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Pet Town
Pet Town
Pet Town
Ebook181 pages2 hours

Pet Town

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A dead, evil Mansion owner's pets render wonderful cures to their new owners, then cause horrific accidental deaths soon afterward, which the local twin teen vets recognized, but can't seem to convince police or anyone else in Pet Town.  Its a Horror, Spooky, Treasure Hunt story. All fans will love to read this one over and over.

PublisherRicky Adlam
Release dateNov 16, 2021
Pet Town

Ricky Adlam

Ricky Adlam has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering with a background in Electrical Technology. He has working experience as a News Anchorman, a Weatherman, a TV Comedy Writer, a Senior Aerospace Project Engineer, an Aerospace Systems Engineer, an Industrial Engineer, and a Senior Nuclear Project Engineer. He has also performed Big Band songs at numerous Mayfair Music Festivals. He played rhythm guitar as a member of the Wabash Country Band. Ricky likes to write music, screenplays, and comedy novels. He usually writes a screenplay first and then uses it to create his finished novel. Ricky’s comedy-oriented writing makes his stories fun, fast reading books, which are available as e-books and in hardcover. Adventures at Top Tractor Academy was his first creation. Following that was 12 Monkeys on a Bus, then Twitzy & Ditzy, then SOS Cruise-Lines, then House Shoes, then The Tall Man, then Return of Pitt the Pirate, then Pet Town, then STAR 999 Down, and then Coronavirus-6WKS 2D DAY. Each of his stories are unique creations on their own with no follow-up volumes. Ricky Adlam hopes that these popular unique books continue to be read by young and old adults. It should be mentioned, that as a youth, Ricky Adlam was always outside playing Baseball, Football, Basketball, Stickball, Handball and Hockey. He intends to write comedy action sports stories in the future to be placed in school and local libraries throughout the United States.

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    Pet Town - Ricky Adlam





    Ricky Adlam



























    THE END:

    [Character Sheet and Authors Sheet]




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    Ricky Adlam




    A white mustang convertible drives into a very clean looking town and circles a monument bearing the name of Captain Heller. The town is well paved. Sidewalks look brand new. Red brick trim here and there covers ten blocks east and twenty blocks west, exactly.  No building is more than two stories high. Today, young male, ALBERT, and female, ALICIA, look about the beautiful but empty town. They are  twins who have recently graduated college, and they are visiting their Uncle who is in desperate need of veterinary help in good old Pet town. Ali, Alicia, points out her car window to a distant store sign just as an ominous tune plays over the car radio. Down from the center of town, he reads a store sign that says, PETS IS US and under it, Veterinary Hospital and Pet Store. Al, Albert, circles his car about the brick with brass monument. Captain Heller stands erect holding a sword to the throat of a young, kneeling Southern Soldier. The monument is dark brass and has been there for quite some time. The red brick and cement work look brand new. Curbs and street crossings look new everywhere in town. Extra parking is available in asphalt lots, located behind each store. Al taps Ali on the shoulder and points to the old statue standing in the almost totally new looking town. He holds his nose. He circles the statue three times, scrutinizing every aspect of it closely. Ali scrutinizes every aspect in each store window. She could give a care about the monument set in the center of town. Ali states. OK brother. I’ve seen enough for now. Let go see Uncle’s store.  Ali grins. Al drives the red sports car down Main street and parks it at the curb, right in front of his Uncles pet store. The two youngsters hop out and walk up to the front glass doors. They then enter, bearing wide smiles on their excited faces.

    Once inside the pet store, an older man, UNCLE JAKE RICKLES, is seen standing in front of the middle checkout counter at the register. He opens his arms wide to greet his favorite nephews. The radio music heard over the  ceiling speakers is cheery and just what the moment calls for. Uncle Jake calmly welcomes them, with a grin. He then states loudly, "Ah! My two new assistants have arrived. You both look so much like my big rich brother, Albert Rickles, Senior when he was your age. First, I’m going to tell you two that we are the only veterinarian pet store and hospital, in a hundred miles. Second, you are always welcomed here."

