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This book is written as an inspirational guide to improve on the knowledge of its individual readers on how to discover and develop innovative ways of human relationship. It serves as an eye opener for men and women in relationships to have positive thinking and vision for each other in their family life. It further unfolds how our moral standar

Release dateFeb 6, 2019

M. G. K.

Momoh Grugrumeh Koroma and I was born in Sierra Leone in West Africa. I am a Researcher and Married with three beautiful children and Live in Sydney-Australia


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    1 Self-Existing

    2 How a Woman Can Enter a Sexual Relationships Without Getting Victimized by a Man

    3 How to Maintain a Sexual Relationships to Avoid Separation and Divorce and What are the Steps

    4 How a Both Woman and Man Will Know if a Person is Genuine in Term of Sexual Relationships

    5 The Most Suitable Person for Older Women Who Are Around the Age Group of Fifty-Five and Above

    6 How Do You Act in Order to Be Pleasant on Your First Dating Appointment When Meeting a Man or Guy?

    7 What Kind of Man and a Woman Can Have a Sexual Relationship With Without Getting Hurt

    8 How to Avoid and Handle Some Problems in Order to Solve Any Relationship and Retain a Healthy Marital Home

    9 How to Get a Lot of Puberty Females to Catch Some Fun Purposely for Male Fantasy or Seducing Some of Them without Settling

    10 Parental Control

    11 Friend

    12 To Get Along with the Partner as an Intimate Friend

    13 Polygamy

    14 Pornography

    15 How Both Man and a Woman Should Please He/Her Opposite Sex in Term of Sexual Relationships

    16 Respect

    17 How to Become a Wise Person

    18 Working Progress (Successful)

    19 The Decision-Making of Marriage Purpose as a Man

    20 Patience

    21 Happiness

    22 Stress

    23 Who Are Those Guys: Lovers, Players, and Charmers?

    24 The Devil (Jinn or Marine Agent)

    25 What Is a Negative Spirit?

    26 Gossiper

    27 Witch

    28 How to Prevent Yourself from a Witch Person or an Evil Spirit Possessors

    The following secret information contains three common logical knowledge. They are as follows: sociological, philosophical, and psychological notions. All are true stories and real human functionality and its existence. Although some people might argue in order to criticise and apparently to condemn it, and a few perhaps will be surprised and doubt about the following stories because of human negativity. But really, I present this information of my best knowledge in order to help others to enable to enhance their lives into human relationships or to reconstruct an individual lifestyle to be positive rather than negative.


    Every existing human history is a fact and true-to-life story, although some people have different perceptions and may hold different interpretations or views. This piece of work is a self-introspection about me to discover myself and to serve as a mirror for other people to rediscover themselves and build a positive attitude towards love, human relationships and general lifestyle. Personal observations, experiences, and interviews depicting hard realities, joy, and adventures have inspired me to produce this piece of work.

    This book is precisely delighted and dedicated with deepest affection and adoration to my wife, Mrs. Kenyeh A. Koroma, and to our three precious and beautiful children: Alberta F., MGK Jr., and Medria Mama Lucy Koroma.

    My lovely wife Mrs. Kenyeh A. Koroma once asked me, My sweetheart Daddy K, why are you so interested in real love and positive human relationship?

    My sweetheart Mummy K, do brokenhearted people have walls in their hearts that keep them from being happy, and will they have less bricks in their walls after reading this book? I wept.

    Her simple question expressed the heart of personal calling (why am I interested in real love?) and my professional task (will this book help?) and open the door to deep gratitude. With great admiration and affection to my wife for her intelligence, patience, and love combined with generosity and humour.

    Actually, my wife’s emotional intelligence, generosity, strength, and vulnerability have given me insight and inspired me to be calm and be the best I could be in order to share my knowledge and experience to enhance other people who are in need.

    And the major source in order to develop and to enable me to build this book literally consisted upon the information’s personal observations, worldwide survey of questionnaire, ethnography research, and conclusive listening of both life and travelling experience from other people and their misery and joy.

    It’s very important to mankind to encourage himself or herself in order to read this book carefully and repeatedly to enable a reader to read deeply because the deeper one can go, the more you can precisely gain some ideas to enhance your option to gain knowledge that certainly helps the readers to become positive in life.

