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Your Healing Journey
Your Healing Journey
Your Healing Journey
Ebook409 pages3 hours

Your Healing Journey

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About this ebook

This book that is entitled, "Your HEALING Journey" consists of a four part chapter section with the major topics of...
-Part One..."THE JOURNEY"
-Part Two..."EMPATHS"
-Part Three..."NARCISSISTS"
-Part Four..."THE HEALING"
(And finally..."EPILOGUE")
As these four parts are pretty much self-explanatory, this book assists in directing one's path to a bigger and better transition for a long-overdue improved life.
Each one of us has our own HEALING journey to fulfill.
We are ALL on different levels…physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
To take on our own path of true HEALING on our journey in this lifetime, we must understand that to complete the HEALING process we need to approach each issue…one step at a time.
May this book bless you with the necessary "tools" in order to guide your footsteps in the proper direction.
This "journey" is a road that we ALL walk upon...on different levels, strengths, and weaknesses. The information shared in this book is to completely provide oneself of when in dealing with the topics at hand, on HOW one approaches and (properly) deals with these situations that occur within one's life. ATTITUDE and ACTION is key!
We ALL have our stories to tell, as I wish more people would become writers to share their testimonies / life experiences to the masses in being true examples of courage through their blood, sweat, and tears.
In any event, each one of us has our own healing journey to fulfill. And again, we are all on different levels...
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. To take on our own path to true healing, we must understand that to complete the HEALING process we need to approach each issue one step at a time.
In closing, may this book inspire, motivate, and help to bring the necessary healing to YOU...wherever you are at and whatever level you are on.
YOUR greatest days are still yet ahead of YOU!

Release dateNov 15, 2021
Your Healing Journey

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    Book preview

    Your Healing Journey - Charles Michael Powers

    To the masses...

    Each one of us has our own HEALING journey to fulfill.

    We are ALL on different levels...

    physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    To take on our own path of true HEALING on our journey in this lifetime, we must understand that to complete the HEALING process we need to approach each issue...

    one step at a time.




    The Journey






    The Healing



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    The Universal Citizen

    We are ALL infinite spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.

    There are many who have no vision of hope and/or


    Many need to understand that of in a certain belief

    system there is something far greater than of as in

    charge of our destiny/fate.

    It is not just one being alone...having to survive for


    Allow it to be the rock that sustains you.

    The ability for someone to (literally) step into the

    flow and the grace which many call...Source/Higher

    Power/Universe is what will thrust one into endless

    possibilities that is unimaginable.

    NOTE: Having a spiritual life isn’t something that

    you can attain. Why? Because you already

    are a spiritual life.

    There is no one in creation like YOU!

    There is NOBODY like YOU!

    We have miracles every single it is a true

    miracle to even be here.

    Having (and had) the opportunities on has/had is nothing but...GRACE.

    (It is grace because we are allowed to step into the flow of it will/does carry us to this very moment.)

    NOTE: As I have said (and still say)...

    "What works for somebody many not work for someone else and I respect that just the same...whether it is religion, politics, sexual orientation, etc. Who am I to judge

    judge...I look at myself, FIRST!"

    There is no full life, no fulfilled and/or meaningful

    sustainably joyful life without even a connection to


    (Prayer, consciousness, empathy , consistent compassion, gratitude...ALL spiritual practices. One MUST truly have a spiritual practice.)

    What is YOURS?

    There comes a time as in everybody’s life when you

    actually have done all that you can do, and that you

    really want something so badly...but yet it still isn’t

    coming forth for you in a way that you feel that it


    NOTE: What is FOR you WILL come to you!

    Many times, when something is happening TO you, it is ALWAYS happening FOR you.


    Allow the following to carry you...


    Ask yourself, Who am I...and what do I want?

    It is not the roles that you play, but...who are you,


    Answer: You are the Creator of the Universe’s


    You are that which is born of all that is.

    (Again, we are infinite spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.)

    You are connected to the Source that is. All that is

    possible is possible for YOU!

    That is who YOU are!


    What is it that you want?

    One doesn’t just want to be successful in the whole

    world. You will want to fulfill the highest and truest

    expression as of yourself as a human being.

