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Extreme Rapid Weight Loss With Hypnosis: Guided Meditation Techniques to Lose Weight with Hypnosis to Help Maintain Healthy, Natural and Rapid Weight Loss, Self-Hypnosis Meditations, Burn Fat
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss With Hypnosis: Guided Meditation Techniques to Lose Weight with Hypnosis to Help Maintain Healthy, Natural and Rapid Weight Loss, Self-Hypnosis Meditations, Burn Fat
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss With Hypnosis: Guided Meditation Techniques to Lose Weight with Hypnosis to Help Maintain Healthy, Natural and Rapid Weight Loss, Self-Hypnosis Meditations, Burn Fat
Ebook166 pages1 hour

Extreme Rapid Weight Loss With Hypnosis: Guided Meditation Techniques to Lose Weight with Hypnosis to Help Maintain Healthy, Natural and Rapid Weight Loss, Self-Hypnosis Meditations, Burn Fat

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About this ebook

Have you been on a weight loss journey that seems to lead nowhere? Have you lost weight but somehow gained it all back? Are you looking for a weight loss solution that sticks?

This book will show you how to lose weight and keep it off for good using two important weight loss techniques that will change the way you view weight loss and your relationship with food in general.

Unfortunately, there is still no magic pill that will allow us to eat whatever we want without gaining any weight, and there is no magic pill that will make you lose weight in an instant. Just like anything else in life, weight loss takes hard work and dedication. This hard work doesn’t have to mean spending hours in the gym or restricting your diet to salads and vegetables, however. Science has given us a way to get healthier without putting our bodies through the stress of dieting, while nature has gifted us with the perfect tool to do so - our brains. This has allowed us to discover the power of hypnosis and meditation for weight loss.

Through reading this book, you will be sure to develop new perspectives on dieting and eating well and new perspectives on exercise. You will also find new ways to view your body and yourself, which will ultimately lead you to a new lease on life.

This book will take a deep dive into the following topics;
The psychology of eating and how to rewire your brain
How to train your subconscious to stop cravings and binge eating
Why self-hypnosis is the best, scientifically proven method for making behavioral modifications and correcting bad eating habits
Simple techniques to help you get into a hypnotic state and start losing weight without any diet or exercise program
How meditation boosts weight loss and how to use it to get rid of weight-gaining habits such as emotional eating
The two types of weight loss motivation critical for helping you stay on your journey, including helpful motivational practices
How to boost weight loss with the power of positive thoughts and use it to shed pounds without even getting off the couch
What is mindful eating, and how can you begin to use it to your benefit
What Hypnosis is
Importance of Hypnosis For Women
Hypnosis and Weight Loss Meditation To Burn Fat
Weight Management
How to Train Your Brain to Burn Fat Fast
Gastric Band Hypnosis
Hypnosis Techniques
Mindful Eating: Foods To Avoid
Positive Affirmations
Power of Affirmations and The Law of Attraction
How to Increase Your Metabolism With Hypnosis
Release dateNov 12, 2021
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss With Hypnosis: Guided Meditation Techniques to Lose Weight with Hypnosis to Help Maintain Healthy, Natural and Rapid Weight Loss, Self-Hypnosis Meditations, Burn Fat

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    Book preview

    Extreme Rapid Weight Loss With Hypnosis - Flossie Ang

    Extreme Rapid Weight Loss With Hypnosis

    Guided Meditation Techniques for

    Extreme Weight Loss,

    Using Hypnosis to Maintain Healthy, Natural and Rapid Weight Loss,

    Self-Hypnosis Meditations, Burn Fat, Visualised Hypnotic Gastric Band,

    Mindful Eating Affirmations and Motivational Goals.

    Flossie Ang

    Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved

    The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted about without direct permission from the author or publisher. Under no circumstances will any blame or legal responsibility be bed against the publisher, or author, for any damages, reparation, or monetary loss due to the information contained within this book. Either, directly or indirectly. You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results.

    Disclaimer Notice: Please note the information contained within in this book is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been excited to present accurate, up to date, and reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any of the techniques outlined in this book.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: The Dieting Mentality And Its Flaws

    What is the Dieting Mentality?

    Why The Dieting Mentality is Flawed

    The Main Problem With Conventional Dieting


    What Can Hunger Tell Us About Our Bodies?

    The Deprivation Trap- What is it?

    How to Overcome The Deprivation Trap

    Chapter 2: The Psychology of Eating

    The Mind-Body Connection

    What is Emotional Eating?

    Real Hunger Versus Emotional Hunger

    How To Determine Whether Your Hunger Is Emotional Hunger Or Actual Hunger

    How Does the Mind-Body Connection Lead to Weight Gain or Emotional Eating?

    The Consequences of Emotional Eating

    How to use Your Mind to STOP Emotional Eating

    Chapter 3: How to Rewire Your Brain

    The Role of Motivation

    How Weight Loss Motivation is Critical for Helping you Stay on Your Journey

    How to Cope With a Lack of Motivation

    Helpful Motivational Practice Examples and Strategies

    How to Rewire your Brain and Train Your Subconscious to Stop Cravings and Binge Eating

    What is Self-Talk?

    Positive Self-Talk

    How to Boost Weight Loss With the Power of Positive Thoughts, and Use Them to Shed Pounds Without Even Getting Off of the Couch

    How To Make Peace With Your Body

    How To Be Gentle With Yourself


    What are Affirmations?

