring clarity to many, bring joy to others, awaken millions, and change everyone who reads it.

In this writing you will find the absolute truth of the father! The key that opens the door to understanding and lasting happiness.

Release dateOct 29, 2021
The World Is About to Change: The Law

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    The World Is About to Change - Andrés Giraldo


    Everything has been and will be my will

    Everything we will touch on in this book will always revolve around how simple it should be to live on this planet, and everything that we should start thinking about now, as individuals belonging to the human race.

    The truth is that we are all together on this huge spaceship that we call Earth, which travels the universe at a dizzying pace and at the mercy of which we found ourselves, in its eternal spinning movement that has no reverse.

    So, maybe we do not care much, or maybe we cannot even imagine or understand, but whatever happens to our planet in its journey through the infinite universe, affects us all.

    This is an urgent message —the irreversible revolution of consciousness that is taking place in our age; one that has no reverse, but that will certainly change the lives of all, but in what way? It will depend only on each one of us.

    I must say that it is my explicit task in life to spread this message that has already been among us for millennia; a message that, because of the excessive attachment of our race to materialism, added to our unusual and long-lived egocentrism, we have not been able to understand yet.

    I should also warn that this message might be seen by many as disrespectful, even an insult, because the truth can be uncomfortable when it is still not clear, or when it is not what we generally practice. In those times, it becomes a nuisance that many of us decide to replace with our own idea of truth; a truth molded to our convenience, that reassures us, and exempts us from responsibility; a rigged truth that we have made selfishly collective, and that undoubtedly, sooner or later, will only lead us to drama and suffering.

    I would also like to warn my readers that this text is only the simple and unique reality that many spiritual masters have tried to make us understand, but our most common response so far has been to imprison them, slander them, ignore them, defame them, and even crucify them. Why? Because their wisdom disturbs our comfortable and clumsy thinking, and our habit of abusing others for the sake of our personal good, all of which has become a tradition and even a human conviction.

    What we share here is not a message aimed at trying to change the world, because there is nothing to change where everything is perfect, and there is only perfection on this planet wherever we look, although our clumsiness does not allow us to assimilate it as such yet.

    The real focus here is to illuminate each person as a unique being in the universe with the necessary wisdom to awaken to love.

    Those who achieve consciousness, even the slightest amount, will know that whoever wants to accept the truth from the heart must fight against himself in the fiercest of battles. It will be their task to fight against our daily way of living and understanding of life on Earth.

    Whoever takes the time to understand what is said here, accepting it, and putting it into practice as a way of life, I can assure that their ailments, evils and sadness, however serious they may be, will disappear; I can assure you that lasting happiness and unlimited abundance will Inevitably knock on your door, because anyone who accepts the truth from the heart, will be closer and closer to perfection, and to the understanding that we all have guaranteed one day that is precisely what we are, pure-perfection, but without understanding of our greatness.

    I will also say here that it is never too late to start the journey, even when we have spent our lives away from the path of love and justice. But you must be prepared to make amends in this world for all your wrong decisions.


    Perfection is the only thing there is, perfection is the only thing that exists, perfection is what you have, and how you live. Perfection is everything that happens in our universe.

    We must understand the truth, this truth that many of us are not suited for, due to our absurd selfishness, greed, and corrupted power; perhaps because of our poverty, laziness, and mediocrity; or perhaps, because of our painful and selfish habits and envy, our old and inherited fear; or perhaps because of our grotesque degeneration and unnecessary eccentricities; but a truth that we all know deep down and will have to face one day.

    To understand the truth, we must first know that the central axis to achieve it has always been summarized in a simple sentence, in a simple proposal. It is perhaps the first proposal of a developed human mind to its own being, when it reaches rationality, when it takes its intelligence to a point high enough, to see that all living beings are in search of happiness, but that given how the world has developed as a result of our own acts and choices, we are all, each one of us, in a different position; each of us has a different set of values, and we are in a totally different level of understanding and merit.

    This proposal is well known by everyone, and in some way, we have all heard about it at some point in our lives (no matter where we live or where we are from). It is a message that has been part of the learning process of all those who have had a relationship with any of the many religions on this planet. We can only say we have understood it when we really understand that we are pure love, and that it is love that moves us, either for good or for bad! We can only say that we understand it when we manage to contain our desires to be different, to be better, to be bigger, to really be all of them, in heart, thought, word, and deed.

    You will only realize that you are awakening to this truth when you attain the happiness that lasts and not the momentary one, when you reach the real understanding of what justice is, when you abandon selfishness to give yourself to others, when you abandon hatred to love others, when you abandon individualism to see others as if you were seeing yourself —No matter how big, small or infamous they may seem in your eyes, you begin to understand that the road is hard for some and comfortable for others, but only as a result of the level of understanding and merit of each one; and you begin to know that joy or sadness are only the fruit of the choices we have made during our journey through this uncertain and infinite universe.

    You will know that you understand when you do not take anything personal, when you understand that being happy or joyful is only a choice and that no one can really upset you.

    This proposal and absolute truth is the basis and the pillar of pure and true intelligence, as well as the trophy of experience in the art of life, and the beginning of supreme enlightenment.

    I am sure that this indisputable truth has been with us since the beginning of time on earth, and will be so until the infinite future, even though its transcendence and understanding have not yet been reached by a great number of us.

    This proposal is the only possible catapult to achieve the very end of creation, of life, of evolution, and it will always be human beings’ eternal search.

    We were born on a beautiful blue planet full of life, abundance and without any kind of frontiers; other than the frontiers which we have built, just as we have filled our thinking with limitations, classes, differences, scales, prejudices, preferences, and precepts.

    The wisdom around which this book evolves is the one that all living beings are sooner or later destined to understand and practice without exception; but it will only be when we learn how to listen to others, when we listen to ourselves, when we listen to our hearts, when we abandon our selfishness, pride and attachments, that we will finally find the grace, glory, paradise, nirvana, Eden, heaven, Valhalla - or whatever it is that we want to call it, what we are all looking for, and which is the only purpose of life for us; and let me tell you, there is enough time, because time is infinite!

    This philosophy is nothing more than the true truth and the only way to find love —it is the only way for the evolution of life.

    Whoever succeeds in walking these paths one day, will be healed forever from all evils, and will find relief from all his sorrows and pains, since they will find the key to open the door that leads to the path of perfection.

    This philosophy is just a permanent whisper in my mind, and a desperate song in my heart; a butterfly that flies within my being night and day,

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