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All I Want Is You
All I Want Is You
All I Want Is You
Ebook412 pages6 hours

All I Want Is You

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Chad Abbott, successful architect never thought his once idealistic views on life and marriage would change. When his wife committed the ultimate betrayal with someone close to him, he chose a path that would forever change his life. His heart turned to stone, and he buried the pain with alcohol and other unfortunate life choices.
Susan Roberts survived a tragic childhood, and lived a solidary life. She hid behind a cleverly crafted façade, but on the inside, she is still the little girl hiding in the closet from her abusive step-father. The memories of her abuser haunt her twenty year later. When her best friend Karen died, her only outlet for support vanished.
The custody of two children force Susan Roberts and Chad Abbott together under difficult circumstance, and neither one expected what happened next in their lives.
Warning: This book contains the sensitive subject of child abuse. Please read the description carefully before downloading this book.

Release dateNov 22, 2021
All I Want Is You

Jeanette Muscella

I live in Philadelphia PA and I work for a major mortgage company. I love to read and this is one of the reasons why I decided to write this book. In my spare time I crochet hats and booties for premature babies and donate them to a local hospital.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The plot interested me at first so I tried to give it a chance and power through, but unfortunately I had to drop it.
    The writing needs to be proofed and its style also seems forced, the length of the sentences messing the reading flow.
    I also found some of the scenes forced. For example when he first met the kids, when instead of someone familiar (like the female lead, the social worker) introducing them slowly, especially after the kids got scared by the lawyer, he went straight to them alone, giving her an imature bossy attitude.
    Really hoped it got better while reading but sadly it was not the case.

Book preview

All I Want Is You - Jeanette Muscella

Chapter 1

Nick and Laine Abbott loved the tradition of Sunday dinner with their sons, Chad, Cole, and Jason, and because her sons had busy lives, Laine missed fussing over her now-grown children. It made her happy to set the table with her best linen and dishes and prepare a feast for her family. Nick occupied the seat at the head of the table, and as he looked at the chair once occupied by his son Cole, the events that led up to his absence from Sunday dinner upset Nick. He glanced at his son, Chad, and the look on his face was hot enough to melt an ice glacier.

Chad’s eyes focused on the empty chair, and as the acid burned his stomach, he ate the pasta, meatballs, and garlic bread that his mother cooked for dinner. He tried hard to get past the fact that his now ex-wife had an affair with his brother. The weekly ritual of forcing himself to eat dinner with his parents wore on his last nerve. It further irritated him to see the sad look on his parent’s faces every time he shoved food in his mouth. His father’s once dark brown hair had a hint of gray around the temples, and his mother’s face bore age lines around the eyes. No doubt his mother’s age lines are caused by the constant tension between their sons. His mother looked at him, and Chad swore she blamed him for Cole’s absence. What the fuck did you do to make Anna cheat on you, with your brother, right under your dumb fucking nose?

How did he discover the affair? Chad and Cole are identical twins. It always bothered Cole that the brothers were mirror images of each other. Same dark brown hair, same blue eyes. He did everything possible to be the polar opposite of his brother, including different clothes, music, and friends. He refused to eat lunch with his brother because Cole hung out with guys who would beat the shit out of Chad if he looked at them the wrong way. Cole was a troublemaker, and they fought over the slightest things from when they were little boys. How many cookies did Chad have? Did Chad receive more presents at Christmas? Did Mom love Chad more than she loved Cole? The rivalry never ended, and as they grew into teenagers, Cole’s personality changed. He taunted his brother, argued with him, and sometimes became aggressive with Chad. Cole’s aggressiveness made him a target with his teachers, and he had an impressive stack of detention notices. Cole’s aggressive behavior made him an outstanding detective, but it did nothing to bond the twins. Over the years, their differences caused a rift between the brothers.

Cole refused to understand Chad’s willingness to assume the business Uncle Matthew ran into the ground. He resented that the company was thriving because of Chad’s hard work and long hours while he arrested hookers and drug dealers. Cole used his brother’s ambition to hurt him. The plain fact is Cole wanted Anna, and she married Chad. Did Cole regret the deception? Yes. Did he care that he broke something fundamental in his brother? No. Jealousy reared its ugly head, and he took the bait.

