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The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time: The Patterns of The Cycles Of The End Time
The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time: The Patterns of The Cycles Of The End Time
The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time: The Patterns of The Cycles Of The End Time
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The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time: The Patterns of The Cycles Of The End Time

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God is a Farmer and this generation is His second season of farming on earth. God’s farming harvest time on earth is what we know as “The End Time”. The crops are the souls. Being the same yesterday, today and
forever, God has not changed in His methods and desires. This book, “The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End

Release dateOct 1, 2018
The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time: The Patterns of The Cycles Of The End Time

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    Book preview

    The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time - Ph.D. Felix Jegede


    The Mirror

    Of The Timeline

    Of The End Time

    [ Being Saved & Attaining Immortality In The End Time ]

    The Mirror

    Of The Timeline

    Of The End Time

    The Patterns of The Cycles

    Of The End Time

    "God’s Farming Pattern Is The Same As In The Past, Present and Future.

    His Plan for the End Time Has Two Parallel Tracks, Not Unveiled Till Now".

    Felix Jegede, Ph.D.

    The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time

    Copyright © 2018 by Felix Jegede, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION®. Copyright© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scriptures marked OJB are taken from The Orthodox Jewish Bible, (OJB). Copyright 2002, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Published in the United States of America

    ISBN 978-1-64367-068-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64367-069-0 (Digital)




    I dedicate this book, The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time, To The Almighty God, My Father and Creator, The Owner, Possessor, Faithful Provider, and Sustainer of the heavens and earth with all in them, The Most High, The I AM That I AM, The Lord of Hosts, the God of love, mercy and grace, One who alone deserves all thanksgiving, glory, honor, praise, worship, adoration, majesty, and power, through Yehoshua (Yeshua, Jesus) of Nazareth, The Word, The Lamb, The BRANCH, The Messiah, Anointed King and Priest, Son of the Most High, the I AM Salvation From The I AM That I AM, in The Power of His Holy Spirit, (Ruach Hakodesh), Amen!


    All glory and thanksgiving to my Father and Creator in Heaven, The God Almighty, the One and only True God; and to the Redeemer and Giver of eternal life, God’s begotten Son, Yeshua, The Branch, The Messiah, Anointed King and Priest over the coming God’s Kingdom on Earth; and to the Holy Spirit my sustainer, companion, comforter, guardian, teacher, instructor and revealer of the deep things, even the very mind of the Father and the Son unto me.

    I also want to sincerely thank my wife and children for their love, patience and encouragements, whilst the Lord has been working with me through these end time books and assignments. Without fail, the children constantly remind me the books’ language must be such that teenagers or young adults as well would be able to understand. For example, one asked Daddy, what does it mean to be tried in fire in the end time? Is this the lake of fire and do they get to come out? For this reason, I tried to simplify the language and sometimes repeat for emphasis or clarity in other words.

    As before, I cannot acknowledge enough, all those, too many to list here, who have each been a source of great encouragement to me. The Lord God knows you all by name in His Book of Life, where the names of those who are His for eternal life are written, (Revelation 20:15).

    The Lord does nothing, such as will affect humankind or the earth, until He first reveals it to His servants, (Amos 3:7). God is righteous, merciful and warns ahead to allow people to change their ways.

    He revealed to Noah, towards the end of the first generation, and repeatedly warned them before the flood, (Genesis 6:13-14).

    The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was more like a localized surgical operation than for the whole world coming to an end. Despite this, God first revealed to Abraham before their destruction in the days of Lot, (Genesis 18:17-19).

    God is now also revealing to us in this generation, and warning of what is soon to happen. The end of this world as we know it, and the destruction coming to the wicked.

    God is the sovereign Creator who knew us all and had assigned each of us our individual tasks even before we were created, (Jeremiah 1:5). Little did I know that God would assign me to deliver His end time messages to this generation. A message of good news to the righteous, and also of warning to all others of mercy available to those who repent and call on His name before it is too late.