    You’ll want to fulfill the promises that the Creator

    dreamed that were visioned up all within the cells

    that made you.

    You MUST have some kind of vision for your life.

    Even if you do not know the plan, you will HAVE to

    have a direction in which you choose to go.

    You do not want to go/travel throughout this life...


    Where are YOU going?

    Do YOU have a destination?

    Is there a plan or are you just traveling aimlessly?

    NOTE: You want to be in the driver’s seat of your

    own life because if you are not, life will drive you!

    (Know where you really are in this space, this time, and in this body you have.)


    Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great because greatness is determined by  service.

    Martin Luther King

    We live in a world where everybody wants to be

    famous and we adore those people for just being

    famous. We think that being well-known brings

    on value.

    (The truth is...all of that will fade in time.)

    Service and significance that you being is that which is lasting.

    Whatever your occupation, job-talent or gift/talent

    is...what they all have in common is service...

    to the community and to the world. Look at all of

    the most successful people in the world. Whether

    they know it or not, they all have the paradigm of


    NOTE: You want to be able to own yourself an

    make your own decisions. You NEVER want

    to be in a position as to which something is

    so important for you to do and you cannot

    do it because your boss says, You can’t!

    When you shift the paradigm of whatever it is you

    choose to do to service and you bring significance to that, success WILL follow you!




    It is so simple but it is hard to do at times.

    Be EXCELLENT! People notice, no matter where you

    are. Allow EXCELLENCE to be your brand, as so to

    speak. Recognize that your choice to do it in every

    way, and in every experience to do the right thing

    is your brand of EXCELLENCE. When you’re labeled

    EXCELLENT, you become unforgettable!

    People will remember you...

    You stand out... regardless of what it is.

    Do the right thing...

    -even when nobody knows that you are doing the

    right thing, as it will always be right to you.


    Because...for a reaction is an equal and opposite


    You do NOT have to seek revenge in as of any way

    shape, or form.

    You just have to do the right the right

    thing will follow even when others do not

    support it.

    Do the right thing, even when others think it is


    Do the right thing, even when the wrong thing is


    (In the end there is are rewarded with peace in knowing that you did the right thing.)

    YOU have the potential for ENORMOUS success!

    There is a price that does come with that.

    People not always like you and they are not always

    happy for you. If you surround yourself with those

    types of people who are not accustomed as to your

    success, they become fearful and scared.


    Because you are reflecting back something to them

    that they do not recognize.

    NOTE: This only happens when you are all around

    those who do mean, want, and as aspire the

    best for you.

    (People who DO want the best for you really want you to be your very best!)


    Surround yourself with those who are going to fill

    your cup until your cup runneth over. So once your

    cup runneth over, you cannot spend your life with

    your gallon-sized offerings ...offering it to pint-sized


    Surround yourself with gallon-sized people as who

    can hang in the same company with you, in so that

    you are not offering your own gallons to those little

    pint’s out there.

    The biggest choices begins and ends with YOU!

    Who do you want to be in the world?

    To all that is the it is not your belief in

    the Creator but your experience of that which is all

    life...which is, Divine Universal.

    This is the BIG deal!

    Be committed and aligned to that.

    You are tuned in and charged into that whenever

    you feel empty. Go inside yourself and connect to

    the Source and then you will know that...


    In closing...

    Know that, and to choose to do the right service and significance.

    You WILL create a vessel of service all for yourself, you have to honor yourself, FIRST...and

    give to yourself, FIRST. Or otherwise, you will have

    nothing to give away.

    This entire information will not only lead you to a

    fully blessed, gifted, and rewarding life, but with a

    sweet life.

    Even when the storms come, and they (sure) will...

    This too shall pass.

    You shall not be ruled because you know who you

    are. When you can do that, grace WILL follow you!

    The glory that  your Source/Higher Power/Universe

    has in store for YOU is so unimaginable to you.

    Take your glory...

    It is waiting for YOU...

    and run with it!

    Who YOU are...Why YOU are Here

    We ALL want to live and lead a meaningful life.

    Understand that it is ALL from a very deep sense of

    awareness about who YOU are and of why YOU are

    here. It comes from being in touch (onto a regular

    basis) with the holy gratitude and appreciation that

    should fill each of our hearts, again...all on a regular with the value of still just being here that

    truly matters.