One crucial trait was distinctive between the brothers. Cole is righthanded. Chad was entertaining prospective clients with his brother Jason at their favorite Italian restaurant. The waiter knew the brothers, and when he delivered the bill to their table, Chad picked up a pen and signed his name. Then, the waiter asked him if he was ambidextrous because he signed the receipt with his right-hand last week when he was having dinner with his wife. Chad looked at Jason, and his expression spoke volumes. Their brother Cole had just stabbed Chad in the back.

Chad hired a private investigator, and thirty days later, he had all the proof he needed to confirm Anna was having an affair with Cole. He had pictures of Cole entering and leaving his house. To the casual observer, it was Chad dining with his wife. Cole passed himself off as Chad, and no one suspected the deception. He cut his hair and grew a beard. After interviewing several hotel staff, the Detective noted that some hotel staff referred to him as Chad.

Chad could not fathom his brother betraying him, lying to him, and destroying his marriage. It was difficult ignoring the proof that stared him in the face. So yeah, he was resentful sitting at the dining room table staring at an empty fucking chair. His life spiraled out of control, and when he confronted Anna, she admitted having an affair without a shred of guilt. It was Chad’s fault. He worked too many hours, left her alone too much, blah, blah, blah. Cole was exciting, and they had fun together. Anna thought it was funny when people thought Cole was Chad. The flowers strewn around Chad’s house were from Cole. Another lie. Why was Chad working eighteen hours a day? "Buildings are dull," Anna repeated a hundred times or more. Chad worked long hours building a business and a future for himself and his wife, and Anna rewarded him for his hard work by screwing his brother. He remembered the day Anna left him, and the memory sparked a migraine headache.

Chad had the brilliant idea of leaving work early to catch Cole at his house. He was so happy when they purchased this house. What caught his eye was the sunroom in the front of the house and the two cherry trees on the front lawn. It made Chad happy when Anna fell in love with the place. He envisioned converting the sunroom into a playroom for the children they would eventually have. The fact that it was in move-in condition was an added bonus. It was a little over his price range, but Chad worked long hours to make their dream come true. How sad for him that he now hates this house. What greeted Chad when he opened the door were two suitcases by the fireplace. He looked down at the suitcases, then up to his wife.

"What’s with the suitcases? Are you going somewhere?" Chad knew where she was going. He just wanted to hear it from her.

"I’m going to my mother’s house. It’s over, Chad. I want a divorce."

Chad left the room to retrieve the Detective’s report. He handed it to Anna, and her face turned five shades of red. How long have you known about us?

"Long enough for you to tell me the truth. I surprised you by coming home early. Did you leave me a Dear John letter? Why, Anna? How could you cheat on me with my brother?"

"I’m sorry, Chad. I never meant for it to happen, and I knew it was wrong, but I love him, and Cole wants me as much as I want him. He looks at me, and I see the love in his eyes."

"And I don’t love you and want you? Why don’t you explain it to me?"

"Don’t pretend we weren’t having problems! Cole pays attention to me, and you don’t."

"What problems?"

"I’m sick of your work schedule. I never spend time with you during the week. You ignored me, Chad, and I became lonely. I ran into Cole at Guido’s because you were once again working. Cole invited me to dinner, and I said yes. We met twice a week, and when you were working, Cole walked through the front door, and no one noticed he wasn’t you."

"I’m trying to build a life for us, and you cheat on me with my brother. How do you think it affects me knowing Cole is passing himself off as me? How could you hurt me so thoroughly, Anna? It’s cruel."

"I’m sorry. It was Cole’s idea."

"It may be his idea, but you took part in the charade. If you were so unhappy with me, why didn’t you talk to me? You married me, knowing the business needed my attention. How many times did we discuss what we needed to revive the business? You said nothing to me but enjoyed spending my money. Am I a fucking mind reader?"

"What’s the point in pursuing something I no longer want. I don’t care about your fucking money! I don’t love you the way I should as a wife, Chad, and I wanted to end our marriage without hurting you."

"Is this how you treat our marriage? You snap your fingers, and I’m kicked to the curb? Am I so inflexible you couldn’t talk to me?"

"You weren’t home long enough to care. Don’t play stupid with me. Our bed became a place for you to sleep after a fourteen-hour day. When was the last time I stayed awake after you came home? Do you remember the last time we ate breakfast together?"

"So, you had an affair with my exciting brother while I’m killing myself working fourteen hours a day. Do you keep a scorecard to track who is better in bed?"

"I’m not answering your question. It’s over, Chad. I’ll move my belongings out of the house by the end of the week."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes, I love him. I’m sorry, Chad, but I love him."

