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The 24 Days of Christmas Spirit
The 24 Days of Christmas Spirit
The 24 Days of Christmas Spirit
Ebook269 pages2 hours

The 24 Days of Christmas Spirit

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About this ebook

Forgetting the menaing of Christmas can make you feel dreary and down.

And sometimes you wonder why you can’t help but frown.

So, from our family to yours we give you this gift.

You’ll find that your family’s spirits will lift.

These stories are filled with kindness, Christmas, kinship, and peace.

You will notice bad feelings beginning to cease.

As you read, listen, and learn from lessons of love, open up just take a look.

You’ll find the true spirit of Christmas in your home because of this book.

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!

-Parker Johnson

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 12, 2021
The 24 Days of Christmas Spirit

Heidi Amott

Heidi Amott is a mother, wife, business owner, and Christian. She strives to live her life in service of her family and others. Heidi is a strong believer in the motto that family comes first in all things. Her Mother who passed away after a valiant fight with breast cancer, was a huge example of faith and devotion to the Savior. Because of this Heidi too has a desire to share her love and testimony of the Savior with others. Heidi has a big heart and strives daily to live by the teachings of the savior, through service, love, charity, and kindness. she is excited to bring this book to print with the prayer that it may help to touch the lives of others and help them to grow closer to Christ.

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    The 24 Days of Christmas Spirit - Heidi Amott

    Copyright © 2021 Heidi Amott.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    WestBow Press

    A Division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan

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    Bloomington, IN 47403


    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Interior Image Credit: Parker Johnson, Gabriel Finlinson

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-4041-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-4043-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-4042-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021914450

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/12/2021


    Table of Contents

    December 1st: Teach the Children

    December 2nd: A Different Kind of Christmas

    December 3rd: Christmas Boots

    December 4th: Missing at the Manger

    December 5th: Christmas Trains

    December 6th: The Perfect Tree

    December 7th: The Fourth Wiseman

    December 8th: Santa’s Secret Club

    December 9th: Missing at Christmas

    December 10th: Finding Room

    December 11th: Christmas Bells

    December 12th: The Gift of the Magi

    December 13th: The Innkeepers Son

    December 14th: Painting True Beauty

    December 15th: Christmas Memories

    December 16th: Master Gift Giver

    December 17th: Christmas Tree Forest

    December 18th: A Mission of Love

    December 19th: Kent’s Gift of Love

    December 20th: Anticipated Guest

    December 21st: Keeping Baby Warm

    December 22nd: Love Knows No Bounds

    December 23rd: The Littlest Angel

    December 24th: The True Christmas Story


    I Dedicate this collection of short stories to my loving Mother

    Laurie Nadine Barney.

    She was the best example of Christlike Love and Devotion. Without her this world is

    a little dimmer, as she shared her light and testimony in everything she did.

    I invite you, as she always strived to, to remember the true reason for the Christmas Season and to invite Jesus Christ into your homes and lives year-round.

    "I know my Redeemer lives. I love him. He loves me and I want to be more like him. To live the gospel more fully. To unlock the power of the atonement in my life. It is true what the scriptures tell us about charity. Without Charity we are nothing and have nothing." Taken from Laurie’s personal journals.



    December 1st

    Today’s word is,


    Today’s Scripture is,

    "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all

    men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

    James 1:5

    Today’s Song is,

    The First Noel

    Today’s recommended activity is,

    Make ornaments out of paper, cookies, or other materials and hang them on the Christmas Tree.


    December 1st

    Teach the Children

    It was three weeks before Christmas and Kamille was rushing home from what she hoped would be the last shopping trip for Christmas presents this year. It was late and she was tired. She usually loved the time she had alone shopping for her family’s gifts. While her husband would get the kids into bed, it would give her a few minutes of peace from the craziness this time of year brought out in them. She was recounting the frustrating situation at the store where in her opinion, silly people were arguing and fighting over this year’s must have toy and the limited stock on the shelves. The whole frustrating encounter did nothing to relax her or change her mood. She did not know why but she just was not really feeling the Christmas Spirit. In fact, she had not even started to decorate the house yet.

    Once home Kamille finished hiding the toys she had just purchased until she could wrap them later. Then she cleaned up the toys left on the floor in the living room from the chaos of the kid’s playtime earlier in the day. She started for the stairs and bed when suddenly she heard a noise behind her. As she spun around to face the fireplace, she was startled into silence at who she saw standing there. Santa Clause himself stood there dusting some soot from the sleeve of his jacket. He looked towards her and placed a finger to his mouth to stop her from calling out.

    What are ….? She started to ask in a hushed whisper, but the rest of the words were choked off as she saw that he had tears in his eyes instead of the usual joyous twinkling and an unfamiliar sadness on his face. Gone was his normal jolly demeaner. Gone was the eager, boisterous soul, we all know. What could make Santa Clause the picture of happiness and wonder, look so saddened? Before she could ask the questions forming in her mind he spoke.

    Teach the Children.

    Kamille was stunned and puzzled. What did he mean, teach the children? As if Santa had anticipated the question, he brought forth his beautiful red velvet bag. That magical bag that he carried all the gifts for the people of the world in. As Kamille stood there bewildered and shocked, Santa again repeated his plea.

    Teach the Children. Teach them the true meaning of Christmas. The meaning that people have forgotten. The meaning that all the hustle and bustle pushes out of our minds. Santa said, as Kamille watched him miraculously pull, the most beautiful 7-foot-tall Douglas Fir tree, from within the depth of his bag. He arranged the exquisite tree next to the fireplace and continued.

