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The Hereafter: Chronicles of The Fallen One, #3
The Hereafter: Chronicles of The Fallen One, #3
The Hereafter: Chronicles of The Fallen One, #3
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The Hereafter: Chronicles of The Fallen One, #3

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The gateways to Hell are opening, and beyond the invisible barrier lies an army of bloodthirsty creatures hungry for human flesh. In order to stop their nameless enemy, three friends are forced to overcome their greatest sins. The tides of destiny will sweep them to the finish line, but who will rise from the ashes?


Ava Chase is busy wrapping up her freshmen year at DU, trying her best to blend in with her classmates while her angelic DNA rages just under the surface. Her powers are growing at an alarming speed, making them harder and harder to hide. Her best friend is dead, and her grim warning from the other side is just a ticking time bomb waiting to ruin Ava's tiny slice of normalcy. When Ava learns that her birth was nothing more than a carefully orchestrated plan, she finally embraces the full extent of her power to try and take down the enemy that threatens the very fabric of existence.


Haven Hargrove is dealing with her own existential crisis. Her magic is on the fritz, and after failing to cleanse her friend of the evil stain on his soul, the idea of being stuck in the small town of Fox Field for another second is suffocating. Desperate to find answers about her mother's death, she longs to leave Colorado to search for her coven. However, fate has other plans for her, and when a new player rolls into town, her dreams of escape turn into a nightmarish game of survival.  


Gabe O'Conner is dead. His living body would claim otherwise, but the person he used to be died the moment his girlfriend Liv took her last breath. Locked inside a psychiatric ward, fighting the remnants of the demon that possessed him for months, he's oblivious to the outside world until an unlikely savior arrives with an offer he can't refuse. With nothing left to lose, Gabe accepts the deal, praying it will finally extinguish the evil inside of him, or at the very least, kill him in the process.


Content Warnings 
This book is considered upper YA/NA due to content
Mentions of abuse, harm, and profanity 
Violence, blood, and death 

PublisherAngela Dunham
Release dateNov 23, 2021
The Hereafter: Chronicles of The Fallen One, #3

Angela Dunham

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Angela Dunham is the author of the Chronicles of the Fallen One Series. Angela  lives in Orlando with her husband and young son. She is a toddler chasing, yoga loving, wine drinking enthusiast, who loves to write dark fantasy novels full of snarky, yet lovable characters. If you liked this book, please leave a review!!!! For promotional material, release dates, and freebies, follow her on social media Or join her Facebook Group, Angela’s Audience

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    The Hereafter - Angela Dunham


    He stood on the edge of rickety dock, staring out over the undulating waters in confusion. The cold, lifeless body of his most recent sacrifice lay in the surf, the boiling water disintegrating what was left of her. How had he failed? The ritual that kept his brethren locked inside Hell called for the sacrifice of a witch to be performed on this very day, and he had followed it to the letter, yet the gate was still opening. The veil between this world and Hell had become so thin that he could now hear the screams of his brethren coming from deep inside the belly of the beast, smell the vile hint of sulfur on the wind, and for the first time in his very long, wretched existence, he felt frightened. If his siblings broke free from their fiery prison, they would consume this world and he along with it. He needed to find another witch, and fast, but in these modern times, they were few and far between. Even worse, if he did find one, how would he convince her to help him when his sole purpose was to eliminate those of her kind? Stretching out his dark, bony wings, he shot high into the cool night air, desperate to find another sacrifice.

    Chapter 1

    Ava Chase slipped in her AirPods, trying hard to ignore the loud moaning sounds emanating from the room next to hers. The walls in her dorm room were paper thin, making it almost impossible for her to focus on her notes for the big chem test she had to take in less than twenty-four hours. Her freshman year at the University of Denver was almost over, and she was struggling to make a passing grade. After graduation, she’d wanted nothing more than to stay in Fox Field with her friends, with Kade, but she’d gotten a full ride to DU and couldn’t in good conscious pass up that kind of opportunity. Truth be told, considering her mixed angel heritage, she’d originally wanted to attend Iffy, to study Theology, but how did one explain that concept to agnostic parents who had no idea that their one and only adopted daughter wasn’t a hundred percent human? Instead, she’d begrudgingly taken the offer from DU, choosing to major in biology, mostly because of her own changing anatomy and the almost obsessive need to figure out what was going on inside her, even if it was just in theory. As it turned out, she sucked at Bio, and Chemistry was its own kind of worst nightmare. Sprinkle in the grueling all-nighters, with a dash of Mr. and Mrs. Bump N Grind next door, and she felt like calling it quits.

    Flipping through her color-coded flash cards, she yawned and fantasized about how amazing it would be to never need sleep. Too bad it was like a basic requirement for human survival. If her ever-developing angelic DNA produced a no need for sleep gene, she’d welcome it with open arms. Having the ability to stay up all night with no fatigue was appealing at the moment. Then again, if memory served, most vampires in movies and shows ended up being pretty insane. Maybe never sleeping was the cause. Mulling that over in her mind, she temporarily forgot about her homework, now focused on the terrifying fact that vampires could actually exist somewhere in the world. Considering all the unexplainable things she’d seen over the last few years, it was totally plausible. Choking back the panicky feeling that always accompanied her thoughts on the limitless possibilities of the supernatural world, she took a deep calming breath, just like her meditation app told her to do, and re-focused on the blinding stack of yellow flash cards on her desk.

