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The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus
The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus
The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus
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The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus

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About this ebook

The spiritual world, your true destiny in heaven, is completely different to this world and when your sins are forgiven it is like crossing over from death into a new life. Even in this world we are able to comprehend something of the majesty and glory of heaven.

 This is because we all within us have a spiritual side to our nature. T

Release dateOct 1, 2018
The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus

Mark Sanders

After working as a healthcare executive and Registered Nurse for 30 years, Mark went back to the front lines of nursing where HE began all those years ago at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, dropping a six plus-figure salary in the process, and putting his business on hold because he knew it was the right thing to do. Times had changed and after spending time with HIS colleagues, Mark learned a lot more about the busy lives of modern-day nurses and other workers and the sacrifices they give every day. With this, HE decided to start a new company with a focus on helping others find and achieve what is truly important in life. The desire was to make a wider impact on others’ lives not only by caring for others but by creating well-paid jobs and mentoring others along the way. Whether people are wanting to spend more time with a loved one, create precious memories with their children, or do anything that they otherwise struggle to fit into their hectic lives, MRMR is there. With MRMR, our customers can have breathing space and reach their goals effortlessly.

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    The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus - Mark Sanders

    A Wonderful Gift

    The reason for writing this book is not just that others can read my thoughts but be motivated and encouraged to read the Bible and discover Jesus for themselves.

    Jesus is keenly interested in the daily affairs of all of us and we will not miss out on anything of importance if we follow our God given spiritual purpose by accepting Jesus truthfully and faithfully into our hearts.

    The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus is a free gift which is available to us all.

    This wonderful gift is only available directly from the Saviour Jesus. There are two facts and one following and necessary requirement involved.

    The first fact is to read or hear the good news concerning God’s Son Jesus and how he alone can make everything in your life spiritually right.

    The second fact is to personally realize your absolute sinful position before a Holy God.

    Isaiah 64:6

    But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses areas filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

    Romans 3:23

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    The one requirement is to do something practical to spiritually settle the first and second facts. This requires you to faithfully turn to Jesus in prayer and personally ask for forgiveness for your sins and for guidance in seeking the truth. Any faithful and true Christian will stand as a witness to these two facts and the necessary requirement in order to be able to live out a wonderful Christian life.

    This gift is not available under the wrong circumstances. For instance you cannot buy it, sell it, earn it, work for it, make a deal for it, expect it on merit, or wait for it to arrive, assume you have it, inherit it, borrow it, steal it or assume it from an association with someone who you think has it. These efforts will only lead to a vexation of our spirit.

    A vexation of spirit is an unsatisfying circumstance and affliction which can lead to the breaking up of a spirit.

    Psalm 34:18

    The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

    Psalm 51:17

    The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

    Matthew 5:6

    Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

    Romans 10:13

    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    1 Peter 5:6-7

    Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

    The contents discussed here are a hopefully helpful in highlighting and discovering the many essential truths contained in the Bible. Bibles are meant above all to be used and not gather dust on the shelves. The basic truths are timeless as God does not change his mind.

    Christians in evangelizing situations often are pressed for time and perhaps handout invitations, literature or a tract as a first step of introducing Jesus as real and alive. This probably comes as a shock to most people who perhaps decide that the evangelist is either crazy, deluded or to be avoided at all costs! By the way, no sincere evangelist would expect a donation or payment of any kind, just in case you were wondering about that hassle factor or possibility.

    Later on, after the initial shock has subsided, some people may read the information over a coffee or in a personal quiet time and decide if the message is applicable to their life.

    I suspect that people who feel more worldly secure, maybe either young and healthy, proud, financially driven or in love with something else may turn away because the good news message would mean looking at their life in a different context which would require making painful decisions or adjustments. All of us would naturally think of our existing relationships with others during this adjustment process and this could determine our attitude towards making changes.

    If you have a heart which likes to avoid conflict you say to yourself I won’t be persuaded or involved so in a personal contact situation will use some avoidance mechanism, maybe a harsh word, argument or indifference or just explain that I am too busy, while walking away.

    Obviously any avoidance mechanism will work but if you shoot the messenger you will not hear the message. Perhaps you should think about what you are afraid of and think about life and the challenge of resolving unanswered questions by raising them with others.

