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Love in Lavender
Love in Lavender
Love in Lavender
Ebook682 pages9 hours

Love in Lavender

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Feel the pride with this anthology of five gay and lesbian romance novellas! Includes:

Out of the Ring: A Fight for Forbidden Love by Wendy Dalrymple

Georgia Harper never thought she would find herself competing as a fighter on the amateur MMA circuit. But after a scary encounter, Georgia is determined to take her protection into her own hands, and discovers martial arts along the way.

Phoenix Ferrera is the reigning womens’ bantamweight MMA champion of the southeast, known as much for her powerful strikes as for her striking good looks. When newbie Georgia Harper joins her gym, Phoenix takes her under her wing and quickly realizes that the petite Southern blonde is a knockout in more ways than one.

Capture the Colours by Elena Berrino

Francisco Garcia sailed from Spain to the Caribbean looking for a place to set up as a doctor and live in peace away from his overbearing father, who disapproves of his career in medicine and pressures him to marry. Ending up in jail after a tavern brawl was not part of the plan. When Francisco is asked to tend to a badly beaten fellow prisoner, however, his life turns about onto an even more unexpected tack: James Thomas is a pirate captain. Francisco’s orders are to fix him up just so he can hang, an unbearable thought to a doctor who does everything he can to keep people alive. But what else can he do?

Partners in Crime by Rachel Bowdler

Though they are polar opposites in many ways, best friends Bryce and Thea are both attracted to all things horror, including true crime — and to prove it, they co-host weekly podcast episodes of Perfect Crimes together with their producer, Mikey, in the dusty basement of Stone Grange’s local bookstore. When a string of murders suddenly begins to plague their small, unassuming town and the police find themselves at a loss, it seems that there’s nobody more qualified to help solve the mystery.

However, it’s soon realized that Bryce and Thea are already more entangled than they could have ever expected, because the murders follow a pattern. Their pattern. With every case discussed in the podcast comes a new imitation of the circumstances surrounding the victim’s death, and Bryce and Thea find themselves trapped in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the killer, as their friendship — and feelings that they’ve always left hidden until now — is pushed to its breaking point.

Fries and Shine by Imogen Markwell-Tweed

Cole is a small town diner owner, struggling to keep up. Thomas is a hot-shot lawyer, struggling to find his place in his family’s sleazy firm.

Small time life throws them in each others’ way again and again and soon, Thomas and Cole have no choice but to acknowledge the inevitable: without meaning to at all, they've fallen hopelessly, and haplessly, in love with each other.

Release dateMay 31, 2022

Wendy Dalrymple

Wendy Dalrymple writes cozy, low-heat romances inspired by everyday people. When she’s not writing happily-ever-afters, you can find her camping with her family or walking her dog. Keep up with Wendy at!

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    Book preview

    Love in Lavender - Wendy Dalrymple

    Out of the Ring

    A Fight for Forbidden Love

    by Wendy Dalrymple

    Chapter One

    Right jab, left hook. Right uppercut. Left hook. Jab, jab, jab. Knee!

    Georgia Harper wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her forearm as the buzzer rang out. Five minutes on the bag didn’t seem as long now as it used to; but then again, there was never enough time on the mats for Georgia anymore. Her body ached to punch and kick, and if she was away from the gym for too long, she could feel the pull to go back settling deep into her bones. She yearned for the spike of adrenaline, the hard packing sounds, even the smell and sticky feel of perspiration.

    Her eyes darted to the front of the warehouse trying to calm her labored breathing until her gaze finally settled on her target. At the front of the gym, Phoenix Ferrera exchanged a double high-five with her newest student, a sweat-drenched forty-something man with sprinkles of silver through his hair. Georgia smiled as she watched Phoenix doing her usual post-workout rounds, telling every single member of the packed kickboxing class, Good job, and, See you next week. Georgia admired how Phoenix made sure to connect with all of her students and encourage them with a high five. She recalled how special Phoenix made her feel on her first day too, and after a few months of taking classes, she had come to realize that her enthusiasm and support of each student weren’t forced; they were truly genuine.

    As her instructor made her way to the back of the class, Georgia quickly averted her eyes to the mat and began to undo her gloves. Gloves were always an excellent tool for distraction if Georgia found herself staring at Phoenix for too long. Tall, broad and athletic, Phoenix Ferrera was a force to be reckoned with, possessing the kind of strength that Georgia was in awe of and wished to harness for herself all at once. Her golden tattooed skin and dark, glossy shoulder-length hair made Georgia feel pale and bland in comparison. It occurred to Georgia more than once that even if she could gather the courage to tell Phoenix how she felt, it wouldn’t matter. Phoenix was way out of her league.

    Good job today, Bates, Phoenix said, readying herself to serve up a double high-five.


    Georgia had to stretch and reach up a little to make their hands meet. She felt like a little kid at only five-foot-two next to Phoenix, who was closer to six feet. Phoenix was like a warrior, a Valkyrie. An Amazon. Georgia would never feel like she could measure up, in more ways than one.

