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Brown Girl Rich: I Am My Father's Daughter, I am walking in my God Given authority
Brown Girl Rich: I Am My Father's Daughter, I am walking in my God Given authority
Brown Girl Rich: I Am My Father's Daughter, I am walking in my God Given authority
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Brown Girl Rich: I Am My Father's Daughter, I am walking in my God Given authority

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I am my Father's daughter! Brown Girl Rich! Walking in my God-given authority! 

When we step pass the veil and enter that place of grace that was originally designed for us from the beginning, we can see that our Heavenly Father gets so very excited. He says, "She gets it now! She is chosen to experience all the fragrant love, wealth,

Release dateFeb 4, 2022
Brown Girl Rich: I Am My Father's Daughter, I am walking in my God Given authority

Karen Brown

Karen Brown is currently an ESRC Research Fellow at the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, University of Oxford. She has published a number of papers that deal with environmental and veterinary history in South Africa.

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    Book preview

    Brown Girl Rich - Karen Brown

    I Am My Father’s Daughter

    These precious moments of His Spirit Words




    Given By


    Your moments alone are precious and private;

    spend them with God.


    Beautiful Sweet Lady of Purpose! You are called and set apart for great things. This book is dedicated to every woman who has heard the call of the Most High God and the ones who may not have heard the call or felt the unction to flow in your divine purpose. You are a beautiful treasure created by

    Jehovah God. You have been designed fearfully and wonderfully made. Every word in this book is for your heart, as well as to refresh your soul. Maybe you have gone through tough times, or maybe you have experienced the best times. Either path you have been on, I am here to show you that you can take the steps leading you to the greatest and most extraordinary victories. Take time to listen to the words of these pages as they speak to you. This is the call for you to be a powerful woman of God. I am glad to say that although you must push through the glass ceiling, you are now in another dimension that will require you to stay in His presence and listen to His voice.

    Yes, feel His presence, hearing His words. Know in your heart that you and I are chosen to see the power of God work in us, and we are given the ability to go get someone else and bring them out. Alright, Girls! Let us go and get them!




    I Am Wealthy with You

    A very big special thanks to my heavenly Father, who has and continues to show me great and mighty things. He reveals secret truths and special mysteries because He is so amazing! In the times when I thought on my goodness, you said, Yes, my goodness! Bless You, O Mighty God Jehovah! Nothing is impossible for you, and I enjoy seeing you do it. Great things! Yes, Great things!

    I am thankful to my Mommie, who always continues to demonstrate and show me that honor, grace, truth, beauty, and most of all, the Holy Spirit is what we need to walk as strong, special godly women. Your love is the special invisible icing you put on every pound cake, and it is what keeps us sitting around the table, slicing it thick and thin to make sure it tastes the same all the way through. Yes indeed! 

    To the Brown Boys and Brown Girls! Bill and Mergie’s Children! You are the treasures that a girl needs to keep moving during it all. Lovehugs! Grouphugs! That’s how we do it! Yes Indeed! We Glow! We Grow! We go get it! We must help to make it so! Your uniqueness as strong gems and jewels is priceless. I love you all! Whether the words are what I want to hear or not, they are the words that help me to continue to grow, flourish, and prosper in my walk.

    To my pastor and friend, Apostle John L. Hickman, you always speak life to me and cover me with the Word of God, prayers, and support. I am blessed by your prayers, support, and love. Thank you, and I appreciate your leadership.

    Love to all my spiritual family connections. I am thankful for your prayers and encouragement. Your hugs and love are so important to me. It is an awesome gift as we walk the faith journey.

    Every person’s part and word play an important role in creating a patchwork quilt for our purpose and destiny to take shape. It is who you are and what you have that connects to form this beautiful piece of art that is displayed for the world to see. Better yet, it depicts a strong and sweet revelation that it does take everyone to make it happen. Love you all very much.

    Brown Girl Rich,

    PK (Christgirl)

    Dear Daddy

    (March 18, 2005)

    I love you and thank God for you being the father He gave me. Thank you for showing me how to rely on God no matter what comes my way. Thank you for keeping me in a family where a momma and daddy stayed together throughout the vows that you shared. Thank you for showing up at school to pick me up when it was raining and picking me up from high school when the school was far away. Thank you for showing up at the graduation when I needed you the most. Thank you for celebrating my birthday. Thank you for allowing me to be your special daughter and sit on your lap to talk to you. Thank you for choosing me to teach Sunday school when I was a young girl. You saw something in me that no one else saw. Thank you for teaching me how to be the church secretary and tend to the church business. Thank you for showing me that serving God would be and is such an honor.

    Thank you for giving me a nickname that only you could and would call me. Right now, I laugh to myself thinking of the name Boss Hogg.

    It was not about the weight but about the ability to command and lead, even though I was a little heavy and fluffy. Thank you for protecting me from the big head boys who were only after one thing. Thank you for keeping me and anointing me every morning. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for telling us to sing and putting us in the choir, usher board, the clean-up crew, the prayer team, and the women’s mission board. You name it; you put us there. Oh yeah, even in the kitchen. Now, I understand the act and process of serving. Thank you for giving me the knowledge of Christ.