    Two hours later, when the lines in her Chem book had blurred, she took it as a sign that she needed a break. Flashing out of her dorm room, traveling at what felt like the speed of light, she propelled herself toward the one person she missed with all of her being. Flashing always felt like a roller coaster ride, specifically that moment when you were teetering at the very top of the first drop and then got hit with that split second of weightlessness. The feeling wasn’t unpleasant per se but still unnerving all the same. After the drop, it felt like she was moving in slow motion, the destination from one point to another shrouded by a kaleidoscope of changing colors on all sides. Above the tunnel, the world seemed velvety black and still, reminding her of what the vastness of space might look like up-close. She had no idea if the darkness really existed outside of her so-called tunnel or if what she saw was some kind of spatial distortion created by her immense speed. If she was being real, she had no idea how any of this crazy stuff worked. Just that it did.

    Her powers scared her more often than not, but she was also grateful for them at times like these, when having some angel DNA up in the mix was a huge bonus in maintaining a long-distance relationship. In the past few months, her flashing ability had really ramped up, along with other powers that she still didn’t want to admit to herself. The boost had come at just the right time since Kade could no longer dream walk. Kade’s own magic had continued to wane since coming home from Purgatory. The change had occurred slowly at first, but now his transformation back to human was almost complete. It was ironic, really, that just as her powers were evolving, his were disappearing altogether. The idea that she might outlive him was always a concern in the back of her mind and now this.

    Kade had chosen to stay in Fox Field after graduation to make up for the lost time with his family. His parents had no memory of his previous disappearance, or the pain they’d endured while thinking he was dead. The memory wipe had been both a blessing and a curse. Her own memories of him hadn’t been altered, but aside from her, only Haven truly remembered Kade from his time before Purgatory. The rest of their friends only carried the recent memories. Gabe and Adam both knew they shared a long history with Kade, but neither of them could remember any of it. To this day, they still hadn’t pieced together exactly who had pulled off that magnitude of a mind wipe. She had her suspicions, but despite what little she knew about God, he or she didn’t seem like the type that liked to meddle. Her hypothesis stemmed from the fact that God hadn’t so much as offered a hand in helping them avert the potential apocalypse, twice. That in itself begged a bigger question. If God hadn’t been the one to alter their memories, then who or what else wielded enough mojo to pull it off?

    The last year had been hard on all of them, and Haven had also stayed put, not quite ready to leave her dad all alone after discovering the truth about her mother. Ava understood that and was also selfishly thankful that Kade and Haven were going to community college together. She also may or may not have enlisted Haven for bodyguard duty, not that she would ever admit that to Kade. He had some serious insecurities about becoming just a regular human again, and she had no intention of feeding into it by admitting that Haven was his shadow. She hated keeping secrets from him, but if the roles were reversed, she knew he would do exactly the same thing. She didn’t envy anything about Kade’s situation and did her very best to be his rock whenever he needed her. Even though she had experienced some truly crazy shit since finding out what she really was, she still couldn’t fathom what it was like to have a life’s worth of memories that no one else shared with you. Basically, Kade’s entire childhood had been replaced with an alternate reality for everyone around him, while he and only he carried the original memories. Add in the fact that he had been trapped in Purgatory for years, developing super powers that were now disappearing and you had a thesis worthy pile of psychiatric baggage to sift through.

    Ava’s own journey had been equally molded by pain. She wasn’t human, her birth mother had been murdered when she was just a baby, and her birth father, a real-life angel, was the ruler of Purgatory and cursed to remain there, with only a year reprieve for every hundred served. That little plot twist extinguished any and all hope she had of having a meaningful, long-lasting relationship with him. Reality was a cruel beast sometimes. On top of all of that, the pain of losing her best friend was still very real and overwhelming at times. Her amazing, big-hearted, loving friend, Liv, had given up her life to save them all; a sacrifice none of them could ever repay. She knew Liv’s soul was still out there somewhere in the ether, her cryptic message from the other side still a haunting warning that had failed to come to fruition. It felt like she and Haven had been waiting on pins and needles for the prediction to play out, while Gabe was, well, he was another issue entirely. Gabe had taken Liv’s death the hardest, essentially blaming himself because of the soul that had temporarily possessed his body. Things had been rough at first, but after the funeral, he’d gone completely ape shit, spouting off to anyone who would listen, claiming demons were real. Haven stepped in at that point and tried to help him by magical means, but her magic couldn’t penetrate the dark stain that Kellan had left behind. All Gabe’s crazy raging, mixed with his new love of recreational drugs, had forced his mom’s hand, and he was currently serving his second stint in rehab. This time, in a lock down facility. She hated seeing him strung out, but in a weird way, she understood. Sometimes grief had such a massive weight to it that all you wanted to do was numb it, even if it was just for a moment. Then you didn’t have to feel all the feels. She held on to the hope that Gabe would eventually find his way back to them, but right now, it seemed like he was slipping farther and farther into the darkness. A proverbial ticking time bomb waiting to detonate.

