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Naturi: The Plight of the Gods
Naturi: The Plight of the Gods
Naturi: The Plight of the Gods
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Naturi: The Plight of the Gods

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From the abstract mind of the melanated Eshe Oluchi. Follow the artist in volume one of this series as she outlines the epic of primordial Goddess Naturi. Naturi is the physical manifestation of Mother Earth, and the Almighty One's most powerful and chosen celestial being. In Black Goddess Volume 1, Eshe sets the stage for readers as she offers a hidden view of events offered through the shadows of history.

Join Naturi, the Mother Goddess, as she unlocks the keys to her past lives, and unveil her karmic debt to the Universe. In this thrilling science fiction novel, you will see how ancient beings and deities crumble under the pressures of the world. See how a string of complex decisions sealed their fates and exiled them from the history books. From rise to fall, and fall to rise, these celestial beings must transcend their fall from grace and save the people of Earth.
Release dateNov 24, 2021
Naturi: The Plight of the Gods

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    Naturi - Eshe Oluchi

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    Copyright © 2021 Eshe Oluchi

    This book is completely fictitious. All characters and events were written for entertainment purposes only. All similarities of true-life events or characters are purely inspirational and coincidental.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    BookBaby Publishing

    7905 N Crescent Blvd

    Pennsauken, NJ 08110

    Bookcover Art by Bobooks

    Published by The Art of Eshe llc

    Hutchins Tx, 75141

    ISBN: 978-1-7372744-2-1


    This book represents a lifelong dream of mines to grow from writer to author. It is surreal to have officially made this transition. There were days where I wanted to give up and quit, but God had a purpose over my life. I thank God for his purpose, his dream, and his vision.

    To my loving sons,

    This book is dedicated to God’s very own Glory Josiah, and Honor Jeremiah. I am so grateful that he has entrusted the two of you to me. I cherish every moment that we share together, and I am blessed that I have the privilege to care for such strong, kind, and intelligent, independent thinking souls. Always remember that you are not bound by other people’s vision for you. The vision that God gave you is yours and yours alone. It is your responsibility to find what makes you happy and follow God’s purpose over your life. Honor your vision, and honor God’s vision because no one else’s matter. Honor your vision, honor your body, honor yourself, and most importantly honor God. Be the change, be glorious, be wonderful, be happy, and have fun! I will love you always! 



    The Manifestation of a Goddess

    Celestial vs. Celestial

    The Aftermath of Failure

    Making the Voyage

    Creatures of the Night

    The Wisdom of the Lifith

    A Journey to the Field of Wars

    This Is It


    The Truth Revealed


    The Horns Sound

    Chapter 1

    The Manifestation of a Goddess

    Naturi, the brave, was the incarnate manifestation of Mother Earth. As the great mother, she was pure in all her elements and a creation of the highest God. She absorbed her melanin and power from the Universe and reflected the beauty of the highest heaven. When God created the Earth, he also created a complex, multilayered universe that grew and evolved omnipotently. Divinely favored, he provided the mother goddess a perfectly balanced environment surrounding her mass. From her abundance overflowed a multitude of living creatures and endless precious resources. A powerful divinity, she was handcrafted and molded from the infinite resources of the Universe. Knowing what he had done, The Almighty One commanded powerful celestial beings to watch over her and her inhabitants. The job of these heavenly beings was to help the function and flow of The Unity throughout existence. Until one day, there was a great fall of these celestial beings. One-third of these beings were forced out of the highest celestial heaven by The Almighty One. They scattered across the planets and stars, retreating from their shame and making new lives for themselves in new worlds. It was this great fall that induced a series of events that would change her land forever.

    When the fallen celestials entered the land, so did the darkness that followed them. One being called the accuser gave way to havoc and impurities to be born in the mother goddess. The presence of this darkness gave rise to another group of powerful beings. These primordial beings would be the swords of The Almighty One and light in the dark. By the law of the Universe, these beings were willed into a period of physical transcendence. Repeatedly, they rematerialize themselves as they attempted to achieve the ultimate balance amongst the land. After the great fall, each living world was forced to go through a karmic cycle. There were many dark days amongst each world as the fallen ones’ karmic debt dragged heavily on their heels. Each world went through a period of darkness, causing disorder and chaos to erupt across the stars. As The Almighty One watched, it was clear that the Universe needed enforcement and order.

