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Second-Generation Slavery
Second-Generation Slavery
Second-Generation Slavery
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Second-Generation Slavery

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As much as Slavery seem to have been legally abolished globally today, an estimated three-quarter of humanity are still trapped in some form of bondage against their will. The history of slavery, a journey of pain and sorrow spans many years, cultures, nationalities, and religions. However, the renaissanc

Release dateNov 10, 2021
Second-Generation Slavery

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    Second-Generation Slavery - Anelechi Bon Agoha


    My profound tribute to all who suffered and or died in the most terrible and inhuman treatment the world ever witnessed and recorded: The eighteen Igbo slaves of Nigerian descend who drowned themselves in true heroic refusal of being taken into captivity at Dunbar Creek in Simon Island, Georgia; the little 10-year-old Priscilla of Sierra Leone, kidnapped and sold into slavery in South Carolina, as recently revealed by the United States’ NBC News Network. Special dedication to people of Biafra region of present-day Nigeria led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who are being persecuted like the Israelites of the old by the Government of Nigeria.

    I will not forget to mention all immigrants and refugees across the universe who have suffered any kind of oppression, humiliation, intimidation, bullying, torture, and injustice, together with all freedom fighters and all world wild advocates of peace and tranquility. Lastly, I wish to call on the United Nations Office of Human Rights Commission, to please rise to occasion of rescuing mankind from cruelty.


    To Chris Ohazurume whose prolonged friendly conversation prompted and motivated my candid interest on this topic. Great Mazi Nnamdi Kanu of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), and my adorable children, Pearl Nnenna, Britney Ozichi, and Princeton Chibuike Agoha.


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    Although slavery is no longer legal in this global world today, an estimated three-quarter of humanity are still trapped in some form of bondage against their will. The history of slavery, a journey of pain and sorrow spans many years, cultures, nationalities, and religions. However, the renaissance of present-day slavery which I call Second-Generation Slavery or Volunteered Slavery, orchestrated by present day global migration cannot be over-emphasized of being enhanced, encouraged, and politically motivated and legalized by numerous underlying factors, particularly economic menace as prevalent in most third-world countries.

    The Portuguese, followed by British and Americans travelled to the hinterlands of Africa around 1462 with guns and chains to steal, kidnap, rape, extort, export, and sell Africans into slavery, while in present-day dispensation, the Western world has devised and resorted to introduction of enticing and misguiding immigration programs like the United States Diversity Visa Program and other similar programs in Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Canada for example to encourage individuals from all facets of academic and professional levels of life to voluntarily vie for places in these schemes in purchase of their flight tickets on self-accord to engage in volunteered slavery, all in misconceived pursuit of life greener pastures. Human trafficking is yet a more glaring example of second-generation slavery whereby vulnerable, under-aged girls are offered great modeling and acting opportunities in countries like the U.S.A, some parts of other Western world, and the Middle East like United Arab Emirate as now trending, by some international racketeering gangsters in disguise for sexual exploitation jobs or an underworld job nicknamed, ‘Work at night, sleep in the day, or prostitution" as popularly known Worldwide.

    In 1865, President Abraham Lincoln ratified the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, stating, Neither slavery nor involuntary serfdom shall exist within the United States of America. But little would anyone thought and believed that slavery would still exist in the 21st century on the shores of the United States of America in different forms, levels, and disguises.

    In capitalist economic systems, business owners, founders, and operators subject their employees and workers to undue extended, extensive and strenuous hours and days of work, and in some cases unfavorable work conditions and environments for minimal salary compensations, Peanuts and other subdued benefits while they wallow in wealth of millions and billions generated by same workers as they compete amongst themselves as millionaires and billionaires as affirmed in an outcry to American people by a two time Democratic Party primaries presidential aspirant, Bernie Sanders, a Senator from Vermont, referencing his proposed legislation to introduced to the Senate on September 5, 2018. But to no avail.

    Leaders of African countries and some other underdeveloped third world countries who clinch to untold hardships and deaths to their subjects who see fleeing to various parts of Europe and America as their best surviving option are not exonerated from orchestrating and perpetuating this second-generation slavery.



    As much as Slavery seem to have been legally abolished globally today, an estimated three-quarter of humanity are still trapped in some form of bondage against their will. The history of slavery, a journey of pain and sorrow spans many years, cultures, nationalities, and religions. However, the renaissance of present-day slavery which I call Second-Generation Slavery, or Volunteered Slavery orchestrated by present day global migration cannot be over-emphasized of being enhanced, encouraged, and politically motivated and legalized by numerous underlying factors, particularly economic menace as prevalent in most third-world countries. This book goes ahead to reiterate that leaders of African countries and some other underdeveloped third world countries who clinch to powers without meaningful programs to better the lives of their subjects are not exonerated from orchestrating and perpetuating this second-generation slavery against mankind.

    Chapter One

    Slavery In Retrospect

    map of africa

    Slavery recorded in history as journey so harrowing and traumatic without any reparation to date as it began in Africa. Though Atlantic slave trade later abolished in Denmark in 1803, Britain 1807, USA 1808, Netherlands 1814, France, 1814, and Portugal in 1878, the evil trade mostly took advantage of the following ten tribes of Africa.

    CHAMBA: The Chamba people, currently known as Samba, Tchamba, Tsamba, Daka and Chamba-Ndagan, are an African ethnic

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