    Thank you for showing me how to be independent and doing what needs to be done around the house. Thank you for not scolding me or whipping me when the truck was wrecked and a dent was left in it. Thank you for sending me to driver’s education school and teaching me how to drive on the freeway. Thank you for baptizing me and being there in the water with me. All I could see was the mud between my toes and the minnows. The Lord only knows everything else that was in there. The mere fact that you were with me in the water gave me the boldness and courage to walk through it and get my baptism blessing. When you said you were with me, it kept me from being scared and fearful.

    Wow, now as I think about it, according to God’s Word, Isaiah 43 shows how God is with us and how He redeems us. Wow, He is with me. It does not and cannot hurt me because He is already going before me in the process.

    Thank you for covering for me as I was growing up. Thank you for teaching me the Word of God. Thank you for being my daddy. Thank you for showing me how a man should take care of his family no matter what. Thank you for coming home every night. Thank you for being there when I went to school and being there when we were home in the evening. Thank you, Daddy, for keeping me as a baby because you could have been like those other men who did not keep their children. Thank you for your love and support when it was time to go to college. Thank you for wanting more for me. I love you, Daddy! Thank you!



    P.S. Thank you for being my daddy in demonstrating to me how a man should love his wife as Christ loved the church and how I should expect my husband to do the same for me. Thank you for showing me how to serve my heavenly Father, the Almighty God, so diligently. You showed me how a woman should be treated by the man in her life as I watched you take care of Mommie in the most beautiful way. Thank you for being my Daddy.

    A Special Prayer

    Heavenly Father, help us, your girls, to open and receive the manifold wisdom, your magnificent love, to experience it, and know it full well. Show us how to perceive Your greatness working in our lives as women who have been either with an earthly father or ones who have not known the love of a natural father. Thank you, Jehovah, for loving us with an everlasting love. You know us, and you have so greatly bestowed upon us one of the most prestigious titles and positions we can ever hold. We have the privilege of being Our Father’s Daughter.

    So many women and girls have tried to find love in so many places. Heavenly Father, bring us into a place of love like no other. For that, Father, we say thank you. We appreciate you for breaking off the shell of fear and calling us forth out of the darkness into Your marvelous light to experience the beauty that was hidden for years. Now, we are embracing our potential, our gifts, our grace. Yes, we are now embracing our grace.

    We are no longer looking back to see if fear would catch up. In fact, we can run forward faster with our confidence coat that you placed on us. We are beautiful women, blessed women, awesome and amazing wives, highly anointed women of God, wealth strategists, power-packing carriers of Your Word. You have equipped us mightily. For that heavenly Father, we say thank you. In Jesus the Christ name, amen.

    We are Our Father’s Daughters.

    Walking in our God-given authority.

    I Am My Mother’s Daughter!

    Her love for me, in me, about me, around me! As I received the title of this book while I was in a secret place of worship, I always think of the beautiful, sweet treasures that our heavenly Father gives us. So, one of the sweetest gems and honors is my Mommie! I am laughing because I would not be my father’s daughter if I did not have my Mommie. I am so thankful to have the ordained, beautiful, industrious, talented, Holy Spirit-filled, abundantly blessed, God’s woman to be my Mommie. As I walk, talk, cook, work, minister, love, share, build, create, and just be who I am called to be, I am enriched by the grace and wisdom from my Mommie. My natural voluptuous grace and curves are directly from our lineage. Our smiles, our laughs, and our special touches and ability to do it all come from the sweetness that our heavenly Father poured in her and onto us. Her anointing to love us through some stuff is amazing.

    We always laugh when she talks about old boyfriends and people who we have met and how when she gives us the note of saying, I am praying. So funny.

    Women, we have so many great jewels and treasures that our heavenly Father blesses us with, and I am so astonished how He purposely placed us in our families and as I glean daily from her gift in cooking, making jellies, being a homemaker and worshipper, her love for telling us, What God loves, and that is the truth, we are stronger and wiser.

    I am thankful, and I am so glad that I am my Father’s daughter because he made me a daughter of power, strength, wealth, wholeness, Brown Girl Rich fruitfulness, gifts, melodies, cakes, cookies, and all that sweet stuff that came straight from the throne room of God to my daddy to my Mommie! I am Brown Girl Rich! Hallelujah! On purpose! By purpose! In purpose! For purpose! Around purpose!

    I bless you, Jehovah! In Jesus, the Christ name! Amen!


    I Know Who I Am!

    When we step pass the veil, and we enter that place of grace that was originally designed for us in the beginning, we can see that our heavenly Father gets excited because He says, She gets it now. She can experience all the wealth and beautiful experiences because they are her treasures I have for her. This treasure chest is no longer sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor. It has now been retrieved from the enemy’s hands, and now she can open this treasure chest of jewels that are designed just for her. We are wealthy women because our heavenly Father

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