    Shaking off the bad thoughts, she ghosted through Kade’s bedroom window, reforming right behind him. That was a nice new trick, courtesy of a spell from Haven. Kade was sitting at his desk, mulling over his own schoolwork, when she lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He yelped before whirling around to pin her with his mesmerizing green eyes. Eyes that appeared very annoyed with her at the moment.

    Shit, Ava! You really have to stop doing that!

    Smiling, she trailed a finger down the center of his chest, reveling in the feel of his rapid heartbeat.

    Miss me?

    Pulling her in for a kiss, he whispered. Always.

    She let him take over, reveling in the taste of his lips as her stomach did a flip-flop. Being around him always had that effect on her.

    Pulling back from his kiss, she hugged him tightly before resting her head on his chest. I can’t believe I’ll be back home in a few days. So much has changed.

    Sighing, Kade kissed her on the top of the head. Have you talked to Haven lately? She’s been really MIA.

    A few nights ago. Why?

    Cupping her face in his hands, Kade’s stare was all business. I’m worried about her. I feel like she knows something big and isn’t sharing.

    As Kade assimilated back to being just an average human being, his human quirks became more apparent as well. Anxiety being the worst of them. Maybe he’d always been a worry wart, or maybe living in Purgatory and saving the world from an apocalypse, or two, had fundamentally changed him.

    If you’re right, and she is hiding something, then you also know that she’ll tell us when it’s the right time and not a moment sooner. Haven’t you learned that by now? Stop being such a moody booty.

    Scooping her up into his strong arms, Kade kissed her again before tossing her onto the bed. Fine. You win. Plus, we have more pressing things to do tonight.

    Giggling, she snapped her fingers, making his clothes disappear. You were saying?

    Shocked, Kade stared down at his naked body, then back at her. When did you learn how to do that?

    Shrugging, she said, Honestly? Didn’t know I could until just now. 

    Wiggling her fingers at him, she added, These new powers are turning out to be super fun.

    Kade stalked toward her in all his naked glory, but it was the deep furrow in his brow that caught her attention more than his other, more appealing body parts. He didn’t say anything out loud, but she knew he was worried about how quickly her powers were accelerating. Things like tonight had been happening frequently; her wants manifesting into reality with no real effort on her part. Deep down, she felt like the power boost had something to do with Liv’s warning but hadn’t yet found the connection. Refocusing on the love of her life, she smiled as he placed one knee on the bed, beckoning her to come closer. Tonight wasn’t the time for obsessing over what-ifs. Tonight was just about them.  

    Chapter 2

    Tossing and turning on the hard cot, Gabe O’Conner couldn’t find a comfortable position, the flimsy blanket provided by the facility barely enough to cover his upper torso. He hated everything about this place; the beige walls, the beige furniture, the beige sheets that felt about as soft as a piece of sandpaper. Staring around his tiny, stark room, he wondered if psychiatrists as a whole believed that beige was the magical color cure for mental illness. Or maybe it was just a coincidence that the last facility he’d checked out of was also beige, on beige, on beige. He should probably do some research on the topic and see if there was some actual science behind it, like if beige was supposed to be calming or some shit. Too bad he didn’t have his phone or tablet, as they had confiscated both upon entry.

    Rolling over for the thousandth time, he grunted in frustration. He hated the confines of this place, but at least, locked in here, he had some semblance of security. In here, people were watching him, checking in on him, and giving him drugs to dull the never-ending pain of withdrawal among other things. Out there, in the real world, he was afraid of what he was capable of. That vile corrupted soul named Kellan had changed something inside of him when he’d been forcefully ejected from his body and sent back to Purgatory. Hell would have been a more appropriate place for such a dark soul, but that decision wasn’t up to Gabe. The first few days after being free of Kellan had felt liberating. The cloak of darkness over his soul had finally been lifted, or so he thought. Then, the strange urges to maim and kill had started up again. Knowing they were much more than just a by-product of his depression over Liv’s death, he had turned to drugs and alcohol for an easy shut-off switch. In the beginning, his friends all assumed grief was the reason he’d begun using, but that was only one part of the story. The evil rooted deep inside his heart was the other. He could feel it deep down, undulating and growing, and it was only a matter of time before it clawed its way to the surface. And then he wasn’t sure what might happen. So, for the time being, he let the nice doctors drug him up with the legal stuff that dulled his senses for a few hours at a time. All the street drugs he’d been ingesting before coming here had only managed to amp him up, compounding an already volatile situation.

    Rubbing his tired, swollen eyes, Gabe inwardly cursed. He didn’t want to feel like this; he didn’t want to have this evil shit inside of him. It felt like an insidious and angry monster prowling just under the surface of his skin. He wondered where the fun-loving part of him had gone. Maybe it had died along with Liv. He would have given almost anything to feel like a young, naïve boy again, just for a second. He longed to pick a fight with Adam or just read a goddamn comic book without feeling like he wanted to explode. Most of all, he wished for one more day with Liv to tell her exactly what she’d meant to him. Thinking about her always made his stomach recoil.

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