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The Beauty of the Lord: Keys to Radiating the Glory of God
The Beauty of the Lord: Keys to Radiating the Glory of God
The Beauty of the Lord: Keys to Radiating the Glory of God
Ebook107 pages2 hours

The Beauty of the Lord: Keys to Radiating the Glory of God

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The Lord is raising up a mature Bride for Jesus Christ. She is prepared and ready to assume her position in His Kingdom. She is enveloped by the atmosphere of Heaven, and the beauty of the Lord rests upon her. When others see her, they see Jesus. She's been so long with the Master that she begins to radiate the very glory of His presence. Yes, it's getting darker today. Yes, there still seem to be places that are not open to the movement of the Spirit, but He is raising up a remnant Bride who carries the beauty of the Lord, changing the atmosphere as she walks into a room, no matter where she goes. This is our hour and season to be that radiant Bride, to shine forth the goodness of God. For those desperately hungry for more of God, The Beauty of the Lord is truly a must read. In it, Author and Teacher Steve Porter offers fresh keys to radiating the glory of God.


Steve and his wife Diane founded Refuge Ministries and a presence-driven publishing company, Deeper Life Press. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications, including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. Steve's books, maturity pamphlets, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY.


Release dateNov 16, 2021
The Beauty of the Lord: Keys to Radiating the Glory of God

Steve Porter

Refuge Ministries Steve & Diane Porter are founders of Refuge Ministries. They believe that, through the presence of God, healing takes place. They have a passion for conducting presence-driven intimacy conferences, missions, and restoration ministry. They reside near Rochester, NY   Steve's Bio Steve has written many books and has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, with a clarity and simplicity that draws one up into a closer walk and deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. His speaking engagements take him internationally. Steve's passion is reaching people through social media, conference speaking, and writing devotional books that draw the reader into the very presence of God. His latest devotional "He Leads Me Beside Still Waters: 50 Love Letters of Healing and Restoration from our Lord" is a special prophetic devotional where you will find Jesus in the pages of this book. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and the Identity Network.  His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people.  He also has been interviewed by the Trinity Broadcasting Network and a few other TV programs. Steve's books, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. 

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    Book preview

    The Beauty of the Lord - Steve Porter


    Special thanks to our editor Nancy Arant Williams and our Deeper Life Press publishing team.

    Special thanks to our Refuge Ministries Partners for your prayers, generous support, and kind encouragement that helped this book find a voice.

    Most of all, our special thanks go to our Beloved Father, who holds us so close in the palm of His hand.

    Table of Contents



    The Tree and Its Fruit

    Making Jesus Famous

    Keeping it Real

    The Beauty of the Lord

    Inner Glory Inner Beauty

    1: They Are Radiant

    2: One Who Carries the Manifest Presence of the Lord

    3: They Carry a Sweet Fragrance

    4: Gentleness

    5: Kindness and Love

    6: Humility

    7: They Have Dove Eyes

    8: Brokenness

    How to Receive the Beauty of the Lord

    Let us pray, Dear Ones

    Bonus Chapter A Beautiful Heart

    About the Author


    Icarefully considered the subject under thought for a year before I ever preached this message in public, and it was another year before I decided to put it into book form.

    In fact, I’d been meditating on this theme and asking the Lord for two years while letting it simmer in the depths of my soul, often while I was alone in my car.

    I invested much time praying on it, baptizing it with my tears. I trust that it will be a word that you will always remember. It doesn’t matter if you forget who gave this to you if you allow the Lord to impart His spirit and life to your heart, so that you will truly see the beauty of our wonderful Lord through heaven’s eyes.

    I pray that as you read this short book, the Spirit will sweep through your home to shake your life like a mighty wind that brings restoration and healing. This is a divine appointment. I can’t wait to get started with you! Pray with me now, my dear friend.

    Father, I pray that you plant seeds even as my dear friends read this book, and that you continue to prepare us to hear from you, Lord. Stir us as we read, quicken us, let our hearts burn at the sound of your voice. We shake off any spirit of apathy or heaviness, any harmful mentality, any enemy distraction that would prevent us from entering into what You desire for us. We shake the dust off us and we come before you, Lord, the lover of our souls, the one who is altogether lovely, and we ask You to come and inhabit this place and rest within us.

    We invite you to come. We hold up our lanterns, diligently seeking You and running after Your heart. I ask You to take a hot coal of fire and place it upon these pages, for our dependency is upon You alone. Right now, we yield to You, allowing You to speak Your heart and Your word, giving You all the glory. Hide me behind your cross as my dear friends read on in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Even as we were praying, I felt a wind begin to blow. Our Father wants you to know that you’re special. In fact, the Lord said: I would die on the cross even for one, and I feel in my deepest heart of hearts that that special one is you!

    Even if you were the only one on the planet, He would have died for you alone, so how much more He wants to come and linger with us as you read. As you study this book in your hands, I believe that the Lord gave me this very special message to literally change your life forever! Shall we begin?

    The Tree and Its Fruit

    And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us (Psalms 90:17a).

    Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions (Matthew 7:15-20).

    The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. (1 Timothy 4:1)

    The way we identify a tree, or a person is by the kind of fruit it produces. This scripture refers to the body of Christ; it’s saying that within the body of Christ there are both true and false prophets. There are those who can prophesy all day long, but that doesn’t necessarily make them good. So how can we know the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet? We must look at their fruit.

    As we advance into the end times, we will see more and more wolves and false prophets coming into the body of Christ that preach heresy, false doctrine, and untruths. We will see pure waters being polluted and doctrine of demons being introduced. (1 Timothy 4:1) And how are we going to know if, as the Bible says, For there shall arise false christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect (Matthew 24:24) (emphasis added)?

    Look at the NLT version of this scripture.

    For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones (Matthew 24:24) (emphasis added).

    Now look closely at this next verse.

    "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign" (Matthew 16:4b, NIV).

    In this passage, Jesus speaks to the real truth: that those who only chase after a sign are motivated by lust that leads to a kind of spiritual adultery. Here the word ‘generation’ refers to progeny: When it says: ‘whose’ are you, it means ‘who is your father?’ So, the question here is: Are we the children of our Father, God or do we still carry the seed of the enemy inside us? If we lust after signs rather than allow signs to follow us, we reveal that our hearts are adulterous toward God. God wants our eyes on Him and not just on what He does.

    And these signs will follow those who believe... (Mark 16:17, NKJ)

    Can you see the distinction being made here? Scripture says that signs will appear if we say we belong to God and are walking in His power, seeking His kingdom and righteousness, but they won’t be the kind of signs we seek in the flesh. If we seek God for the right reasons, He will meet us where we are and demonstrate His love by giving signs and wonders, miracles, healings, and every other proof that He alone is God and loves to bless His children.

    The following scriptures speak to the subject of satanic

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