    The faces of countless men and women have been before me as I write this book. They instructed me, broke my heart, and deepened my conviction that a good God does work. I thank our three precious and beautiful children Alberta F., MGK Jr., and Medria Mama Lucy Koroma for their continuous love and support. Appreciation and challenge in order to become a dad has assisted me to able to understand the struggle my parents had and love them more even than before. Being a father has assisted me to be able to understand and develop love in me for my late parents, Mum and Dad, specifically my father, H. V. Koroma, for his love in order to bring me together with my sibling and cousins, some relatives, and maids, and also my late mother, Aminata, who has given me true love and who sat and washed my infant head when sleeping in my cradle bed with tears and sweet affection. The years of her contribution to my growth and development would never have been possible without her gentle heart.

    And I give my sincere gratitude to my lovely elder sister, Mrs. Umu P. Lebbie, for her concern, effort, and love, including financial support an advices in order to enhance and add to my value for better. Also my uncle, Mr. Mustapha Baibon Kanneh, whose pleasant personality and contribution have added value to this work.

    I greatly and sincerely appreciate my late elder sister, Mrs. Pastor Wiyatta Badu, and her husband Mr. T. Badu for their effort and financial support and advices in order for me to have a brighter future. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

    Conclusively, I also debt my sincere gratitude to all Stratton Press editors and the team for their great assistance and contribution to my dream come to reality.

    It’s a fact that sexual relationships can be difficult sometimes for most people to handle in order to enable them to last longer or forever, specifically among today’s generation because of human desire, either emotional, physical, and lack of patience, compromise, common understanding, conclusive sense of humans, etc.

    Even with elderly people, most of them are also facing some difficulty with each other, which can have some bad impact on their children, if they have any. This can usually develop hatred between couples.

    It is not a matter of question of how long someone has been in a relationship or married because some people might be blessed in having the right partner in their life to settle with without giving problems to each other.

    Sometimes when some women are getting old, they have been disappointed of settlement or are staying in difficult marital homes because there is no way out for them and there’s no person they can depend on. Some women’s thoughts are to persevere for the benefit of their children to get blessed; a few women accept their physical condition and circumstance of poverty and above all traditional and religion beliefs and arranged marriages or relationships. In some situations, a few people can maintain their relationships or marriages because of their personality and dignity. They also gain respect among their respective societies conclusively when an individual might genuinely be willing to settle down.

    All of these above reasons can be some possibility to persevere with their partner in any situation and circumstance in order to maintain the marital home.

    Literally all of the above circumstances and situations usually can compel most people—specifically women who are coming from poor nations with various cultural and religious backgrounds, and in some cases dignity and personality also influence others who don’t belong to any of the above groups to stay into the relationship and marital home. But some people don’t think about these issues, and it doesn’t mean that when some people are in longtime relationships or couples are in more than forty years’ marital home, they are well knowledgeable. It helps when they learn from each other to gain some experience to enable them to build their confidence for future advantage. Because if, unfortunately, something bad might occur between partners or couples where they won’t be able to solve that and might lead them to separation or divorce, it can be possible to majority of the people to face some difficulty as well in handling relationships in most cases because of their lack of experience. Human beings also have some attitudes and behaviours; even those who acquired academic knowledge such as sociologists and psychologists are apparently also facing some difficulty in their sexual relationships in one way or the other when dealing with your opposite sex. Specifically, women according to a worldwide survey.

    For instance, an Aussie man has been married for almost thirty-five years with three children without problems between him and his wife, but long story short, things suddenly went bad. His Mrs. went blitz, and unfortunately, they couldn’t resolve the issue. As a result, they divorced, and he was blessed as their first relationship after they finish their higher education. He was blessed at first since they were both in the relationship right after college, but it became for him to have and exercise patience with women in order to handle them because of his inexperience with sexual relationships. But a man told me that it is hard for him to handle some female because he doesn’t have any experience.