    Coming to the adult MMA class tomorrow night? Phoenix asked, flashing her a drop-dead gorgeous smile.

    Georgia was thankful she was already flushed from kickboxing class. Otherwise, she knew embarrassment would be all over her face.

    Oh, yeah. Maybe.

    Seven p.m., Phoenix said with a wink.

    As she watched Phoenix walk away, Georgia felt the weight in her chest lift a little bit. A small stab of pain always lingered in her heart when she saw her instructor from afar or admired the eight-by-ten promo photos of her in the gym lobby. It was a pain she was familiar with; the kind that just hurt so good.

    Don’t disappoint me, Bates! Phoenix called back over her shoulder as she hurried on to teach her next class.

    Oh… okay. I’ll be there! Georgia called back, just a little too loudly. She cringed at the overeagerness in her voice.

    She wouldn’t have invited me if she didn’t think I was ready, right? she thought to herself.

    Georgia mulled over the interaction all the way home. MMA class. With Phoenix Ferrera. The idea alone was enough to make her swoon. The possibility of one-on-one instruction from the toughest, kindest, most beautiful woman she had ever met energized her and terrified her all at once. Georgia didn’t know how she was going to be able to contain herself. One thing she did know was that she wouldn’t miss that class for the world.

    Section Break

    Georgia became mildly aware that she was attracted to girls sometime around middle school. By high school, her deep-seated suspicion was confirmed when she shared a kiss with her volleyball captain and then-best-friend, Ashley. That experience, paired with the ever-present knowledge of disapproval from her conservative family, put Georgia off trying to date — or even participate in sports — for a long while. However, as that summer gave way to her freshman year of college, it became increasingly clear that she needed to seek independence from her family. Georgia was tired of hiding and holding herself back in the shadows, always outrunning her parents’ disapprobations. A tiny apartment near her college campus and extra hours clocked in behind the checkout counter were the first steps on a long road to gaining that independence.

    Phoenix was the first woman that Georgia fell for since starting college, and she fell hard. It was a twist of fate coupled with an unfortunate event that brought Georgia to Ferrera Fight and Fitness in the first place. If she had only moved into a safer part of town. If she only hadn’t gone to that party. If only she hadn’t been a woman… everything would be different.

    Georgia could still remember the metallic taste in her mouth and the way her legs flooded with fear as two bro types from her college tried to follow her home from a house party one steamy spring night. Jacob and Chris seemed harmless at the USF frat house, but they wouldn’t let up and accept when she told them no. It wasn’t until Chris put her in a chokehold in the alleyway behind her apartment that Georgia thought she was going to die.

    Luckily, one of Georgia’s neighbors came home and scared them away before they could do… who knows what. She was left a little banged-up, but the real scars from her attack were on the inside. Georgia pressed charges against her two fellow students, but didn’t want to sit back and feel helpless while she waited for justice. She wanted to do more.

    A Groupon for Ferrera Fight and Fitness caught Georgia’s eye the following day. The ad featured a kickboxing class full of smiling, strong women pounding on punching bags and glowing under a glimmer of sweat. Georgia’s eyes immediately grew wide at the promise of learning how to protect herself. The gym was offering self-defense classes at half price through the coupon app, and the location was only a half mile from her home. It was just what she had been looking for without even realizing it. Georgia knew she needed to do something, and wanted to be prepared if anything like that should happen again, so she purchased the Groupon without giving it a second thought.

    Georgia didn’t waste any time and started her self-defense training the following day. The class was something called Krav Maga, and was led by the father-daughter duo of Nico and Phoenix Ferrera. Nico was the owner of the gym and a three-time world kickboxing champ. He was pushing fifty, but you wouldn’t know it until the crinkles at the corner of his eyes gave him away. It was easy to see where Phoenix got her athleticism and good looks from when he smiled and held court at the front of his gym.

    The Krav Maga class went by quickly and Georgia had to focus to keep up. She was paired up with a sweet woman who was probably old enough to be her mother, and together, she and Georgia followed along to mirror the self-defense moves. By the end of the class, Georgia and her partner were able to successfully disarm an assailant, break free from a chokehold, and effectively kick someone where the sun don’t shine.

    The self-defense class left Georgia wanting more, and not just because it made her feel powerful to be able to defend herself. Krav Maga was only once a week, and Georgia was already aching to move her body and explore the gym. It had been a couple of years since Georgia had done anything athletic at all, and feeling her blood pump and her body dampen with sweat was intoxicating. She used to be active all the time, but her high school volleyball career ended shortly after being rebuffed by her teammate, best friend, and long-time crush. Still, Georgia knew that beneath the layer of freshman fifteen softness that had settled around her midsection, somewhere inside, she still had the heart of an athlete.

    Section Break

    The week went by quickly as Georgia awaited her second Krav Maga session. Her days were a flurry of morning classes, then studying, then afternoon classes followed by six-hour shifts at the grocery store, and finally falling into bed near midnight. Every day was drudgery, but the Krav Maga class gave her something fun to look forward to on Friday nights. That, and the prospect of seeing a certain someone.

