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Woodchips in my Back
Woodchips in my Back
Woodchips in my Back
Ebook384 pages2 hours

Woodchips in my Back

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365 Daily Devotional with topics and prayers to help you make it through daily struggles and come on top with Jesus by your side.
Release dateNov 23, 2021
Woodchips in my Back

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    Woodchips in my Back - SUSAN KING


    Credits/ Copyright

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    Woodchips in My Back

    by Susan King

    © 2021, Susan King

    Published by Publishing Company's Name

    Cover Design by Cover Designer's Name

    Author photograph by Photographer's Name

    ISBN-10: 0-0000000-0-0

    ISBN-13: 978-1-6678131-3-4

    This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.

    I have tried to recreate events, locales, and conversations from my memories of them. To maintain their anonymity in some instances, I have changed the names of individuals and places and I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations, and places of residence.

    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

    Scripture quotations, marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV ®, Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2001 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Table of contents

    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6


    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8


    Chapter 9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12


    Chapter 1




    January 1


    When we posture our hearts with the Holy Spirit we will be guided in prayer and in rhythm with the breath of God. Our posture, whether sitting on our knees or prostrate on our faces on the floor will allow our breadth to breath out the Holy Spirit with words. By listening to HIS voice, we become familiar with the relationship of who the True God is.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed so your posture is from your heart not your emotions. Set the atmosphere for your prayer and invite the Holy Spirit.

    January 2


    As you awake in the morning, be aware of His presence. Do not engage with social media, filling a cup of coffee or physically getting ready for the day. Trust with assurance that when you focus on God that your day will be filled with the light in front of you with every step you take. Trust His Will in all you do. Become one with the Holy Spirit and He will lead.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed so your trust in God is coming from your heart and soul and not from your surroundings.

    January 3


    Beginning your day in the Confidence of Jesus Christ and removing the baggage from yesterday, will allow you to start new. Starting new today is taking up your cross and releasing what is behind you, to move forward for all the blessings that are in store today. Enter into his throne room and be secure with Kingdom thoughts for the day.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed so your confidence is built on the Word of God, not the thoughts that hold you in a trap.

    January 4


    True anointing is like a sweet aroma of praise in a song that penetrates through the air with the angels to minister back to God. True anointing is spoken when the Holy Spirit is in control and the removal of the foulness of the negative thoughts are purges from the mind and replaced with Gods anointing.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed so the anointing of the Holy Spirit is a sweet fragrance to God, whether in song or in prayer, God listens with joy.

    January 5


    Stuck in a snare of the enemy will trap you in bondage. If your eyes are on the Lord, no matter the circumstance, the Lord can release you from what may be holding you back. You are not alone; God is with you waiting for you to lift your feet out of the mire clay and step into the goodness in store to be released upon you and your family.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed so you can be released from the snare of the enemy and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of your life.

    January 6


    Silence in you sin will take you to a place of loneliness. Silence to those who love you will take you to a place of darkness. Being silent from God will turn your circumstances into a mess, using the message of the gospel will turn your mess into a message. The only silence is the stillness of God’s voice to connect the hearing that is necessary. Be boastful in the Gospel.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your mouth in boastful foolishness with words. Restrain your mouth to speak life and not death.

    January 7


    Undeserved grace will take you to a place of faith. Grace is what we do not deserve, but Jesus’ death on the cross allows us to live righteous to receive grace. Even in our lowest day, as we seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit, grace will replace what the enemy has stolen, only if we allow His goodness in our lives. Continuous grace is needed daily to know what we strive for, which is heaven.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so that grace can abound, and fullness of joy can exceed the abundance of daily grace given by God.

    January 8


    Seek the Lord and feel His mercy and earnestly seek HIM. Repentance and submit to God and be led by the Holy Spirit. God is committed to the task of working on us, developing us, and deepening the character traits of His Son in us through Mercy and the Holy Spirit, so we can look like Him. Mercy allows us to depend on Him in every way.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so that Mercy can be obtained, and you don’t faint but heal through His tenderness of love.

    January 9


    Gentleness is evident in the quietness of the heart and the stillness of knowing His presence. When we fellowship with God, we can feel the gentleness and commune with hunger within to satisfy our soul. Living in the presence of God is evident of His gentleness and quietness that the Power of the Holy Spirit that intercedes for us.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so that Gentleness can give you peace so that your feet are fitted on soil that is soft.

    January 10


    To be in the presence of God on a firm foundation will allow you to be the strong person you want to be, but the strength will only come from Faith. Having a firm Foundation in Faith will allow nothing to blow you away, nothing to move you and the glory of the Lord will allow your Foundation to be firm in your faith.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so the gentleness of your faith will produce strong soil to build the strong foundation. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

    January 11


    Sometimes when you are here a small voice, that whisper, you might quite not know where it is from. God says in His word that His sheep hears His voice. So what whisper are you listening to. If it does not align up with the Word of God, it is the enemy, so be aware and keep your guard up in discernment, so you will know the Whisper of the Holy Spirit, He will guide you to truth.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so that the correct whisper is heard deep within your soul. Do not allow the wrong whisper to control you; allow the whisper of the Holy Spirit be in control of you and every step you take.

    January 12


    The presence of the Lord is here. You know it is, it sits deep within you when you want to do wrong, but conviction of His presence, makes you do right. Do right in the sight of the Lord and His might strength will be felt, even in the dark times, He will shine the light of His presence.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so God’s presence can be felt. For the presence to be felt, you must remove failures, lies and deceit that may hold you back. Lay them all down at the cross and feel the Presence of the Holy God that knows all about you.

    January 13


    Purging comes in many forms, burping, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, yawning, etc. This purge is not a sickness, but a stronghold that may be holding onto your soul. Calling it by name and releasing it will allow what is not of God to be removed from you and for you to be whole in a new fresh way like never.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, release and purge what is holding you back from becoming one with the Holy Spirit.

    January 14


    There is nothing like the warm feeling you get when you are in the presence of the Lord. The warm touch of the Holy Spirit and the warm flow of prayer. Jesus came to this world to change the atmosphere and the warm touch of His presence will remove any sensation that comes from the enemy. The enemy feeds on our sense, so sense and feel the warm touch of Jesus Christ.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so that the warmth feeling inside from God will guide you into the peace that surpasses all understanding.

    January 15


    Love that abounds in Christ is the ruler of our hearts, mind, body, and soul. Love conquers all. We must live in Love from God and live in Love to feel His gracious compassion, to accept us with Love, like no other. God loved you before you were born and will never leave you nor forsake you.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so let Love Reign and Conquer your life. Love how Jesus loves you and your life will be lovely.

    January 16


    Scrolling through social media can be quite troubling, if that is the first thing you do in the morning. What? Yea, I said it. Scroll through the pages of the Bible and see what God must talk to you about, what God says of who you are. The Bible is easy access and not a scroll you have to go get and read from a temple. You are the temple, and you hold this scroll in your heart, mind body and soul.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so read the scroll of the Holy Bible and scroll through the pages of the Holy Word that gives you direction of your life.

    January 17


    Touching is a sensation that can trigger many emotions. But the Touch of the Holy Ghost can touch your soul and heal you from all generational curses. The touch of God can deliver you from all the demons that may be holding you back.

    The Alder wood chip must be removed from your soul, so that your soul is touched by the presence of God and your inner part of your soul will be moved and any wounds that may be open, is removed. In Jesus’ name.

    January 18


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