    It has been an unexpected privilege and experience to meet God The Father, as well as the Son and the Holy Spirit, face to face in bodily form together and separately at various times. I have thus become a living witness of the existence of all three in One, and also to hear and receive the messages directly from them, and at other times through His angels, for the world in this end time. All messages being confirmed in the Word, the Scriptures. This is the test, for when God Himself speaks directly or through His angels or messengers, He confirms it with what is already in the Scriptures. Otherwise, the receiver or messenger must remain patient and wait.

    I am only God’s messenger by His divine assignment for this generation, to alert all awaiting His trumpet call. I have no message of my own, similar to a loud speaker, assigned to echo what the Master, the Speaker, is saying to us for the end time. The loud speaker cannot add to or remove from what it is receiving.

    The end time had been shrouded in mysteries for centuries. Then at the right time, God chose to unveil it to this generation, in our time. It started with the first book: The End of Time Mysteries Unveiled.

    Consistent with His nature, as the loving and righteous God, He did not stop there. He followed through to show us how to get help from Him in the end times, to stand firm and finish strong. This is contained in the second book: Finishing Strong In The End Time.

    The third book, "End Time Countdown Messages", contains the undiluted truth of His word for the end time as the countdown starts. It provides clarity of truth, removing any ignorance, confusion, heresies, deception, and doubt about His plan. It also reveals how to identify deceivers, their workings and avoid being deceived. For in the end time, the Adversary will empower his agents with power and oratory to show great signs and wonders, with the purpose to deceive many. It will be such that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect, (Matthew 24:24).

    The fourth book, Celebrating God’s Faithfulness In The End Time, is about the coming fulfillment of The Feasts of the Lord. It is about God’s coming harvests celebrations of His household, the body of the Lord, Jews and Gentiles together for the End Time. God will harvest and fulfill in the End Time each of the Feasts, and in the order He originally commanded the Israelites of Old to celebrate. The Lord’s Sabbath, Passover, FirstFruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacle & Ingathering, will be given their full meaning in the End Time. The book also provides understanding to the Church, pulpit and believers alike, about God’s true desire and purposes for Offerings, Thanksgiving, Tithing, and Generous Free-will Giving and how do it God’s way, the way that pleases and is acceptable to Him.

    Being the same yesterday, today and forever, God has not changed in His methods and desires. This Fifth book, The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time, reveals God’s farming process with identical patterns for the past, present and future seasons. The book reveals God’s objectives, plans and timeline for the coming harvest of His crops (God’s people) for this generation, the number of those to be saved and God’s plan for them, and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth, with His Son as the King and Priest, just as this second season ends and The Millennium, the third farming season starts. The book removes the fogs, like from a misty mirror, concerning the end time revelations and prophecies to provide clarity, connecting them clearly. This includes those of Zechariah which are as profound as those of Daniel for the end time, previously covered as in a mist or fog until the right time, and are now fully unveiled with clarity.

    The world has entered the beginning of birth pains, (Matthew 24:6-8). The countdown for the end time harvest is at hand, and the time is very short. This calls for urgency. Please spread the good news to members of your household, your neighborhood and your community. You may not have to speak a word. The books are powerful evangelism tools for the end time. Get for them a copy of any or all of the entire set books. The Lord will remember and bless your efforts, being free from guilt and not held accountable, (Ezekiel 33:1-9). We must never be ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes, (Romans 1:16).

    Finally, I pray and commit to God Almighty, all who are eagerly awaiting the trumpet blast of the return of the Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords. I pray He will strengthen our hearts by His Spirit and preserve all who are His, in Him, and also all He has given unto each of us. I pray He will continue to empower us to daily bring glory to Him and to finish strong like the Master, (John 17:2-4). To strengthen and empower us to be faithful and effective co-laborers in this end time, as well as to be among His harvest when the trumpet sounds. His return will be sudden, like a thief in the night, (1 Thessalonians 5:2). May the love, mercy and grace of God the Father through His Son, the Messiah and Lamb, and the power of His Holy Spirit be with each and every one in Him. Amen!

