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Two Trees Part 2
Two Trees Part 2
Two Trees Part 2
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Two Trees Part 2

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About this ebook

Part two of a 5 Part series on a vital suject.

The law of seedtime and harvest is a part of the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death.

People make plans, but the plans they make are made in a temporary world, a world that is tied to time. But time is rapidly running out.

In our daily lives, everything we do is connected to time, we get up by the clock and we go to bed by the clock, we keep appointments and we live by dates on a calendar.

But God does not exist in time, He is outside of time, in eternity, with His voice, the word of God, who came to earth and became Jesus Christ, the son of God and His Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God.

Before God formed the earth and the universe, before time began, God established His plan of salvation in the Spirit and His plan is eternal and will last forever..

PublisherPastor Ric
Release dateNov 13, 2021
Two Trees Part 2

Pastor Ric

Having Pastored a mainline Christian Church for many years, I am now producing Mobile apps, ebooks and paperback books on many Christian subjects, you can download them from

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    Book preview

    Two Trees Part 2 - Pastor Ric

    Table of Contents

    Throughout the book, please click this icon,  to view pop up notes for the paragraph.

    For more information on my books and apps

    Chapter 1 - Two Trees Part 2

    Chapter 2 - The roadmap of salvation

    Chapter 3 - Man’s armour and the Armour of God.

    Receiving Salvation

    Receiving the Holy Spirit

    Appendix 1 - God's Plan of Salvation

    Appendix 2 - Two Trees Part 1 reviewed

    Appendix 3 - What happened in the Garden?

    Appendix 4 - The sower sows the Word - 5 stumbling stones.

    Chapter 1 - Two Trees Part 2


    hen Adam fell because of sin   in the midst of the garden was the tree of life,  this tree contained the seed of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, the it’s seed is the word of God in Jesus Christ and if Adam and Eve had received the seed of the tree of life in their fallen state, they would have lived forever in that fallen state, so God sent them from the Garden, to prevent this and God placed an angel at the entrance to the garden to prevent his return. 

    Also in the garden was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which contained the seed of the knowledge of good and evil that the Lord had warned Adam not to partake of, lest he should die.   But satan came posing as a serpent and deceived Adam through the woman to eat of the seed of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and their eyes were open and they knew good and evil and entered into the world that satan had conceived in his heart and they knew evil, how that they were now knowing how to disbelieve God..

    Before the beginning, God created all things in the Spirit   and then recorded all that He had created, the end from the beginning  in the book that we now know as the Bible. 

    The Bible describes all that takes place from the creation of the earth to the end of the world and a New heavens and New earth and the people who are operating in the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, or the Law of sin and death   and how the Law of life in Christ sets us free from the law of sin and death.

    Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

    When we are born, we are born into a world operating in the law of sin and death, please go to appendix 2 & 3 for a reprise of the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death.


     Click above for a reprise of the Two laws 


     Click above to find out more about becoming 'Born Again' 

    Jesus said I AM the Way the Truth and the Life   He is not just a way, one way of many, but He is the Way and the only way to the Father God, because He is the only one who came from heaven, lived as a man without sin, was crucified for our sin and was resurrected by God through the Holy Spirit. He is the only one who is the Son of God who is now seated at the right hand of the Father, He is the word of God made flesh, He was before the beginning and is now and shall be forever.

    It is through Jesus Chris, through His shed blood and through Him alone, that we come to abide, live and make our home in God the Father. 

    When we have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour, we are able to operate and live in the law of the Spirit of life and we begin to produce fruit, the fruit of the Spirit which is love, the fruit of righteousness. 

    When we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour, we receive the Holy Spirit on the inside of us and our human spirit is born again, made new and we are a new creation, man and Christ joined together in Him   all things are made new. But in our soul, our mind, will and emotions, there is an image of our old self, all the things that we have gathered from the world system, hurt, abuse, disappointment, depression anxiety, pain suffering, betrayals, and things that we have done which were against God (all that is locked in our memory.

    This is the process of salvation to renew and transform our mind will and emotions to the word of God. Paul writes about this in Romans and says be transformed by the renewing of your mind  , casting down all imaginations that rise against the knowledge of God. 

    Each time we take down the old self and it's thinking, an exchange takes place and the word of God, the mind of Christ is revealed part by part. For example, if I suffer from anger we come against that anger in Jesus Name by speaking out and casting it down, we speak Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. so that you can hear yourself say, I cast down that anger now and bind it down and I speak tender heartedness shall be in me in Jesus Name.

    This process is repeated for every instance of the old self and selfishness, wanting to preserve the old self, it will be hard on your flesh, but wonderful in your spirit, for each time you do this, you are renewing and transforming your mind, replacing every act and desire of the flesh with the word of God. Then the mind of Christ is

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