Chad’s conversation with Anna deteriorated into a screaming match. When Cole called to let Anna know he was outside waiting for her, Chad followed her. Cole was leaning against the hood of his red Mustang with a cocky smirk on his face, and when Chad came face-to-face with his brother, he cocked his arm back and slammed his fist into Cole’s fucking face. He fell against the hood of the car, holding the side of his face as blood ran through his fingers and stained his white shirt.

His eyes narrowed into slits. You get one shot, Chad. Hit me again, and you’ll regret it. Anna, get in the fucking car.

Chad stood in the middle of the street and watched Cole’s car disappear from view, taking Anna with him. His neighbor, Jean Nelson, was watering her garden and witnessed the punch. Are you okay, Chad? What happened?

I’m okay, Jean. It’s a family issue. He walked into his house, too numb and shocked to let what just happened to him seep into his head. Chad walked to his bedroom, and with each step, fury burned his stomach. He looked at the bed, and images of Cole fucking his wife blinded him. Chad stripped off the navy blue comforter and sheets in a fit of rage, then walked to the closet and removed the sheets and bedding. Images of Cole taking a shower in his bathroom angered him. The towels and washcloths joined the bedding. The ultimate betrayal was the mattress. He removed it from the bed, dragged it outside, and secured it to the roof of his car. Thirty minutes later, he threw several bags of linen in the back seat of his car.

He drove several miles to the nearest trash dump and removed the bags from his car. As Chad stood in front of the trash truck and watched the compactor suck in remnants of his life with Anna, a coldness unfamiliar to him swept over his body, and it consumed him with an intensity that forever changed his life.


It didn’t take long for word to spread throughout his family and friends how his marriage crashed and burned. Chad hid from everyone and contemplated a lonely future without a wife and children. It further pissed him off when most of his friends thought nothing of the fact his brother Cole was now in a committed relationship with Anna. To them, it was just another break-up of a relationship gone wrong. To Chad, it signified more than a failed marriage. He refused to look in the mirror because it was Cole’s face he saw staring back at him when he did. Phone calls, text messages, and emails from family and friends fueled his anger.

Divorce is a gut-wrenching experience. Chad pretended to act civilized and rational, but he was far from either of those emotions. The meeting at Anna’s attorney’s office was the most painful two hours of his life. Upon arrival, the receptionist escorted Chad to the conference room. As he sat staring at an abstract painting on the wall, he felt nothing but emptiness. The room’s décor of floor-to-ceiling windows, gray furniture, glass conference table, and leather chairs was cold and depressing. His mind wandered to how many assholes like himself sat in this room while their lives fell apart. How many poor suckers got raked over the coals having to pay child support? No one gets married, expecting it to disintegrate less than two years later. Anna’s remote facial expressions told Chad she’s long gone from him.

And so began Chad’s spiral into self-destructive behavior. Two years later, the downward spiral continued. Bed-hopping wasn’t what he envisioned his life to be. Chad had slept with many women and discarded them when he became bored. Marriage and children became unobtainable for him, and he would be the first one to admit he’s a selfish bastard. Chad Abbott, the successful contractor, workaholic, and architect, hated his life.


Lost in thought, Chad didn’t hear the front door open and close. His parents, Nick, and Laine shared nervous glances, and that’s when the familiar voice of his brother Cole permeated the room. Hey, Mom, where are you?

We’re in the dining room, Cole. Laine rose from her seat and left the room. She glanced back at Nick with a worried look on her face.

Chad glanced at his father, and Nick gave him the death stare. It’s the same stern expression Chad had seen many times when he was a kid and in serious trouble. Chad was up and out of his chair before Nick spoke, and when he walked through the living room, he saw Cole and Anna talking to Laine. The brothers glared at each other while Anna cowered and stood behind Cole.

Nick grabbed his arm, pulled him into the kitchen, and pointed to the solid wooden chair. Sit!

What the fuck is going on, Dad? Why are they here? I’m sure I’ve told you how much I despise him. Chad said as he planted his ass in the chair.

It’s time to get over what happened, Chad. It’s time to end the arguing.

Cole had an affair with my wife! Am I speaking a foreign language? If Chad had to explain the affair one more time to his father, his head might explode.

It’s different now. You need to put this behind you. I invited your brother and Anna to dinner because they need to speak to you.

Speak to me? What could they say that I’d want to hear?

Your brother should tell you.