    Looking into her Uncles eyes, Ali heartfully replies, Good. We just graduated Vet school. We’re here and we are eager to start working with all the animals of PET TOWN, Uncle Jake. As you know, we started college early and got through fast. We’re known to be eager beavers and we love most domesticated animals. Dad sends his regards. She hugs Uncle Jake. His tongue sticks out from her strong, tight  bear hug. Al just slaps his extended hand and sits down on a stool.

    Al states, "You didn’t have to ask us to come, you know. We had decided that we wanted to work for you a long time ago. I’m not interested in real estate like dad is, you know. Say, that Captain Heller statue looks creepy. What’s up? Why have an old statue in such a new looking town?"

    Uncle Jake leans back on the counter and explains. Heller? Oh! This was Hellertown until Captain Heller died some years back. The old, nasty guy owned the Town Zoo, a mine, a food store, the movie theater, a bank, the library, and both dry cleaners. The Heller’s started the town. The family are all mining folks. It was changed later to Pet Town.

    Ali then asks, "What about the pets in Pet Town? Where are the people? It looks like a ghost town.

    Uncle Jake rubs his face with both hands and responds. Questions, questions. It seems that suddenly, everyone here owns a pet of some kind. No kidding. We treat them all here sooner or later, Alicia.

    Al chimes into the conversation, Well. We love pets. The more the better. Can’t get enough cute pets to handle.

    Jake hops up on the counter, pointing to a frame on the wall displaying a group shot of the big shots in town. So, they, they, the town councilmen, changed the town’s name to PET TOWN. More pets per household here than anywhere else in the good old USA. You twins will be exceedingly busy. Ha! Ha!  Just wait and see this summer. He slaps hands with young Al. Each man gives a quick sock in the arm to the other. Then they smile. Uncle Jake sits further up on the counter, folds his arms, looks the twins up and down. Well, they call me pet man Jake. I really don’t talk that much. I’m not like my brother, the State Senator. I never worked for the DA’s office either. Sometimes an animal nay get stranded. We get a call. Then we get there whenever a pet thing happens. OK? The council paid for my pet vehicle and my station-wagon. Drive it carefully.

    Al and Ali quickly reply, Sure!

    He hops off the counter and points towards the back corner of the store. Well, have a cup of coffee and a donut, then  toss your bags in the back room and head due north of town. They had an early morning problem at the Heller Mansion. It seems that there’s a treed cat to be rescued. Lightning struck a tree and the cat used up one of his nine lives. Early rain over there this morning. Ugly, old place. They ought to tear it down. Burn it right to the ground. So, you go check it all out. OK? Since you two are here, you are now on salary. Love you both. Now get started. Uncle Jake hands Ali a set of car keys and points to the rear hallway.

    Ali and Al nod and head to the back of the store with their bags in hand.

    Within a few minutes, Ali and Al exit the vet-pet shop and spot a labeled white van. They hop in Jake’s pet-mobile and drive around the side alley, then back up to the monument where they slowdown a moment to take a close look at the statue again. There are still no pedestrians walking about town. Al stops. He taps Ali on the shoulder, frowns, and points to twenty dead pigeons lying on the floor beneath the old monument. I think we should park it  here and see what the story is here. A young man exits the Postal Annex store wearing long gloves and carrying a large plastic bag. Al and Ali watch as he grabs up the birds, tosses them in the bag, then frantically dashes back inside. The twins become curious. They exit the pet van and promptly enter the store. Once inside, Al walks up to the young man stashing the plastic bag in a metal garbage can and swats him on his backside. He abruptly turns about. His store name tag says Tom Hart,   Junior on it. The clerk steps back.

    Welcome. What can I do for you two? he asks, acting fidgety.

    Al points out the wide front window, Just wondering. Why, collect dead birds? We just started working at the pet shop for our Uncle. What goes on here with the birds, Tom?

    Tom quickly looks to the back of store, then speaks, It’s the darndest thing. Since old man Heller mysteriously died, any bird that lands on or near the town statue dies. It just keels over. I won’t touch the metal thing myself. I even use gloves just to be on the safe side.

