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Don't Judge a Book By its Cover
Don't Judge a Book By its Cover
Don't Judge a Book By its Cover
Ebook304 pages2 hours

Don't Judge a Book By its Cover

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"DON"T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER", what a book pun intended.
As it happens to all of us, we fail to look at our own selves in the mirror by projecting our hypocritical selves onto others.
This book expresses those very things and of how to improve ourselves and to grow on every level across the board.
Also, it is vice versa as well with those who we surround ourselves, not practicing what they well as not being the healthiest energies to be surrounding yourself by.
So, have the willpower to touch the sky!
Fly alone and stay away from narrow-minded people, as they will only bring you down. Keep only good company.
NOTE: People you hang around with will eventually determine the person that you become.
No matter what your obstacles may be, focus on what you want until you "capture" it! Do NOT give up...and you will succeed! NEVER EVER "allow" the size and the strength of your obstacles to stop you!
Face your problems head matter what, as successful people are fearless! Give a fight to win!
Find the winds of your storm and rise above those clouds.
NOTE: Achiever's are NOT of afraid of challenges, but relish in using those challenges for success in ALL arenas.
Do NOT accept second best, and do NOT "allow" your past success to keep you from looking for new frontier's to conquer!
Leave your past where it the past!
GET OUT of your comfort zone as there is no growth there!
We occasionally need to "shed off" old habits, no matter how difficult.
Things that burden us and/or that add no value to our lives should be let go of.
May this book bless you of what all of this information expresses as for your continued journey on this Earth plane.

Release dateNov 15, 2021
Don't Judge a Book By its Cover

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    Book preview

    Don't Judge a Book By its Cover - Charles Michael Powers

    To the Masses...

    Have the willpower to touch the sky.

    Fly alone and stay away from narrow-minded people, as they’ll

    bring you down. Keep GOOD company.

    (People you hang around with will eventually determine the person you become.)

    No matter what your obstacles may be, focus on what you want

    until you capture it.

    (Have your vision and remain focused in your life no matter what challenges you may face. Do NOT give up...and you will succeed.)

    NEVER surrender to the size or strength of your obstacles.

    Give a fight to win!

    (Face your problems head on, no matter successful people are fearless.)

    Find the winds of your storm and rise above your clouds.

    (Achievers are NOT afraid of challenges but relish in them... using those challenges for success in ALL arena’s.)

    Do NOT deal with second best!

    (Do NOT rely on your past success and keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs...

    in the past!)

    Get out of your comfort zone, as there is no growth there.

    We occasionally need to shed off old habits, no matter how

    difficult. Things that burden us and/or add no value to our lives

    should be let go of.


    A picture containing silhouette Description automatically generated

    The Test(s) of YOUR Testament

    If you have ran with the footmen and they have wearied you, then how could contend with the horse’s/horsemen?

    -One needs to be pushed out of their shell!

    -One needs to be pushed out of their insecurities!

    -One needs to be pushed out of their fear and intimidation!

    Do what your Source/Higher Power/Universe is challenging YOU

    to become regarding your calling/purpose.

    YOU...have been called!

    YOU...have been appointed to be a (true) prophet to ALL of the


    YOU...have been set apart for special tasks!

    YOU...will be put in places to conquer should you have enough

    confidence and courage!

    If not, you WILL crumble!

    (There is a huge calling on YOUR life...ACT ON IT!)

    Do NOT be afraid on the faces of the people in expressing their

    disbelief through the rolling of their eyes, etc. YOUR face will be

    stronger than theirs, so just keep sharing.

    NOTE: The calling/purpose starts right where you are. Do what

    you can do with what you have. RIGHT NOW matters...

    concerning as to where you are going.

    It starts here...

    It starts now...

    It starts right where you are!

    When you are called, you will notice (quickly) that there will

    not be a lot of people cheering you on.

    Do NOT feel insignificant!

    Do NOT complain about your calling to your Source/Higher

    Power/Universe if you didn’t want to act on it!

    Do NOT be discouraged!

    You WILL be despised by many.

    It is ALL part of YOUR calling/purpose.

    It is you and your Source/Higher Power/Universe against the world. But know that it is you and your Source/Higher Power/

    Universe who are the MAJORITY!

    Again, as presented in the beginning of this chapter, know your

    Source/Higher Power/Universe will tell you...

    If you cannot run with the footmen, then what will you do when the Horse’s/Horsemen arrive?

