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The Gospel of the End of the World
The Gospel of the End of the World
The Gospel of the End of the World
Ebook41 pages20 minutes

The Gospel of the End of the World

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About this ebook

Fabio dos Santos is a highly awarded poet and writer in Brazil. Master in Sociology by the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Federal University of Alagoas, he is a researcher in several areas of human knowledge, especially in public security, urban sociology, literature, linguistics, green economics, human ecology, etc. With more than 15 published physical books and in ebook mode, comes with this new work that portrays a moment of transformation in the life of a pseudo prophet Kaliphas who has in his friend Panemonas, the birth of a deadly fanaticism capable of influencing economic society. As a kind of reverse gospel, people are charmed by eschatological predictions in times before the pandemic. This work ends up being a premonition of everything that is happening in the world today, because before the incidence of the coronavirus, Kaliphas had already predicted the woes of the current world. The Gospel at the End of the World has a footprint that requires the reader to never give up hope.
Release dateDec 16, 2021
The Gospel of the End of the World

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    Book preview

    The Gospel of the End of the World - Fabio dos Santos




    Fabio dos Santos

    (Edição Bilíngue)

    (Ficção Científica)

    Bibliomundi, 2021

    Copyright by Fábio dos Santos, 2021

    Título original:

    O Evangelho do fim do mundo/

    The gospel of the end of the world

    Capa: Fabio dos Santos

    Caracteres: Notebook

    CIP-Brasil. Catalogação-na-fonte

    Santos, Fábio dos.

    O Evangelho do fim do mundo/Fabio dos Santos.

    The gospel of the end of the world

    Maceió: Bibliomundi, 2021

    Edição Bilíngue.

    p. 48

    (ficção científica)

    Conto brasileiro. 2. Título. I. Ficção Brasileira. CDD



    Quão destrutivo será o ano 2118, e os dezenove anos que se seguirão, para as classes de trabalhadores.

    Políticas loucas que ruirão, cláusulas pétreas,

    Ruas cobertas de sangue e fogo,

    Lutas terríveis entre armados e desarmados,

    Intolerância entre os próprios operários e os lumpemproletariats,

    Entre os gabirus a briga

    Por um naco de queijo podre,

    Entre as catitas o desespero pela droga mais nociva,

    E não apenas isso,

    Dois ou três grupos no topo do Poder

    Rindo de tudo isso.

    E vejam que esta é uma visão bastante otimista

    Sobre um regime político

    Onde os sujeitos e os bandidos são sempre os mesmos

    Senhores do Poder e do Estado.

    (Atos I, verso I, Fase Amarela)

    How destructive will be the year 2118, and the nineteen years that will follow, for the classes of workers.

    Crazy policies that will collapse, stony clauses,

    Streets covered in blood and fire,

    Terrible fights between armed and unarmed,

    Intolerance between the

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