    How to Use Positive Affirmations

    Affirmation Examples And How To Create Your Own Affirmations

    The Power of Affirmations

    Chapter 4: The Science of Weight Loss and Fat Burning

    How Does the Body Store and Process Fat?

    The Equation for Human Weight Loss

    Tips for Weight Loss

    How the Brain Can Influence the Body’s Fat Burning Metabolism

    How to Train Your Brain to Burn Fat Fast

    Chapter 5: Hypnosis for Weight Loss

    What is Hypnosis?

    The Different Levels Of Consciousness

    The Conscious Mind

    The Subconscious Mind

    The 5 Levels Of Consciousness

    The Importance of Hypnosis For Women

    How Can Hypnosis Lead to Weight Loss?

    How Hypnosis Can Help With Motivation

    Hypnosis Techniques

    The Best Hypnosis Methods for Weight Loss

    Why Self-Hypnosis is the Best

    Chapter 6: Meditation for Weight Loss

    What is Meditation?

    What is Meditation Used for?

    Who Can Benefit From Meditation?

    How Can Meditation Lead to Weight Loss?

    How to Use Meditation to Get Rid of Weight-Gaining Habits and Break Free From Emotional Eating

    Meditation Techniques

    How to Use Mindfulness to Change your Relationship With Food

    The Mindful Eating Technique- What is it?

    How to Use Mindful Eating



    Welcome, and thank you for choosing this book.

    You are in the right place if;

    You want to learn how to reshape your body using the power of your mind

    You want to discover the power of self-hypnosis and learn how to think your extra weight away

    You feel like you have fallen into a loop of dieting, giving in to cravings, self-loathing, and repeating the process all over again

    If you feel this way, you are not alone. Research shows that 95% of people who follow a conventional dieting program regain all the weight back, if not more, after returning to regular eating habits. Why does this happen? This book will delve into this topic, and I will show you how to change your body for good!

    No more gaining the weight back; I will show you how to keep it off.

    Many people do not understand weight loss because losing weight is not about resisting your cravings. Instead, it's about training your mind not to have nagging cravings at all. While this may seem impossible now, you will understand exactly how you can do this after reading this book.

    Losing weight is also not about cutting out certain foods altogether; it is about finding balance through training your mind.

    Upon finishing this book, you can expect to be free of your cravings and well on your way to solidifying a new lifestyle that includes losing weight for good! THAT is what you will learn in this book. There has never been a better time to take your eating and lifestyle into your own hands and change it for the better. If you want to begin feeling better and living better, this book will help you do so.

    Get ready to start your journey in the next chapter, where we will begin by looking at the dieting industry and the many flaws that are deeply embedded within it.

    This book will help you find a solution once and for all, and I guarantee that it will exceed your expectations in terms of how it will change your mind forever. You will thank yourself for choosing this book as you move on in your life from here forward.

    Chapter 1: The Dieting Mentality and Its Flaws

    To begin this book, we will delve into the diet mentality and some of the drawbacks that come with it. I will begin by defining what exactly I mean when I say the diet industry and the negative impacts that this industry can have on your mental health, weight loss goals, and overall quality of life.

    What is the Dieting Mentality?

    The dieting industry encompasses all of the books, television programs, supplements, meal plans, and diet subscriptions that we are bombarded with each and every day. This industry makes millions of dollars each year on people just like you who want to change their lives but are unsure where to start.

    The dieting mentality is the idea that by simply following a diet, reading a dieting book, or purchasing diet foods, you will find weight loss and an overall improvement in your life. This couldn't be further from the truth.

    Throughout this book, I will be helping you to bring your mindset away from dietary thinking and toward a new, more productive way of viewing your relationship with food and hunger.

    Why The Dieting Mentality is Flawed

    At first thought, the diet industry may seem like a positive and important industry in today’s world.

    However, all of the companies and businesses involved in the diet industry rely on the fact that you never find success. They remain in business because people never find success in their products! The reason for this is that it keeps us going back- spending more money on things like new books, different supplements, or new meal plan prescriptions.

    More specifically, have you ever wondered why there are so many diets available for you to choose from? Diets like Atkins, Dr. Oz, and Weight Watchers? There's a reason why there are so many of them, and the reason is that none of them work in the long run! The creators of these diets are aware of this, and that is what makes them so much money. If any of the popular diets could help you lose weight permanently by offering a regime that you could follow for the rest of your life, there wouldn't be so many of them.

    While they might help you lose weight fast, people will inevitably grow tired of depriving themselves and will stop following the diet altogether.

    Think about it- can you see yourself completely eliminating carbs or counting calories every meal for the next 20 years of your life? The answer is likely no, and THAT’S OK. In this book, we take a completely different approach to finding health and happiness, and we will not focus on employing a dieting mindset but rather rejecting that mindset.

    When it comes to being healthy and taking good care of your body, the best method is not a diet but a holistic health philosophy. This philosophy aims to help you connect to your body and listen to what it is telling you.

    The Main Problem With Conventional Dieting

    The main problem with conventional dieting is that it's not sustainable, but this should not discourage you. The diet industry is focused on making you feel like you are not perfect enough and that if you try a different diet, you may find success. This leaves you hopping from diet to diet, never feeling any better about where you are.

    Taking an approach that is focused on perfection leaves you feeling down on yourself and feeling like a failure. Since this method leaves you feeling as though you are always seeking but never finding perfection, any progress that you have

    made will always feel like it is still not enough. You will feel this way no matter how far you have

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