    He constructed an intricate web of formulas, designs, and patterns and then replicated them throughout the Universe. Implementing this knowledge limited the mobility of the fallen ones and left fewer beings with the knowledge to roam the heavens. These beings eventually settled in neighboring worlds but still bore the wrath of their karmic debt. With each land came a multitude of problems that threatened the beings’ existence, so they were destined to live their lives like the ones they were meant to serve. These problems were the bridge that brought these worlds clashing together. Mother Nature used her elements to shield and breathe life into her planet. Visitors from across the Universe were attracted to the richness of her bounty. She grew, birthed, and nurtured every living thing in the land. Her composition’s perfection was the source that attracted the most powerful visitors that had ever visited her planet. Her body became a place of retreat in the Universe. Her resources were so abundantly blessed that the visitors crossed the stars and galaxies, searching for her help and refuge. Her land was so rich in resources that she held the elements needed to heal other planets, and so many came from distant worlds to breathe her air and extract her minerals. Mother Nature used her mass to house and nurture the inhabitants in her land. Until one day, her land was forced into judgment, and chaos erupted. Unsettled and weary, it became her purpose and mission that she would save herself and the land. She requested an opportunity to go into the land so that she might change the fate of her inhabitants. With God’s blessing, she compounded her elements, and she entered the physical realm of the Earth. She was the embodiment and culmination of excellence and the pure perfection of her people. And it was this moment that the love of the mother goddess became manifest.

    The Almighty One stood at the head of his chambers, watching the chaos that had fallen across the stars. He carefully watched as transformations transpired across the vast darkness. Over time, billions of planets began to rise and fall under their own destruction. He watched life manifest across their land. Complex and Volatile, only the strongest worlds survived. Many planets died and began to destabilize, leaving empty and lifeless masses. Other planets managed to thrive and grow in population and strength over time. Earth was one of those planets, placing the mother goddess directly in the middle of a conflict between The Almighty One and the fallen ones.

    The spirit of Mother Nature ruled with divine force across her land. When the land was balanced, and at peace, she gave abundantly. She blessed the soil, the water, and the atmosphere. When strangers from other planets came to borrow resources, she supplemented and provided the resources for their world. But like any good mother, Mother Nature ruled with brute force. She protected everything, and above all else, she protected herself. When invaders moved into her land, bringing darkness and endangering the inhabitants, she fought back. She was a living and conscious earth and a mighty spirit. But just like her people, the divine mother never could have predicted what was to come.

    In the beginning, things were good, but after a short time of peace on her planet, the divine mother began to hear Almight’s voice call out unto her. The Almighty One was not pleased. He commanded her to destroy the land and everything that inhabited it. The spirit of Mother Nature was stunned, but she could hear his anger and displeasure rumbling through the skies. It was unlike anything that she had ever experienced. The divine mother was shaken to her core, and her energy sent out powerful vibrations. Almight wanted her to destroy all the living creatures in her land, but she refused. Mother Nature’s warmth, strength, and healing abilities made Almight’s request seem rash and final. Unwilling to honor his request, she made a decision that would forever change her role in history.

    Visitors of the land had built themselves permanent domains. These fallen beings built powerful energy harnessing technologies in the land. They were powerful enough to manipulate the mother goddess’s lands and knew her inner workings. They built powerful energy plants that housed the life crystals of the heavenly beings. The life crystals in the energy plants harnessed energy into the Earth from the heavens. It was int this moment that the divine mother made her own decision. Discontent by Almight’s plans, she used the energy harnessed from the life crystals and her very own elements to bring about the physical manifestation of Mother Nature’s spirit. She materialized in the energy chambers before the leaders of the heavenly council. They watched the anomaly as she magically appeared before them and then dissipated into thin air. To their surprise, she was gone before they could react. Her spirit was summoned by Almight, the one and only True God. The all-knowing, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the Great I Am. Her celestial body appeared kneeled before the throne of the powerful essence of The Almighty One. He looked upon her as he examined her disobedient spirit.