    Sequence Of End Time Books By Author

    The Sequence Of The End Time Books By Author Are listed below:

    Book#1: The End of Time Mysteries Unveiled, Felix Jegede, Ph.D (2017)

    Book#2: Finishing Strong In The End Time, Felix Jegede, Ph.D (2017)

    Book#3: End Time Count Down Messages, Felix Jegede, Ph.D (2017)

    Book#4: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness In The End Time, Felix Jegede, Ph.D (2018)

    Book#5: The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time, Felix Jegede, Ph.D (2018)

    Chapter 1


    As long as the earth remains, there will always be seed time and harvest time, (Genesis 8:22). God is a Farmer who is at the end of His second season of farming on earth. The harvest time of God’s farming on earth is what we know as The End Time, and the crops are the people or souls on earth.

    This Fifth book, The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time, reveals God’s farming process with identical patterns for the past, present and future seasons, as well as God’s objectives, plans and timeline for the coming harvest of His crops (God’s people) for this generation, the number of those to be saved and God’s plan for them, and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth, with His Son as the King and Priest, just as this second season ends and The Millennium, the third farming season starts. The visions and prophecies of Zechariah which are as profound as those of Daniel for the end time, but blurry, being covered as in a mist or fog until the right time, are now fully unveiled with clarity.

    He is the God of the past, present and future, the same yesterday, today and forever. His ways and manners remain the same. The book reveals the identical patterns of God’s first farming season, being totally reflected unchanged, like mirror images, in the ongoing second season which is coming to its end soon, and also in the third season to follow. The book also removes the fogs, like from a misty mirror, to provide clarity concerning the end time revelations and prophecies. It connects them clearly including those of Daniel, the Book of Revelation, and of Prophet Zechariah which is so profound, but never fully unveiled till now.

    Farmers look forward to the harvest of their crops at the end of the farming season. Like every seasoned farmer, God knows from the start of planting the seeds the exact time when the crops will be ready for harvest.

    As a righteous and just God, He does not predetermine or prefix the quantity of the harvest. However, He is the Creator, the Master Prophet, and the all knowing God, who can look ahead through the space of time, from start to the end. With this, He knows ahead how many will be harvested as the good crops, (people saved), and how many will be destroyed as the bad crops in the end.

    Consistent with His nature, God is very particular about the quality of His harvest. He does not accept a harvest with any form of blemish, wrinkle or sport. In the first season, God started with two as the seeds, (Adam and Eve), and harvested eight in total, (Noah and his family), as the good crops. All of them He left on earth as the seeds for the second generation, our generation. The total harvest, or people saved, that God expects in our end time will be much more. The number is known and will be revealed in this book, The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time.

    Also, we will reveal why not all who are saved will go to heaven. Most will remain on earth and enjoy God’s mercy through the third farming season, the Millennium period, when there will be a third harvest.

    Also consistent with Him, God says ahead what He will do and does what He says He will do. For this reason, the revelations and prophecies concerning the coming end time God has already given through His Spirit and contained in the Scriptures. However, most initially look like images or shadows of patterns that are foggy, blurry, or misty in a mirror. They remain so until the time for them to be unveiled, as determined by God. At the right time the Holy Spirit of God, who originally gave the revelations and prophecies, unveils them so that they become much clearer, understandable and meaningful.

    God does nothing until He first reveals it to His prophets and servants, (Amos 3:7). In the first generation, at the right time, God unveiled the details of their end time to Noah. For this generation, the time is at hand and the details are being unveiled.

    The details of the coming end time for this generation are now unveiled as contained in the five volumes of the end time books: i) The End Of Time Mysteries Unveiled; ii) Finishing Strong In The End Time; iii) End Time Count Down Messages; iv) Celebrating God’s Faithfulness In The End Time, and v) The Timeline Of Te Mirror Of The End Time.

    They have not been received from anyone else nor taught by another human. They came by direct revelation from God, who at times had appeared by Himself bodily to me, so has the Lord the Son and the Holy Spirit, sometimes all three together, and at other times, through His angels. Very importantly, all the messages are confirmed by His Word, the Scriptures, which cannot be broken. My task is to Alert all those awaiting the Trumpet Call! And God will use other channels as well. It is about Him, about His Kingdom, about Salvation and about Souls to be saved.