    Nico called Georgia to the front of the room for her second time in class, and asked her to help demonstrate breaking free from a bear hug. Georgia had already been anticipating seeing the pretty instructor’s daughter again, but it hadn’t occurred to her that they might be paired together. She regretted wearing a stupid baggy college tee and sweats as she hurried over the padded mats to the front of the room.

    Phoenix was positively glowing as Georgia approached the front of the room. She might as well have jumped right off of a Fight Night poster as far as Georgia was concerned. She had never seen someone so strong and so beautiful all at once and up close, and just the thought alone of working with Phoenix was intimidating. But a bear hug? The thought of being that close made Georgia’s mind go blank with panic.

    Now, Georgia, Nico said, holding up his hands to demonstrate. Phoenix is going to grab you from behind in a bear hug, and you are going to escape.


    Georgia nodded and gulped. She turned to face the class. A dozen faces stared back at her as Phoenix embraced her from behind.

    Nico was saying something, but his voice muffled in Georgia’s ear as Phoenix’s arms wrapped around her. Her breathing sped up, and she started to feel light-headed as a freed piece of Phoenix’s hair brushed against the nape of her neck. She wanted to pay attention, but being this close, this intimate with someone like her… it was positively intoxicating.

    It’s okay, Phoenix whispered in her ear. Just widen your stance and bend over. You can throw me off with your shoulders.

    Georgia closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, allowing herself another moment to revel in her instructor’s husky, sweet voice. A fresh crop of goosebumps appeared on her forearms from the whispered instruction, her body betraying what she was so desperately trying to hide. She opened her eyes to see the class in front of her, anticipating her move. Time stopped in that moment, and Georgia realized she didn’t want to disappoint Phoenix, Nico, the class or herself.

    With a clenched jaw, Georgia snapped herself out of her haze and followed the instructions that had so blissfully been murmured into her ear. She remembered how helpless she had felt, cornered and unsure how to defend herself, and a primal instinct she didn’t know she even had kicked in. Georgia hunched over, stance spread wide, and used her dominant shoulder to effortlessly throw her powerful partner to the ground. She stared in disbelief as Phoenix splayed on the mat in front of her, then bounced back to attention.

    You did it! she exclaimed, rising to her feet.

    Georgia earned her first double-high five from Phoenix that day. A flood of endorphins and dopamine coursed through her veins as she stood at the front of the class, triumphant and basking in the approval of someone she was completely infatuated with. For Georgia Bates, this was the beginning of something beautiful, addicting, and absolutely life-changing.

    Section Break

    Phoenix Ferrera grew up knowing that she would someday be a fighter. When your father is three-time world kickboxing champ Nico Ferrera, it’s expected; it’s destiny, even. Not that she didn’t love fighting, but the pressure was there to compete all the same. The pressure to win, to be the best and always put on a facade, was constant and, at times, suffocating.

    It was that element of never being her true, authentic self that Phoenix hated the most. Her entire family knew that she was probably never going to have a boyfriend from the moment she threw down her dolls and grabbed a Nerf gun instead. Though some of the more religious and elder members of the family didn’t agree with the type of people that she dated, for the most part, she was loved and accepted for who she was. Still, her father’s gym and fitness center relied on the support of patrons and advertisers, and their biggest supporter wasn’t exactly forward-thinking.

    I saw the way you looked at that girl, Nico said, snapping a towel at his daughter after class. The new blonde. She threw you good.

    "Dad," Phoenix groaned. She slumped down one of the chairs in his office. She knew a lecture was coming.

    Listen baby, you know I love you, he said, sitting behind his desk. But what have we said before?

    Keep our personal lives off the mat and out of the ring, she parroted, rolling her eyes.

    That’s right, Nico said, turning his computer monitor so she could see it. You see this number? That’s how much money we get from Cordoba Plumbing every month.

    Phoenix glances at the screen, her eyes growing wide. She shook her head.

    Yeah, but can’t we just get another advertiser?

    Trust me, I’ve looked, her father sighed. Mr. Cordoba is a religious nut, but he’s also one of our best clients and customers. We wouldn’t last a month if he pulled out.

    Phoenix frowned and looked at the floor, but nodded in agreement.

    Can I go now?

    Yeah, that’s it, he said, standing up to hug his daughter goodbye. Say hey to your mama.

    Phoenix snorted.

    You don’t know what she would want me to say to you, she said, throwing her father a wicked grin. Love you, dad.

    Phoenix grabbed her bag and keys and headed out the door of the gym. It was a warm spring night, but then again, it was always warm at their Tampa gym. The building was really just a warehouse that had been converted into multiple fitness studios, and was expensive to keep cool in the summer months. She knew how much money it cost for her father to run their business, and it made her heart heavy to hear him worry about losing sponsors. Still, she hated that she had to hide her true self.