    Example, Mrs. Vicky been in her marital home for fifty years with six children with her husband, but none of the children have ever been to school, and her man wasn’t caring for her. But because of her thoughts that in order to enable her to gain blessings from her husband for the benefit of her children and also not to defy her parents because they forced her to accept the arranged marriage, she is always happy in their home even though her man has another wife.

    Fortunately, I came across with three of those types of professors in a taxi in Sydney, and we started interacting, and I abruptly asked all of them about human relationships between couples. They said the same thing: that it’s not easy, but all depends on both people, and to be to precise, women are complex to handle. Among those three, two are psychologists and one is a sociologist.

    A month later I met two professors; one is a psychologist and one is a sociologist. Both are female. They first asked me about my heritage, and I answered them, and then I asked about men’s attitude and behaviour towards women in terms of relationships. They both responded to me that men are somehow terrible in sexual relationships, which normally leads some of them to do anything in order to satisfy their sexual desires. In some cases, a few men can become annoying, abusive, violent, etc. And they also said to me that men are like dogs; it’s possible for most of them to behave silly and also become dangerous when their libido arises. They can also make it hard for their partners. If they are not interested, it’s always hard for some males to stay with one woman without cheating, specifically the black race, and it’s actually genetical issues and also based on a childhood growing up in a polygamous home, community, and society. A sociologist said this statement to me in Sydney a week ago. From her experience, a lot of men behave like a dog when they see a woman or are in love. Their attitude, behaviour, and ideology of iconography about girls and women are idiocy, which is unbearable for some women like her as a victim to persevere; she’d rather stay by herself without having a man with her mind-set.

    And according to a worldwide survey, males are like dogs, and females are like pussycats. These domestic animals only want to be comfortable and secure in order to feel safe within themselves around their environment, and then it can become easy to start rubbing their tails and body on their masters and sometime lie down on their owner’s leg to enable their master to play with them. Unfortunately, sometimes their master cannot or fail to understand their body languages in order to know what they might want or need. Actually, there is some possibility pussycats snub their master after eating some wash product of from somewhere.



    This is a situation of self-realization to bring out evidence and truth of human inadequacies. It is the highest point of human thinking that allows mankind to judge his own attitudes, thoughts, and perceptions about his/her action in order to admit his mistake and come out with a value judgment towards the purpose of life and how people perceive you. Mankind is the master of his/her own destiny; his knowledge, therefore, encompasses his/her movement and action to enable to develop the power of mind for rational decision making. This certainly helps someone to enable himself or herself to have self-direction, value life, and certainly help an individual to discover themselves to have some sense of direction to know where they belong, not only in socialization such as alcohol drinking, meeting friends, womanizing, gambling, etc.

    Logically, self-existing helps an individual to use his/her brain to process information and critically and accurately analyse in order to judge a given situation and to enable to encourage and drive people to have love so that mankind can be able to assimilate any situation, circumstance, and event in order to develop compassion, which literally brings generosity among people via self-observation, which normally consists on patience to influence an individual personality to become tolerant in every human relationship as a positive personality.

    As a result, it is important for both man and a woman to realise their self-existance in order to acknowledge their attitude and behaviour, either good or bad, into all human aspects in diversity society so that they are able to build a defence around their relationship and to become grounded to treat each other respectfully and righteously with equality.

    For an adolescent girl who is growing among challenges of abuse and violence, self-existance can serve as a protective or defensive camouflage for sexual exploitation and abuse. It also builds adolescent practical confidence about their rights and the responsibility they have to enjoy this right so that no good-for-nothing men can intimidate them.

    Technically, every category of age group and relationship should understand the solid foundation upon which self-existance is built. This foundation is a basic factor to consider before going into a new relationship. It is important in today’s generation—specifically new couples in their marital home, teenagers, and even those elderly people—to realise in order to acknowledge fundamental facts that self-existance literally consists upon four elements such as risk, trial, money, and faith. But generally, most people know where they belong and are headed to, but they don’t think and consider this at all because of love and excitement at the initial stage.