    (Trust me...they WILL come!)

    So do you think what YOU are going through is hard?

    So do you think what YOU are going through is tough?

    So do you think being scorned and ridiculed is different?

    (All of this is just the front men.)

    This is just the green slopes.

    These things are just the easy parts of your life.

    The REALLY tough stuff (Horsemen) is down the road...and

    they are coming.


    If the footmen are making you wearing you out, what are you going to do when the ‘Horsemen arrive?

    NOTE: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

    You just have no idea of the magnitude of your Source’s/Higher

    Power’s/Universe’s calling on YOUR life!

    NOTE: If you cannot handle where you are right now, then how

    can your Source/Higher Power/Universe trust you as to

    where your Source/Higher Power/Universe wants to take


    Your Source/Higher Power/Universe has a MAGNIFICIENT plan

    for YOU!

    It may feel hard where you are at right now...

    You may feel discouraged...

    You may feel like giving up...

    It is YOU who is called to run with the horses.

    Here is the point...


    This means that you have not peaked yet.

    This means that YOUR best and greatest days are yet ahead of

    you...NOT behind you!

    YOU...have got to be a soldier!

    YOU...have got to learn how to handle it!

    YOU...have got to learn to run/deal with the horse’s.

    You keep saying...

    I want the great big doors of opportunity.

    I want my Source/Higher Power/Universe to use me.

    What you are asking of your Source/Higher Power/Universe is

    for you to run with the horse’s. with the bigger doors comes bigger opposition!

    Higher levels...higher devil’s!

    As to when your Source’s/Higher Power’s/Universe’s people

    mobilizes...the enemy mobilizes AGAINST you!

    NOTE: Do NOT be astonished that you are going through things.

    Do NOT be astonished that the enemy is attacking you

    and you feel like quitting.

    The enemy does not bother with somebody who is not going


    The enemy is not worried about where you are, but where

    you are leaps and bounds!

    Great doors will open for you...but with great adversaries!

    If you cannot be faithful on the level where you are, you sure

    will not be able to handle the great times, the success, and the

    opposition that WILL occur when upgrading from footmen to


    (This is so imperative to understand!)

    NOTE: What YOU are going through is what you are in training

    for...the trial that you are not in yet.

    -The injustice’s in your life

    -The pain in your life

    -The situation you are in within your life

    -The heartbreaks in your life

    -The relationships in your life

    -The abuse in your life

    -The horrible choices you made in your life

    All that your Source/Higher Power/Universe wants to do with

    that stuff is to train you for the trial that you are not in yet...

    all by going through what you are going through.

    IF you are serious about living for your Source/Higher Power/

    Universe, harder days WILL occur than what you are in right


    (Next year you SHOULD be harder than this year when in NOT giving up!)

    Your Source/Higher Power/Universe WILL...

    -bless you more

    -trust you more...

    but in this world, you WILL have opposition!


    NOTE: Your Source/Higher Power/Universe puts to use what

    you are put your Source/Higher Power/


    NOT one of us knows what our Source/Higher Power/Universe

    is doing behind the scenes in our lives. We cannot even try to

    comprehend it...

    through trials/tribulation

    through blessings

    through reason/purpose

    When it seems there is no success...

    When it seems the doors have not yet opened (for you)...

    Your Source/Higher Power/Universe plans only good for you...

    NOT evil, to give you a future and to give you a hope!

    Your Source/Higher Power/Universe puts to use what you are

    put your Source/Higher Power/Universe.

    -What does your Source/Higher Power/Universe put YOU in?

    -What have YOU gone through in the last year?

    -What (secret) battles have you had to deal with?

    -What kind of hell have you gone through/or are going through?

    -What kind of depression have you dealt with?

    -What kind of darkness have you dealt with?

    -What kind of discouragement have you dealt with in giving up?

    Again...Your Source/Higher Power/Universe puts to use what

    you are put your Source/Higher Power/


    Your own strength WILL fail!

    -If you want to run with the horse’s...

    -If you want you dream bigger dreams...

    -If you want to do this or do that...

    That is GREAT...but by your own strength you WILL fail!

    Horse’s are faster people!

    Horse’s can go 22 miles a day!

    Horse’s can run 4 miles, wide open!

    We as humans CANNOT do those things!

    "Even the young shall become weary and faint...

    eventually failing."