    As she got behind the wheel of her Jeep, Phoenix’s mind drifted back to the petite blonde in class that day. It was only her second time at the studio, but Phoenix noticed her right away, and was shocked when her father suggested that she be used to demonstrate a move. Phoenix sighed as she started up her engine, remembering the faint scent of vanilla in her hair. She knew this one was going to be hard. Part of her hoped the girl would just drop out of class like so many other new students do. Another part of her hoped she would be there every single day.

    Phoenix’s mother, Camila, lived thirty minutes north of the gym at the house she grew up in, and she spent the entire drive there mulling over her interaction with the surprisingly strong newbie. Georgia Bates. Her name sounded like a character from Gone with the Wind or some other old Southern movie. She looked like she could have been in a black-and-white movie too, all elegant and soft like Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn. Phoenix was pleasantly surprised at how effortlessly the timid, good-looking new student threw her. Georgia Bates might have seemed like she would be easy to break, but she was tougher than she looked.

    Phoenix’s mother was already in bed when she got home, and she quietly went to her room as usual. Her time at the gym was a sore subject between her and Camila, and she hated to be caught in the middle of it all. Living at her mother’s house was the only compromise she could come up with to deal with her mother’s hurt feelings and jealousy when it came to spending time with her dad. Divorce was hard on everyone in the Ferrera family.

    After a quick shower and a bowl of chicken and rice, Phoenix pulled out her laptop and began digging in to find out all she could about the pretty new student. Fortunately, Georgia was easy enough to find and active on every single social media outlet. She was a little young, eighteen at the least, but only a couple of years younger than herself. USF college student. Big family. No sign of a boyfriend or a girlfriend. No obvious gay posts, though. Georgia Bates was a mystery.

    Phoenix frowned.

    Oh well.

    Phoenix didn’t necessarily put herself out there on social media either, but she was looking for some kind of indication, some kind of proof that she wasn’t putting her heart in the wrong place. She hoped the new girl was at least an ally at the very least. The harsh words of her father ran through her mind once again, but she pushed them away. She wanted to know everything there was to know about Georgia Bates, but for now, all she could do was sit back and daydream.

    Section Break

    With the summer after her freshman year at USF coming up, Georgia realized she would suddenly have a lot of time on her hands. Though she had her part-time job checking out groceries at Shopix to keep her busy, days off spent at home in her studio apartment would be long and boring. Kickboxing classes seemed like a good way to fill that extra time, and also to steal a few glances at the gym owner’s gorgeous daughter.

    Georgia was disappointed when she arrived at her first kickboxing class at Ferrera’s. A burly guy named Cody was teaching class that day, and Phoenix was nowhere to be found. Cody was a good instructor, and in a way, Georgia was glad to not have the distraction of an instructor she was also attracted to. She had never punched or kicked a bag before, and with no intimidatingly beautiful instructor around, she was able to focus and really study proper form and timing. By the end of her first kickboxing class, she was no longer disappointed. Just hungry for more.

    That summer, Georgia’s body transformed through kickboxing classes. She eventually built up to taking classes three times a week, and gained a bit of strength in the process. What really amazed her, though, was the definition that was beginning to build in her arms. Muscles popped up where she hadn’t previously seen them before on her calves and around her midsection. Even during her volleyball days, Georgia never felt quite as pumped. Nothing made her feel as physically and mentally exhilarated as kickboxing did.

    By her second week of taking classes at Ferrera’s, Georgia had figured out which days and times Phoenix regularly taught classes. She tried not to seem obvious by making sure to attend classes she wasn’t leading, switching it up and taking some of Cody’s classes from time to time. Besides finding it hard to hide her gaze, Georgia also didn’t want to seem like a weirdo. It wasn’t unusual for people to join kickboxing classes and get obsessed with training right out the gate, but still, she didn’t want to be singled out. Then again, that was always Georgia’s game: Try to blend into the background and not be noticed.

    The summer was long and hot, and the warehouse gym had a way of holding in the Florida heat and the smell of sweat, but still, there was nowhere else Georgia would rather be. Every time she stepped into Ferrera’s, she had to give herself a little pep talk, hyping herself up to casually say hello to Phoenix. She told herself it didn’t have to be a big deal, that there was nothing wrong with making friendly conversation. But whenever Georgia finally got up the nerve to make a move, someone else edged in to ask a question, and she would just chicken out. It went on this way for weeks as Georgia shyly attended classes, getting stronger and faster at the back of the class.

    So when Phoenix finally invited Georgia to attend MMA classes out of the blue, it felt to her as if the sky had opened up. Finally. She had seen the adult mixed martial arts class a couple of times on her way out the gym and knew she could have signed up and taken them all on her own. Somehow, being personally invited by Phoenix, the daughter of the gym owner and her serious summer crush, made the offer even more enticing. She didn’t know it at the time, but this next step in her fitness journey would lead Georgia down a path that would change her life forever.