    With many questions in this life possibly many reasons for this or that will remain partially unanswered; but seeking resolution and peace in your heart is a big issue. If you read the Bible accounts you will know that people who faithfully approached Jesus were not turned away and their situations were resolved.

    Matthew 14:31

    And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

    Hopefully some will see that actually in this physical and spiritual domain and in all other realms, that Jesus is able to spiritually communicate with us, save us from sin, replenish our spirit and guide us all the way to heaven.

    A Reason of the Hope that is in me

    1 Peter 3:15

    But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

    I had just moved into a large village to live as it was closer to my workplace. I came to know Jesus through the evangelistic ministry of three local churches in and around that village. On one ordinary day I just went to do some necessary shopping in the local precinct. Standing outside this corner of shops was a small group of local Christians who introduced themselves and invited me to their local church not far away. A personal invitation is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of Jesus.

    After attending that evangelical church, which I think was normally used as a community centre, and meeting up with other Christians from other local Baptist churches I began to understand something of the power and authority of the Christian message and particularly how it essentially determined the wonderful lives and thoughts of those families I had met.

    Soon after a local pastor came to my house and he read out the account of Nicodemus from the Bible. After realizing my unsustainable and wretched position before God I asked for forgiveness for my sins from the Saviour Jesus and prayerfully asked for Jesus to enter into my heart and life. You may care to read those same life-changing verses below:

    John 3 1:17

    There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:

    The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

    Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

    Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

    Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

    The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

    Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?

    Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?

    Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.

    If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

    And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

    And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    I would like to add that Jesus is always there to help and to guide you so if you are a practical person, who appreciates seeing for themselves the positive feedback from Jesus, then please use the available power of prayer. Jesus is not in the habit of giving up on anyone, no matter how frail you are or however domestic are your prayer requests. Whatever the circumstances you are very important to Jesus and your individual lifetime events, in all matters of joy and sadness, have a reason and purpose and an application.

    Jesus can save you, uphold you and provide strengthening throughout all of your life.

    If you are from any country, at any age or sex, of any character and temperament, with any type of emotional baggage, in any kind of bodily shape, even lacking faith or hope or in yourself or in the world, or in distress you can come to Jesus and have your sins forgiven.

    The spiritual world, your true destiny in heaven, is completely different to this world and when your sins are forgiven it is like crossing over from death into a new life. Even in this world we are able to comprehend something of the majesty and glory of heaven.

    This is because we all within us have a spiritual side to our nature. This important, but generally unrecognized, part of us acknowledges what is wrong with this fallen world and yet still survives.

    When we place our faith and trust in Jesus all of our sins will be forgiven.

    With Jesus as our guide we are changed into a new creature; our conscience cleared, our spirit renewed and uplifted and every part of us sanctified for useful service.

    2 Corinthians 5:17

    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    Our Bible reading and quiet times are essential to challenge our thoughts and prayers, to direct our paths and adjust our lifestyles.

    We should all feel the sense of looking forward towards that wonderful future in ahead in heaven. Each day just being thankful to serve Jesus and learn what we can in the process.

    This is surely the most wonderful and beautiful gift of all.

    1 Corinthians 13:10-12

    But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

    When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

    Revelation 21:1-7

    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

    And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

    And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

    He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

    This is really good news which has to be shared by all Christians as we are all witnesses to the new life to be found in Jesus.

    1. Introduction

    Perhaps you have never reasoned with God over the most important matters about life in general or more specifically about the things in your daily life ¹. A Christian believes that the Bible contains all of the necessary information for living a beautiful life ². However, understanding the Bible can appear to be a long and difficult task ³.

    An attitude of leaving it to the experts is an unacceptable shift in your responsibility to make no attempt to see for yourself what can be achieved ⁴. God does not want you to sort out this life or death matter in your own human strength or by engaging any earth bound third party ⁵. We may even try to use delaying tactics, excuses or anger against God in order to defer a sensible resolution but not realize that we need to be individually rescued ⁶.

    If for any reason you are being prevented from moving forward I would urge you to question if this has to remain your permanent position? ⁷. Many are burdened with a bad conscience or are held back by past experiences and feel unable to take any steps towards a loving God ⁸. Do you think God cares about you enough to change your current position or not ? ⁹.

