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Authors Who Speak Sell More Books
Authors Who Speak Sell More Books
Authors Who Speak Sell More Books
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Authors Who Speak Sell More Books

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Get paid to talk about your book and sell your book!


You wrote your book to share your wisdom and insights and help people. Your dream is to share your knowledge with the world as a best-selling author. Now learn how you can get paid to sell your book as a speaker. The authors are experts on helping speakers get paid to give a presentation and also sell their books. As the owners of a speakers bureau, they have booked speakers who get paid thousands of dollars to give a speech. At the same time, they have observed and also helped sell hundreds to thousands of a speaker's book to their audiences. By sharing what you love, you too can share your information. Selling your book allows attendees take a part of your knowledge and wisdom home with them. This book will show you how to:

  • Get quantity book sales before a presentation.
  • Gain permission to sell at your presentation.
  • Sell you book after your presentation.
  • Give away a copy of your book to entice your audience.
  • Sell your books when the client has no money for books.
  • Expect to be paid as a professional speaker.

Share Your Message: As owners of Gold Stars Speakers Bureau, the authors have booked thousands of professional speakers for tens of millions of dollars for over 30 years. Their book-selling efforts ranged from exciting to almost magnetic as their audience rushed up to purchase their books. We created this book to help you do the same.


Copying the Pros: Professional speakers are paid well, easily into four figures! Yet some of them make more from their book sales than from their speaking fees. The authors have gleaned the best methods that have been used by one of the authors and the many professional speakers they represent. The audience sees your book as a vehicle to get more of what you gave. Can you see yourself worrying that your fingers won't cramp from signing?

If you're interested in becoming a professional speaker, get our companion book, The Business of Successful Speaking: Proven Secrets of Successful Speakers.



Thanks SO MUCH for your recommendation of the book, "Authors Who Speak $ell More Books" by Andrea Gold! I have decided to order 10 more copies... — S.C. Williams, Houston, TX

Release dateDec 3, 2021
Authors Who Speak Sell More Books

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    Book preview

    Authors Who Speak Sell More Books - Andrea H. Gold


    To all the professional speakers we have booked over the past 30+ years. The foundation of this book was based on the marketing and sales knowledge you shared and demonstrated during your wonderful speeches.


    The authors are the successful co-owners of Gold Stars Speakers Bureau. For over 30 years, they have booked thousands of presentations for millions of dollars. During that time, they have observed how speakers sold their books to their audiences. Some were very successful and others were not. Some sold their books before they spoke, and others did it during their presentations. We have seen speakers sell thousands of books while others sold almost none. We wanted to create a book that would teach authors to sell their books by speaking.

    Andrea books subject-matter experts, speakers, and celebrities at meetings and conventions for corporations, trade book associations, and government agencies. She has booked thousands of presentations for tens of millions of dollars. She has helped speakers sell their books before, during, and after their speeches.

    Andrea knows the book publishing and sales business. She graduated with a journalism degree and worked for a New York Publisher as assistant to the editor. At a self-publishing company, she arranged radio interviews allowing the author to sell his books directly to the public. She was the marketing director for an educational publisher and was also the COO for a multimillion-dollar publisher.

    Gary Yamamoto founded a trade book publishing company, Harbinger House. After selling that company, he became a full-time professional speaker and the co-owner of Gold Stars Speakers Bureau. He is also the author of several books, including children’s books, business books, and self-help books. Together, they have a lot of knowledge about the publishing, marketing, and sales of books.

    The authors have combined their knowledge of how to sell books through speaking. As an author, you are a subject-matter expert on your book. You know so much more than what’s in your book. If a friend was to ask what your book contained or how it could help, you could easily speak about it for an hour. As a speaker, this is what they’ll ask you to do.

    Of course, at a speakers bureau, we provide well-known or celebrity authors who speak for thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. However, when speakers are beginning, they may speak to different groups, such as social groups or at a company meeting. In these cases, the author may receive a free meal and a small fee. You can then offer your book in the back of the room for sale. If you are already an accomplished speaker, having a book on the topic of your speech will allow you to raise your speaking fee.

    You already put your heart and soul into your book. Speaking is a way to sell copies of your book and getting paid for your efforts. To help authors get into the speaking business, the authors have published the following book.

    The Business of Successful Speaking: Proven Secrets to Becoming a Million-Dollar Speaker.


    You wrote a book and may have had a quiet dream of becoming a bestselling author. Your key to achieving this dream is to speak in public. We know you never intended to become a public speaker or a salesperson. You just wanted to be a published author, make a difference in people’s lives, and reap the financial rewards. By becoming a speaker, you create opportunities to sell your books by the dozens or even by the thousands.

    Andrea has been in the book-selling business for a long time. She successfully sold a book on acupressure back when no one knew the word. Andrea has sold tens of thousands of dollars of a speaker’s book to a single client before the speaking engagement.

    Fear stops people from public speaking, especially authors who work so many hours alone. Giving a speech is a learned skill. The co-author was an introverted electrical engineer who was deathly afraid of speaking. Gary overcame fear through personal determination and practice to become a professional speaker.

    Authors who learned to write and publish books can learn what it takes to become accomplished speakers. If this is you, let your first motivation be financial. Even beginning speakers can make $2,500 and more for a single presentation! Do the math to find an annual figure based on that one and then add the sale of dozens or even hundreds of books per speech.

    Are you ready to delve into the different ways you can sell your books by speaking?

    Chapter 1

    Authorship and Speaking

    Speaking and authorship feed each other. Often, a person starts as an author and an organization asks the author to speak on his or her area of expertise. Conversely, a speaker being asked to speak to an organization may also be asked if he has written a book.

    As an author, you already have an advantage over those who have not published a book. We have seen the agony that speakers go through to pen—or keyboard—their first book. Writing and publishing a book shows fortitude and credibility. Author status increases the fees a speaker commands. When you already have a book, your book provides an established credential and a product you can sell. You only need to give a speech on your topic.

    Nonfiction Authors

    Skim this list of celebrity authors who became very popular and highly paid speakers:

    •  Stephen Covey: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    •  Tom Peters: In Search of Excellence

    •  Ken Blanchard: One Minute Manager

    •  Patrick Lencioni:

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