Chad stood to face his father and pointed the finger at Nick’s chest. I want you to tell me. Now!

Nick glared at Chad with icy eyes. He was a patient man, but he had a short fuse. Cole and Anna are engaged. He is still your brother, and it’s time you let him explain what happened between the two of them.

Cole’s had enough time to explain why he had an affair with Anna. There are no words to justify his excuse. If you expect me to accept their relationship, you’re asking for too much, Dad. I can’t do it.

I expect you to use the brains God gave you and get your head out of your ass. How long do you expect me and your mother to let this bullshit continue? Get over yourself and live your fucking life.

Cole and Anna walked into the kitchen, and Chad fought the urge to beat the shit out of his brother. It always pissed off Chad when he argued with Cole because he had the upper hand. It’s different now. Chad hated his brother, and it’s an emotion not quickly banished from his heart. Memories of that awful day slammed into his head. Self-rationalizing the affair to make it justified solved nothing in Chad’s mind. He enjoyed fucking anonymous faces in the darkness of night because the release calmed the demons raging in his head.

The anger in Chad’s eyes shocked Anna. I’ll never forgive you. I had grand plans for our life together, and I worked long hours with one goal in mind. You used it as an excuse, and your actions destroyed our marriage. If you screwed anyone other than my brother, I’d get over it and move on with my life. I loved you, and you betrayed our marriage. It would hurt less if you stabbed me in the back.

The hatred Chad slung at Anna was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Cole’s patience evaporated. Why don’t you drop the fucking pussy act! Anna left you for me. Grow a set of balls and stay out of my life. If you want to vent your anger at someone, vent it at me. You will not upset Anna one more minute. If you do, I’ll fuck you up so badly, you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror. Do I make myself understood to you, Chad?

If Anna chose second best, that’s on her, you fucking bastard! I’m pissed off at you! It was you who paraded yourself around the city pretending to be me. Do you hate me so much you enjoy hurting me?

Cole rolled his eyes at the familiar reaction his brother had towards him. It hurts your bruised little ego, knowing you were a lousy fuck. That’s what has your balls twisted. You always were a sniveling little mamma’s boy. Anna found someone else to make her happy, in and out of the bedroom.

Chad raised his fist, and Cole assumed a defensive stand. Hit me again, Chad, and it will be the last fucking time you touch me.

Nick stood between the two of them, raising both arms to keep his son’s separated. That’s enough! You’re still brothers, and I’m ashamed of your behavior, both of you!

Cole is no longer my brother, Chad said as he walked out the kitchen door, slamming it behind him. A minute later, Nick grabbed his arm, and Chad turned around to face his father. Shocked by the fury raging in his son’s eyes, Nick looked down to see his son’s hands ball into fists. He took a step back to avoid Chad throwing the next punch at him.

What do you want, Dad? Chad asked through gritted teeth.

I want you to stop playing the victim card. How long will you ignore your brother? How long do you expect your mother and me to sit back and watch our family fall apart? It’s been two fucking years, Chad. When are you going to stop stewing in your anger?

How is any of this my fault? Aren’t Cole and Anna responsible for their actions?

Nick placed a comforting hand on Chad’s shoulder. Yes. I’m not saying you are at fault. Your brother has always been rough around the edges, and arguing with him exacerbates the problem. I’ll never understand why you argued with your brother, night and day. Cole is too stubborn to apologize. Be the bigger person, Chad. It’s time to get past this bump in the road. Anna is pregnant, and we will not ignore our son and grandchild.

Well, isn’t this just fucking great? Anna’s baby should have been Chad’s. The pain that stabbed him in the chest stopped his beating heart. Chad refused to accept it. He always caved when he fought with Cole. This time is different from the stupid arguments they had when they were kids. Cole committed adultery with his wife, and groveling, or ‘let’s forget the past’ doesn’t work for Chad. He’s beyond the point of an apology. He refused to accept an apology from Cole if he handed it to him on a silver platter, written in twenty-four-carat gold.

Sorry, Dad. You’re asking too much of me. I can’t do it. The next time you invite them to dinner, don’t involve me.

You’re making a mistake, son, and avoiding your brother is not the answer.

Then what is the answer, Dad? I’ve been miserable for two years. How can I trust anyone when my wife committed the ultimate betrayal? She fucked-up my head with self-doubt, and my life is empty. I work, go home, and fuck my way through life to numb my heart. That sums up my life. Cole has what I’ve always wanted. He’s having a baby. What do I have? Nothing but a fucking job and an empty house.