    The truth is there are powerful forces in the world joining together that will do anything to prevent you from listening to, and knowing, God ¹⁰. This is a battle that we are part of and will not be fully resolved in our lifetime; unless Jesus returns in our timeframe ¹¹.

    Christians know that the Bible is God’s word; with a plan for us that is personal. If we are prepared to read the word as one would receive a letter, in the right context, prayerfully and with due diligence then God is not going to remain silent ¹².

    A large task can be broken up into small parts that are easier to spiritually digest. There are no prizes for coming first or rushing ahead as everyone has their own limit. We just have to press ahead and humbly accept and appreciate how God is feeding us each day. Spiritual indigestion or exhaustion can set us back, we need to notice things along the way that may seem insignificant in our lives but have to be learned and addressed. God at the end of your life wants you to have been lovingly purified and refined and useful to others.

    Many Christians have been used by God when they are much older and some when they are very young; but what matters to God is that they made it into his loving arms before it was too late.

    If others intervene with their qualifications, zeal, superior explanations or understandings, and therefore either add or take away from God’s word, then God will deal with them accordingly¹³. When you quietly discover things by yourself you will realize that God is blessing you for your diligence and enquiries.

    If we try to ignore God then we miss our opportunity to live life to the full ¹⁴. It is our responsibility alone to make the choice ¹⁵. This kind of choice in the heart means not sitting on the fence, no choice is equivalent to saying no to God ¹⁶. You do not know when your last situation to change your mind is about to come along ¹⁷. Delays on your part will cause you, and those close to you, more difficulties. I am sure that God provides more than enough time and situations for us to arrive at a decision and nobody will be able to say to God that You just did not care or provide enough time for me! ¹⁸.

    Hiding away in our own little world is not a credible existence because it means that we will not obtain real peace here ¹⁹; nothing truly rewarding in life to aim for ²⁰, no reliable security ²¹, clear conscience ²² or future prospect of heaven ²³. It is the ultimate price to pay for believing in a man-based foundation ²⁴. Do not pretend that you can just believe in nothing because there is still a price to pay for sin ²⁵.

    Just in case you were unaware; we are all sinful ²⁶. We are easily distracted when we lose sight of God ²⁷. We think that our immediate and pressing problems will disappear through believing in theories about big bangs, evolution and scientific knowledge which are going to solve our spiritual and material needs ²⁸. Even Christians involved in such arguments can become sidelined and a simple warning, repeated two times, has to be sufficient ²⁹.

    So is it to be unproven theories, fantasies, illusions or dealing with who I am; today? ³⁰.

    To take things to the extreme if future miracles are performed on earth, perhaps by angels or religious leaders would you trust in them if the authority of Jesus was not mentioned? ³¹. If you really did not understand Jesus up to that point you could easily be led astray ³². Captured by persuasive, yet deceptive, enemies because you did not question their lies ³³. You need to be strong in faith in case some personal tragedy or disaster comes your way ³⁴.

    We know when we trust in our own hearts that we can easily be led astray - like fools ³⁵, ³⁶ ³⁷. Our past experiences and conscience confirm that to be true, and we can feel many mixed emotions. Many lifestyles are possible but which are the most blessed and fruitful? ³⁸, ³⁹, ⁴⁰.

    With such a multitude of lifestyle possibilities the question we could ponder on which possibility is the route to avoid the most damaging sins? This is an illusion because any sin is damaging and if not cleared out will lead on to other damaging sins. Who, on their own, could make the right choice? ⁴¹. It is ultimately the worst gamble, as it can never pay out; because God cannot change his word or character ⁴².

    The word sin can be thought of as missing a target, or falling short, but in reality we miss the target completely because we are setting our aim on seductive targets that cannot satisfy, sanctify or save. In fact we are separating ourselves from God⁴³. The word sinwhen spoken out affects people inside deeply and can provoke a range of reactions. It is a truism that sin will either keep you from the Bible or the Bible will keep you from sin.

    Also the word sin has an I in the middle of it as it is basically selfish.