    NOTE: It is that those who wait upon one’s Source/ Higher

    Power/Universe shall renew their strength...and will

    mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and NOT

    to be weary, and shall NOT faint."

    When you are going through something, the enemy WILL tell

    you to give up.

    You will (eventually) contend with the ‘horsemen".

    There are many (gateway) experience’s that happen to us in life.

    If people are not covered they can become confused.

    (As a man thinketh, so is he.)

    Many keep pushing and pushing and pushing of what is (or has

    been) bothering them...

    -the pain

    -the darkness

    -the fear

    -the anger

    -the hurt

    It is like a jack-in-the-box until it finally opens and EXPLODES!

    So many need to talk about what they are feeling and are going


    Those pushed down and trapped feelings usually comes from

    childhood trauma.

    NOTE: When somebody abuses you, BE ANGRY!

    When something goes wrong, BE ANGRY!

    When you see injustice in your generation, BE ANGRY!

    When you see evil, BE ANGRY! have to find a PROPER way to release that anger on

    the inside or it WILL become a time bomb!

    Of course, your Source/Higher Power/Universe is NOT even

    intimidated by your anger.

    When you are angry with something/someone, TALK ABOUT IT!

    NOTE: When you do talk about it, you WILL hear your Source/

    Higher Power/Universe say to YOU...

    What they did to you, they did unto me.

    For whatever YOU have gone through (or are going through) you shall receive double for your trouble...

    -double blessings

    -double favor

    -double opportunities

    -double everything in all positive ways

    More that you (or I) could ever imagine.

    Your Source/Higher Power/Universe will give you the power to recover of what was uncovered and done badly unto you!

    A picture containing text, sunset, outdoor, aquatic mammal Description automatically generated

    RISE YOUR calling!

    Of course we like when life is going our way.

    It is good for a season, but if we have comfortable all of the

    time we would not reach our destiny.

    -We do NOT grow when everything is going our way.

    -We DO grow when we have to struggle.

    When we are uncomfortable...

    When we are nervous...

    all wondering how things will work out.

    Sometimes, the Universe will shake YOUR world about.

    Things will be taken out of what is familiar, like...

    -The removal of a friend you counted on.

    -Being put in a position when you are over your head.

    -You do not have the funds.

    Everybody becomes uncertain and you will become somewhat


    NOTE: Your Source/Higher Power/Universe uses the "scary

    places" to move us into our destiny.

    Life is not always going to be smooth.

    You cannot even imagine of what AMAZING things that your

    Source/Higher Power/Universe has for YOU! Things that are so

    much greater than you can accomplish by yourself.

    When things occur that we do not like, we tend to blame the

    enemy as it is the opposite. At times, it’s your Source/Higher


    We are not made to stay where we are at the same level.

    We were made to take on NEW ground! But in order to do that, you will HAVE to step out of your comfort zone.

    Your comfort zone may be a beautiful place, but NOTHING grows there!

    NOTE: When you face something unfamiliar, it can be all quite

    intimidating. Your Source/Higher Power/Universe would

    not have allowed it if you didn’t have what it takes.

    Your Source/Higher Power/Universe has already equipped and

    empowered YOU!

    You HAVE to be armed with strength for every (anointed) battle!

    We ALL feel fear (and that is okay), so do it afraid.

    Do it in spite of what you feel.

    Do it in spite of what thoughts are telling you.

    (Do NOT get talked out of your destiny as your Source/Higher Power/Universe is setting you up all by preparing you to go to a new level.)

    We all want to be comfortable...

    We all want to have everything all figured out...

    The truth is, we are at our best when we are nervous and unsure

    how things will work out.

    (It is all with a (healthy) fear where we have to depend on our Source/Higher Power/Universe.)

    NOTE: If you could do everything in your own faith, then you

    would not need faith.

    At some point, you will have to put a demand on your faith.

    You will have to stretch and dream a BIGGER dream.

    (Dream BIGGER so you can help someone else.)

    We were NOT put here just to coast through life.

    Take some risks...


    and your Source/Higher Power/Universe will help you to get out of your comfort zone.

    NOTE: Sometimes our Source/Higher Power/Universe pushes

    us into a scary place.


    To help prepare us (through the necessary experiences) for our


    Our comfort zone limits our growth.

    (Our comfort zone is a beautiful place...

    but NOTHING grows there!)

    -we are comfortable

    -we like the protection

    -we like the

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