    Naturi, said Almight. You are being summoned to the high table for violating the wishes of my command. What is it that makes you dishonor my will?

    I do not wish to dishonor you, she replied. I only ask that I am allowed an opportunity to find another way to save the inhabitants and my people.

    They are no longer yours to save.

    How can you say that, and I have been the one to nurture and care for them. Everyone isn’t bad, and everyone deserves a chance. There is still hope to fix things."

    Yes, replied Almight. There is still hope, but there will be none in the land once the darkness comes. The people here do not know me, and they do not practice my ways. The ones that were sent to teach you have used you and betrayed you all. It was they who have set the course of your fates. And when the darkness comes, the Earth will fall.

    No! I can help, she inserted. I know that our teachers used their knowledge to betray you and manipulate the people in my land, but there is still time. Almight sighed and took a moment. Then he asked for her proposal.

    Well, she said. I believe it will be in everyone’s best interest if I save the innocent and kill the rest. I will help save the people, the ones you feel are righteous will be spared, and the others will be slain. Allow me the opportunity to cleanse the land, and right the wrongs of the land.

    Then there was another pause, and Almight asked Mother Nature, And who is innocent and righteous among you? Not you! And whose will is it, that you go out and slay these unrighteous ones? It is not my will All in this land have fallen. And so, it is very righteous of you."

    Righteous, why? she asked.

    Almight laughed. You wish to restore the loss that is to come in the future, now, he asked. And who will lead them? Who will teach them? Me, I will lead them, she continued to plead. How can you want to lead them when you can hardly lead yourself? You will leave false God’s that they serve before me in the land for them to worship. Leave the monsters that haunt them in the land and the giants that rule them. The shame and destruction they bring into the land are only growing with the seasons’ passing. And those same impurities are growing within you Mother Nature was silent. Your fleshly form is not like your divine earthly form. Now I will give you time to explain. What do you have to say? You have transcended in spirit to challenge my commands and redeem yourself and your people; surely you have a plan, he scolded.

    I do, she inserted. If you give me time, I will go into the land and walk amongst the people. I will seek out the wise, the openhearted, and the ones that are favorable in the cleansing of the land. The rest in the land will be subjected to your will, and your vengeance will be upon them.

    Hmm, yes, his spirit illuminated with power. I can smell the honor of your request and feel the Illumination of your spirit. Since you wish it so, you are now responsible for the Illumination in the land. A spirit and essence generated directly from my life source, but one that arises from its own purpose. You are celestial in your own right, but none stand above me. I am the beginning and the ending, the Alpha and Omega, and you will serve under me in my crusade against the unrighteous and against the darkness that is to come. It is your responsibility to illuminate the Earth with your presence. Go into the land and save those that are worthy to stand at your side, but beware. When you reenter the land in the flesh, you will be lost to me. You will be subjected to abominations and pleasures from which has destroyed those on the path of the fallen. Do not fall into the fleshly ways of those that seek to use you. Be not tempted by your own flesh but live a noble life that can be mirrored by your followers. You will be subjected to the same hurt, pains, and conditions of those you which to save, but do not grow weary. Be strong in your faith in me and your purpose, and I will exalt you. Transcend and rise above it all, and I will renew you and keep you whole. Endure.

    So which order do I fall under, she asked?

    In this time, man does not follow my order, and so there is no order, only chaos. A growing chaos is brewing in the land. But I am saying to you, do all that you do in my name and for my people, and the future of this world. From chaos, we will move to order, and this will be a righteous place. Do all that you can do with the time that you have, for man’s time is short. It is through this realm, and this time that you shall obtain or lose your eternity. Eternity is for the celestial, and you are moving into a divine state of flesh. Do these things for me, and I will aggrandize you to a seat at the high table. It is during this time that you will be able to regain what you don’t realize is missing.