    One lifestyle can drift downwards into another over time. There are a long list of sins, all there to be seen in our society. Any sinfulness is not a long term, well thought out or fruitful strategy. You can see lifestyle changes according to the company you keep.

    Any past and present sins already are already seriously harming any future relationship with God. This is because our consciences become seared ⁴⁴and lifestyles habitual ⁴⁵. The simplest way to look at sin is that it is a transgression of God’s law ⁴⁶.

    Criminals tend to avoid the police in a similar way to people avoiding God.

    We just do not know in our lives, when and in what way, evil forces will be allowed, with powerful resources, to occupy our minds and continually try to oppress and rule over this world ⁴⁷. Could you recognize evil that could, for instance, manifest itself in our minds or appear in reality as in the form of a snake, as a roaring lion or as an angel of light? ⁴⁸, ⁴⁹, ⁵⁰.

    If not then our desires lead us into sin ⁵¹. The Bible clearly states that we are all sinners so at some point we should recognize that we all need help from Jesus ⁵². True Christians have accepted this fact before most of the other people, but that is nothing really to be proud about because we all start off in the same boat; and when a boat is sinking we all need help.

    Until God steps down from heaven, again, for the final intervention ⁵³ we may feel our short lifetime is quite irrelevant ⁵⁴, but God is concerned with our heart ⁵⁵, and provides the only route for forgiveness ⁵⁶.

    At the start of the last stage the devil will realize that his time is closer to running out ⁵⁷, in these end times he will even perform miracles ⁵⁸as a last desperate attempt to deceive and enslave people ⁵⁹, always lying about God ⁶⁰. How will you then know for certainty in those uncertain and dangerous times what is really true, lasting or satisfying? ⁶¹. Even in the perfect world Eve and Adam fell for lies and ate the fruit. The first lie was to question God’s authority and the second was to question their prospect of death. Because of their error your body is now going to die ⁶² and so the consequences of original sin are still with our bodies today ⁶³. Sin spreads in human terms; it is a fatal, yet thankfully curable disease ⁶⁴.

    The natural world that has not yet received God’s spirit cannot know or accept that God has complete authority over all powerful forces and knows everything, and is able to operate in any way, anywhere, at any time and place ⁶⁵. Yet God is the only person able to support you in all areas and situations, past, present and future ⁶⁶, ⁶⁷, ⁶⁸, ⁶⁹, ⁷⁰, ⁷¹, ⁷², ⁷³. In effect it means that if you put your trust and faith in God then the way ahead is prepared for you ⁷⁴. It is the best change that can ever happen in your life. How can we possibly describe a change that involves all of the following factors at once, a change from death to everlasting life, becoming a new creature, with heavenly vision, and with a new spirit and heart ⁷⁵, ⁷⁶, ⁷⁷, ⁷⁸.

    It requires the miraculous intervention of Jesus to perform this miracle in your life ⁷⁹. There is no other way; it is an exclusive offer ⁸⁰, ⁸¹. There is no other intermediary, (priest) between man and God ⁸², ⁸³. It is a loving redemption plan ⁸⁴, predestined before the creation of the world ⁸⁵,⁸⁶.

    The burning truth can be experienced ⁸⁷, and it is life changing ⁸⁸. God is able to fill you with his Holy Spirit which brings forth love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance ⁸⁹. The Holy Spirit will always direct you towards Jesus ⁹⁰, the, author, pioneer and finisher of our faith ⁹¹.

    This short booklet is written to help you find your way through, and out of, precarious and dangerous times and situations. Times when our thoughts and actions press on our hearts and spirit and that cannot be dismissed or suppressed ⁹², ⁹³. We all have a conscience and spiritual need that needs to be properly addressed and satisfied ⁹⁴, ⁹⁵, ⁹⁶. A worldly position that, on the surface may seem like an acceptable part of life, yet, cannot offer no truthful answers about who we are, what we are doing with our lives or where we are going.

    Indeed these three questions above connect directly to the body, soul and spirit.

    A totally truthful, honorable and decent answer needs to address the body, soul and spirit to sufficiently satisfy the need ⁹⁷, ⁹⁸, ⁹⁹, ¹⁰⁰.