    Chapter Two

    Adult mixed martial arts classes at Ferrera’s Fight and Fitness gym were held every Tuesday and Thursday night at seven p.m., followed by Fight Club from eight p.m. to whenever the fighters couldn’t stand up anymore. Georgia sort of knew what to expect from the first class as she had watched them from afar before, but there was something truly exciting and special about being on the big mat in front of the mirrored wall with Phoenix leading the class.

    Georgia was one of only three women in the class of twenty that night. It was a group of teenagers, young adults and more mature adults of all experience levels from black belts to newbies like herself. Georgia recognized a woman named Sharon, a mother of two boys that took the children’s martial arts class. They had taken kickboxing classes together and it relieved Georgia to see another friendly face.

    Well, hey there, Sharon said, tightening her yellow belt. First class?

    Yeah, Georgia said, shyly. Can I stick with you?

    Sure, sweetie, Sharon said, giving her a side hug. You nervous?

    "No, just… it is a little intimidating."

    Oh, don’t you worry about it, Sharon said. Some of these boys can get a little big-headed and try to pull some alpha male crap. Phoenix and Nico do a good job of checking them if they get out of hand.

    Just then, Phoenix spotted Georgia who, to her utter delight, greeted her loudly and enthusiastically.

    Bates! she said, and rushed over to where Georgia and Sharon were standing. Awesome, glad to see you in class!

    Oh, yeah, Georgia said, shyly. I’ve been wanting to check it out.

    You’re gonna do great, Phoenix said, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. Even though her hair was secured in a perfect duo of boxer braids, the humidity in the gym was making her hair frizz. Even so, Georgia thought her halo of hair made her look like some kind of martial arts angel.

    Line up everyone! she yelled out.

    The class started promptly at seven p.m., and didn’t stop for the full hour. By the time class was dismissed, Georgia was wiped. She was also head over heels in love with the sport… and felt something more than a crush building for her instructor. Georgia gladly accepted the double high-five from Phoenix that everyone got, though couldn’t help but notice that she was the last to receive kudos. That night, Georgia realized Phoenix always saved her high fives for last, and she began to wonder if it was because she was at the back of the class, or if her actions meant a little something more.

    Section Break

    Phoenix didn’t know why she invited Georgia to take adult MMA classes.

    Actually, it wasn’t that she didn’t know, not exactly. For one thing, the girl had a helluva left hook in kickboxing classes, and she was curious to see how she would do in the ring. For another, she wanted an excuse to work one-on-one with the new gym member, and to be able to see her on a regular basis. Phoenix just didn’t know why she would purposely torture herself by being around someone she was obviously attracted to but couldn’t be with. Or, at least, shouldn’t be with.

    Phoenix knew that mooning over some new girl wasn’t the best use of her time anyway. Ultimate Fighter tryouts were coming up in August, and she had to focus on her training and on her diet, and being miserably in love always made her reach for ice cream and nachos. She could not afford to have a broken heart again, even over someone as adorable and quick on her feet as Georgia.

    You run today? her dad asked. He took a sip of his zero calorie energy drink and looked at her out the corner of his eye.

    No, she sighed. I hate running.

    You’ll hate it more if you miss weight by five pounds, Nico Ferrera quipped.

    She was annoyed, but he was right. Cutting weight was an unfortunate side effect of fighting, and even though she was a bantamweight, one bad weekend of eating or retaining too much water on her period could mean she would have to sit out.

    Maybe you could get a running partner, he suggested.

    Yeah, maybe, Phoenix said, crossing her arms. I tried to get mom to jog with me, but she doesn’t want to do much these days.

    Her father nodded.

    I know. I’m sorry you have to see her like that.

    It’s okay, Phoenix said, exhaling deeply. Anyways, I gotta go. Kickboxing class in five.

    Go kill ‘em, kiddo.

    Section Break

    As summer eased its way into fall, Georgia found herself attending kickboxing classes less and less. With a new batch of college courses, and clocking in nearly thirty hours of work at the grocery store, Georgia could only make time to regularly attend Tuesday and Thursday night adult MMA classes. However, Georgia soon found out that these classes were hard enough on their own as she flopped into bed at night battling sore muscles, overextended ligaments, and a host of bruises. Despite having a hard time juggling school, work, and training all while learning how to be an adult, Georgia was having the time of her life, and was even invited by Nico to join the exclusive after class fight club. Among the sweaty group of dedicated martial artists, Georgia had finally found a sense of community like she hadn’t found at school or work, or even in her own family.

    While learning the proper form, combinations, and moves in the ring at fight club was a challenge, the real challenge for Georgia was keeping it together when Phoenix was nearby. She found herself vollying between praying not be chosen to help demonstrate a move and secretly hoping that she was. In general, there was nothing sexy about doing triangle holds and arm bars to Georgia; it was all a part of the sport to get up close and personal with your fellow fighters. However, when it came to performing intertwined, intimate moves with Phoenix, Georgia had a hard time separating sportsmanship and desire.

