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Poetry Life Forever: About Life
Poetry Life Forever: About Life
Poetry Life Forever: About Life
Ebook94 pages34 minutes

Poetry Life Forever: About Life

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About this ebook

The book is one of poetry in various forms. There are poems of love, spirituality, laughter, and the facts of life.

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Release dateJun 27, 2019
Poetry Life Forever: About Life

Dr. Carole Burrowes

A unique retiree after a lifetime of teaching. A 7th Day Adventist Christian. She has obtained several degrees around Brooklyn, and other parts of the USA. The last one being a Doctor of Arts in Theology, from Master’s International University of Divinity.

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    Book preview

    Poetry Life Forever - Dr. Carole Burrowes

    © 2019 Dr. Carole Burrowes. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/27/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1700-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1701-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1699-4 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    The Bible

    The Christian-Life

    The Walk

    God’s Workers

    God Wants You to Be True

    Come Unto Me



    The Moonlight

    Being Fair

    Turn Back The Hands Of Time


    The Love Of God


    I Am

    I’m Happy

    Am I A Beggar?

    What’s Life?

    O What Love!

    Life Can Be A Ballgame

    Broad Steps

    This Way

    The Process

    I Teach, I Learn



    Here I Am

    To Know You

    Where is the Hurt?


    My Friend

    Our Togetherness


    The Sea

    My Color

    Let It Be


    Oh Loyalty

    The Water Cycle

    The Book of Acts


    A Chance

    Identification Parade

    Yes Come

    The Welcome Table

    My Child

    My Heart

    Who’s Next

    Be Glad

    It’s Wise

    One Class


    Discovering The Truth

    An Innocent Child

    Women Of God


    The Children

    John’s Epistles

    Our Creator God

    The Dawn


    Let Me Live

    Up There

    Godly Men

    Fathers Of Love

    The World

    What’s In A Name

    Revisiting The Past

    Jesus, A True Friend

    Are You Listening?

    Casting Shadows

    Wisdom And Knowledge

    My God

    Our Heavenly Father

    Oh Weary Friend


    Poetry Life Forever

    The Bible


    The Bible, the greatest book of all times

    Teaches, instructs, reveals and defines,

    A magnificent book among other books

    These writings should not be judged only by looks.

    The numerous stories and events give reasons

    For expanded understanding about the seasons,

    By the books of the Bible we must live

    The questions, answers and mysteries that it gives.

    From Genesis to Revelation- what a way to go,

    Father Abraham to John with messages a glow

    The Creation, the rise of Civilization, the fall of Nations

    The Bible encourages us to use our gifts and talents

    With full and sincere dedication

    Obedience of God’s laws and His commandments

    I am the Lord thy God, with no amendments

    Come out of Babylon, for the time is now

    Jacob becomes Israel, it takes a solemn vow

    From Saul to Paul, a warrior of God

    Changes for the best, with a justified nod


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