    You don’t say, Al agrees, nodding his head up and down.

    Tom continues, I tell you man, it’s about every day. Any birds near the mansion front steps dies in some odd way too. I can’t say no more. My folks want this kept secret, from the town people. I got to do some work in the back. Welcome to Pet Town and always use gloves. If people knew this, you and I would lose business because of this thing. Young Tom scurries away to the rear room. His parents then enter the front holding two, ugly, one-eyed chickens. The stone-faced parents stare hard at Al and Ali. The chickens have an eye patch over one eye. They look like pirate birds. Ali stares at the half blind birds and tightens her lips. Al stands motionless and silent, waiting for the cold faced parents to speak. The store owners point to the front door, saying nothing, not a word. So, the twins slowly steps out the front door. Just as they exit, Tom Senior, yells out to them. We know who you are. Remember. Wear heavy gloves. Gloves. Gloves. Ali and Al cross back over the asphalt to inspect the monument, then back to their Uncle’s van. Before they can enter it, a local Postman, Pete Washington, stands in front of the van, blocking it.

    He remarks, holding an old leather brown mail bag that is slung over his right shoulder, "Nice place to park in the middle of the block near the hydrant. Lucky the police ain’t around right now." Al gets behind the wheel and starts the engine. He pulls out his cell phone and tries to get a signal. Al puts it away. He shakes his head in complete disgust. Ali gets in the passenger’s side. She nervously begins to bite her lower lip. Finally, Al opens his side window for air. He then speaks to the Postman who is rigid in his stance in front of the van.

    Al then inquires, We’re in a dead zone in the middle of town. Nobody is driving about town but us. Why is that Mister Postman? Can you tell me, smart guy?

    The Postman adjusts his mail bag as he walks around to the driver window. He looks up and down the street. He then leans on the car and whispers to Al.

    Nobody in Pet Town works until after twelve noon. It is just a thing they do here, kids. Don’t know why. Just a thing they do. Can’t explain. This town has always had a mysterious Satellite, signal lock outs. It’s always before and after noon time. I never try to call home, myself. I’m Pete Washington and I deliver the mail to the Pet store. I can’t  gab much longer. Got to deliver the mail, you know.

    Ali points to the statue, then to the Postal Annex Store. Ali speak out, Postman Pete, have you ever observed any strange things with dead birds or other dead animals in town?

    The Postman backs away from the van. He frowns for a brief, moment. He places his heavy mail sack down, then cautiously looks about to see if anyone is watching them. Nothing that, that can’t be explained, I guess. Well, I moved out here ten years back and brought two of my prize Butterfly bushes with me. They sure grew up fast, however, the funny thing is, is that for years all I ever saw on them was dark black butterflies. Hundreds of them black butterflies. I recently cut them bushes down because I just couldn’t take it no more. - - - Now I’m happy, I think. You can change the name of an evil town but it’s still an evil town. It’s still the same zip code if you get my meaning.

    Al bites down on his lower lip, then states, Thanks Pete.  We arrived here just today, and we aren’t about to leave over black butterflies and dead birds in the center of town. We will be staying at our Uncles store should  you get a letter or two addressed to us.  The Postman looks around to make sure nobody is watching. He winks at them. Albert stares at Ali, briefly, then back at gray haired old Pete.

    Postman Pete lifts-up his mail bag. Once again, he whispers, "Come back after twelve and the town will be

    bursting with traffic and people with some pets. Pew! Why does it, always smell bad in Pet Town this time of year?  Always right around the monument. I just stay clear of things,  kids. I got to get going. Don’t tell anyone I spoke to you. I could get fired. Park closer to the curb. You know, I live fifty miles out of town. Even Stephen King would avoid living right here in Pet Town." Suddenly, dried dead leaves swirl off a store roof and spin down, circling about the Postman. Static cracks inside the van over the once quiet radio. The Postman swats the leaves back and forth. He swats the

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