    After only a few classes, Sharon had taken Georgia under her wing as a surrogate mother. They were usually paired up together during class, and Sharon always made sure to bring electrolyte-packed drinks and protein-fueled snacks and force them into Georgia’s hands after class. Sharon would check Georgia’s pupils after taking a hard hit to the head and tsk, tsk, tsk under her breath when she didn’t wear the proper clothes to class.

    You don’t eat enough, Sharon scolded her one day after a couple of months of classes had gone by. She was shaking her head at Georgia like usual. And you’re pale. Too pale. You need to get some sun.

    I’m fine! she would insist, but she knew Sharon was right. The only light source Georgia saw anymore were the fluorescent lights of her classroom and the grocery store.

    Phoenix! Sharon called out, waving their instructor over. Georgia’s face had just started to cool down after practice, and now it was about to get all flushed again.

    Phee, didn’t your daddy say you needed a jogging partner? Sharon said, bringing Georgia in for a side hug.

    Oh, I…, Georgia stuttered, her blush deeper than ever.

    Come on, girl. You need some fresh air and sunlight, and she needs someone to keep her accountable, Sharon said, giving Georgia a wink. I would do it, but my old trick knee likes to act up.

    Georgia finally pried her eyes off the mat to see Phoenix staring back at her, smiling at the suggestion.

    I mean, you’re probably busy with work and school and stuff, Phoenix said, apologetically.

    Georgia’s knee-jerk reaction was to turn down the offer. She did have too much to do for school and too much work, but the temptation of being Phoenix’s jogging partner was far too great. Surely she could afford to lose a little sleep, right?

    I usually have to be to class by eight a.m., but I suppose I could meet you early in the morning? Georgia wagered.

    You’d do that? Phoenix said, breathy and genuinely surprised.

    Yeah, Georgia smiled, forgetting that Sharon was standing right next to her. Forgetting that anyone else was in the building at all.

    Okay, cool. Meet me at Hillsborough County Park? Like six a.m.? They have a pretty good jogging trail there.


    Yeah, I’ll be there every day until UFC tryouts. Just make it if you can, Phoenix shrugged. Thanks, Bates. Thanks, Sharon.

    Any time, baby girl, Sharon said, and waved as their instructor walked away.

    Georgia gathered her things and looked at Sharon with a suspicious eye. Her MMA mom was smiling back at her, knowingly.

    I’ve seen the way you look at her, Sharon winked.

    "Sharon!" Georgia whispered, nudging her friend.

    I know I shouldn’t be nosy, Sharon said, brushing her sweat plastered bangs out of her eyes. But you and Phee are like daughters to me. You would be good together.

    Georgia gave her a half-smile/half-frown and sighed through her nose.

    Wish my family thought the way you do, she said. I have to… they don’t….

    George felt herself start to get choked up and decided not to finish her sentence. Sharon nodded anyway, knowingly.

    I’m sorry if I spoke up when I shouldn’t have, she said, bringing Georgia in for a hug. Go for that run, though. Do it for yourself. Just go see.

    Georgia nodded.

    I better get home and get some sleep then, she said, throwing her duffel bag over her shoulder. Sounds like I’ll be getting up early tomorrow.

    Section Break

    The sun rose high, hot and early at Hillsborough County Park the next day. As Georgia pulled into the parking lot, Phoenix’s red Jeep was already there waiting and at the head of the jogging trail she could just see her silhouette. Georgia checked her reflection in the rearview mirror one last time and pulled her hair back into a sleek ponytail. She made sure to wear new leggings and a semi-new racerback tank; even if this was going to be a purely platonic jog, she still wanted to put her best foot forward.

    Phoenix smiled and waved as she saw Georgia approach. She was wearing a pair of black and red leggings that Georgia had seen on her before paired with a sports bra, jogging shoes and nothing else. Georgia felt her mouth go dry at the sight of her toned core and silently told herself that she could stand to do a few crunches herself. She shouldn’t have been surprised that Phoenix had a six-pack, but seeing them in person was something she wasn’t prepared for that early in the morning.

    Hi, Georgia said. Sorry, I hope you haven’t been waiting that long.

    Nope, just got here, Phoenix said, smiling that big, wide smile Georgia had come to love. I didn’t even ask… do you run much?

    It’s been a while, Georgia admitted. When I was on the volleyball team in high school I could do a seven-minute mile. I would be lucky to get under ten minutes now.

    Phew, Phoenix said with a laugh. I hate running. I’m slow. My dad isn’t happy about it and says I should try to get faster so I can be faster in the ring.

    Didn’t you win women’s regionals last year? Georgia said, stretching.

    Yeah, but you always have to work to get better, she shrugged. Anyways, let’s get this over with.

    Georgia nodded in agreement and picked up the pace to meet Phoenix on the trail. It was a one-mile loop, and they had both agreed to go non-stop. Halfway through, Georgia’s lungs were burning and a stitch had slowly started to edge into her ribs, but there was no way she would stop. She could disappoint herself, but not Phoenix.

    Doin’ good, Bates! she called out as they passed the halfway mark. Her lungs and legs were on fire but she knew she just had to push through it.