    You may think that in times of danger you could rely on some social insurance mechanism such as the marketplace, church or state, as during some previous and more sociably responsible times. However, in the forthcoming darkening times the light of scripture ¹⁰¹, ¹⁰², ¹⁰³, ¹⁰⁴ may be dimmed by life threatening ¹⁰⁵ or supernatural events ¹⁰⁶. In such pressing and immediate times fewer people will be thinking about scriptural priorities, things of importance or making proper decisions ¹⁰⁷, ¹⁰⁸. Indeed why should anyone change their attitude if they have a lifetime habit of leaving the thinking and lobbying to others, many with unspiritual motives, and then using excuses such as I will leave it to the experts or I don’t have the time to think about it now? ¹⁰⁹, ¹¹⁰.

    The foundational truths of the Bible can never make sense to a non-believer because they live in a state of ignorance ¹¹¹. A blindness of the heart leads into ignorance, this is where a darkness to understanding prevails; a separation from God. An ungodly life is contrary to God and therefore subject to future judgment ¹¹². To reinforce this, and so there can be no mistake, an example of a large scale judgment was carried out in the Old Testament for our reference ¹¹³. There are many examples of all types throughout the Bible.

    Unforgiven sin and guilt can overwhelm and burden us ¹¹⁴, unless it is acknowledged and forgiven ¹¹⁵.

    With no reference to Jesus we could wander forever in darkness ¹¹⁶, where the blind lead the blind and both fall into the pit ¹¹⁷. Joining the congregation of the dead is by taking a little wander away from the way of understanding ¹¹⁸. The darkness becomes worse and turns into the shadow of death. Jesus is still there waiting for your response.

    Jeremiah 13:16

    Give glory to the LORD your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness.

    Isaiah 9:2

    The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.

    Psalm 23:4-6

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

    Our modern society promotes a secular education that is being reconstructed on an evolutionary, humanistic, immoral and materialistic model. The reason now, apparently for our existence, is to explore scientifically and apply analytical reasoning to our origins, surroundings and sustain ourselves with all reasonable efforts, and without destroying the planet, for the betterment of mankind.

    People now are encouraged by their leaders, opinion formers and the media to believe that mankind is in control and can sort out difficult and potential problems. There may be setbacks, certainly sensationalized for our attention, but by using our innate reasoning will be somehow be able to analyze it all and discover the answer. Any number of experts seems always available for comment. In letting other state or private entities educate our children we have abandoned our Christian parental responsibilities to teach the truth within our own families ¹¹⁹.

    The traditionally accepted Christian family unit has been under attack and has degenerated over the last three generations so that it has less cohesion, bonding and relevance. Not surprisingly church attendance is down because this same cohesion, bonding and relevance is missing. We are now trying to relate to an IT, information technology, or Millennial generation that really is different to anything that has gone before and that is producing its own set of problems. These are slowly being noticed and may not easily be reversed.

    If you exist in a system that values your technical abilities and education and extreme work ethics and have to compete in a world which is largely consumer driven it can lead to many stressful situations. After a while of working in such a system you may realize that you no longer believe in the ultimate dreams of the system anyway. And really, once you know it is wrong, you just cannot go along with it wholeheartedly anyway. I would guess that a very high percentage of people at work are either extremely bored, hate work and only attend for the money. Once your career stops dealing directly with people and communicating in any real sense then the rot really begins to set in.

    Such a work system produces human wastage, people who do not fit in for some reason or another. Damaged people, who cannot afford to pay for health, education or a home in the right place, perhaps left alone with debts, low self-esteem or suicidal thoughts. Modern work systems tend to keep us too busy to care about others and do not like people remaining within them who point out anything different or want to do something more useful.

    Any child left on their own for many hours, having to listen and perform in accordance with the wishes of their so called peers, rabbiting on about everything under the sun with no reference to God is actually being spiritually abused. To reform a young mind that has not been shown the love of God would involve much later intervention and more serious discussion or counseling, depending on how deep the roots of unbelief have sunken into the heart ¹²⁰, ¹²¹. As the church weakens their counseling their evangelistic outreach will suffer.