    These are the elements as follows:


    Generally, risk is the danger associated with any activity you are doing/engaged in. It is therefore very important that we consider the risk factor in all our undertakings. For instance, choosing a correct partner has the risk of getting into a wrong relationship. Furthermore, a few years back in West Sydney, Australia, a fifty-seven-year-old elderly man committed murder by beating his wife to death during an argument. Risk, therefore, is an important component of self-existence; however, it’s necessary to access your opposite sex before making decisions.


    Trials are challenges we live with in anything we are doing. Trials do not stop us from undertaking an activity such as going into marriage in order to move forward; it can, however, create setbacks in relationships, which can eventually delay development to take place in that relationship/family in some cases. Sometimes these challenges can serve as lessons to learn in the future. Human relationships, therefore, are full of tirals and challenges. Regardless, do not fear to face it; always prepare to have self-determination to move to the next level.


    Faith is anything that you have hard information, such as intellectual, observed/seen, and logical situations. This always influences human personality to have a strong belief and fixed opinion in certainty. For instance, we have never seen God, but we strongly believe in the existence of God. It is a matter of building trust in someone in order to having trust in a relationship. You must have some amount of trust or confidence in your opposite sex or your business partner; otherwise, you will never do business with people. Or else one might always have doubts within himself or herself about others in any human relationship.


    Money is the lubricant in a relationship. It makes relationships long-lasting. It also serves as one of the important factors and a solid foundation upon which any relationship is built. It is life given and ensures smooth running of families and businesses. Although it doesn’t create happiness, but it can be the tool in order to change human lifestyle to standard. However, without money, there is no true love in most cases.

    For instance, no woman can have genuine love continually without money. For instance, postnatal body maintenance requires teenage girls to recondition their body and become attractive to men again. They therefore need money to keep fit. Some men can use money to lure women into a relationship. It is therefore very important to consider the money factor in relationship of family.

    Our present generation has produced a good number of opportunistic men/pinks who rely on the fruit of women. These exploitative men have now become cankerworms eating into the fabrics of women. Most times they are drug traffickers and dealers to enable them to get quick money and spend extravagantly. In other instances, opportunistic men have disowned their biological children just to feed fat on the glory of rich women. Another set of men are those who are still tied down to their mother’s a pron. Such men do not take decision on their own but rely on their parents to marry for them. These groups of men are insecure in their marriages and cannot solve their family problems, which is a high-risk factor in their relationships. Those kinds of guys and men are call Mummy’s Boys, and if they become broke, it’s possible they steal their wife’s or partner’s money or take their belongings in order to get some money, and some are addicted to sex and always gambling another person for their own act in most cases.

    Self-existance also lays premium on education. The purpose of education is to take people from ignorance to reality in order to transform and bring positive changes to build the worldview in our lives, community, society, and nations. Education gives an option and enables mankind to be exposed to an opportunity to live in decency to enable an individual to make rational decisions rather than be selfish and greedy. Decisions to take a partner, to get a good job, and to take good care of your family.

    In the world today, people with high education—including politicians, doctors, and businesspeople—are not using their education to transform their nation, families, or their lifestyle. For instance, according to a UNICEF report 2016, there is a high rate of teenage pregnancy, school dropouts, and child mothers in African countries than in the western countries. Similarly, religious leaders are using their religion to camouflage their respective people among their nations to make money. The Muslims have put prices on the reading of the Holy Koran whilst the pastors in born-again churches are interpreting the Holy Bible to gain worldly affluence. African politicians have displayed high-rate corruption practises and subjected the ordinary people to abject poverty and misery. These groups of heartless people have no knowledge of self-existance and can hardly think of how their people perceive these negative attitudes.

    There are African leaders who have displayed lack of self-existance, and as a result, don’t know how to manage themselves in order to follow the system to avoid negative personalities. One example is the late president of Uganda, Idi Amin, who was leading his country with an arrogant attitude and a negative personality.

    Another is former president Mugabe in Zimbabwe, who was an intellectual who acquired academic knowledge, but he confused the world by using three to four different types of currency during his government term so there was no stable economy. He also stayed long in power without working on his given time limit. As a dictator, he literally destroyed their system. Regardless how good someone is, you must work within the time frame to leave the power. I was personally expecting him to increasing taxes on farmers and all of their farming products in order to pay all those title deeds to enable to maintain the economic stability in his nation. Even though it will affect the consumers, but jobs will be available, and silly and unfortunately, he drove all those white farmers from Zimbabwe without consideration by telling himself that his people are educated enough in order to maintain those farms and all the machines and equipment. As a result, the UN imposed an economical sanction on his country that sank Zimbabwe; therefore, President Mugabe is not knowledgeable.

