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Summary of In Trump Time by Peter Navarro
Summary of In Trump Time by Peter Navarro
Summary of In Trump Time by Peter Navarro
Ebook53 pages42 minutes

Summary of In Trump Time by Peter Navarro

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This is NOT the original Peter Navarro's book

This is a well-Detailed Summary of In Trump Time by Peter Navarro



Peter Navarro is one of only three senior White House officials by President Trump's side from the 2016 campaign to the end of his first term.

Navarro was the first to sound the alarm within the West Wing about the pandemic and played a pivotal role in the rapid development of both vaccines and therapeutics.

Release dateNov 22, 2021
Summary of In Trump Time by Peter Navarro

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    Summary of In Trump Time by Peter Navarro - Justin Reese


    Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election because of two simple mistakes, writes Julian Zelizer. Zelizer: The photo-finish reality of the 2020 election must lead us to examine a more complex set of reasons. He sees some things better than most that might otherwise never have seen the light of day. You can count on three fingers the number of senior White House advisors who were with the president for the entire journey. Peter Navarro was there for five tumultuous years as assistant to the president and director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, among many others.

    On January 15, 2020, Donald J. Trump signs a historic phase one trade deal with China. A second term for the greatest jobs president, trade negotiator, and populist economic nationalist in White House history appears a near certainty. America's forty-fifth president has built the strongest American economy in fifty years. On immigration policy, his border wall is going up at the rate of about a mile a day. His good cop–bad cop bromance with Kim Jong-un has led to a temporary grounding of North Korea's missile arsenal. There have been no disastrous Barack Obama Libya and Syrian debacles, not even a Clintonian wag the dog bombing of Serbia. 


    I never thought a victory in 2020 would ever be a landslide, no matter how strong the economy got. The thinnest of thin margin of victory across the Blue Wall states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin was equivalent to a football crowd at the Rose Bowl spread over three states. 


    China's Seven Deadly Sins are what I call Communist China's relentless slaughter of tens of thousands of Americans through its flooding of our communities with opioids. President Trump could go full Sudden Zen with immediate across-the-board tariffs or embark on a more subtle and perilous Dragon in a Pot strategy. He argues that talks with China will lead to more empty all talk, no walk summits. Bergen: The Chinese Communist Party never fully abides by any major agreement made with the United States.


    How did a populist economic nationalist president enter into a power-sharing arrangement with a traditional Republican establishment that loathed much of what Donald Trump stood for and had campaigned on? The answer lies in the West Wing outhouse, otherwise known as the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEBO). I thought, Screw them. Stay the course. Karma is truly a schadenfreude bitch. And my comedownance had come brutally the very first time I walked onto the White House grounds on Inauguration Day, Michael Wolraich writes.


    I saw [Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin] as the dumbest smart guy I'd ever met. He saw me as an inconvenient bump on the road to making billions in Beijing,

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