Before Nick responded, Chad unlocked the car, got in, and slammed the door. Nick banged on the window, but Chad shook his head no, started the car, and drove home.


It’s seven in the evening, and the thought of returning to an empty house made Chad sick. He detoured to his favorite bar to take off the edge and maybe play a few rounds of pool. Chad sat at his usual stool, grateful no one was sitting next to him. He was in no mood for casual conversation. The constant beeping of his phone with messages from his parents annoyed him. In a fit of anger, Chad sent a quick text.

I’m done talking. Please stop texting me. Chad threw his phone on the mahogany bar and rubbed his forehead. He looked up to the sign, Jake’s Pub, over the mirrored wall and glasses and saw his reflection in the mirror. He looked worn out.

Jake walked over to shake his hand. Hey, Chad. Do you want the usual?

Make it a boilermaker. I’ve had a fucking miserable day.

Are you driving?


One and done, buddy.

I get it, Jake. I’ve had a rotten day and need a break from my fucking life.

While Chad waited for his drink, soft hands caressed his shoulders, then moved to his chest. When he spun around, Karen Hanson stood in front of him, wearing a black dress that hugged her body. His cock twitched. She kissed Chad on the cheek.

How are you, Chad?

A wide grin spread across Chad’s face. Hey, what brings you back to Philadelphia?

Change of venue for a case I’m prosecuting. The defense attorney whined his client won’t get a fair trial in Bucks County, so here I am for at least a month. I just left my parent’s house and saw your truck in the parking lot. How are you? How’s Anna?

I’m okay, and we are divorced.

Oh, I’m sorry, Chad. What happened?

My brother and Anna are engaged and having a baby. Ironic, isn’t it? She married me but loves Cole.

Karen reached for his hand. I want you to tell me the truth. How are you coping?

It hurts, Karen. I feel like a fool. I loved Anna. Did she ever love me? Did she use me to be close to Cole? How did I not see the signs?

You loved your wife and weren’t looking for signs.

I just had an argument with Cole at my parent’s house. Dad wants me to be civil and get over myself. How do I get over the deceit? I can’t look at Cole without wanting to smash my fist in his fucking face.

Karen wrapped her arms around Chad and kissed him tenderly. Follow me back to my hotel. We’ll have a late snack and talk about it.

Chad’s eyes scanned her sexy body. I don’t want food. Do you?

No, she whispered back to him.

Karen’s hand cupped his cock, giving it a gentle squeeze. Chad had a predictable response. Let’s get out of here.

As Chad followed Karen to her hotel, he kept thinking that using Karen for sex was a bad idea. His hand reached between his legs to adjust his throbbing cock. Yeah, his cock had other ideas.

Upon arriving at the hotel, he followed Karen to her room, all the while discreetly covering his erection. Once inside her hotel room, Karen pushed him against the door and kissed him. The sweet teenage girl he remembered no longer existed. Karen was aggressive and took what she wanted from him. Her hand slid down between them, unzipped his pants, and squeezed his balls so hard, he saw stars.

Are we on the same page, Chad?

Isn’t it obvious I’m on board?

Karen’s grin made him harder. It sure is, she said as she knelt before Chad and took his cock into her mouth. Chad rested his head against the door as a moan escaped his lips. Karen worked him to a fast orgasm, then stood and led him to the bed.

Are you ready for a wild ride, Chad?

The rational side of Chad’s brain told him going to her hotel room was an awful idea. Still, he’s walking on a tightrope, and he needed the release. He reached for Karen. Oh, yeah. I’m ready for anything, sweetheart, Chad said as he kicked off his shoes and his pants hit the floor. His shirt soon followed. Strip for me, sweetheart.

Chad’s cock twitched as he sat on the edge of the bed and watched Karen seductively divest herself of the dress and sexy black lingerie. Chad grabbed a pillow and threw it on the floor. On your hands and knees.

No. I want to fuck you. Get on your back and let me ride you.

Heat surged through Chad as he fell on the bed, inviting Karen to take a good look at what he had to offer, which was impressive. He watched Karen slowly crawl up his body. Her sex glistened with wetness, which made him harder.

Don’t move. I have condoms in the bathroom.

