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Rising of the Fae: Royal Fae Series, #3
Rising of the Fae: Royal Fae Series, #3
Rising of the Fae: Royal Fae Series, #3
Ebook170 pages2 hours

Rising of the Fae: Royal Fae Series, #3

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He thinks he has already won. He is wrong.


The Dark Fae King has done the unimaginable and tricked me into marriage. How can I possibly be tied to the one guy who is responsible for all the devastation in our kingdom? He doesn't have my heart or my respect.


When my advisors learn of my marriage, they make me a promise I fear they will have to keep. However, it will cost them more than I am willing for them to pay. Surely we can find another way to set me free?


The evil king has crossed a line and I am going to burn him and all his plans to a crisp. He may think he knows me, but this Fae Princess has a lot more tricks up her sleeve yet. Maybe once I'm done with him, I'll be able to accept the love of my four advisors. I'm going to redefine all the rule books.


Rising of the Fae is the heart-stopping conclusion of an exciting new Reverse Harem series.

Release dateNov 26, 2021
Rising of the Fae: Royal Fae Series, #3

Jamie Campbell

Jamie was born into a big, crazy family of 6 children. Being the youngest, she always got away with anything and would never shut up. Constantly letting her imagination run wild, her teachers were often frustrated when her 'What I did on the weekend' stories contained bunyips and princesses.Growing up, Jamie did the sensible things and obtained a Bachelor of Business degree from Southern Cross University and worked hard to gain her membership with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.Yet nothing compared to writing. Quiting the rat race to spend quality time with her laptop named Lily, Jamie has written several novels and screenplays. Spanning a number of genres and mediums, Jamie writes whatever inspires her from ghost stories to teenage love stories to tantalising murder mysteries. Nothing is off limits.A self-confessed television addict, dog lover, Taylor Swift fan, and ghost hunter, Jamie loves nothing more than the thrill of sharing her stories.

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    Book preview

    Rising of the Fae - Jamie Campbell

    Chapter 1

    I never imagined my wedding to be like this. Not with guards holding my arms behind my back and a husband I don’t like.

    No, I definitely didn’t imagine it to be like this. I thought I would at least like my fiancé. I thought I might actually be excited about it. Love might even be involved.

    But this? This is the makings of my worst nightmare.

    Feryn throws his arm around my shoulder and turns me around for all the guards to see. This is my wife! All hail Queen of the Dark Fae, Paige Conlon.

    No. Freaking. Way.

    I can’t even keep the horror from my expression. I can only imagine how terrible we look as a couple in front of all these guards who have no idea who I am but will hurt me at every opportunity.

    The guards all bend down onto one knee with their hands on their hearts. Hail Queen of the Dark Fae! May she reign forever! they say in unison.

    This can’t be happening.

    My hands are still tied behind my back, for goodness sake. I’m not exactly the poster child for a happy and dutiful wife.

    While Feryn is enjoying his moment of triumph, the doors at the back of the throne room burst open. They hit the walls on either side and make a massive bang.

    All eyes turn to them.

    Finally, the cavalry has arrived and this nonsense can be finished. Three members of the Light Fae army barge into the room with their swords drawn. Following them are my four advisors. Behind them is the rest of the army, as far as I can see.

    We have come for the princess, Brad says, loud enough to be clearly heard across this cavernous room. He stands in front of them all now, just as pissed off and gorgeous as when I last saw him.

    Feryn pushes me forward so we’re closer. She is no longer a princess. I have done what none of you can. She is now Queen Paige and I plan on keeping my wife right here.

    Confusion crosses their expressions. About a second later, anger makes its home there instead. I can practically see the steam rising from Brad’s head.

    He looks at me for answers. "You married him?"

    Not willingly, I reply, shocked he would even need to ask that question. I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I want nothing to do with Feryn and his Dark Fae circus. All they bring is death, harm, and fear.

    Feryn puffs his chest out. My wife is having a few last-minute nerves. Don’t worry, she’ll settle into her new position very quickly. Won’t you, love?

    I’m not staying here, I reply.

    Have you forgotten your vows already? Feryn chuckles like this is some kind of a joke. I wish it was. He’s certainly making me into one. I’ll remind you of them later—in our marriage bed.

    Ice shivers down my back. I am never going to find myself in a bed with the insane king. Never, never, never. Keep dreaming.

    Oh, I’m doing more than dreaming.

    I shoot a look at my advisors and hope they understand my meaning—get me the hell out of here. I really can’t stand listening to Feryn for one more minute. And my shoulders are killing me.

    Let her go, Doug says as he steps up next to Brad. My men, so brave. So much the opposite of everything Feryn is.

    Married. Remember? Feryn says, laughing. He’s certainly getting his money’s worth out of this whole charade. Nothing can break the marital bond once the knot has been tied. You know that just as well as I do.

    Reuben’s gaze slides between us. His brow is wrinkling more by the minute. His eyes settle on me. Marriages cannot be undone.

    I don’t care, I reply. I’m not staying here.

    Have they all lost their minds?

    Brad signals with his hand to the army and then all hell breaks loose. Dark Fae guards meet the Light Fae army like two waves crashing together.

    Swords clink together as people fight with everything they have. Feryn pulls me to the side of the room, away from the melee. That’s probably the nicest thing he’s ever done for me.

    My heart lodges in my throat as I watch my four advisors in the fray. They are also armed with swords and are fighting just as voraciously as the army.

    If any of them get hurt, I’m not going to forgive myself. None of this would have happened if I didn’t come here for Mercury. I should have gone without them knowing. Then it would only be my life on the line.

    The guards that were holding my arms behind my back leave their position to join their comrades. I subtly shake some blood back into them but still keep them behind me. I don’t want Feryn to know I’m free.