    Could you do me a favor? Send a message to their homeland and their leaders that I am coming, and that God is displeased with them. The time has come for them to leave the land or die. If they are unwilling to submit to your will, all acts committed will have been direct acts against God. Leave now or suffer the wrath of my COMING.

    I will send my messengers to their homeland and their leaders, but the darkness awaits. Remember that the physical world is much different than the spiritual one. You will be lost to me. Use this time to transcend wisely, for this is the only realm in which transcendence is physical, tangible, and measurable in time.

    And if I should die? she asked.

    If you should die, the choice is up to you to return, to try once more. You will grow weaker and wearier with each life, but you must remember your purpose. For when their time is up, I will issue the command, and all that should fall under my wrath will see judgment day. I will send your counsel to help you lead this undertaking and discern the righteous from the unrighteous. You will all live in a world of sin because the land is dark and full of sinners. And so, you too will be a sinner. Your council, however, must remain vigilant, for they are from me, and I summoned them for the direct purpose of my will. So, they will be fair in their judgments, for I am fair in mines, and they are of me.

    Almight released her into the grassy plains of the Eden, and like an angel in the night, she appeared before the gates of Eridu. The guards stood in awe as they witnessed this miraculous coming. The villagers and some of the workers outside the gate also witnessed the coming. She appeared in her full essence, armed and dressed as a celestial warrior. Her presence was powerful, yet soft and glorious, like a god. In those fleeting moments, she began to feel the loss that Almight had spoken of. As she emerged, she became more disconnected from the knowledge of her celestial self. The guardsmen watched as she emerged, violently wielding her powerful blade. The guards noticed her and her armor, but not before she attacked them. The divine mother was bold and fought with confidence and ferocity. Twelve guards were slain by the tip of her sword. None of the guards were from her land. The first two guards were giant beastly creatures that fell unsuspectedly with a slice of her sword. She fought unmatched, slaying three additional guards. One by one, the guards fell by the blade of her sword. Nearly a dozen guards were slaughtered by her rampage. As the guards continued to attack, Naturi sealed their fates with death until the guards were no more.

    The workers outside the gates stood as witnesses to this incredible display of fighting skill. An older woman that had witnessed the slaughter began to approach the mother goddess, speaking in a foreign tongue. The woman reached out her hand towards her and called out, Naturi. The mother goddess stood confused. Naturi, the woman cried out again. Covered in blood, she was startled by a voice whispering from behind her. It means a brave woman. I think it’s a very suitable name for one, such as yourself. I like it, said the mysterious man.

    I’m sorry, but who are you? she questioned him.

    My name is Doba. I am the keeper of divine wisdom, an alchemist from the highest heaven, a warrior. I was summoned and sent by Almight himself to help assist you in creating the flow of order in this world.

    Well, it’s nice to have you, Doba, she replied. You could have come a few moments sooner. I take it that you are prepared for this undertaking.

    Yes, I am, he boasted confidently. And what should I call you? Naturi? he insinuated. The divine mother hesitated and thought to herself for a moment.

    Yes, I like that. Naturi it is! she smiled as she accepted this new title.

    We need to move quickly if we want to address the leaders of these people before the other guardsmen come, she ordered.

    No, said Doba, we must first wait.

    What are we waiting for?

    Karma, she is your 2nd member of counsel, sent to act as judgment and vote on the cleansing of this land. She, too, will fight alongside you and protect you throughout this undertaking.

    I don’t know Doba, by the looks of things, we don’t have time to wait. Someone will find us soon, she snapped hastily.

    Come, said Doba. We will find refuge until Karma arrives, and then we will speak with their leaders.

    Naturi and Doba fled into the trees of Eridu. It was there that they were spotted by an older woman who was an original inhabitant of the land. The woman stared at them, inspecting their clothing. Naturi watched the woman as they looked for a place of retreat to wait for Karma. Then, Naturi noticed something different about the woman. The woman began emitting a blue hue of energy around her, and her eyes began to glow. Naturi was on alert but began to approach the woman. As she started walking, Doba grabbed her arm, spooking her. Naturi wielded

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