I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. Get the condoms before I explode, Chad said as he watched her sexy ass walk across the room. He reached down to squeeze the tip of his cock to stop himself from coming. Karen returned quickly, turned off the light, and rolled a condom onto Chad’s throbbing cock. Reaching over to the nightstand, she turned off the remaining light. The heat of her body against his felt like an oasis on an arid day.

Yeah, baby, ride me. Chad gripped Karen’s hips while he pumped into her. He enjoyed fucking her with the lights off because if he didn’t see her face, he imagined Anna was fucking him. What a pathetic bastard Chad had become. He grabbed her hips, rolled them over, and pounded his cock into her tight pussy. Angry sex was better than no sex. His anger for Anna seeped into this part of his life with a familiar regularity. Is this what you want? Do you want it rough, baby?

Yes, fuck me, Chad. Fuck me good. The next few hours passed in a blur of sex, alcohol, and more sex. Karen was a willing participant, but Chad still felt guilty for using her because he knew this was a temporary relationship. One month later, Chad’s cock was sore and red from the constant sexual gymnastics.

I’m going home tomorrow, Karen said as they lay in bed. It’s time to get back to reality. I wonder why we didn’t do this in high school.

Are you kidding me? Your father would have cut off my balls and roasted them on a fire pit if I got close to you.

Karen laughed. I know. That’s why I went wild in college. I was sexually frustrated.

Well, whatever you did in college, I’m the lucky recipient. You are one sexy woman. Keep in touch. Maybe we can hook up sometime.

Karen never answered him. Instead, she gave him one last ride that he will remember for a long time, and when she went home, she took something essential to Chad with her.

Chapter 2

Five years later

It is fantastic being me, Chad thought to himself as he adjusted his tie and ran a hand over his hair. Today was the best day of his professional career. Abbott Brother’s Construction, his firm, nailed the most prestigious contract in the city, the new medical center in University City. Chad and his brother Jason worked long hours for a year, bidding on the deal and changing the design and cost analysis. Tonight, they celebrate a job well done at their favorite Italian restaurant. Jason walked up behind Chad and slapped him on the back. Chad had doubts about whether Jason had what it took to work for him. Still, Jason had proven himself to be competent and, to Chad’s surprise, indispensable.

Today has been a fucking fantastic day, Jason boasted while washing his hands.

The medical center is an enormous project, and I have meetings scheduled through to next Friday with prospective clients. You did a fantastic job on the cost analysis. Chad was so damn proud of their accomplishments in the past few years. His business expanded rapidly in the past three years, and Chad was thankful his nocturnal activities had not affected his work schedule.

Jason nodded in agreement. I meet with the city next week to get their approval to break ground. This building will be the focal point in University City. Our reputation is solid for life. Let’s celebrate a job well done. I’m starving.

As the brothers walked to their table, Jason stopped walking, and Chad crashed into his back. He turned around to stare at Chad. The look on Jason’s face set off Chad’s radar. Let’s go somewhere else to eat.

What? Why? We have reservations.

I don’t want to spoil our night. Let’s get out of here.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Chad followed his brother’s stare, and his eyes landed on Cole and Anna. It’s a very awkward moment for the brothers. The first thing he noticed was the serene expression on Anna’s face. She looked happy, and it twisted his balls to realize she never looked that way when they were married. He watched as Cole reached across the table to tenderly hold her hand. Chad had resigned himself to the fact he couldn’t avoid them for the rest of his life, so he took it upon himself to start the conversation and walked over to their table.

Jason stopped him. What the fuck are you doing, Chad? We’re in a restaurant. Don’t cause trouble and get us kicked out before we’ve eaten dinner.

I don’t want to make an ass of myself in a restaurant, so once I’ve said hello, I’m going back to our table, and we’ll celebrate a job well done. I’m tired of the drama and can’t continue living in constant turmoil. Cole married Anna, they had Ashley, and I have my life. I have more important issues in my life at the moment, and ignoring Cole won’t change a damn thing.

How very mature of you, Chad.

It’s time I got my head out of my ass.

You didn’t create the tension Chad, and whatever problems you had with your marriage, Anna made it worse by hooking up with Cole. I still don’t understand why he’d hurt you this way.

Neither do I, Jason. I miss us hanging out together. He was always a cocky bastard, but at least we had a few enjoyable times together."

So do I, Jason responded. We went to Jimmy’s a few times a month, and his phone rang every two minutes. It’s always Anna or something work-related.

Chad took a deep breath and walked over to their table. He saw Anna tense in her chair, and she lowered her

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