    Likewise, late Colonel Gaddafi of Libya became arrogant worldwide, like the former president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, and President Mugabe of Zimbabwe. They have violated gross human rights and deprived children of quality education and health-care facilities. According to People Daily (PD) newspaper on August 2016, President Uhuru Kenyatta freed seven thousand prisoners without considering the free offenders with minor offences and made no provisions in order to resettle them to get jobs. This is a complete display of endangerment and marginalization against the less-influenced citizens in their society.

    My country, Sierra Leone, is also an example of countries where most of the leaders lack self-existance; both the citizens and their leaders have no nationalistic tendency. Sierra Leoneans lack love for their country, among each other, and for themselves, but the people have potential and the land is blessed, but the people are very poor, and they always want new things. But sadly, they don’t believe in maintenance. This actually influences individual Sierra Leoneans to focus their attention on small little things and money for individual instant desire rather than the future. Therefore, most people cannot get their self-direction, thus causing them to admire others. As a result, all their political leaders have been handling the country with negative personalities without humanity since 1977.

    For instance, former President Koroma of Sierra Leone showed his love for money with biological family–oriented ideology of running the state in order to subject his people to death and misery during the Ebola scourge. And he even arrested some raw human parts at Lungi International Airport for export, but no investigation about that during his governance. The question was of how Ebola came to our country. Was Ebola a natural sickness? Why were people injected on their toes and some of the medical personnel gave poison tablets to people that caused massive death to enable former President Koroma to give a report that Ebola was killing the nation populace? And what did President Koroma do with the money and other donations he received at statehouse? The government has never provided a detailed transparent account about the massive corruption during the Ebola menace. The country has a political history of selfish politicians whose lack of self-existence has caused deep family grudges in traditional chieftaincy families in the southeast, north, and central of the country.

    Realistically, these are the major sources or reasons that affect third-world nations and sink most countries in Africa because of those class of element people, including others who are overambitious. They always prefer to take some shortcut in order to enable themselves to become financially and economically successful so that other people can admire them, but they are not innovative, and they don’t have any charisma; therefore, wise people can only admire someone who is positively innovative in order to enable him or her to change and add value to others’ lives for a brighter future out of their own sweat and effort. People enhance others positively rather than via negative personality regardless.


    How a Woman Can Enter a Sexual Relationships Without Getting Victimized by a Man

    It is a very interesting and exciting moment for two of the opposite sex, especially for a puberty female, to have a relationship with the opposite sex whom you love, trust, and rely on, with the belief of a serious and permanent relationship in order to help each other to enable you to make a family home. It’s the situation in which two people spend their lifetime together and have some romantic feelings for each other as a couple and also have some fun.

    But some people fail to realise or ignore that it can be somehow complicating without theory of observation in order to understand and consider that it can project some bad image to other people, either relatives or friends, which might reflect to an individual reputation if a female does not know how to present themselves and handle such a relationship.

    At the same time, it can be difficult for a woman to know or predict what might happen in future in order to prevent against bad situations where love is involved. Those likely affected are today’s generation because most of them are inexperienced, and as a result, they get abused, violence victimised, or hurt by some men or guys.

    It is very important for any woman to know who you are in order to know yourself, existing to enable themselves to realise and recognise their attitude, behaviour, and conclusively their utility within themselves and towards others. This certainly helps women to know the power that each and every one of them contain in life, and to know where their power lies in order to be realistic and to able to be realign that could certainly help to have self-direction and focus in a relationship in order to develop their self-confidence.

    The power that a female contains can enable any one of them to control man in order to change the world, and surely nobody cannot take or remove it out. They also have the capability in order to change the world to take any power from men, but sadly, most women are easy to panic because they lack of self-confidence.

