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Two Trees Part 3
Two Trees Part 3
Two Trees Part 3
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Two Trees Part 3

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About this ebook

Part 3 of a 5 Part series
The law of seedtime and harvest is a part of the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death.

People make plans, but the plans they make are made in a temporary world, a world that is tied to time. But time is rapidly running out.

In our daily lives, everything we do is connected to time, we get up by the clock and we go to bed by the clock, we keep appointments and we live by dates on a calendar.

But God does not exist in time, He is outside of time, in eternity, with His voice, the word of God, who came to earth and became Jesus Christ, the son of God and His Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God.

Before God formed the earth and the universe, before time began, God established His plan of salvation in the Spirit and His plan is eternal and will last forever..

PublisherPastor Ric
Release dateNov 18, 2021
Two Trees Part 3

Pastor Ric

Having Pastored a mainline Christian Church for many years, I am now producing Mobile apps, ebooks and paperback books on many Christian subjects, you can download them from

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    Two Trees Part 3 - Pastor Ric

    Table of Contents

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - Their word was their bond.

    Chapter 2 - Taking down the old self.

    Chapter 3 - My own righteousness and righteousness in the mind of Christ.

    Receiving Salvation

    Receiving the Holy Spirit

    Appendix 1 - God's Plan of Salvation

    Appendix 2 - Two Trees Part 1 reviewed

    Appendix 3 - What happened in the Garden?

    Appendix 4 - The sower sows the Word - 5 stumbling stones.

    Chapter 1 - Their word was their bond.


    any years ago people in business, who made a contract with another business person, would not even sign a physical contract, they would simply shake hands and say, you have my word on that, or I give you my word. So powerful was a person’s word that they would not break that word, because they would be completely outlawed by society if they did. In the days of knights and chivalry if a person’s word was challenged, they would fight even to the death to uphold their word and their honour.

    Their word was their bond. This phrase and the term ‘I give you my word, came from a verse in Numbers.    Words are so important that God has said that we will be accountable for every careless word spoken.   for it is your words that will acquit you, and your words that will condemn you 

    Words that we speak show the condition of the heart and where the words are coming from, A good man gives out good, from the goodness stored in his heart; a bad man gives out evil, from his store of evil. 

    Words are like seeds and the heart is the ground for words, when we receive a word, it goes into our heart and begins to grow in the heart as good or bad,then we speak out of what is contained in our heart or our mind and memory.

    This is why God wants to plant good seeds into our heart,seeds of His word,so that whatever we say from the word growing in our heart, will bring a good result. But satan also knows this and seeks to plant his words of corruption, bad words to bring a bad result.  .

    Satan is the god of this world and uses the minds of men and women to blind them to the truth of the Gospel of salvation, to stop them seeing the light of the gospel  . Satan began his mission to blind minds in the garden of Eden when he said to the woman ‘Has God really said that’.

    Today he is saying the same thing but packaged under the guise of different suggestions, but his mission remains the same, to blind minds of all by saying Has God said, which means that he is saying that God’s word is not the truth and cannot be trusted.

    He has been systematically working for many years to bring God’s word to no effect and he has now brought the world to the place where a person's word can no longer be trusted.

    People are now placing God in the same category, saying what the bible says cannot be trusted and that God is not real, or that His word has been changed in the bible, it has been altered, added to, or is just wrong and cannot be trusted.

    Satan working through minds has convinced the world in the worlds system that no-one's word can be trusted and neither can God's.

    When the word of God tells us that the god of this world has blinded the minds, he is talking about satans cloak of deception which he brings, with which to clothe the mind, creating a false image in a person's thinking.

    When we operate in the world,we are operating in one of two laws, The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus,or the law of sin and death.

    The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is God's word sown into our heart where it grows and produces fruit or character in our heart, which is then spoken out bringing a good result from a word spoken from the heart of a person of good character. The Law of sin and death is satan's word sown into our heart where it grows and produces corrupt fruit or bad character traits in our heart, which is then spoken out bringing a bad result from a word spoken from the heart of a person of corrupt character.

    This process is the law of sowing and reaping and operates from every word we use, bringing a result, good or bad. 


     Click above for a reprise of the Two laws 


     Click above to find out more about becoming 'Born Again' 

    Appendix 2 and 3 explains the law of seed time and harvest and how these two laws, established by God were passed on to mankind from the seed of one of two trees, the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil and the tree of life.

    The seed of each of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil contained information about the the law of the Spirit of life and the law of sin and death. 

    Within each of those two laws, there are many other laws by which the kingdom of God operates and many laws in which the kingdom of darkness operates.

    In the law of sin and death there are laws such as the law of hate, the law of anger, the law of cursing, the law of disobedience. all these laws and many more are laws because a law always brings a result or a harvest into our lives.

    If we break a Government law and continually speed in our car, we will bring a result, a speeding fine or jail time, because we are operating in the Government law of traffic violation or traffic law disobedience.

    Likewise if we operate in the law of anger, we will bring a result of stress in our body and a harvest of sickness, these are all results from operating in the law of sin and death..

    In the Law of the Spirit of life, there is the law of the fruit of the Spirit,  the law of love, which

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