    EVERYBODY here on earth has been called from the

    Universe to do the will and as to fulfill the highest

    expression of yourself as a human being. It is to do

    that in truth.

    So, how does one do that?

    By allowing every step you take move you in the

    direction of the one thing that ALL religions can/do

    agree on...It is LOVE.

    There are only two (2) emotions that count:



    (In all of your moments through life, you are either moving  in the direction of one or the other.)

    In order to have a VERY meaningful life, you has to


    -The kind of love that REALLY counts, and NOT that

    mushy love stuff.

    -The kind of love that as when everything is going

    wrong nobody knows that you are choosing love.

    -The kind of love that says, "I am here for

    matter what!"

    -The kind of love that you make the right decision

    ...even when you know the other person is wrong.

    NOTE: Make the choice to move just a bit closer in

    the direction that which is going to bring you

    grace. That which is going to honor yourself.

    And, by honoring yourself, you cannot help by also

    honoring the other person as well.

    (It does NOT matter what you have done with others, as it is already done unto you.)


    Before there is even the thought or even the action

    there is intention for that thought. Live your life of

    with a pure sense of intention.

    Through intentions, nothing shows up within your

    life that you did not order. If it is there, it is there

    because you needed to see it.

    You get to decide in ANYTHING because you are the Master of your own fate. You are the Captain of your soul."

    Ernest Hemmingway

    No longer be driven by what other people lead you

    to do, but take charge of your own destiny...making

    your own choices based upon what you do feel the

    next right move for YOU is.

    Being able to go to your own sacred space of your

    Source/Higher Power/Universe and being able to

    tap into the Divine flow/Universal energy...

    when/where you and all beings/things are directly


    One cannot have a meaningful life without a life of

    self-reflection, of spiritual and moral inquiry in the

    knowing who YOU are and why YOU are here.

    Spiritual understand who YOU

    are and why YOU are here.


    Your REAL job in life is as to figure out how do you

    master your worth field.

    So, how does one do that?

    -By constantly choosing love

    -By living in a space of gratitude

    -and knowing that that person you feel comes from

    a Source that is greater than yourself.


    Because NOBODY gets out of here alone.

    NOBODY! NOBODY is making it alone.

    When you are moving in all of that which is fearful







    It is because you are trusting in your own power.

    To step into the flow and grace (of your Source/

    Higher Power/Universe WILL take you where you

    need to be.

    (Be VERY mindful of ALL times!)

    YOU are already a spiritual life without seeking it.

    It is your job to be aware of your soul’s calling and

    the spirit that resides in, around, below, above, and

    through YOU!

    (Be about the business of fulfilling that.)

    Though life’s journey you will have to become who

    you are. That is what life teaches you...throughout

    all of your everyday experience’s , in teaching you,

    moment in...moment out of who you really are.

    It is our inner voice that will tell us as to try and find

    the way to answer to our own be still and

    to listen to.

    It is like prayer and meditation. are speaking. are listening.

    When people show (and do not tell) you who they

    really are...believe them...the FIRST time, and as do

    not wait multiple times after the first time for you

    to get the message. How many times will it take for

    you to see how a person really is?

    (Know that the FIRST time will be followed by many, many other times.)

    Watch a person’s body will tell you...

    EVERTHING about that person without the person

    ever speaking.

    (If it was a snake it would bite you in the nose.)

    NOTE: At some point in your life, it will come back

    to haunt or hurt you.

    Live your life from the point of view of all truth...

    and you WILL survive EVERYTHING!


    It takes many to understand that, as it takes them

    a while for them from...

    -Pretending to be somebody they’re not.

    -Wanting to be somebody but couldn’t.

    But it is when one will take the time to listen that

    their own truth would set them free.

    (It is your own truth that can set you free!)

    Turn your wounds into wisdom.

    You will be wounded so many times in your life...

    You will make mistakes like us all...(and some will

    call your mistakes failures)...

    NOTE: Failure is really what your Source/Higher

    Power/Universe says to you...

    "Excuse me... you are moving in the wrong


    (Understand that it is just an experience...

    as every failed experiment is just one step closer to success!)

