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All Hallow's Eve:: The Escape of the Witches
All Hallow's Eve:: The Escape of the Witches
All Hallow's Eve:: The Escape of the Witches
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All Hallow's Eve:: The Escape of the Witches

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About this ebook

Adam, Bobby, Danny and Jeff never dream about going to a place where it prottans to Halloween. Seeing ghosts flyting around, kids going trick or treat and more. They always wanted to have an adventure, but never works out. One night a ghost from a magical place puts letters in their rooms. Their they arrive at Halloween village, learn about the

Release dateMar 27, 2019
All Hallow's Eve:: The Escape of the Witches

Michael P. Scygiel

Michael P. Scygiel lives in Sawyer, Michigan.

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    All Hallow's Eve: - Michael P. Scygiel

    All Hallow’s Eve

    Copyright © 2019 by Michael Scygiel. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    This novel is a work of fiction. Names, descriptions, entities, and incidents included in the story are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, and entities is entirely coincidental.

    The opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of URLink Print and Media.

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    URLink Print and Media is committed to excellence in the publishing industry.

    Book design copyright © 2018 by URLink Print and Media. All rights reserved.

    Published in the United States of America

    ISBN 978-1-64367-225-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64367-224-3 (Digital)



    Authors Note

    In this story, all the writing is fiction. Every author has their own imagination when it comes to writing a story.

    Michael Scygiel

    For my grandparents:

    Edward and Rose


    Authors Note

    Chapter 1: An Adventure Failed

    Chapter 2: The Ghost Puts Letters on their Beds

    Chapter 3: The Boys Read the Letters

    Chapter 4: Heading Back to the Mills

    Chapter 5: Charles the Ghost

    Chapter 6: The Secret Room

    Chapter 7: Halloween Village

    Chapter 8: History of Halloween Village

    Chapter 9: The Witches

    Chapter 10: The Witches Escaped

    Chapter 11: The Boys Left the Village

    Chapter 12: The Boys Searched for the Witches

    Chapter 13: All Hollow’s Eve

    Chapter 1

    An Adventure Failed

    Oak Mill, Michigan, was a town on the southern part of the state with a population of one thousand and three hundred people. The town was known for its oak trees and old mills, which made the town famous as well as for business and restaurants.

    On the other side of the town was where the homes were at. On Oak Mills Road, there were four boys who lived next to each other, and they have been friends since the first grade and always have a good time together. There was one thing that the boys wanted that never worked out. They always wanted to have an adventure. They didn’t go to college because they worked and wanted to save for an adventure of a lifetime. They were all twenty-one-years-old.

    Their names are:

    Danny Hays who had black hair and blue eyes and stood at six feet. He worked at the Oak Mill grocery store. He always wanted to go to China to see the Great Wall.

    Bobby Brown also stood at six feet with brown eyes and with black hair as well. He worked for the local landscaping business and always wanted to go to Africa to hunt.

    Jeff Casey had no hair, and from time to time, wore reading glasses and stood at five eleven. He had brown eyes and worked for a body shop. He always wanted to go out West to drive on Route 66 because he was a car person.

    Adam Holmes stood at six one, blond hair, blue eyes, and worked for a computer store where he fix up computers. He always wanted to go to Europe to see the sights.

    It was Sunday, September 30, and the boys had the day off, and Danny was in his bedroom looking at his cell phone to see what the weather was going to be. He noticed that it was going to be sunny and 60 degrees out, so he decided to call up the gang to see if they wanted to hang out and hope that an adventure was going to be today.

    He called up Adam to see if he wanted to hang out and to see if he had something in mind. As Danny was calling him up, Adam was in his bedroom and noticed that his phone was ringing, so he reached over and noticed that it was Danny. He answered to see what Danny wanted.

    Well, hello, Danny, Adam said.

    How are you doing? Danny said back to Adam.

    I’m doing well and thank you for asking.

    Hey, Adam, since we all have the day off today and I’m calling you to see if you want to hang out.

    That sounds great to me, Adam said.

    What do you want to do? Danny asked Adam.

    I don’t know. Have you called up Jeff and Bobby?

    You are the first one that I called up, Adam.

    Why don’t you call Bobby and Jeff to see what they want to do? I’m fine of whatever they want to do.

    Very well, Danny said. I will call Bobby and Jeff to see what they want to do and then I will call you right back to let you know what the plan is for today.

    Once Danny got off the phone with Adam, he called up Bobby to see what he wanted to do. As Danny was calling him up, on the third ring, Bobby pick up to see what Danny wanted.

    How are you doing, Danny? Bobby asked.

    Fine, Danny said to Bobby.

    Are we going to do anything today? Bobby asked Danny.

    That is why I’m calling you to see what you want to do today, Danny said.

    You know what, Danny, why don’t we all meet at your house at eleven and when we are all together, that is when we will see what we all want to do.

    See you at eleven, Danny told Bobby.

    After Danny hang up on Bobby, he called up Adam to let him know to meet him at his house at eleven. Danny called Adam and told him to be at his house at eleven and Adam was okay with that.

    Danny called Jeff to let him know what the plan was going to be for today. As Danny was calling him, Jeff answers his cell phone to see what Danny wanted.