    Literally, this is the situation in which the majority of women fail to realise themselves about their powerfulness; it’s natural and at the same time posited for you to do anything accurately that men do in most cases. It is natural and possible for them to do anything accurately that men do in most cases.

    Although the majority of women are not physically strong, this actually make them become vulnerable, but realistically, they are quick and easy to assess in order to get empathy from men, and also, they’re very good in judgement about males in terms of relationships, which gives out their emotional intelligence. This is one of their powers because of their efficiency, which majority of them contain, but sadly, a lot of the men don’t consider this fact in order to see realistically.

    Obviously, it’s always hard and difficult for a lot of men to understand women, which actually makes most of them become confused and frustrated, most likely because of their superficial perspective beliefs and thoughts about women. This makes men feel that women are complex.

    This really affects most relationships, which could be based upon lack of an experience, their personality, money that someone might have, religious beliefs, and conclusively traditional and cultural thoughts of brainwashing about women. These might influence the human brain, and also, some of them don’t listen to the opposite sex in order to enable men to understand their wives and to observe to know their body language.

    It is the fact that women are complex because God created them very special, and he takes his time to mould and modifying their human structure in order for them to become like a unicorn to beau-tify the world in order to be attractive and to bring joy into their husbands’ lives and the family to living in harmony by assisting each other. It’s like happy life, happy wife, and beautiful home.

    God also gives the energy of endurance and perseverance, and logically, each and every one is beautiful in their own look in order to portray value.

    Their body structure is the most paramount thing that males always need both emotionally and physically, which can be hard for the majority of men to survive for a long period without touching, and it could be tough because of self-emotion. Even the young babies and children also need their mums’ bodies because of the womb, which normally generates heat. Their bodies are also soft and smooth in order for them to enable them to comfort both babies and grown-up men to certainly help to reduce some stress and to develop their happiness within women. Conclusively they are human producers; because of this, God pours his blessing, grace, and favour upon females.

    Therefore, their sexy appearance and presence among men that portrays their face value and attractiveness in order to distract males has some psychologically reaction upon men to enable to stimulate some of them their emotions to become anxious and to have interest for women, so it can be easy to persuade and influence those men.

    Realistically, women only know their sexual power and mounting; it’s important if females will acknowledge their grace, which gives them the capability and strength of changing the world. As a result, they have an exerting power in terms of sexual relationships than men.

    Women are unique, worthy, lovely, and affectionate; they are precious to God and mankind, one of the most stunning above all of God’s creations that’re admirable and imaginable. This makes them surpass all living things on earth, and conclusively, they are always enough.

    Kindness—it’s the natural characteristic that compels the majority of women to do a lot of things in order to enable them to apply all their energy and effort to assist their husband or partner to enhance them and bring up the baby or child up to their maturity stage. Also patience is one of their attributes that literally help a lot of women to preserve and become tolerant in embracing to assist men in order to understand and to be able to create joy in their husband’s life. This obviously makes women become a career, which normally leads most of them to become very emotionally sensitive and flexible in any situation and usually concerned and inquisitive about anything that can be related to their relationship. Because of their too-much caring, some men feel that females have weaker emotions.

    You deserve someone who is genuinely willing in order to be responsible, committed, respectful, and lovely who’s ready to scarify his life to become a gallant man to his wife in order to make a home. Because of the power that you contain that makes them to become very paramount, worthy, self-perseverant, but they are vulnerable and conclusively their utility are also great, God instituted marriage and instructed mankind to continue in order to enable their husband or any men to realise and acknowledge women’s value in order to respect and to work to enable them to provide, protect their wives, relationship, and their family so that the women can feel free comfortable, happy, and safe in their respective marital home before a man can earn their respect and to have joy in life. This is the fundamental power of women of their selves existing to enable them to know their standard, and it could be more fundamental if all women were to exercise their power, which would certainly intimidate a lot of men, and it can be like a threat against their integrity because most men knew about the power that women contain, but they are always trying to marginalise their wives and other females in order to enable to manipulate women because of their personality, but sadly, the majority of females undergoing puberty do not know about their power, only a few.

    There are a few general basic factors to consider and to work with into any human relationship in order to know who you might want in your life to settle with. They are as follows:


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