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32 Money Making Christmas Ideas
32 Money Making Christmas Ideas
32 Money Making Christmas Ideas
Ebook79 pages48 minutes

32 Money Making Christmas Ideas

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32 Money Making Christmas Ideas could be your answer for a debt free Christmas. Tired of charging all or part of your holiday shopping on Credit Cards? Wouldn't it be nice if you could pay for all of your gifts with cash this year? Maybe you can with one or more of these Money Making Christmas Ideas. Learn how this idea will have Moms and kids begg
Release dateJul 31, 2013
32 Money Making Christmas Ideas

Robinson Frances

In 1995, the author faced a serious financial crisis after her husband had a disabling accident. This is when she started researching ideas to earn income that could help her pay bills. This book is the result of that research. Frances P Robinson has written many articles for a local magazine and newspaper. In 2012 she started publishing books on a variety of topics. She is married, mother of 2 adult children, grandmother of 6 and great grandmother of identical twin boys. She resides in Covington Louisiana.

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    32 Money Making Christmas Ideas - Robinson Frances


    Host Kids Christmas Craft Parties

    Here is a service you can offer if you like to do crafts. Have a fun Christmas craft party. Kids always love a party. Give them a craft that they can make. Invite several of their friends and they’ll love the party even more. Kids are no different than adults who like to feel they accomplished something with their own hands.

    You can provide several craft ideas or kits and provide the materials. Make crafts that can be given as a Christmas gift and your party can be a seasonal hit. Even if you don’t know much about crafts you can research Christmas craft ideas online or in books at the library.

    (Caution: Don’t do projects with small objects that are a choke hazard for young children.)

    Here are a few ideas you can use but don’t limit yourself to only these:

    Sticker Ornaments

    Younger children can do this craft quite easy.  Let them place stickers on a plain ornament. Don’t try to be a perfectionist when working with kids especially on a project that is supposed to be fun for them.  So what if the sticker is crooked. After all they are just kids. Let them have fun. Use any variety of stickers and buy them cheap from a dollar store.

    Christmas Tree Ornament

    Use a cookie cutter to draw an outline on a piece of felt then cut out the shape. Punch out several holes and glue plastic beads over the holes opening. Place a loop of string at the top of the Christmas tree ornament and it’s ready for hanging. Use for age appropriate.

    Frosty the Snowman Ornament

    You can use simple household items to make this ornament. Fluffy cotton balls for the body, a bottle top for the hat, and pieces of felt for clothing. Use your imagination and miscellaneous items.

    There are many simple crafts for children of all ages. Do your homework and find some fun ideas very inexpensively. Kids want to have a good time. Give it to them and you could have a business that is in demand this year and for many more years to come.


    Holiday Childcare for Busy Parents

    Tis the season to be busy with work, shopping and Christmas parties. Many parents would welcome the offer to let you sit with their children while they are away especially if they know you.

    No need for anyone to be bored. Have a party! Bake Christmas cookies, make Christmas crafts and read Christmas stories while Mom is away. You can either bring cookie dough or ask the family to provide it. Simple sugar cookies with some colored sprinkles are easy but if you want more interaction with the kids use cookie cutters and make shapes to decorate.

    While the cookies are baking, pull out the craft kits or basic materials to make your own. You can make easy crafts with inexpensive items like felt, beads (only if age appropriate), stickers and straws. Before you get too involved don’t forget to check the cookies often. While the cookies are cooling help the kids with their craft but don’t forget it’s their party so let them have fun. (An alternative to crafts is coloring activities for younger children.)

    When the cookies are cool take a break from crafting to decorate them and eat.  Clean up as you go and settle the kiddies down to read Christmas stories. Certainly if there are children in the home there are Christmas books too. If not bring several or borrow some if you don’t have any. You can also get popular Christmas books from the library.

    After baking cookies, making crafts, eating and reading, Mom will be home before you know it. The kids will be jumping up and down anxious to tell her how much fun they had.

    Your kids’ party will leave unforgettable memories in the minds of the children you watch. Best of all you earn a reward. Watch out though. When word gets out about this service you may get many more calls to return again and

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