    Teach the children that green is the first color of Christmas. The pure green color of the majestic fir tree is never changing as it stays green year-round. Thus, it depicts the everlasting hope of mankind. Green is the most youthful of colors as it symbolizes life and hopefulness throughout nature. All the needles of a fir tree point heavenward which is a symbol of how man’s mind and hearts should be directed upward to heaven. It reminds us how mankind should be living life in a way that they may return to live with their Heavenly Father someday. The great green tree has been mankind’s friend, as it has sheltered him, warmed him, and given him joy and beauty. Kamille’ s eyes were alight with wonder as Santa turned and then pulled a brilliant shining star from his red velvet bag.

    Teach the children of the heavenly sign sent by God to proclaim the birth of the Christ child who would be the Savior of the world. That heavenly sign, that had been promised from long ago, would be a new star appearing in the heavens. The star would shine above the Christ child’s birthplace known as Bethlehem and mark the fulfillment of God’s promise. The Star shining in the night sky would guide those who sought the Savior and King of Kings, as they traveled to worship and honor him. Santa continued as he then placed the brilliant shining star on top of the fir tree saying, We place the shining star on top of the Christmas tree to remember those that sought the Christ child long ago. It is a symbol in our homes of our personal search for the Savior in our lives today. Kamille stared in silence at where he placed the shining star on the top of the tree allowing his words to soak into her heart as the light from the star shone on her face.

    Teach the Children. Santa said softly pulling Kamille’ s eyes back towards him as he pulled forth a candle from his bag. As he placed it on the mantle, the soft glow from its tiny flame cast a gentle light about the darkened room. Different shapes taking on almost humanlike qualities seemed to slowly dance upon the walls around the room. Kamille turned her eyes back to Santa as he continued.

    Teach the children that the candle shows mankind’s thanks for the star of long ago. Its small light is a mirror of starlight. At first, candles were placed on trees to be a symbol of mankind’s promise to be a light to the world as the Savior was. Numerous candles placed on the dark fir tree became a symbol of the millions of twinkling stars. Each star represented by a soul shining their light for the whole world to see. The strings of colored lights have since replaced the candles and now stand in place for remembrance. With Santa’s pause he waved his hand and the beautiful tree seemed to light up with millions of twinkling lights. Kamille stood transfixed absorbing the scene before her. After a few moments, she turned her head towards Santa as he had cleared his throat and he continued to speak, heavy with emotion in his voice.


    Teach the Children. Teach them that red is the next color of Christmas. Red is used to remind the faithful, of the blood which was shed for them and all mankind through the atonement of the Savior. Christ gave his life and shed his blood that every man, woman, and child might have God’s gift of eternal life. Red is a deep, intense, and vivid color. Red is the greatest color of all as it symbolizes both birth and death. Red is the symbol of the gift of God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice for us all. Then Santa placed the Red ornament on the tree at its center. The deep green of the fir tree was the perfect background for the deep red color of the ornament. Kamille turned towards Santa as a soft tinkling noise had caught her attention as it pierced the silence.

    Teach the Children, Santa continued as held up a glittering golden bell. Teach them that as the lost sheep are found by the soft tinkle of the bell, the sound of it should ring out as a reminder for all mankind to return to the fold. The Bell stands for guidance and our return. It further signifies that all are precious in the sight of the Lord, as he searches for each one of his lost sheep, just as a shepherd does. After hanging the bell on the tree and as its soft sound faded into the night, Santa reached for his bag. And brought forth a large candy cane.


    Teach the Children, he continued as he hung the Candy Cane on the tree. The Candy Cane represents the shepherd’s crook. The crook on the shepherd’s staff helps to bring the straying sheep back to the flock. The Candy Cane represents the helping hand of the Lord towards mankind. His gentle love and guidance throughout everyone’s life, as he brings us back to his fold. Santa reached into his bag yet again and brought forth a beautiful present wrapped in a silver glittering bow.

    Teach the Children, he said as he placed the present under the tree. A bow is placed on presents to remind us of the spirit of brotherhood, for all of mankind. Just as the bow is intertwined and then tied together, so is all of mankind. Mankind’s lives intersect one with another in all sorts of ways that most are unaware of the connections. With being tied and intersected mankind should show bonds of love, kindness, acceptance, and goodwill toward ALL! Therefore, goodwill is forever the message of the bow.

    As Santa peered about the room, a look of satisfaction seemed to shine from his face, as Kamille continued to stare in silent awe. Santa could read the wonderment and admiration from Kamille as she too followed his eyes about the now brilliant room.

    Santa again reached into his amazing red velvet bag. He brought forth a large, gorgeous holly wreath. as he placed it on the door he continued, Please, teach the children that the wreath symbolizes the eternal nature of God’s love. It never ceases, stops, or ends. It is a continuous symbol of affection and commitment. The wreath does double duty on our doors as it also reminds us of the many colors and precious things of Christmas.

    Santa Clause walked back to the fireplace. As he picked up his beautiful red velvet bag and he turned one final time back to Kamille. She stood transfixed as she watched him. With pleading in his eyes, he spoke to her once more before disappearing in the twinkling of an eye. Leaving Kamille with tears in her eyes standing before the wonderous scene he had blessed her life with forever more. She would always hold those words from that magical night deep in her heart with a promise to follow his pleading words which still ring true today.

    Please, teach the children.


    December 2nd

    The Word of the Day is,


    Today’s Scripture is,

    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

    Isaiah 9:6

    Today’s song is,

    Silent Night

    Today’s recommended activity is,

    Set up, Color, Create, or visit a Manger Scene.


    December 2nd

    A Different Kind of Christmas

    Hellen was kneading bread dough at the kitchen table in her small farmhouse, doing her best to ignore the approaching holiday. Christmas used to be a time of grand celebration for Hellen. They would bake pies and goodies and have a wonderful feast with the family. The Christmas tree would be decorated with handmade ornaments and popcorn strings as garland, with bows and

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