    The objectives, plans, activities and timelines leading to The End Time for this generation, has two sides which run concurrently, in parallel, as revealed in this book, The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time. In the very end, they will converge. The evil earthly kingdom and institutions will disappear, as God’s anointed One, His Son, steps in to take over from then on as the King and Priest of God on earth.

    Those that have achieved immortality through rapture will return to reign with Him. Many of God’s people will not have attained this state and remain on earth. During this time, God through His Son, will bodily live with His people on earth, Emmanuel. They will be taught and guided in the way of righteousness in every nation on earth. There will be peace, joy and abundance like never before on earth. Most will live long, like in the days of Adam and Methuselah, but without immortality. At maturity at the end of the third harvest, which follows the Millennium, a determination will be made, if they meet the criteria for heaven and immortality.

    This book, The Mirror Of The Timeline Of The End Time, has been divided into 21 Chapters for easy understanding.

    In Chapter 2 we explain how Righteousness, Obedience and Immortality are all tied together. Righteousness from God through His Son is by grace and is a free gift. It is the very basis or foundation of our relationship with God, and without it there is no hope. However, as readers will see through the discussions with examples, obedience plays a key role, alongside the free gift of righteousness, to attaining immortality or eternity of life with God. While righteousness comes from God, obedience is what every believer brings into the relationship, and together lead to attaining immortality or permanent relationship with God.

    God is a Farmer. The First Generation of God’s Farming Season On Earth, the Timeline and Patterns are explained in Chapter 3. The patterns which are being repeated like mirror images help us to understand the second season of God’s farming on earth, which is coming to an end.

    Following on in Chapter 4, we use the Patterns of images as in a mirror of First Generation Farming to explain The Second Generation of God’s Farming Season, the harvest time of which we are entering. From these two, we also have a much better understanding of the third generation of season of farming, The Millennium period, which will follow at the end of the second one.

    In Chapter 5, we take a deeper look to review the pattern of the Countdown to the End Time In First Generation. It explains the warnings, the prophets and their roles. It explains the destruction that followed, as well as those saved, and formed the seeds for the start of the second season, our season, which is also coming to an end.

    Following on, the pattern of the Countdown to the End Time in this Generation, is the focus of Chapter 6.

    Not everyone saved will be taken to heaven through rapture. Many will remain on earth in the Millennium. Chapter 7 explains with Scriptural proof, why some are taken to heaven and attain immortality, and others are left on earth with long life, but not yet attaining immortality. The Chapter further explains the differences in their nature, their purpose or what they will be doing on earth, the form of their appearances, and many more.

    Chapter 8 provides understanding of the foundation of the family trees on earth of the second generation, and as they currently are. It explains amongst others: who are Shem’s descendants today; who are Japheth’s descendants today; who are the descendants today of Ham; why not all, and many are this category, who claim to be Jews or Israelites by birth but are not who they say they are. The chapter also explains the fulfillment of Noah’s prophecy about Japheth; Why did Noah curse Canaan, not Ham and its fulfillment. It concludes with the present stronghold of the spirit of Canaan globally even as the world enters the end time. There will no longer be the Canaanite spirit on earth after the Lord returns in the end time.

    Chapter 9 discusses the end time prophets of this generation, the second Generation and why they are of Shem descendants.

    The Timelines and activities leading to The End Time for this generation, has two sides running concurrently, in parallel. Chapter 10 explains these, how and why God chose to reveal them separately, through two of His prophets.

    Pruning, Stupor, Chastisement, Repentance, and Reprobate states will continue to be common occurrences in the end time. Chapter 11 explains these, using examples, both from the past and in the end time, including of the people of Judah and Israel. The chapter explains how people become reprobates, the point of no return or where mercy no longer exists. Those on the side of the antichrist, will have reached this state as they receive his marks.

    Chapter 12 explains Zechariah’s visions of the of Horses, Horns, and Craftsmen. Who are they? What is the significance of spiritual horses? When do they bring message of peace or conflict? Why did God allow or empowered some horns to operate and why did he later judge them. Other similar spiritual operations are discussed.