    Be GRATEFUL...

    -every day of your life

    -every day you open your eyes, speak, hear, walk,

    normally go to the bathroom, and...for ALL of your

    physical capabilities.

    -every day for the gifts and talents that have been

    bestowed upon YOU.

    -every day for ALL of the things you are grateful for

    ...and as by doing this, you will begin to change your

    perspective of each of YOUR days...and YOUR life!

    By focusing as on what you have, you will ALWAYS

    witness that the Universe is SO abundant, and you

    WILL have more. If you directly concentrate/focus

    in your life on what you do not have, you will never

    have enough, and you will be pushing all the things

    you truly want further away from you.

    Bottom line...

    Be grateful for what you have and use those things

    wisely as so the Universe may bless you with bigger

    (and better) things that you could not even begin

    to imagine.

    Create the highest, and grandest vision possible for

    YOUR life.


    Because you become what you believe.

    In life...if you can be still, long enough in ALL of your

    endeavors, through the good and the hard times...

    connect yourself to the one Source and allow

    the energy that is your personality (your life force)

    to be connected to the greater force.

    ANYTHING is then possible...for YOU!

    Dream...of a BIGGER dream for yourself. That is the

    lesson. Hold the highest vision possible for YOUR it can (and does) come true.

    Definitions of Life’s Meanings

    We are ALL tested in life.

    He who has a why can bear any how".


    Why does one look in the darkest places?

    Because in those darkest places you can find what

    still shines.

    NOTE: If it can shine within the darkest places then

    you’ll know it is the REAL light.

    We look at things we do not want to look at.

    We HAVE to look at things that we do not want to

    look at. is intended to directly communicate

    something that is not directly expressed.

    So, why should one do meaningful things?

    Because life is suffering and malevolence. It WILL

    take you out...that’s a given.

    You need to be armed with virtue in order for that, NOT to turn into hell. It isn’t just your hell...that is bad enough, and that can be REALLY bad, it is when you are the one contributing to it.

    Not only are you suffering but you know that YOU

    are the direct agent in contributing to your own

    hell/producing the suffering.


    Maybe it is just not for you, but you are also "taking


    -your family

    -your community

    Then, that is hell!

    That is REAL!

    NOTE: No one with and sense/experience has any

    doubt that that is REAL!

    It does not stop there, as the same person creating

    that hell can really make it worse.

    What is the defensive wall against that?

    It is...nobility of purpose.

    That’s it!

    If you have that ,then you will have something to

    set against the suffering and malevolence.

    It is NOT optional! You CANNOT live without it!

    (again)... is intended to directly communicate

    something that is not directly expressed.

    Therefore, meaning is not optional.

    That is why it is a deep instinct.

    It is the instinct is the instinct of life.


    My life is meaningless.

    (It means that that the spirit has gone out of you.)

    It is all a process of criticism. We’ll criticize the idea

    of meaning so much that we do not really believe

    in it anymore.

    (That is fine if you do not believe it, but try living without it and see how far you get with that.)

    You need a reason as to get out of bed on a terrible

    day. What is that reason going to be?

    *Do you admire those who DO get out of bed on a

    terrible day?


    *Are these people taking responsibility?


    *Do they have excess capacity as so they are taking

    responsibility for other people?


    *Are they of conducting/doing difficult things...and

    are they doing those difficult things well?


    What does this mean?

    You’ll do some difficult things and when you do, do

    them well!

    Pack up your damn burden(s) and walk up that hill!

    NOTE: It is not surprising as it is the alternative to


    Accept the burdensome conditioning of suffering you are transcended.

    Yes, the world is a pretty rough place, and of course can use some work.

    Have YOU done all your work?

    If the answer is NO, then promptly put into order

    what you can put in order.


    Well, you have a problem.

    What is the problem?

    What are its constituent elements?

    What are of the smallest implementable steps that

    can be taken to start to address the problem?

    (Implement the best plan that you have on hand.)

    You will learn as by implementing that plan, as the

    next plan you make will be better.

    Do NOT remain in stasis (inactivity)

    If you do, then you will get old so much faster than

    you think.

    Time ticks away.

    GET AT IT...and get out there in the world!

    Have YOUR adventure.


    DO something!



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