    Such aspects in a developing life, such as University life, the work pressures, being away from home, meeting mainly other young impressionable minds, being impressed with academia, and a myriad of social relationships, temptations to fit in and impress others, does not obviously help as far as remaining grounded in spiritual common sense ¹²², ¹²³.Uninformed rites of passage can lead young and impressionable minds astray.

    If you have been brain-washed by your peers and have unwittingly chosen to believe in this philosophy of man, then you probably conclude that God is really no longer required.

    However, as any parent can witness, you do not have to teach a child how to sin.

    All of these clever arguments about how we born perfect into this world, so sinless, does not explain the situation with regard to original, or inherited sin, falling all the way down from Adam and Eve ¹²⁴.

    Our physical bodies are time-limited because of sin ¹²⁵. As sinners we chase after things that are subject to decay, and it produces spiritual decay in us as well ¹²⁶.

    All of us are servants to sin ¹²⁷. Looking at any batch of philosophical quotes really turns the stomach because of the pathetic comparisons, emptiness and vanities behind the words of those so-called impressive minds.

    At best those philosophies show there is something lacking in the direction and mind of mankind; but a blanket refusal to respect or acknowledge a living God. Thus any practical reader is left to somehow change or modify his behavior - to become a more responsible creature to his fellow beings; or perhaps embrace this situation because we cannot alter it; maybe to live in ignorance but be glad inside to recall some funny remark on life from some famous individual or situation; or just make the best of each day. Sinners therefore live a life of denial with philosophy as a ready and waiting accomplice to death because it does not have the power to save.

    Indeed if a majority remains spiritually dead, because of the sin in their hearts, we can collectively never come close to perfect leadership, or arrive at thoughts or plans for a beautiful world system; it is an illusion, dream and false hope to think otherwise.

    Sin remaining in the heart can let in another type of sin ¹²⁸. Sin has no human cure. Just like a disease with a single point of entry, perhaps a small hole in the skin could cause the whole body to suffer. Indeed keeping the Old Testament Law was, still is, and will always be, in this life, a human impossibility. The results of sin in the lives of different people can be seen in the Bible accounts. If you are not acquainted with the Bible you are not going to understand yourself fully or how sin operates in this life; yet suffer the consequences.

    When living a life without reference to God the number of sins committed is going to increase. This is why every Christian who believes in God needs to be regularly forgiven by Jesus. To explain this more fully, when a person becomes a Christian Jesus is able to forgive all of your sins. It puts you in a newly created or spiritually reborn position of forgiveness for all your sins, past, present and future. Your salvation is assured as God sees Jesus in you ¹²⁹. This inheritance can change if you later deny the Holy Spirit, referred to as the unforgiveable sin ¹³⁰, ¹³¹, ¹³², ¹³³.The Holy Spirit, sent by God in the name of Jesus, lives in us and guides us in the truth ¹³⁴, ¹³⁵. Our purity is a measure of cleanliness obtained through forgiveness.

    All Christians need to be regularly forgiven as stated in the Lord’s prayer ¹³⁶. Even a single sin is a place, sometimes referred to as a foothold, for the devil ¹³⁷.

    Jesus is the only one who could offer the perfect sacrifice for sin because sin can only be atoned for, or forgiven, if the sacrifice is perfect, pure and sinless.

    This righteousness from God, powerfully demonstrated in the birth, life, work, death and life of Jesus, can change your present path from death into life ¹³⁸.

    Jesus was changing the whole realm of death into life by substituting himself as a practical example and suffering for the sins of the whole world, past, future and present. Now we cannot hope to offer up ourselves as a pure and faultless and sinless sacrifice; but Jesus now having conquered death has made a way possible for us to obtain redemption and enter into a new life. Our belief in Jesus means that his righteousness is given to us, it is so that when God looks at us it is as if he is seeing Jesus, and so we are no longer sinners.

    In former times, when the Old Testament laws were broken then an atonement for sin had to be made by selecting a perfect animal sacrifice. The rules for the purity of the sacrifice were strict ¹³⁹. It was an early demonstration as to what was necessary; a substitute death.

    What also is never truly acknowledged in this world is that sin is the most serious human disease, it is, and always has, contaminated and spread throughout all of our communities. It never improves anything and always seeks to make matters worse. It progressively causes degeneration and always leads to death, physical,

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