    After four more tortured minutes, the end of the trail was in sight, and Georgia was happy to see it. She collapsed on the park bench nearest to the trail, panting and trying to cool down while Phoenix went to the back of her Jeep to retrieve two water bottles. Georgia gladly accepted one and downed half of it in one gulp.

    Easy, Bates, Phoenix laughed. You’ll get a cramp.

    Thanks, she said breathlessly. That was a rush.

    "No, thank you, she said, sitting next to her on the bench. I need someone to help push me. I wasn’t about to slow down and disappoint you."

    Ha! Georgia said, smiling into her water bottle. I thought I was the one that would hold you back.

    A moment of comfortable silence passed between the two as they caught their breath and sipped their water. An unseasonably cool breeze blew through the oaks, making the Spanish moss sway overhead, and a couple of older women walked past them on the trail with their two matching dogs and smiled in their direction.

    So I guess you have to go get ready for class, huh? Phoenix said. Her elbows were resting on her knees as she stared at the ground.

    Yeah I’ve got class in about an hour, Georgia replied, checking the time on her phone.

    What are you going to school for?

    Education, Georgia said, nodding. I want to be an elementary school teacher.

    Oh, that’s great! Phoenix said, her eyes lighting up. I love little kids. I help out with the afterschool program at the gym.


    I’ve actually thought about going back to school myself, but I just don’t have the time with my training schedule, Phoenix said. There’s going to be a lot of traveling and training in my future that wouldn’t fit in with college courses.

    Georgia nodded.

    "I love my school, but it is hard. I’m just barely making it myself," Georgia admitted.

    The thought to skip class momentarily ran through Georgia’s mind as she sat next to her crush that morning. They were both sweaty, the scenery was beautiful and quiet, and she had never had a conversation that lasted this long with her before. She didn’t want to break the spell.

    Well, I better let you get going, Phoenix said, hoisting herself off the bench. Same time tomorrow?

    Georgia’s disappointment lifted a little at the promise of seeing Phoenix again the following day. The thought alone of bouncing down the trail alongside the person that ran through her mind all day would be enough to get her through school. It would be enough to get her through the evening shift at the grocery store. It would be enough to get her through the long, lonely night.


    Section Break

    Phoenix’s head was positively buzzing after her morning run with Georgia. It had been a long time since she’d been on a date — too long — and even though it was just a platonic jog, it felt like a date. She knew that keeping her heart in check was going to be hard, but this… this was almost impossible.

    Though she had a busy day ahead, Phoenix stopped at home to take a shower and chat with her mom before she went off to work. Her mother hadn’t been the same since her parents divorced, and Phoenix felt responsible somehow. It wasn’t her fault, and she knew that, but she also wanted her old mom back — the mom that would cheer her on at fights; the mom that smiled and told jokes, that didn’t sit around watching talk shows all day and crying in her pajamas.

    That morning Camila was still in her bathrobe making eggs when Phoenix returned from the park. If there was one person in the world that she could talk to about her romances, it was her mom. The divorce had left her mother in her own haze of despair, and Phoenix didn’t want to be an extra burden or source of pain by moaning about some crush.

    Hey Phee, her mom greeted her. You need breakfast?

    No, Ma, I’m cutting weight, she yelled back through the house. I already had my protein shake.

    Phoenix peeled off her sweaty gym clothes and stepped on the bathroom scale.

    151. Shit.

    Normally, Phoenix wouldn’t give two flips about her weight, but when it came to fighting, she had to. It was a part of the process she hated. She only had ten days to lose six pounds. She had done it before. It wouldn’t be easy, and most people probably wouldn’t consider it healthy, but it’s what she had to do.

    Guess it’s broccoli and chicken and lemon water from here on out, she thought to herself.

    She stood under the hot shower and thought about her jog with Georgia, how her blond ponytail bounced in the early morning light, how fast and graceful she was. She hoped Sharon wouldn’t rat her out to her father. She knew exactly what he would say if he knew that they were going on morning jogs together.

    Just watch yourself. Keep it off the mats and out of the ring.

    Phoenix loved her dad, but she wished he weren’t so afraid of losing sponsors. She hated hiding this part of herself, especially when it came to fighting. She hated training and weight cutting for a martial arts career she wasn’t even sure she wanted anymore. Mostly, she was tired of pretending to be who she really wasn’t. How could she possibly separate her personal and public life forever?

    Chapter Three

    Ten days pass quickly when you’re training for a fight, as Phoenix Ferrera knew all too well. Georgia Bates suddenly found herself along for the ride, serving first as her morning jogging partner, and not long after as one of her biggest cheerleaders. The daily jogs and intense training schedule wore them both out, but the thrill of being alone together was buried deep in their hearts. A connection forged between them as they worked in unison, and it gave them both the strength and inspiration to push through the autumn heat.