    Well, hello, Danny, Jeff said.

    Hello, Jeff, Danny said back to him.

    What is going on today? Jeff asked Danny.

    Come to my house at eleven, and the four of us will see what we are going to do today.

    See you at eleven, said Jeff and hang up.

    Danny walked over to his bedroom door and opened it up and was going to tell his parents what he was going to do today. He walked in the kitchen and noticed that his mom and dad were sitting on their favorite chairs while reading the morning newspaper. Danny walked in and looked at them and said,

    Good morning, Mom and Dad.

    His dad looked at him.

    Arnie was sixty-years old with no hair and with blue eyes and stood at six three and worked at the tire rack store where he sold tires looked at his son and said,

    How are you doing this morning?

    I’m doing well, Danny said to his dad.

    His mom looked at him.

    Teri was fifty-nine years old with blond hair and with blue eyes as well and stood at five six and worked at the library looked at Danny and said,

    What are your plans for today?

    At eleven, my friends are coming over to see what we are going to do.

    Very well, his mom said.

    Danny walked out of the kitchen to get ready for the day, and once he was done, he was going to be in the family room, waiting for his friends to come over.

    Jeff who was in his bedroom was ready for the day and was going to let his parents know what he was going to do. He walked out of his room and was heading toward the kitchen to see if his parents were there. When he walked in, he saw his mom and dad standing in front of the counter as their coffee was being made.

    Good morning, Mom and Dad, Jeff said.

    Jeff’s dad looked at him.

    Bob was sixty-three years old with grey hair and brown eyes and stood at six feet and worked at the water township.

    Are you going to do anything today? he asked his son.

    That is why I’m here—to let the both of you know that at eleven, I’m going to Danny’s house so that we can see what we are going to do.

    His mom looked at him.

    Joy was fifty-seven years old with blond hair and with brown eyes as well and worked at the truck stop in the office.

    Have fun! she told her son.

    Jeff walked out of the kitchen and was going to the garage to look at his tools before he headed over to Danny’s.

    Bobby was ready for the day and was in the living room with his parents to tell them what his plans were for today.

    Hey, Mom and Dad, Bobby said.

    Yes, Bobby, his dad said.

    Jack who was sixty-one years old with grey hair and with a matching beard with blue eyes and owns a tree service, looked at his son and asked, What are you doing today?

    At eleven, I’m going over to Danny’s to see what we are going to do.

    His mom looked at him.

    Susan was also sixty-one years old with grey hair, brown eyes, and also worked at the tree service taking the phone calls.

    Have a good time with your friends.

    We’ll do so, said Bobby as he walked out of living room.

    He walked back into his room and looked at the dirt which he took from work to make sure it was okay before he gives it to his boss before he went over to Danny’s house.

    Adam, who was ready for the day, was in front of his computer to see what was going on in the news. When he was done, he walked out of his room so that he can let his parents know what he was going to do today. He walked in the kitchen and saw his mom and dad as they were sitting down and drinking coffee. Adam looked at them and said, How are you, two, doing?

    His dad looked at him.

    Dennis was fifty-eight years old with no hair and had a mustache with blue eyes and stood at six one and worked at the hardware store.

    Doing anything today with your friends?

    That is why I’m here—to let you both know that at eleven, I’m going to Danny’s to see what we are going to do today.

    His mom looked at him.

    Lois was also fifty-eight years old with red hair and brown eyes and stood at five six and worked at the bank.

    Have a great time, she said.

    Adam walked out of the kitchen and was going to the den to watch TV until when it was time to go over to Danny’s house.

    Back over at Danny’s house. While he was waiting for his friends to come over, he looked at the time and saw his friends walking toward the front door. Danny was happy to see them as he walked over to the door. He opened it up and Jeff, Bobby, and Adam walked in.

    Why don’t we head into my room? Danny told his friends.

    They all walked into Danny’s room and Jeff closed the door.

    What do you want to do today? Bobby asked.

    Well, Bobby, Danny looked at him.

    You were the one who wanted us to come over to my house to see what we want to do.

    What do you want to do? Jeff asked Danny.

    You know what? Danny said. Why don’t we head over to the mills?

    Why do you want to go to the mills? Adam asked.

    Today is a nice day out, and no one goes there, and besides, maybe today is the day which we will have our adventure. Today is September 30 and which means? Tomorrow is October, and we know that Halloween is coming, and something is telling me that the tenth month will be our month for an adventure.

    That never works, Bobby said.

    Adam looked at his friends. Danny wants to go to the mills, then that is what we are going to do, and after when we are done, we will go and get some lunch.

    Sounds good to me, Jeff said.

    Let’s do it, Bobby said.

    Adam, Bobby, and Jeff reached into their pockets and texted their parents to let them know what they were going to do. Danny opened up his bedroom door and walked out and was going to tell his parents what he and his friends were going to do. He walked into the living room and saw the both of them sitting on their favorite chairs, watching TV. Danny looked at them and said, We are heading to the mills and then we are going to get some lunch.

    Have a great time, his dad said.

    Danny and his friends headed toward the front door, and Bobby opened it up and walked out. Danny closed the door and looked at his friends

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