    I desperately want to be fighting alongside the army but I don’t have a weapon. And I don’t really know how to swordfight. I doubt I would last two minutes before someone stuck their sword through my belly.

    I’m more useful to the Light Fae in other ways. They need an heir to survive and I will take over from my birth parents one day.

    This is fun, Feryn says as two fighting men come very close to tripping over us. He claps his hands together as if he’s at a damn pantomime.

    His guard is skewered with a sword and falls to the ground, blood going everywhere. I can’t watch it. I don’t like these guards but I will not revel in anyone’s death—even if they deserve it.

    I look away and try not to vomit as the stench of fresh blood rises. All this could have been avoided if they didn’t come to the academy yesterday. That’s all they had to do—stay away.

    Crestley receives a slash to the arm from a sword. Bright red patches stain his blue shirt. He continues to parry with the guard who hurt him and manages to get in a slash of his own.

    I wince every time one of my advisors or soldiers is hurt. They have outnumbered Feryn’s guards but even so, the guards are putting up one hell of a fight. They are vicious and unrelenting.

    And slowly being picked off. I don’t realize exactly how many have fallen until I really start to look around. The priest who performed our wedding ceremony stands as still as a statue against the wall on the opposite side of the room. I think he’s pretending to be invisible and nobody has harmed him yet.

    The guards manage to drive back the army and reclaim some of the throne room. I have no intention of staying here if my army leaves.

    I stand up straight.

    Feryn grabs my arm but I shake him away. He growls at me, You are mine now! You will do as I say!

    I belong to me! I scream at him and hurry for the door.

    Get her! Feryn orders, pointing in my direction.

    Brad and Doug notice me and quickly move to my sides. Being flanked by them makes me feel ten feet tall. They hold their bloodied swords out but no guard dares to come near me—for now.

    Feryn storms over and reaches for me. Brad’s sword gets in the way. If you touch her again, I will cut off your hand, he warns.

    She is my wife.

    She is our princess.

    Feryn’s jaw is ticking from anger as he clenches his teeth. I’ve seen him wear that look before. It never ends well. He’s likely to explode like a ticking timebomb.

    Brad rests his sword on Feryn’s arm. Not enough to break the skin but hard enough to tell him he means what he says.

    If it came down to it, I know who I’d put my money on winning a fight between them. Feryn has nothing on Brad.

    Back off, Brad says.

    Feryn reaches for me again but is stopped by the sword. He glares at me. Tell your dogs to back off. You live here now. Tell them to all get out of our castle.

    Not going to happen, I reply.

    Do I need to remind you of—

    I cut him off.

    The magic I conjured in my mind was too much to hold onto for another word. I raise my hand and the magic orb appears in its glowing splendor.

    I throw it at Feryn. It hits him squarely in the chest. He staggers backward and then drops to the floor. His eyes are closed and he’s not moving. His chest still rises and falls so I know I haven’t killed him.

    Retreat! Brad yells, so loudly it makes me jump.

    Doug takes my hand and we run from the throne room. My dress slows us down. It quickly reminds me that I can’t run very fast.

    Rueben touches my arm. Princess, may I? he holds up his sword and gestures toward the dress.

    Yes, please, I reply.

    With a few sword swipes, the dress falls to the ground. I’m left standing in a white petticoat and corset. Everything is still covered that needs to be. Even if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t care right now.

    I thank him and we continue our way down the hallway—much faster now I’m not weighed down. I feel a thousand times lighter now.

    Brad and Doug deal with any guards that appear in our path while Crestley and Reuben guide me through. We don’t stop until we’re outside.

    The drawbridge is down. We race across it and into the cover of the forest. Several unicorns wait for us, tied to trees. They are even more majestic up close. I have to pet one before I can believe they’re real.

    We’ve officially made it out of Feryn’s castle.

    We regroup once the army has joined us and it’s clear the guards are not following us.

    We’ve lost several soldiers. I’m going to be thinking of every one of them on my conscience. I’m going to make it up to their families, in any way that I can.

    Where’s Mercury? I ask my advisors. I had hoped to see her out here and now I’m worried something has happened to her.

    She went ahead, Crestley replies. She’s perfectly fine. She was more worried about you than anything else.

    That damn cat. She’s going to be the death of me one day. I love her so damn much.

    My adrenalin still courses through my body as I watch the path we took into the forest. Even though it didn’t seem like Feryn’s men were following us, I still have my doubts. I can’t let my guard down for a moment.

    I desperately want to put as much distance between us and them as possible. An entire world apart wouldn’t be enough.

    Doug comes over and introduces the leader of the army—General Winchester. He goes down on one knee. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.

    I wait until he stands before speaking. It’s always super awkward when they bow to me. Thank you for your help today and I deeply apologize for requiring your help in the first place.

    It is our pleasure to serve, My Lady.

    We stare at each other for a few moments. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say or do now. Do I need to dismiss him? I look at my advisors for some guidance.

    Crestley clears his throat. General, we understand the palace has requested the princess return there. May we accompany you?

    The general nods. Yes, of course. If we hurry, we can be there before nightfall.

    Thank you.

    The general issues orders and the soldiers head for their home. I guess that’s where I’m going too. I wish my first visit was under better circumstances.

    A soldier brings a white unicorn over. Your Majesty, would you like to travel on Renesha?

    I’m guessing that’s the name of the beautiful creature. Yes, please, I eagerly reply.

    It takes me a few moments to get settled on Renesha’s back. It feels just like riding on horseback so I kind of know what I’m doing.

    My advisors walk alongside me. There are so many things I want to discuss with them but we will wait for some privacy before we do.

    There is one burning question I can’t

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