    On a whim, and against her better judgment, Phoenix invited Georgia to come watch her match in Orlando. After nearly two weeks of training together, it only felt right. Plus, Phoenix wanted Georgia to get a taste for what the fight circuit was really like. The only problem was keeping her head on straight and not letting her heart affect her performance. Knowing Georgia was in the crowd watching her made her want to do her best and was terrifying all at once.

    With Georgia’s help, Phoenix more than made her weight goal, clocking in at 142 the night before the fight. It was the least she had ever weighed in her fighting career, and she couldn’t help but think that Georgia’s influence had something to do with it. Phoenix never wanted to let herself or her father down, but seeing disappointment on Georgia’s face was simply something she couldn’t handle.

    As a reward, the entire Ferrera Fight and Fitness family that had come out to support Phoenix went out for wings and beer after the weigh-in. Sharon made sure to scooch Phoenix and Georgia into a booth together, locking them in at the end so neither could escape. Even though they ran together everyday, sitting so close together and in front of everyone at the gym made Georgia’s pulse thump out of control.

    What are you getting? she said, awkwardly showing Phoenix the menu. Trying to make small talk and act like everything was fine felt unnatural. She wasn’t very good at pretending that she wasn’t dying inside seated next to her crush.

    I’m going to start with everything on page one for the first course, then I’ll get everything on page two for the second course, Phoenix joked. Ugh, I can’t have any of it just yet. I gotta keep it light before tomorrow. Maybe a couple of chicken wings and a salad.

    That sounds perfect, Georgia said, still trying to hide her nervousness. She felt as though everyone were staring at them. She wished she didn’t have to care.

    A server came and took their order, and afterwards, Georgia and Phoenix sat silently trying to think of something to say. The restaurant was loud and raucous, and they would have had a hard time talking to each other over the din of laughter and clanking dishware anyway. Even though Georgia was happy to sit next to Phoenix in silence, she still felt the need to find something to say.

    So… are you nervous about tomorrow? she managed.

    A little, Phoenix admitted. I’m up against Sylvia Blanco. She’s fast. And mean.

    I’m kind of excited to watch, Georgia said. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fight.

    You should train! You could totally do it! Phoenix blurted out, her eyes wide. The thought had crossed her mind a thousand times before.

    In her excitement, Phoenix placed a hand on Georgia’s thigh and held it there for a moment. The two locked eyes and Georgia’s breath caught in her throat. Phoenix quickly pulled her hand away when she realized what she had done and quickly tried to brush it off. I’ll totally train you.

    What! No, I’m… I’m not going to be ready, Georgia said, still trying to wrap her mind around Phoenix’s hand on her thigh.

    "Well, not now, Phoenix said. I’ve seen you in fight club. You’re ready for training. If you really applied yourself, you could probably compete by next fall."

    I don’t know, Georgia said. I have school and work, and I don’t want to take time away from your training.

    Well, think about it, she said, as the server brought out their food. I think you would be great.


    Georgia mulled over the proposition as she munched on a french fry. She had definitely thought of competing at some point, but she thought maybe it was something she could chase after college. She didn’t know if she was ready, but she wasn’t ready to move out and live on her own and she did it anyway.

    She thinks I would be great.

    I’ll think about it, Georgia said, giving her a shrug and a smile.

    Phoenix smiled as she dug into her salad, and the two friends finished their pre-fight meal taking in the sights and sounds of the buzzing restaurant. Georgia didn’t have to think about it. Not really. She already knew. If Phoenix Ferrera wanted to train her to be a fighter, she had no choice but to follow her heart. She had no choice but to say yes.

    Section Break

    Phoenix Ferrera retained her title the following day, defeating Sylvia Blanco by unanimous decision. She managed to gain a split lip in the process, but still felt triumphant and happy to bring home another belt and title. Her father beamed with pride from the sidelines, supported by her fight team family and one extra special spectator. Even though her win definitely felt like a success, she wished her mother was there to see it all too.

    You made us look good out there today, Nico said as they drove down I-4 towards home. I think we need to contact Maximo about training for the Olympics.

    Maximo is so expensive, dad, Phoenix sighed, gingerly poking at her split lip. We can’t afford him.

    I’ll figure it out, he said. Besides, you don’t have much time.

    "Dad. I’m not even twenty-one yet."

    Time passes faster every year, he said, eyes fixed on the road. You’ll see. Before you know it, your glory days will be behind you.

    Phoenix rolled her eyes and knew not to take him too seriously. He was talking about himself of course. Even though she loved to train and fight, Phoenix didn’t quite have the same drive to win as he did. Sometimes it was hard living in the shadow of Nico Ferrera.

    There’s more to life than the Olympics, dad, she said, putting out feelers. Most people my age are already halfway through college.

    What are you trying to say? her dad said, his forehead lined with confusion.

    I’m just saying that maybe I want to try something different for a change.

    Phoenix shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she watched her father’s upper lip bead with sweat. It was a sore subject, and stepping away from fighting was something that she didn’t take lightly and that her father wouldn’t take at all. Fighting was what the Ferreras were known for.

    "Sharon says that girl, Georgia, helped

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