    God as a Farmer is also the Master Planner. Chapter 13 reveals the three key End Time Objectives and Plans of God. When did God start, what is the status and when will they be fully established.

    Prophet Zechariah’s visions are like mirrors or patterns symbolic of what is to come in the end time.

    Chapter 14 explains the visions of Zechariah about Satan’s accusation of Joshua the high priest, and how it is symbolic of us and the end time plan of God. Why did the Lord rebuke Satan in his accusation?; Why did God promise to send the BRANCH and when?; What is the relationship between Adam, Joshua, and us?. The chapter discusses the mirror of God’s free gift of Righteousness and Salvation, along with the fulfillment to achieve His objective of a Kingdom of His People from all nations on earth.

    Chapter 15 discusses the ministry of the Holy Spirit, initially revealed to Zechariah like a mirror, and symbolic of God’s plan to empower and sustain His people for the end time. The chapter also discusses spiritual mountains; why days of little beginning should not be despised; as well as the two Olive Trees and the End Time; and the fulfillment of Pentecost in the end time.

    Zechariah visions about the Flying Scroll, Wickedness or the Woman of Wickedness, and Babylon the Great, are discussed in Chapter 16, revealing their end time significance. Who are they and how do they relate to the end time; Why was the woman in the basket named or referred to as wickedness. How and when did the woman come out of her basket to gain entry and power among the Church and the world?

    Chapter 17 discusses the visions about the two bronze mountains and the four chariots of horses. What do the two bronze mountains represent?; what do the chariots of horses represent for the end time; why are they seen coming out from between the two bronze mountains? what does this mean; The chapter also explains the end time significance of the elaborate crown made for Joshua, and the symbolism for the The BRANCH as king and priest reigning on earth after the end of this season or generation in the end time.

    The people of Judah and Israel will turnaround returning back to God and the Messiah in the coming end. How this will happen is explained in Chapter 18. It also explains the final battle which will come for Jerusalem in the end time, as revealed to Prophet Zechariah, as well as the Lord’s reference to it. The chapter explains how intense the coming battle and siege around Jerusalem by the armies of the world to be lead by the antichrist. It explains the coming devastation for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, until God through the Messiah and Branch physically steps in as He returns to earth. The chapter explains how the battle will be finished by the Lord, including the resulting plagues on the armies of the antichrist and their instruments of war.

    Without acting to determine the outcome of an event, God knows how they will be in the future. Chapter 19 explains with Scriptural proof of how many people will be saved in the end time and how many will be destroyed. How many will be on the side of the antichrist, and how many will be on the Lord’s side. The chapter explains the great tribulation experiences which those to be saved will go through as declared by God. It explains why and how all saved in the end time will enjoy The Millennium, but not all will go to Heaven.

    To be among those saved in the end time requires some actions on the part of every person. Chapter 20 provides a summary of encouragements and advice about what each person needs to do. Salvation just being the first of many, but not final step.

    Chapter 21 discusses God’s mercy, gift of righteousness and salvation offered through Jesus to all who lived and died before He came. This includes those in the generation of Adam to Noah, Abraham to Moses, and all others who died before the arrival and death of Jesus. The chapter also discusses why God has since stopped and what now happens to people when they die.

    Chapter 22 concludes it all. In addition it explains how not all works of righteousness are like filthy rages. The chapter closes with prayers for Salvation for those who are new converts to the Lord. It also includes prayers for those who had known the Lord, but need restoration and to stand firm to the end.

    Chapter 2

    Righteousness, Obedience And Immortality All Tied Together

    God’s Desire and Path To Permanent Relationship:

    God is the ultimate Master Planner and Architect. He and the begotten Son deeply loved humankind from the beginning, the planning stage, even before Adam was formed from the dust. God continues to love all humankind, His creation, and will do so till the end of age. God’s deep love for us had already been discussed in the third book, End Time Count Down Messages.

    God had always desired a relationship with mankind. However, two can only work together and have a relationship if they agree,

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